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11563954 No.11563954 [Reply] [Original]

>It's a chapter with Pemulis

>> No.11564031
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>mario and millicent kent chapter

>> No.11564112
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>Steeply and Marathe chapter

>> No.11564136
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>> No.11564221

imagine if IJ didnt have the annoying French shit

>> No.11564282
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B-b-but that was where I shoe-horned in my cultural critiques with zero subtlety

>> No.11564366

You mean the only semblance of a plot?

>> No.11564458

>muh plot

>> No.11564468

Finish The Pale King you lazy fuck.

>> No.11564471

i would rather read Wallace organize his thoughts on anything without any structure or goal in mind than have to sit through a boring filler chapter so that he can make his book semi digestible

>> No.11564482

My favourite scenes were the weed ones. Especially the one where the guy's waiting for his dealer to show up.

>> No.11564494

>It’s the part with the teddy bear group therapy sesh

>> No.11564509
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You didn't post a picture so we don't know how you feel about it

>> No.11564524
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>it's a Bimmy chapter

>> No.11564576

Are you guys as stupid as your posts indicate, or is it just meme-irony?
My contribution to the thread is that the only part of the book that undeniably could be removed for the better is the Wardine section. There is literally no reason for that shit to be there since it adds nothing to the whole besides the weak point of "drugs are bad" that had already been better stated in other chapters. It is also ugly.
I remember liking the yrstruly section though, but I don't recall much of it besides the feeling of reading something pretty close to Burroughs. Anyone thinking the same?

>> No.11564592
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>It's the Eschaton chapter

>> No.11564596
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>it's a Don chapter

>> No.11564602

silly billy, wardine is supposed to bring full circle the Mario theme. the purity and innocence of the mentally challenged and children, and how fucked the world is that they're given

>> No.11564605

pretty sure it was just another vignette about people living in fucked up situations

>> No.11564649

One of the few times a book has made me laugh out loud

>> No.11564668

But it is trash. It could have been taken off without damaging our comprehension and it is just not good writing. Not at all. Wardine be cry? Fuck you David. I like him, but sometimes he tries too hard with this conceptual bullshit.

>> No.11564689

i'm at the part with gately and the guy who's stuck trying to over analyze the "cyclical totalitarian foundation" of AA. Where are you guys at?

>> No.11564711

You are probably depressed or a Philistine.

>> No.11564714

Gately and Joelle just talked about why she wears the veil
536 or something I think

>> No.11564717


>> No.11564719

You are probably a fag or a queer

>> No.11564734

He would have ruined it had he finished it. He did well in killing himself.

>> No.11564765


>> No.11564769

It's been a long, long time since I last agreed with someone from /lit/.

>> No.11564791

Great dialogue. What did you think of it?

>> No.11564857

But we're talking about IJ you lazy fag

>> No.11564859

>it's a schwarzkommando chapter

>> No.11565234

I also liked the yrstruly section

>> No.11565256

I liked it a lot, love the way Gately interacts with others, we hear so much of his inner dialogue and rarely hear what he's actually like with people
The whole veil society thing was interesting too, hiding the fact that you're hiding was something I always felt people with abnormalities always had to deal with. Extra insecurities because they're insecure

>> No.11565263

joelle's character was ruined when she was disfigured, like what a stupid trope, 'the most beautiful girl in the world' gets disfigured, BRAVO DAVE

>> No.11565282
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>It's a Takeshi and Ichizo chapter

>> No.11565311

That's only the case if you actually believe Molly Notkin's story.

>> No.11565318

>it's a Mario makes a movie spoofing Drumpf that he plays annually for the entire school chapter

>> No.11565329

>implying The Pale King isn't finished as DFW intended already
the "incompleteness" is part of the art of the novel

>> No.11565335

>Randy Lenz chapter
poor cattos and doggos ;_;

>> No.11565342
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>imagine actually thinking this

>> No.11565344

it doesn't matter if she's disfigured.

here's a succinct summary of joelle's supposed "disfigurement": dfw is playing on the duality between fairytale and reality, and the human's inability to perceive the difference when presented with both. "the most beautiful girl in the world"–to believe such a thing exists is ignorant. who is to cram beauty into a single form? a true beauty is as inconceivable as one truth, or some true capital-L Love. however, as humans, people who hope to be whisked away by a fairytale, we believe. Perhaps Joelle IS the most beautiful girl in the world, we think.

Of course she isn't. No thing could exist. And yet here, the alternative storyline presented for her begins to seem fallible. A disfigured woman who always wears a veil, yet somehow is accepted in society? For her storyline does begin with a party, no? We think it impossible, that a disfigured woman who chooses to don a veil would be accepted into a party like that. Or would be loved by Don Gately. No, she MUST be beautiful.

Joelle's character exists as a phantom, some in-between, noumena and nameless. Perhaps that IS true beauty–impossible to fit into one character, ink splattered across a page.

>> No.11565362

this is actually a very nice post so thank you for that anon, it adds to my understanding of the book

i do have to say though Joelle is unambiguously beautiful as fuck, unearthly so, if our narrators are to be trusted, which makes her a kind of obvious 'thing to be ruined'. I think DFW had an aversion to doing that with age what with Avril being beautiful(even more beautiful? i dont remember) at 40

the dramatic disfigurement of intense beauty is just such a crude tool, it's like the passage with the Moms being a germ freak and the kid eating the mold

>> No.11565380
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possibly based, but certainly not redpilled.

>> No.11565446

thanks to Pemulis, i now often wonder if i am paranoid enough

>> No.11565496

>It's a Pontius Pilate chapter
Holy shit Bulgakov there must have been more eloquent and better-flowimg solutions than that shit. Literally the only problem in an otherwise flawless masterpiece

>> No.11565499

>two necessary buses and one unnecessary bus


>> No.11566909
