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11565090 No.11565090 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever feel like christianity is a curse to those who don't believe it and a gift to those who do? I'm a christian and my belief in God is fairly well rooted and infallible, though I can't deny the idea that the Bible might just be a well written, all encompassing philosophical text full of "sticky ideas" (I call them burrs) that stay with you and are very relatable to many, like the idea of an afterlife, specifically hell. Does anyone know what I mean about this lingering feeling that you might be reprimanded for unbelief?

>> No.11565124

I believe that if someone didnt know about God and was being judged by him that they would be allowed leniency. So does that mean that telling someone about him condemns them due to their unbelief? I wouldnt think so. I'd like to imagine everyone would be given a chance. The Bible says that those who believe will be rewarded greatly in heaven though. I'm not blind either, I can see the whole self perpetuating nature of these burrs and the way the book almost seems culty in some ways, and it creates a division within myself. On one hand I can admire the beauty of something that resonants so well with so many as fiction and the power of something that could create it as non-fiction. It's either markedly poignant as a story written to enforce morals by man or a divine guideline for those who believe it was written by something greater. The choice is yours really.

>> No.11565520

What basis do you have to believe someone who never heard of God would receive leniency? I'd agree that they should but our beliefs that it should be that way surely don't affect whether or not God would share the sentiment.

>> No.11565620

You don't think that would be cruel? Assuming they were morally upright why wouldn't they get a chance?

>> No.11565627

I am a Christian and it saddens me how many people are going to Hell. My friends, my family, my teachers: all heading up to damnation. I know I have achieved eternal salvation through Christ, but it saddens me to see those people in the street I see daily: every single one of them will burn for eternity and tortured by the most gruesome things possibly imagined without a second chance.

It is not a feeling of superiority, but more like watching people drowning as you are safely in the life-boat of Titanic, metaphorically speaking

>> No.11565646
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>I know I have achieved eternal salvation

>> No.11565657

Ew. The way in which you speak with such conviction and absolute certitude about your post-mortal salvation and the damnation of your "loved ones" reeks of American tongue-speaking, tent based pulpit huckstering Protestantism. I thought one of the purposes of the Christian God was to prevent yourself from turning into one. You failed miserably and if I were a believer, I'd pray for you.

>> No.11565683

You do not seem to understand the Bible.
God does not reward his believers for good deeds and pious behavior: look at the story of Job. He was made eunuch, he lost his wive, children etc. and God tortured him for years and years

I know that I can enjoy the life of sin, in moderation, drinking: some sucking and fucking once in a while: premarital sex: but the difference between me and you is: I believe in the Risen Jesus. He suffered on the cross for me. I really do believe in him: I do not have to suffer in this life

>> No.11565686

You sound like a faggot trying to poison the well to me. You are the worst kind of insufferable scum.

>> No.11565697
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As a Christian I do sometimes feel pressure to make sure that, at least, my family goes to Heaven. Most of my family is Christian, but my father is an atheist and one of my sisters has a relatively loose association with the Church.

I hate the idea of anyone going to Hell, but I cannot deny that Hell is absolutely real and awaits those who disobey God. When I'm honest with myself, I realize I wouldn't wish the horrors of Hell on my worst enemy. It truly does seem to be a terrible thing. So if I could convince everyone I know to believe in Christ, and therefore to avoid Hell, I would do it.

But I am something of a coward, I suppose. I don't go up to people and shake them, and impress on them the dangers of Hell, and demand that they embrace the truth of Christianity. I tend to subsume the forcefulness of my belief into a veneer of polite society, which I suppose ultimately does them harm, which I do not like.

And I suppose I can't save everyone either. I just wish I could.

>> No.11565701


Just for this post I sincerely hope that Muhammed was right

>> No.11565709

You're lost. To claim that you know your post-mortal fate, or that of your loved ones is a wicked deed.

>> No.11565713

I question my faith when I read your words as I do not want to be associated with people that view religion like you.

>> No.11565719

Just assuming you're not another trying to poision the well either, don't you think that God would give these people a chance? Like offer them the chance to repent?

>> No.11565721

I'm confused, if you have such selfish pity and hate for sinners, why would you use a website like 4chan that does nothing but facilitate things like dick girl child tentacle gore porn?

>> No.11565727


>So if I could convince everyone I know to believe in Christ, and therefore to avoid Hell, I would do it.
>and therefore to avoid Hell

And how are you so sure the former will lead to the latter? There are plenty of faiths who disagree with this

>> No.11565728

>I know that I can enjoy the life of sin

You're a snake

>> No.11565735


You do not seem to understand the Metaphysics of Heaven. Have you even read Dante´s inferno?
Muhammad, Buddha and other false teachers are situated on the 8th circle of Hell

It does not matter how pious life you live: how pure life you live or good deeds you make

Even child molester and serial killer, who just before his Death accepts the Risen Jesus: will achieve Heaven

>> No.11565740


>Have you even read Dante´s inferno?

