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/lit/ - Literature

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11564021 No.11564021 [Reply] [Original]

What is wrong with people? Instead of using our technology to create a world where we can live a nice life with family and friends and some luxuries, life gets more and more stressful.

People work all day, eat bad food because they have no time, need pharma to keep on living, become egoistical, need thousand products to cover up their unhealthy bodies etc.

Seriously what the fuck is going on? Why do we have to live in such extremes? Either live in a wood or kill yourself working. Why not the middle way? We all would be happier, nicer etc

But no we need to keep going on. People try to hack their brains with nootropics, want to become machines,

Life could be pretty nice but eventually I will have to kill myself.

>> No.11564027
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>> No.11564040
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Know this feel OP really really know this feel

>> No.11564043

It's because of hedonic adaptation. What was once a miracle becomes normal, and then you need more.

>> No.11564062

Need more? More stress, more work, more unhealthy food, more mental illness?

How boring it would be to have healthy food, a roof, freetime, a wife that truely loves you because she isnt a shallow robot, a community that cares for each other. I have tears writing this down because I have to live the complete opposite. This has to be hell. I want love and be surrounded by nice people help

>> No.11564078
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>> No.11564085

Holy shit I definitely know I am in despair.

One fucking life. One chance to exist. After death I will vanish. And I have to sacrifize my life so low level humans can do what they have to do.

>> No.11564126
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>wear a uniform, wear the same t-shirt everything and you don't even have to think, so efficient
>onions and huel only, you don't even have to bother with meals, cut out that time-wasting ordering/cooking, socializing, enjoyment, ew
>self-driving cars will be so good cause I don't have to waste my commute holding a steering wheel instead of work
>death to retail and personal small businesses, one day delivery so much more convinient
>longer life expectancy? great, we can raise the retirement age
>recommendation engines
>vr porn
>elon musk
>big 4
>social networks
>ml generated entertainment
>ai gf

>> No.11564137
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You're so close to figuring it out anon
>inb4 muh ussr, that doesn't make capitalism any less abhorrent and doesn't mean we should give up

>> No.11564143

Wow, you're the first to feel this way. Don't bother looking for others who feel/felt this way and definitely don't read their works. They don't exist!

>> No.11564163
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>> No.11564179

This has to be hell

I fear that figuring out completely will end in suicide.

I know I am not. I am just in despair.

Please help

>> No.11564183

god I wish that were me. Someone please lobotomize me so I can have a chance at being happy

>> No.11564212

no one "wants" this. technological progress is independent of human agency. the illusion is that humans use technology to make their lives better. the reality is that technology is a quasi 4th dimensional virus-god of anti-nature that uses organic material to create itself

>> No.11564213

But anon, if you were happy you wouldn't be as driven to work 60 hour weeks in hope that in time your life would improve and you could be happy, and the shareholders couldn't be having that now could they :^)

>> No.11564218

Can someone who's suffered through Land's schizophrenia explain to me why we should accept that and not fight against it, no matter how futilely?

>> No.11564222

Keep this up please, im close to working up the gusto to jump

>> No.11564235

you can't. the destiny of the human species is to gradually defile nature, and itself to become god, or the metaphorical father it never had. its been reaching for it since it crawled out of caves and felt the sun and wind whip their skin. this is set in stone. its already happened, we just havent gotten there yet.

>> No.11564262

>world sucks
>have no actual intelligent friends to bitch about real problems with
>confined to a screen and cry on a keyboard about things that won’t change

OP. I feel you, but I also feel obligated to let you know that this garbage will not change. I suggest you take care of yourself try your best not to think about it. Unless of course you want to take fun route, in which case learn as much as you can and break down the society infront of us, whether through film, books, or actions. Good luck OP. I hope you’re able to experience satisfaction one day, even if just for a minute. It is truly heaven.

>> No.11564369

>becoming a god that doesn't care about you at best and is straight up malevolent at worst
humanity is dumb

>> No.11564380

>tfw I cant relate to this because I have a fulfilling job that makes above average money and gives me a lot of free time to read and write

>> No.11564433

tell me what you do or I'm going to label you as a capitalist psyop

>> No.11564442

Data analyst
Look at spreadsheets for maybe 1 hour a day, solve data problems which I like, and then read for the rest of the day. Make 57,000 dollars a year.

