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11581954 No.11581954 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about halfway through it

It takes FOREVER to get through even 10 pages. Each page is fucking dense, and he's using all of these gigantic words I have to stop and look up sometimes, and sometimes re-read the paragraph because he goes into these long abstract rants.

I can't believe how long this book is. It's about 400 pages, but it's really more than that considering how dense each page is.

I can't even imagine finishing this fucking thing. It took me a while to even get this far, and the book feels like it has NO POINT. He just keeps musing on really weird historical shit, like how Romans had a cult-house where artistic supervisors oversaw the production of Art to make sure it wasn't degenerate, or how SLAVERY IS ACTUALLY A SPIRITUALLY GRATIFYING ACTIVITY LMAO

Literally what the fuck is this book

>> No.11581974

His occult books are even worse. You could spend a day analyzing a page. That's not even a joke.

>> No.11582254

I mean, is that a sign that it is genius or that it is LARPing autism?

>> No.11582266


>> No.11582339

hahahaha another retard bought Evola thinking he was a self help author for racists. It is called an esoteric work for a reason and the fact that it has for half a decade appeared on /pol/ lists next to Mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries is hilarious. Whatever obscure publishing house sells his English editions is making absolute bank from Americans thinking they're about to get a step by step how to on being pissed off at niggers in style or something

>> No.11582377

this this this

>> No.11582382

I think most people just want to know what the hell is wrong with modernity

>> No.11582387

I just thought it was going to be a deconstruction of western liberalism. Maybe some arguments against individualism and stuff like that. Didn’t think it would be.... that

>haha le’ /Pol/ strawman haha u Mad at niggers epic meme!!!

>> No.11582401

>western liberalism

>> No.11582410

>I think most people just want to know what the hell is wrong with modernity
They would be better served reading Heidegger
>haha le’ /Pol/ strawman haha u Mad at niggers epic meme!!!
who else reads this but /pol/? its not even a strawman. You get your arguments against individualism in there Evola maps out the decline and shows that the authentic self is actualised through hierarchical spiritual achievement. Initiation etc etc that is why in his critique of National Socialism he praised the SS because he approved of their esoteric initiations and rites.

Anyway look I don't want to sound too cynical it is just I've been around the block a few times and seeing yet another 17 year old decide to become a "traditionalist" is just so tiresome. Maybe we all gotta fall for that meme but I just don't have patience for this shit anymore.

>> No.11582413
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>reading conservative (((literature)))

we warned you

>> No.11582815

Buddy he gives a basic outline of Traditionalist metaphysics like in the first chapter, he talks about polarity/centrality of self for hundreds and hundreds of pages, I just don't get how you can be this baffled by sentences in English

lel this, Evola is light years beyond /pol/ meme kids

>> No.11582941

it helps to start with Guenon

>> No.11582977

>deconstruction of western liberalism
read marx.
read critical theorists.

>> No.11583006

you're probably retarded and uneducated

>> No.11583409

evola was a dada artist and "magician", basically some kind of avantgarde traditionalist of you will. not very conservative although he respected conservative elements especially within germany

>> No.11583421

if you will*

>> No.11583461

I finished all of it, took a month or so.

It was well worth the read and eventually you get into it. He repeats a couple words many times, he introduced me to words like ascetic for example. Just google them up so you dont lose your head too much.

All in all its a quite good book, much has been repeated in his other books though, which is a good thing if you plan to binge all his other books. So far I've only read Ride the Tiger and Revolt against the modern world.

>> No.11583504

Or both.

>> No.11583641

You know how he constantly says he is talking about a "certain human type"? Try to become that.
How to do that you can read in his metaphysical works, especially The Hermetic Tradition. But this isn't book knowledge, you gotta want it and search for it, till you really get it.

>> No.11584015

You want to know what's wrong with modernity? It's so fucking simple, it's the most obvious shit people have always said has been wrong with modernity.

Greed. A severed connection to nature. Over-specialisation. Ego. Nihilism.

Seriously, you could elaborate for thousands of pages the specific problems with modernity, but all of the would more or less boil down to just one of these.