Wait, what part of the Bible is that?

>> No.11565758

Dante's Inferno was/is heresy are you an idiot?

>> No.11565760

I hope he would, but I suppose I worry it won't be enough. It all depends on the person, you know? I guess I just suffer from delusions of grandeur. Everyone is responsible for themselves in the end, so nobody is responsible for anyone going to Hell.

But I take Hell pretty seriously, just as seriously as I take Purgatory and Heaven. They're all real places, and Christians should never forget that.

>> No.11565767

How about 'no'.

>> No.11565780

While you are free to hold that belief, do not delude yourself into thinking that you know the will and ways of God. Whether you and those around you will be going to hell is not up to you, nor is it within your comprehension. All you can do is try to emulate Jesus in the meantime, but do not cast your verdict upon your and others' salvation. You're not God. We often forget that, which is why you need to constantly remind yourself of it.

>> No.11565789
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There is only so much salvation to be had outside the Church.

>> No.11565791

I believe God is merciful and that unbelievers can be saved, if only on the basis of the suffering of the Church, because it suffers for the salvation of all. But ultimately (and I hate that this even needs to be clarified) Christianity is not about "getting into heaven". Its about eternal life, both here on earth and on the other side of the veil. So even if universalism were true, Christians would still be better off because they got to live a Christian life on earth too. Life without God is a miserable kind of poverty, and it pains me to hear the kind of delirious chaos that my atheist friends live in. I wish we could all live in Christ together, but sadly most are convinced by the lies of this world.

>> No.11565794

Again, while you're free to hold that belief, do not delude yourself into thinking that you are the arbiter of your and others' salvation.

>> No.11565815


You're still trying to turn us against each other you snake.

>> No.11565826

Suppose that God had a reason for hating disbelief in his Son: such as Honor.
If the Son is God, and one is required to Love God to be good, then one is required to love his Son equally through belief in His Divinity.
One can not be wholly good while discrediting the attributes of His Child.

>> No.11565832

Thread infection by schizo-arachnids

>> No.11565936

You have reached levels of cope and delusion that I have never seen before.
Why are religious people so weak and arrogant? They assume they know everything because of some flawed book written by schizos. Then it doesn't matter what you say, they will always use fallacious arguments and twist scientific evidence to support their believes.

>> No.11565950

>*tips fedora*

>> No.11567213

No I do think it would be cruel but what I'm asking is what basis in scripture can you point to that would support that conclusion?

>> No.11568423

"The truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God" (Romans 1:19-20, New Living Translation).

>> No.11568583

Hell is medieval fan fiction, so no, I don't care about it.

>> No.11568596

Man, Paul was full of it. Because the divine is supposedly obvious (unsupported opinion) everyone should instinctively know that God is the God of Israel who made a covenant with the Jews, then sent his son to die and resurrect to make a new covenant, and if you don't believe that God will punish you.

>> No.11568631

This is some pretty effective bait. Mind if I save it for later?

>> No.11568638

Pastor says hell is Thanksgiving with the in-laws

>> No.11568728

You said I do not have to suffer in this life but 2 Timothy 3:12 says " Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." Also may I ask what you mean when you say that you "can" enjoy the life of sin, in moderation? Thanks.

>> No.11568740

May I ask why you think the bible is flawed? And why you think the disciples were schizos?

>> No.11569546

You're no better than the Pharisees Jesus condemned.

>> No.11569636

Christianity is all but dead to modern culture so no, it genuinely doesn't affect me whatsoever.
Christianity is a lot less about the any text and a lot more about community. Pretty sure most people that killed in the name of Christianity were illiterate

- raised agnostic, staunch atheist by 11, now an admirer of the bible and some aspects of Judiasm

>> No.11569673

Serious question. Even if you're not religious, do you believe in any sort of concious entity greater than our own? Or is that just a religous belief?

>> No.11569960

I'm a nonreligious person. All I think is that we haven't developed the means of determining one way or the other whether there is any sort of greater conscious entity. Or in any case I haven't found a reason to believe in such an entity. But I don't stop seeking.

>> No.11570745

How do you know Hell is real? Did you go there? You have pics? Like, it’s real, right? Can you prove this statement?

>> No.11570755

The idea of any sort of grand entity makes no sense. I know science at its core is just theories but they're considerably more convincing than books and alleged miracles. I just believe in RNG and kind of comfort myself knowing that I have no control over it in the grand scheme, so why become upset about it

>> No.11571093

I honestly can't tell if this is bait. Here's a (you) anyway.

>> No.11571849

It's bait. I mean come on.

>> No.11571972


>Rabbinical heebposting