>> No.11564460

>technology is taking over yet my printer is a piece of shit
just find a loving wife

>> No.11564461

Just wanted to say I thought this was well written anon. I mean that sincerely.

>> No.11564470

If this is what Land writes about, how do I get started with him?

>> No.11564479





>> No.11564485


>> No.11564486
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>What is wrong with people?
>Seriously what the fuck is going on?

People have forgotten the light, the truth, the way.

>> No.11564491
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>> No.11564498
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>> No.11564500
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>> No.11564514

thats more ted kacynski's lane. id recommend him instead of land for this. or maybe before him. ted is idealistic in that he thinks you can stop technological progression and even wrote a strategic manual for how to engage in a revolution. land shows you why that's pointless

>> No.11564556

>land shows you why that's pointless
Yep this is what I want to read about. I've read Ted's excellent adventure and while I'm not as much a luddite as he is, I generally agree with his sentiments (if not his conclusion).

I don't think this train can be stopped.

>> No.11564580
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Fun fact: all the """problems""" of modernity can be solved by proper participation in your local Christian community.

>> No.11564636

>all of the problems of modernity can be washed away with the sedative of a corporatized sect

Nice try

>> No.11564653

Fun fact, meme Christianity is rampant.

>> No.11564660

I've met literally one actual Christian in my life, and admittedly she is amazing and kind and generous and good but she's an outlier anon. Most """christians""" are just people who go to church because their parents told them they had to and the habit stuck.

>> No.11564661
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This is now a jezebel thread

>> No.11564663

my prediction: /lit/ is going to go fully breadpilled in the coming years

when they realize that christianity alone will not save them from capitalism, they will switch to unironic orthodox marxism

when they realize that the best way to deal with capitalism is to be a boomer neoliberal yuppie larper entrepreneur they will do that

and the whole cycle shall repeat

>> No.11564681

I don't follow your logic...also what is breadpilled?
Also I unironically would become homeless before I became a 30 year old boomer spouting bootstrap memes.

>> No.11564696

well life is all about making choices, we have that freedom in a relatively developed society. and you dont have to end up eating bad food and being on pharma , needing whatever products for an unhealthy body

>> No.11564699

I'm surprised neoliberalism isn't more popular on /lit/ already, it has all the hallmarks of a typical /lit/ view:
>seem as edgy and contrarian to the public at large but really isn't unusual to a substantial ingroup (in this case government technocrats and "wonks")
>has enough arguments for it to win debates with normies but gets torn to shreds by actually intelligent people
>has a vague enough definition that you can adjust around any aspects you don't like
>is popular among uneducated boomers, but this fact is denied

>> No.11564723

In the body of Christ, anon.
And participation with those at all sorts of points on their faith journeys is what every believer needs.
This would be entertaining.

>> No.11564735

>ellie idol
i've a mind about me to break my 2 week nofap tonight and i think this whore might be the one to make me do it

>> No.11564740

then you should read some land. i forget the exact site but if you google fanged noumena pdf i think some site has it floating around and you can download it for free. its a collection of works not one cohesive thing though, so you can pick and choose which chapter you want. i think he doesnt really get into accelerationism till the mid-end part of the book iirc. the first chapter is interesting though. he calls nazi german "post-imperialist" and goes into what he mans by that and dissects western civ's core as essentially a male who both desires to touch or conquer the other but does not or cant assimilate that other into himself or my diary desu

>> No.11564743

>breaking your streak for that uggo
come on anon

>> No.11564749

all people are whores

>> No.11564752

she is seriously hot as fuck and does the best roleplay (when she's not burping or being a giant or whatever) BUT as someone who's on day 7 i have to say plz don't break ur streak anon

>> No.11564789

You can easily find a pdf of Fanged Noumena, there's also this folder I found on here with some other material you might be interested in

