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File: 478 KB, 2060x1813, celine-1932-1520611534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11574244 No.11574244 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here have any experience writing a thesis for an English MA? It is the only thing I need for my degree but I have been putting it off for years because I am so disinterested in it and higher academia in general. I feel like the only things students are writing about are about either how white people have ruined everything or why the patriarchy must crumble.

Every topic I have proposed has been dismissed for nearing the fields of poli-sci or theology too much. I don't know what to do because I don't want to write another paper about phallic symbolism. I'd like to have a topic that confronts some field of Critical Theory because I want it to have some sense of pragmatism. Anyone experience anything similar or have advice?

>> No.11574259

Man I have a BA in Eng Lit and almost went for an MA, but I can't even imagine mustering the conviction to write about anything like that now. Looking back the whole thing was such a scam, and the staff were so hideously deconstructionist and anti-everything.

I don't know what to suggest, just do you.

>> No.11574295

I agree - it is a scam. I only pursued it because I need an MA to keep my teaching certification.

>> No.11574374

That's fair enough, and I'm not trying to dishearten you.

What kind o things have you tried submitting?

>> No.11574447

OP, write a scathing, 80 page indictment about Susan Sontag and expose her as the charlatan she was.

>> No.11574986

Try starting an academic/thesis/dissertation general perhaps. I'm interested in all of this myself.

>> No.11575154
File: 571 KB, 865x1600, 1532138619636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you already tried writing about Celine?

>> No.11575327

Will do.

No I haven't - I really enjoy him but never thought of a topic involving him that I could write about.

>> No.11575332

Don't bother, he's a pariah to academics.

>> No.11575407

No problem, maybe link that thread here once you've created it?
Ignore >>11575332

>> No.11575543

Browse the threads more then.

>> No.11575820

Hey OP. I wouldn't mind seeing an academia thread for discussion of thesis writing and other things.

>> No.11576007

I am also interested, though I do not know what I should make a thesis on that's not linguistics in my country.

>> No.11576297

What's so great about celine I just made a thread asking this but nobody's replying.

>> No.11576543

Shame. Usually people love to talk about him on here.

>> No.11577913

i'll bump your thread

>> No.11578186

Hey OP are you ever going to make that Academia thread?

>> No.11579361

Should have went straight for the PhD OP.

>> No.11579405

this desu

>> No.11579596

You think this proposal will be accepted?

>> No.11580246

Not them but I want to see it at least tried.

>> No.11580734

Yes, tomorrow I will.

>> No.11582458

I'm in a similar position OP - I'll have to start researching in in the spring though but I still have no topic in mind.