It is NOT "the Jews." It is NOT "the Christians" or "the Marxists" or hell, even "the Capitalists." It's the same fundamental sickness that has pervaded all of mankind, given no outlet due to our rejection of Beauty.

>> No.11584957

>You want to know what's wrong with modernity? It's so fucking simple, it's the most obvious shit people have always said has been wrong with modernity.
>Greed. A severed connection to nature. Over-specialisation. Ego. Nihilism.
>Seriously, you could elaborate for thousands of pages the specific problems with modernity, but all of the would more or less boil down to just one of these.

Do you really think this is a satisfactory answer? Not everyone is satisfied with reductionist answers to complex questions. It's like refusing to read some book because you already know its message is " Just be yourself!!" Nuance and depth are not bad things or a waste of time.

>> No.11585248
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The point is, the spend countless hours trying to pin-point just "why" modernity is the way it is in hyper-specific terms bonds one to the narrative that "modernity" is something that needs to be "overcome" (in a sense that its moreso than any other time period in history.)

And I'm not saying this as someone who hasn't elaborated upon this myself. I have spent literal years trying to figure out all the manifold reasons for just why exactly "the world is fucked." And the thing was, the more I looked into it, the more I realised that it really was just a few fundamental reasons, which incidentally also happen to be the same sort of curses people have lamented for thousands of years.

Yes, you can talk about the industrial revolution, or the shift away from a divine understanding of the cosmos to just crass empiricism, or the ascendancy of capital and the influence finance has on collective decision making, or the division of labour as a concept, or the creation of religious dogma at the Council of Nicaea, or the suppression of free expressions of motherhood and femininity, or technological addiction and the distraction economy, or a million other reasons, but all of these, at their core, are just the outward manifestations of the same goddamn psychological neuroses that have always plagued man and have only just found new mediums to express themselves.

Modernity is not a "tiger to be ridden." It is a fact of life to be integrated and transcended.

>> No.11585434

Evola's kind of a windbag. He was a fuckin pussy nerd honestly. I don't take him too seriously. Read Jung. I don't take the esoteric shit that seriously any more, a lot of it is gobbledegook. Think about the kind of people that promote Evola. A bunch of weirdo autistic nerds on 4chan. They don't know shit. What you should do is find some heroes, and find out what they read. Read Rockwell's work. Read Mein Kampf, then Lightning and the Sun, and then Miguel Serrano's work.

>> No.11585437

>I just thought it was going to be a deconstruction of western liberalism
You'll get that better from Industrial Society and its Future.

>> No.11585449

If you can't understand the historical context of the work (and hence his opinions), world history to the extent you don't have to look stuff up, basic esoteric theories and big words (lmao) then you have no business reading Evola.

>sub 110 IQ recognised

>> No.11585454

>Think about the kind of people that promote Evola. A bunch of weirdo autistic nerds on 4chan
>Read Rockwell's work. Read Mein Kampf, then Lightning and the Sun, and then Miguel Serrano's work.
Yeah definitely read an Amerimutt literally who, Hitler's get out of jail free card and a bunch of head up the ass esoteric bullshit instead of, well, esoteric bullshit. Don't shit on Evola and then come up with Vishnu Hitler as a reasonable alternative lmao

>> No.11585457

>being pissed off at niggers in style

Are there any books that will teach you this?

>> No.11585461

>Modernity is not a "tiger to be ridden." It is a fact of life to be integrated and transcended.

that's exactly what riding the tiger means

>recommending Jung over Evola

hahaha come on

>> No.11585469

any book on the barbary raiders desu

>> No.11585494

Jung, Rockwell and Hitler offer pretty grounded perspectives. OP would take more from them than from Evola at this point. Lightning and the Sun has some pretty cool history about Gengis Khan and that Egyptian nerd pharoah. Serrano's "C.G. Jung and Herman Hesse" is a great read too, it's not esoteric at all it's literally just him telling about his experiences with those two people. Siddartha is worth reading as well even if it's kind of flowery.

