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/lit/ - Literature

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11564128 No.11564128 [Reply] [Original]

find a flaw faggots, oh right, you cant

>> No.11564133

Paradise Lost is better.

>> No.11564155

I can't. I've only read Inferno years ago. Just started again and I plan on reading the full comedy.

>> No.11564158

It;s not even funny

>> No.11564160

if only chris rock or bill burr wrote their own version

>> No.11564194

t. protestant

>> No.11564205

Hell Purgatory Paradise is a shit name for a book

>> No.11564210

>dude references lmao
>dude everyone i don’t like is in hell lmao

Why do people still pretend that they like this fanfic?

>> No.11564214

Hey you (((chatolic))) if i put some stale bread up my ass and buttchug some altar wine, is Jesus then licking my asshole?

>> No.11564215

Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso

>> No.11564216

>divine 'comedy'
>didn't laugh once

>> No.11564233
File: 2.22 MB, 480x366, you are a dumbass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing comedy is about laughter
jesus, how does it feel to be so retarded?

>> No.11564239

cover sucks

>> No.11564244
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>that 30 year old boomer that doesn´t get the irony

>> No.11564253

Hell is the toilet purgatory ismydick and heaven is my poo

>> No.11564257

fuck off

your mom is a toilet purgatory

>> No.11564266
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>> No.11564271

Pythagoras beans

>> No.11564293

There are some funny moments though.

>> No.11564327
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More like you "chant" am I right?

>> No.11564332

how so? because you will be going to hell?

>> No.11564585

le bump

>> No.11565591


>> No.11565602


>> No.11565863

>tfw I unironically came to this conclusion
Maybe I'll try again one day, but I really didn't get the big deal. The translation may not have helped I guess.

>> No.11566045

>Christian literature
There you go.

>> No.11566504

>implying 95% of good authors were not Christian

>> No.11566530

It only really works if you are reading it in the original Italian. I spent a year in Florence, essentially 12 hours a day trying to be able to perfect this. This was 12 years ago. Sadly, these days you don't go to Florence unless you want to fucking learn how to get mugged.

>> No.11566532

>Paradise Lost is better.
Not sure if you are trolling or just retarded.

>> No.11566563
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>unless you want to fucking learn how to get mugged.
Hey but that's all of Italy

>> No.11566698

Did Dante and Milton think they were divinely inspired or something when they were writing their epics?
Also, my local bookstore has only two translations of the Commedia (Kirkpatrick in one volume & Hollander in three volumes) which one should I get?

>> No.11566803

Extensive footnotes are more important for Dante than translation. It really is a parade of references like >>11564210.

I can't speak to Purgatorio and Paradiso, but Inferno is filled with contemporary locals to Dante. He even included a Pope that wasn't even dead yet.

>> No.11566883
File: 364 KB, 804x1000, Dante_et_Virgile_au_Enfers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best self-insert fanfic of all time

>> No.11566902
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>references corrupt, bastard people and puts them in Hell where they belong
>"duh Devil May Cry is biased duh references are for loosers duh nietzche was based duh"

>> No.11567254

I'm >>11566698 and I was asking a genuine question. Nothing wrong with allusions or Nietzsche, christfag.