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/lit/ - Literature

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11581918 No.11581918 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite book
>in actuality
>when a qt3.14 librarian asks you

>> No.11581924

>Brothers karamazov
>the Kiss of the spider woman

>> No.11581928

>The Hobbit
>120 Days of Sodom

>> No.11581933
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>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11582105
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>Finnegans Wake

>> No.11582110

>going to homeless daycares to talk about books

>> No.11582114

Withering Heights makes the panties drop.

>> No.11582230

>Fear and Trembling
>Fear and Trembling

>> No.11582255

Couldn’t get past the first chapter. Does it get better?

>> No.11582276

I just checked my copy and the first chapter is like 8 pages you piece of shit, what's wrong with you? just kys

>> No.11582655
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>Robinson Crusoe
>y-you too

>> No.11582680

the book of disquiet
the book of disquiet

>> No.11582739

>implying qt3.14 librarians exist and are not just old hags in reality
I have yet to read Finnegans Wake but people who get through it seem to like it better

>> No.11583885

>catch 22
>the sun also rises

>> No.11584055

Ego and his property
Ego and his property.

>> No.11584080

East of Eden

>> No.11584125

Lord of the Rings either way

>> No.11584145

>Confessions of Saint Augustine
>Revelations of Divine Love by Blessed Julian of Norwich

Nothing gets you in faster than medieval female mystics

>> No.11584645
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My dude. What is a hoe worth it to me if I can't roleplay as Bombadil and Goldberry with her?

>> No.11585247


It's Wuthering Heights
I haven't even read that shit

>> No.11585267

>War and Peace
>The Magic Mountain


>> No.11585278

>Moby-Dick (though I doubt I've ever seen a legit qt librarian. Maybe at the uni, but we mostly use a self-check system there.)

Old female librarians can actually be really nice and know their shit.

>> No.11585388
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>workplace burned down
>get a job picking fruit on a friends farm until i can find new
>antisocial so im nervous about new people
>get paired up with a qt
>oh god im nervous
>luckily shes kinda nerdy like i am
>asks if i read
>you bet your sweet ass i do
>shes impressed since we live in the middle of nowhere in the south so no one around here reads
>we really hit it off the first day
>i notice when we get out she walks home
>today i ask her if she want a ride since its on my way home
>she says yes
>we exchange numbers and spend a couple hours texting
Well looks like im a chad now, see ya later fucking virgin nerds

>> No.11585477

get the fuck out normie

>> No.11585564

No now that im slightly normie i have to lord my chadship over you pathetic incel faggots

>> No.11585590
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>> No.11585608

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.11585625
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>> No.11585849

> Thus spoke Zarathustra
>Storm of Steel

If Jünger doesn't make her inner thigh moisten she isn't worth my time.

>> No.11585910

>S I M U L A C R A A N D S I M U L A T I O N

>> No.11586064

It is literally the Citizen Kane of literature

>> No.11587192

Good answer.

>> No.11587268

I can't just say one
>The Sun Also Raises
>The Plague(Camus)
>More than Human
>Some Dotoevsky's(love Crime and Punishment, Karamazovs, The Gambler

>> No.11587327

>Diogenes the Cynic: Sayings and Anecdotes
>Harry Potter (doesn't matter which)
HP is ice-breaking 101

>> No.11587354

Harry Potter
Harry Potter

>> No.11587987

>>11581918 (OP)
>Runaway Horses
>Brave New World
too much of a bother to explain why mishima is so fascinating

>> No.11588036

>>the Kiss of the spider woman

>> No.11588079
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>Moby Dick

>> No.11588087
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>tfw that's not me

>> No.11588125

this is pretty redpilled

>> No.11588132

How do you mean that?

>> No.11588138
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>Moby Dick
>M__y Dick

>> No.11588158

You are mortal.

>> No.11588174


>> No.11588268

this is too comfy to be true, you must be larping

>> No.11588293

Alpha as fuck.

>> No.11588306

are you people seriously too autistic to have had some similar experience? what the fuck? people hit it off with newly acquainted qts literally all the time in their teens.

>> No.11588314

There are some qt's at my local library, although I think one of them is gay.
But I don't go there anymore anyways, since the head librarian guy fucking follows me around and watches me.

>> No.11588322

Accidental quote rip

>> No.11588373

yes normie, I know you can't imagine it because you have no imagination or empathy but something like that is literally completely impossible for someone who isn't a normie like you

your kind always instantly sniffs out that something is off about a person and either disengages or becomes aggressive

>> No.11588442

Blood Meridian

>> No.11588491

>The Fault in Our Stars
>Mein Kampf

>> No.11588549

>Edward Limonov's The Russian Poet Prefers The Big Negroes

>> No.11588593

My favourite book is Wuthering Heights unironically anyway, decent.

>> No.11588595
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>White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st century
>The Doctrine of Fascism

My wife Chino is so cute.

>> No.11588603

>God's dead, toots

>> No.11588629

What were these images called? Goblins or something? My memory fails me.

>> No.11588637

You mean chibi? Or moe...

>> No.11588700
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Even gods will be reborn.
That is my wife Chino wearing a fake mustache. She's so funny!

>> No.11588728

>Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories
>Anna Karenina

>> No.11588778

She's very funny and very cute anon, you're a lucky man.

>> No.11588836

No. A while back loli stuff was banned and filtered on /a/. But /a/nons fought back and gave their favorite lolis moustaches to bypass the filters. Spammed so much mods eventually relented.
Anyways, they called the images something besides "loli", since that was filtered too. Something like goblins. Can't remember.
>That is my wife Chino wearing a fake mustache. She's so funny!
I forgot, she wears one in the anime, doesn't she? I think anyways... My bad, thought it was something else.

>> No.11588888

>he has interest in "preserving the white race" and "keeping those damn niggers out"
>he also wants to fuck children

You had one job buddy.

>> No.11588902

Yeah. Check my freestyle raps on the subject.
I honestly don't remember. I watched the anime like 5 years ago along with many other similar shows.
Muhammad fucked children and he was pretty good for the Arab race, so I don't think there's a contradition. I don't actually want to fuck children though. Fantastic digits you have there.

>> No.11588925

You are very small brain man I swear, yes yes very small brain in small head.

>> No.11588959

That's not what my wife Chino told me.

>> No.11589130

Your wife is a child with a brain that is severely underdeveloped in comparison to an adult human, she is not in any place to be making valid judgements on most things, let alone the complex matter of human intelligence.

>> No.11589155

she cute doe

>> No.11589182

She prepubescent doe

>> No.11589188

she a drawing doe

>> No.11589210

Pride and prejudice

>> No.11589241

The fact that it's a drawing does not change the reality that you are sexually attracted to prepubescent children doe

>> No.11589314
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Nah boi it really happened
That was day 2 today was day 3
>playfully throwing fruit at me
>on our break she sat right next to me
>scooted up right against me in an attempt to "push me off"
>looks me straight in the eyes when we talk
>The place we work at has a pond and she says shes never been fishing before
>wants me to take her fishing on our day off
>couldn't give her a ride today because i had to help the boss
>she sent me a message saying she was sad i couldn't give her a ride
Officially chad status confirmed

>> No.11589332

To be fair that's never really happened to me before and im the original poster of that story

>> No.11589333

good luck out there compadre

>> No.11589364

Thanks god knows i need it. Nice numbers bromigo.

>> No.11589369


>> No.11589378

Given that the animeme aired 5 years ago, she's probably pubescent by now, although it's rude to ask a woman her age, so I never have, despite the fact that I am married to her.

>> No.11589774

Age is a spook