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11574894 No.11574894 [Reply] [Original]

The two fundamental presuppositions of Marxism are;

1. The individual is to foremost be considered a representative of their group identity.

2. Those identities are split into diametrically opposed, but interdependent, categories of oppressors and the


Postmodernism can be explicitly identified as any ideological position or ideology which is founded by the axiomatic presupposition that there are an infinite number of possible interpretations of a finite set of data. And that, therefore, reality is subject to relative interpretation and no canonical assessment exists, or can exist.

By these powers combined, we are ...



>> No.11574898

You're retarded if you think those are the "two fundamental presuppositons" of Marxism. You don't even mention historical materialism, THE base upon which Marxism is built. Read Capital, faggot. Sage.

>> No.11574901

those are not the fundamental presuppositions of marxism

>> No.11574902

Maybe you guys just aren't smart enough to see them.

>> No.11574917

and this is why we dont ever bother to discuss this with you anti-pomo brainlets. You really think you know what youre talking about but you really really fucking do not. You are actually clueless but talk about something with an authority you absolutely do not deserve. All because youve watched a Jordan Peterson video or something. You self snitch your own idiocy.

>> No.11574933

None of this is correct. You are quickly becoming the most retarded tripfag I have seen on this board. Congratulations.

>> No.11574953
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>> No.11574959

those arent the fundamental "presuppositions" of Marxism.

even the word "presupposition" in regards to Marx's work is not really valid. I'm not a Marx fanboy, but Marx didn't really make "presuppositions" like alot of the pop philosophers you take seriously do. Marx explains, step by step, how capitalism functions, how classes function, what they are, how they functioned through history, what the means of production are, how they are defined, the class relation to them, etc. This is why for a time, Marxism was called a "science" by it's adherents. Of course it isn't a science in the way you probobly understand "science" But it is much more in that vein of thought than Harris or Peterson, who carelessley throw around terms without really defining them and with no justification at all.

>> No.11574977
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>Something has to be explicitly stated in the texts, or by the author, in order to be construed as valid or justified as an implicit part of the philosophical framework.
It's plenty possible to deduce an implicit part of of an ideology through pure reasoning.

>> No.11574978

>be tripfag
>be retarded
I'm not even a gommie, but I know this is wrong. The main proposition of marxism is to make all capitol collectively owned as a means of creating a society free from money, class, private property, and eventually state.

>> No.11574989

>There are two types of people in this world
>Those people's perspectives are infitely variant

So basically what you're saying is a finite number of groups can be formed from an infinite set of data, and no matter how different people are they can still be categorized as the same in some way.

>> No.11574994
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>says some retarded shit that's completely wrong
>actually i deduced this through """""""pure""""""" reasoning :^)

>> No.11575012

not really, not when the terms are played with too loose and fast to really concretley mean anything.

this is blatantly proven by reality here. No one that actually is familiar with Marx has any question as to what he meant by "means of production" or what he meant by "class" Peterson's use of "postmodernism", "creativity", and even "meaning" are so fucking broad and he uses them in so many contradictory examples as to render them meaningless, or indeed open to any meaning at all that Jordan Peterson finds advantageous in any given moment.

Jordan Peterson knowingly or not is ironically playing a postmodernist game with his words. Whether through incompetence or ignorance is up to debate. This is evidenced again, in reality. Most of the debate about Jordan Peterson isn't even about his ideas. Its about what the fuck he's even saying. Not so with Marx.

>> No.11575265

i'm dumb as fuck and i still know you're wrong

>> No.11575286

Why are literally all tripfags so retarded? Has there ever been a single good tripfag in the entire history of 4chan?

>> No.11575303
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>anti-petersonian marxists now denying the poverty of bourgeois individualism and the primacy of class antagonism as the motor of real history
the dialectic continues

>> No.11575310

post this in /his/ next time

>> No.11575625

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.11575997

Class consciousness has been all but obliterated in the west thanks to mass media and consumerism, I guarantee to you that the poor hate other poor people even more than they hate the bourgeois (which is a given, since both classes barely into contact anymore).

>> No.11576114

Based on how belligerent the Marxists are, I'd say you are correct.

>> No.11576665

Explain how he's wrong without being a cringey sweary faggot

>> No.11576955

maybe you're just a moron?

>> No.11576970

Marxism is not about starting oppression narratives and Post Modernism is not "founded" on an "axiomatic presupposition" that there are infinite numbers of "possible" (whatever that means) interpretations.

>> No.11577017

>ctrl f + jew = 0 results
>thinking you'll ever understand Marxism or postmodernism without understanding the jewish problem
It's almost like many here enjoy basking in their own ignorance while pretending they know what's going on in the world.

>> No.11577050
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>> No.11577067

Good one. Nice non-argument, too. Really hit that post out of the park, shabbos.

>> No.11577074