I've never seen or met a serious person whose life was changed or who was a heroic figure worthy of admiration who recommended anyone read Evola. The only people who speak highly of him or take him really seriously are autistic weirdos. The only person I know IRL who has read Evola and could offer commentary on him literally has actual diagnosed autism and no prospects for the future. And believe me or don't (it doesn't really matter anyway either way), I've met and interacted with plenty of people who either considered themselves traditionalists or could be considered people worthy of admiration and no serious person among them got where they were because of Evola or integrated Evola's teachings in their life.

Go ahead and be smug and feel superior over the internet, I don't mind. Insult me all you want, but that's my honest assessment.

>> No.11585548

it's whatever but calling esotericism "gobbledegook" while recommending jung, who psychologizes the same metaphysical principles evola talks about (or doesn't, privately, if you read 7 sermons of the dead*) is just silly

*read 7 sermons of the dead

>> No.11585637

>I've never seen or met a serious person whose life was changed or who was a heroic figure worthy of admiration who recommended anyone read Evola

I'm glad I read a bit of Evola simply because it's weird as fuck and novel. But I definitely don't like him that much after reading him.

Just a lot of stupid ideas. Just a cripple revisiting and musing on the most taboo ideas of the modern day and instead explaining how they're actually a good thing

>Slavery is a spiritual state of being and there was a natural and organic bond between the slaves and their over-seers

Lmao, I mean, I'm glad I read that. It was fucking hilarious, but you would have to be retarded to think "Oh yeah we should re-instate a caste system with slaves in the modern day for spiritual reasons"

>> No.11585722

nice job misinterpreting what he's actually saying, and in the most cliché neoliberal way too.

he's saying there were hierarchies where every strata of being, by being essential members of an organic unity, even the lowliest, didn't chafe at occupying their place in the natural order because, like a sun orbiting a planet, each revolved around the principle superior to it, and most importantly, recognized it as superior

so this image you have of evola telling slaves to take it and like it it isn't even an argument, because the degradation you associate with slavery wouldn't even exist, because the innate dignity and nobility of mind that distinguishes masters as masters automatically precludes that

he doesn't even say slaves ya doof, it's just the recognition that some people are better at working with their hands - the physical - than spiritual/noetic matters

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.11585755

See this is what I mean, the EIDF are just weirdos who get autistically angry if you offer any criticism of Evola or just tell you that you totally just don't get it, man. No serious movement has ever been made of Evola. Esotericism is just weird nonsense for loners and outcasts to feel superior.

>> No.11585760

yeah dude someone taking the time to explain why you're wrong in a substantative way is seeing red from all that autistic rage

>> No.11585889

The chapter literally has the word "Slavery" in it, it's like chapter 14 or something and he rants on about how slavery was actually a system that had dignity and spiritual meaning

>> No.11585928

>dude words instead of ideas lmao

you were sunk from the start

>> No.11585961


Read Joseph de Maistre, Nietszche and Deleuze. Do not fall for the Frankfurt meme.

>> No.11586011
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>obsessed with tradition
>a literal fascist
>key figure of the conservative revolution movement
>not very conservative

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.11586129

Metaphysical traditionalism is not conservatism

>> No.11586715

He was just autistic as fuck. Not worth reading him, read smarter people who understood and integrated his ideas like Jonathan Bowden.

>> No.11586789
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neat synchronicity. i'm reading RATMW too and it looks like i'm exactly where OP is, except im actually enjoying and understanding it.

it is dense, but i appreciate how Evola really takes the time to build up a cohesive worldview piece by piece. it seems like most of the people in this thread who didn't enjoy it thought it was going to be something else

>> No.11587535

OP here

I mostly understand it... I just don't get what his point is. That we should revert to this the "traditional" world with caste systems, theocracy and hierarchy?

I guess I just feel like he words it in a long-winded round-about escoteric spooky dooky way

>> No.11587610

I'll spell it out for you though I have already commented itt. Evola is not about systems. Evola is about SUBSTANCE not FORM. Do you not understand what e s o t e r i c means? You will not get the meaning from a literal, straightforward reading because it is not meant to be read that way. Why? I don't know thats how capital T Tradition works either accept it or drop it. He's not writing for the Breitbart audience here, he's not trying to get every slob who wants to say wetback without losing their job "educated" on some subject - it is a radical text with a hurdle for entry and that hurdle is decoding the meaning with prior knowledge you won't have if your education consists of Ben Shapiro epic sjw owns (gone wrong)

>> No.11587698

Evola assumes that his reader has already read Guenon, hence why he drops all sorts of Guenonian terminology and ideas without stopping to explain them in depth like Guenon does.

