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11575430 No.11575430 [Reply] [Original]

>There are also some who adopt the term 'unconscious' as a synonym or equivalent of 'subconscious', and this term, taken literally, would seem to refer to an even lower level, but as a matter of fact it only corresponds less closely to reality; if the object of study were really unconscious it is difficult to see how it could be spoken of at all, especially in psychological terms; and besides, what good reason is there, other than mere materialistic and mechanistic prejudice, for assuming that anything unconscious really exists? However that may be, there is another thing worthy of note, and that is the strange illusion which leads psychologists to regard states as being more 'profound' when they are quite simply more inferior; is not this already an indication of the tendency to run counter to spirituality, which alone can be truly profound since it alone touches the principle and the very center of the being? Correspondingly, since the domain of psychology is not extended upward, the 'superconscious' naturally remains as strange to it and as cut off from it as ever. ~ Guénon


>> No.11575443

id rather discuss that painting, holy fuck it's like my eyes are getting head

>> No.11575477
File: 66 KB, 540x408, stirner vaporwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's wrong, I guess, is as simple a way as I can phrase it.

The differentiation between unconscious and subconscious is one of neurological technicality, not superficial terminological definition. So, you can actually conduct a thought experiment to examine the implicit comprehension intrinsic to the human experience quite easily; have you ever been engaged in conversation, waiting for your turn to speak, and formulating the idea clearly in your mind when suddenly you lose all trace of the thought? Or perhaps having forgotten someone's name the moment you walk up to greet them, having met them many times before.

The information has slipped into the subconscious.

The unconscious is a slightly more sophisticated concept which requires some knowledge of the structure of the faculties of the brain responsible for the limbic system, and which I encourage anyone interested to study up on.

>> No.11575504

'Subconscious' is just a pop-psychology term.

>> No.11575509

> and besides, what good reason is there, other than mere materialistic and mechanistic prejudice, for assuming that anything unconscious really exists?

>Role of 'consciousness': It's essential that one makes no mistake about the role of ' consciousness': what developed it is our relationship with the 'external world'. In contrast, the administration, or the care and protection accorded the coordination of the bodily functions, does not enter our consciousness; just as little as does the mental sorting and storing. There can be no doubt that a highest authority exists for these processes: a kind of managing committee where the various chief desires assert their votes and power. 'Pleasure', 'unpleasure' are hints from that sphere ... likewise the act of will. Likewise ideas In sum: what becomes conscious is subject to causal relations entirely concealed from us - the succession of thoughts, feelings, ideas in consciousness tells us nothing about whether this succession is a causal one: but it gives the illusion of being so, in the highest degree. Upon this illusion we have founded our whole notion of mind, reason, logic, etc. (none of these exist: they are fictitious syntheses and unities) ... And these, in turn, we have projected into things, behind things! Usually one takes consciousness itself to be the total sensorium and highest authority: yet it is only a means for communicability: it has developed in the course of interaction and with respect to the interests of interaction ... 'interaction' here also understood from the point of view of the influences of the external world and the reactions they require of us, as well as of our influences on the external world. Consciousness is not the management but an organ of the management"
>t.big N

>> No.11575518
File: 138 KB, 838x600, nocturne web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, Turner. Here's a Whistler.

>> No.11575527

no offense anon but this one does not at all do for me what the op pic does. That is some ethereal shit the way he painted the light

>> No.11575539

also that dock or whatever it is on the bottom right corner, holy fuck why is it so satisfying how he shaped it

>> No.11575548

like he said it seems to me like semantics subconscious can be considered concious relatively.
for the second part i have been wondering the same thing. is there more artistry in living like an animal then in forcing our brains to work on something as simple as working or finding meaning?

>> No.11575649

Dude, my intention was 'post-coital' --I was thinking temporally (and in terms of your metaphor) and by no means presuming to match. A calm for your storm as it were.
Whistler is every bit as impressive 'live' as Turner is, however. Others which catalogs fail to justify include Constable, Delacroix, Sargent....
Turner is perhaps my favorite painter FWIW.

>> No.11575671

The concept of the unconscious, is the concept of how long time is: how long each day is, how long an hour can be: how fast light moves, how the speed of light is related to the speed of thoughts, the multiplicity of sensations, the possibility for this smell the trigger that memory and thought, and this sound to trigger another, all while a person is trying to pay attention to other stuff, or not even: just the fact of the totality of thought phenomena, mental information phenomena, and the fact of how much completely of all of that is a person truly absolutely aware of and remembers and thinks of and focuses on and makes sense of, and how much may take on little minds of their own, in a dream like way, creating sparks of thought, visions, moods, notions, reminisces, longings, desires.

>> No.11576067

>The concept of the unconscious, is the concept of how long time is: how long each day is, how long an hour can be: how fast light moves, how the speed of light is related to the speed of thoughts, the multiplicity of sensations, the possibility for this smell the trigger that memory and thought, and this sound to trigger another, all while a person is trying to pay attention to other stuff, or not even: just the fact of the totality of thought phenomena, mental information phenomena, and the fact of how much completely of all of that is a person truly absolutely aware of and remembers and thinks of and focuses on and makes sense of, and how much may take on little minds of their own, in a dream like way, creating sparks of thought, visions, moods, notions, reminisces, longings, desires.
far out!