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11560331 No.11560331 [Reply] [Original]

should suicide be a universal right? are there any philosophers that talk about this?

>> No.11560334

Cups of coffee should be a universal right instead

>> No.11560343


>> No.11560345

No one asked to be alive desu. Parents make you exist and then tend to neglect you for other distractions anyhow so you raise yourself now. Pining for the void is perfectly natural but people recognize largely that talking about it is painful for most and pointless for all.

>> No.11560420


>> No.11560426

Ill take universal income over suicide legal, having a job is the only aspect of life that really makes me wanna off myself

>> No.11560439
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This. I don't know how people do it.

>> No.11560797

Yes, it should but it never will because society "needs" you. One less person means one less wageslave to contribute to society.
Hell, most countries don't even allow euthanasia. When a horse breaks his legs, he's put down straight away but when a human becomes a "vegetable", they must keep living?

>> No.11560854

I'll take a non-philosophical approach, just an historical approach.
There was a time when the Rome actually legalized suicide. But, it was abolished soon afterwards. Not for an ethical reason, but for the economic reason. "shortage of labor force" made suicide illegal again.

>> No.11560855

Socialism but just for coffee? I support this idea.

>> No.11560916

do with yourself as you wish

>> No.11560929

Who cares? If you really wanted to kill yourself legality wouldn't matter whatsoever

>> No.11561151

Philipp Mainländer

>> No.11561157

Jumping out of a plane is the most /lit/ way to commit suicide. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11561196

So the only thing keeping people from killing themselves was the fact that a law prohibited it? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.11561236

He's full of shit, suicide was only illegal for slaves, soldiers and those accused of capital crimes (as there was a legal loophole where suicide prevented a confiscation of property). You could apply to the Senate and get hemlock free of charge.

>> No.11561267

your body belongs to more than yourself

>> No.11561271

Schopy was not an advocate of suicide

>> No.11561275

Yep, it belongs to all the writhing worms and maggots underground.

>> No.11561278

based and redpilled

>> No.11561328

This! So much this!

>> No.11561340


>> No.11561344

This question makes no sense, because a right is a faculty to to something or to be the beneficiary of a prestation. In other words, when there is a right, there is a legal relation (a relation between people that is governed by law). I don't really see the point of legalisig or bannig suicide, because it does bot involve other poeple. Supposig it is recognised as an universal right. From here he can draw a conclusion that suicide is a social value.
Supposing it is banned, the bannig of sucide itself is absurd, because there is no way you can guarantee the respect of that law. Dead people cannot be taxed, fined or imprisoned. The most you cand do is about what they left.

One problem is, in particylar, interestig and that is the legalisation of assisted suicide. Some countries criminal law systems (I suppose) don't take as legal the consent of the one who ends his life

>> No.11561369

stopped reading right there. The interesting thing about the morality of suicide is that NO LEVEL of discourse is gonna sway my decision to die if that’s my resolve, unlike say abortion or diet. It’s one of the few black and white practical decisions that can’t be recovered from.

>> No.11561415

you could kill yourself right now

>> No.11561429

plz no bully

>> No.11561474
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I'm thinking of walking into the hood brandishing a gun so I can get some friendly hood niggas to politely turn my ass into swiss cheese. I'm too pussy to do it myself.

>> No.11561540

If you count Milton Friedman as a philosopher, then yes.

He argues that the right to commit sudoku is an important expression of personal liberty. If you're not allowed to take your own life, then you're basically someone else's property, like >>11561236 says.

>> No.11562787 [DELETED] 

We're always active or potential workers for the economy, hence the ever constant dissuasion agaisnt suicide.
It originated from religious roots in society but the idea agaisnt it has clearly changed.
(see: friedman's "argument" agaisnt it)