>> No.11587732


Maybe I’ll check him out sometime

>> No.11587733
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read Guénon instead, but it sounds like you dont like esotericism

>> No.11587828

Why do traditionalists worship a street shitter religion

So weird

>> No.11587856

because shitting in the street is a very traditional way to shit.

>> No.11587973

Because its primordial Indo-European wisdom that originated with Hyperborean god-men who lived in the arctic circle ~10,000 years ago. Western philosophy and Semitic religions (with the exception of Sufism) don't hold a candle to it.

>> No.11587981

But all the Hindustan beliefs besides very basic polytheism came out after buddhism in order to combat it. texts being 5000 years old is all memes.

>> No.11587992
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instead of evola people should read:
Hitler - Mein Kampf
Taleb - Antifragility
Kaczynski - Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.11587999

Hinduism is metaphysically advanced and Yoga is an effective practice.

Not true either, read guenon

>> No.11588018

Don't read any of these, read your Bible, read the Hindu holy texts, from Vedas to the Gita, read the Tao Te Ching, read the Koran, read the Buddhas sayings and when you find one that you like study it more or if you like none find another tradition.

>> No.11588035

>enter thread because book looks interesting
>/pol/ discussion again
Fuck this site.

>> No.11588042

What did you expect, /pol/ ruined evola discussion

>> No.11588104

That's completely wrong you moron. The Rig-Veda (one of the oldest texts in any Indo-European language) has verses that teach non-dualism. Almost every major concept in Buddha's teachings can be found expressed or has parallels in the Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads, both of which are universally regarded as pre-buddhist even by western scholars, Buddha was clearly influnced by them. The oldest parts of the Vedas go back to the 3rd millenium BC at a minemum and its likely that some parts are much older and were passed down for ages through oral transmission.

>Not true either, read guenon

I have, he explicitly mentions and agrees with the arctic theory. He splits hairs over the 'Indo-European invasion theory' and objects that they were actually Indo-Iranians and that it wasn't a concerted invasion but he acknowledges that it originated in the arctic was brought to India from the north and those points are irrelevant anyway since Indo-Iranians are just a branch of PIE and genetic studies have confirmed the steppe ancestry that goes way back. It was one of the few things he was wrong about and he was only partially wrong at that, it's likely he was just reacting against the overblown and politicized view of it being pushed by certain orientalist and writers.

>> No.11588127

>How the hell do you read this thing
in Italian

>> No.11588139

But they are completely wrong in what liberalism is and the problems with it.

>> No.11588705

I was not opposing the idea that the Hyperborean theory is accurate, it is, I think it is stupid to suggest the Hyperborean tradition is greater than the Atlantean/Abrahamic tradition or Western Philosophy, although I disagree with Guenon in his criticism of Western Philosophy.

>> No.11588766

I was being jokingly hyperbolic when I said those things don't hold a candle. I still mostly agree with it although I concede that there are a good amount of exceptions like the Pythagoreans, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Bohme, Philo, the desert fathers, mystical eastern orthodoxy etc.

What do you mean by Abrahamic/Atlantean? Do you mean the northern Europe phenotype referred to as atlantean or do you mean literally Atlantis? As far as atlantis goes the main possible connections would seem to be Egypt and Babylon not Abrahamism, Judaism actually mostly comes from Zoroastrianism.

>> No.11589087

Read Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles, Judaism is not Zoroastrian in origin.

>> No.11589356

Not in its origin but its almost certain that the concepts of heaven/hell, demons/angels and a final resurrection and judgement all come from Zoroastrianism, there is 0% evidence that any of those doctrines existed in Judiasm until AFTER they had been freed from slavery in Babylon by the Persians, after which the they were ruled as a subject people of the Persians for roughly 400 years, and all of those doctrines were already known to be present in Zoroastrianism.