>> No.11564896

Subhumans say that you need to work "40- or 60-hour weeks to survive". But who set that number? We can easily imagine a society in which everyone agrees to work only every other day, so that half the days would be devoted to health and personal development. Or a society in which everyone agreed for the working day to start at 10 or 11AM, instead of 8 or 9. Why is this not done? It would be futile. Someone would work an extra day now and then, or wake up an hour earlier, and get the upper hand on his competitors. Eventually everyone would be doing it. Where does this arms race end? It stabilizes at the point just before exhaustion, before complete collapse of the organism. This is where we are at right now. That's why stress etc. are off the charts. No one imposed this on us. If you think "capitalism" is the reason, good luck finding this thing and showing it to us. It's merely an abstract idea: i.e. a shorthand for the purpose of easier mental calculations. The complete answer would be, "the complex interaction of every individual in society with each other is the reason". You might say "but things would have been different if we weren't in a capitalistic society". But who created this system? People. The same ones who got up half an hour earlier to get a leg up on everyone else. You want to outlaw getting up an hour earlier? Get ready to kill millions who will hit the roof the moment they hear of your plan and flood the streets looking for hanging material. The Soviets and the Chinese tried it, and it sort of worked for a while, after millions had been slain. The result: an entire continent of half-retards, with next to zero cultural development for generations. It's only after they allowed some measure of competition that they started emerging from their stupor.
The present working conditions were not enforced from above, by a malignant entity like "capitalism", or a "Jewish cabal". They were simply set by PEOPLE, i.e. what educated individuals call "the market" (but then promptly forget about it, and end up dissociating the two, as if they could have an existence independent of each other: as if "people" and "the market" were not the exact same thing).

>> No.11564909



>> No.11565013

This is why I don’t compete. There are people in Asia (or so I hear) willing to turn their brains into computers 13 hours a day in a chance for the bourgeois life. It’s insanity.

>> No.11566136

why is her face so asymetrical?

>> No.11566146

>healthy food, a roof, freetime, a wife that truely loves you because she isnt a shallow robot, a community that cares for each other
i have this
i still post here tho

>> No.11566153

Enjoy capitalism, autismo.

>> No.11567089

Much obliged friend. May the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace

>> No.11567138

It's unironically because of capitalism and our inability (in the anglo world, assuming OP is from America or bongland, I can't really speak to northern and western Europe) to even shape it to give us more free time or relief from stress. I don't know if they still do it, but there was a time in Harvard business school that they would mandate professors had to give failing grades to a certain percentage of the students, to drive competition amongst them for highest performance. Of course, that was (still is in some cases) a management philosophy for many companies, performance reviews with the mandate that the lower performers would have to be fired. Which is all just to say that culturally some of our largest institutions don't even fight this kind of thinking, it's considered a virtue of the system. Virtues can change, but we still live with the people who grew up with these beliefs.

>> No.11567143

We live in pretty neat world, we can never get rid of nukes because other countries lacking in morals might build their own nukes and use them to threaten other countries to get their demands met.

>> No.11567152

> If you think "capitalism" is the reason, good luck finding this thing and showing it to us.

It's useful to identify it because it is the condition that gave rise to the ideology. People live within this system, it is their whole world. Many people don't resent it because they consider themselves naturally constrained by it, they don't even both to think outside of it because it's a waste of time. It is better to confront it directly, to them, and embrace it. This becomes self-improvement ideology and books on entrepreneurial spirit and successful business habits etc. which drive people to believe in the competition, believe that success in the system as it is is what life is about and how to orient their sense of self as a social being. Pointing at the source doesn't necessarily say anything about how to solve it, but it is important to note that we live in a box called "capitalism" by most people trying to observe it, and it has certain characteristics that lead us to traverse its interior in the most beneficial way to the individual. We can reshape the box, maybe even completely, but we need to recognize it exists and how it guides us to naturally consider what is most advantageous within it to understand that it can be changed. Otherwise you just get people that think captialism is just some spectrum of "freedom" and that our capitalism is simply a "more free economy" than whatever existed in Rome or the dark ages.

>> No.11567168
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Global capitalism is the problem, as diagnosed by Marx. Evolian societies are the cure.

>> No.11567186

he probably means becoming Christian (I've seen it referred as a bread-pill at least once), but the real breadpill is reading the conquest of bread by kropotkin

>> No.11567187

You have to go DEEPER, anon. You are FAR OFF and LOST. Treading water in the VAST SEA. Go DEEPER, anon. You know this can't be it, you know this SWAMP once flowed with sun-gilded streams. DEEPER, anon. See over the teeming multitudes, the high-rises. False, false prophets and idols blaring over loudspeakers. Soiled streets and graffiti over walls and bodies; flashing lights and memory destroying strobes. Be STILL, anon, and listen to the WIND. Hear how it does not BELONG to this world, this place, this age. Look further. Behold the passing shadows. Who is the FIRST and LAST? What is the BEGINNING and the END? Look DEEPER. DEEPER. Look for the herald of the FORGOTTEN LIGHT.