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11555317 No.11555317 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books I can read to get over this feeling?
I am blessed with the ability to procreate but I don't have things women want
HELP /lit/

>> No.11555324

Be a man and find yourself a girl
>I want a book to get over this feeling
don't be a pussy

>> No.11555331

Houllebeq stuff

>> No.11555333

I don't want to

>> No.11555341

I am pretty ugly
I think it will be more beneficial to me if I can get over this and find joy in other things

>> No.11555351
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Lacan's lectures on desire.

>> No.11555352

Your apparently want to want to, given that you're actively trying to justify not wanting to, and the reason you want to want to has more to do with the fact that becoming the kind of person that attracts a partner is an essential aspect of maturation and self awareness.
Now, if you didn't really have issues attracting someone and you still decided you didn't want to pursue a partnership with someone that'd be different. Still suspect but potentially justifiable

>> No.11555359

just like change your Persona™ (Ingmar Bergman 1966)

>> No.11555360

Since when has being ugly ever stopped someone getting married and having kids? It's only autism that's stopping you

>> No.11555361

People with handicaps and deformities are more than able to find fulfilling, genuine, intimate partnerships

>> No.11555364

My Diary Desu

>> No.11555368

I want to but I don't think I will be able to
so I don't want to

>> No.11555374

I don't think that's true

>> No.11555377

These are /r9k/-tier """people""", lads. They are too vile in both appearance and soul

>> No.11555385

>since when has being ugly stopped people getting married and having kids
it happens all time and I have lots of other flaws

>> No.11555387

I am worthless in aspect of relationships
I know my potential that's why I need to get over it

>> No.11555410

suck it up you big wuss

and you can pass that wisdom onto the grandchildren you won't be having

>> No.11555414
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>> No.11555420

Just spend your time posting frogs and ranting about women and kikes, m8

>> No.11555427

but I don't hate women and jews
I hate myself for being so worthless

>> No.11555429

m8, if I can get laid, you can get laid. I'm a piece of shit

>> No.11555442

If you're a fan of Bergman you should have already lost any desire to participate in the wasteland of modern relationships. If you're just posting that picture because you saved it from somewhere then you should go ahead and watch Bergman.

As for books, No Longer Human and Molloy come to mind.

>> No.11555443

its not about getting laid its about finding a loving women to mate with and having a good genuine relationship

>> No.11555448

I was with my last GF for 4 years. She was a NEET too though, which doesn't exactly make for a happy relationship. Now that we're not together, we're actually doing something with our lives. Co-dependence is a bitch. The moral of the story is don't overvalue a relationship and rely on someone else for your happiness or you're poisoning the relationship before it even begins.

>> No.11555462

I guess I am not happy to begin with and I am thinking that getting a wife or gf will make me happy

>> No.11555475

That's not really how it works. Like, of course a relationship should make you happy but if you're not happy apart from the relationship, then you're relying on the relationship for meaning in life and then what happens when the relationship runs into issues? All serious relationships do at some point, and you need to be strong enough inside yourself to either do what needs to be done to fix things or be strong enough to move on. Which means you need to work on yourself first and foremost. Also, the more comfortable you feel inside your own skin, the easier it'll be to find someone to love.

>> No.11555482

I see
but I really can't find purpose in my life

>> No.11555490

Could you even cope with a relationship? Imagine walking into the bathroom after your gf/wife just had a massive, reeking shit. Or waking up on a Sunday, and she's in the kitchen peeling boiled eggs and she farts. You'll want to put a bullet through your head

>> No.11555498

I never thought about that
sounds disgusting

>> No.11555500

That doesn't mean you never will. There's no secret to life that once you work it out everything becomes easy. For some people it's God, or Brahman or whatever. Some people lose their selves in their work. Some people find catharsis through works of literature and music. Some people derive meaning from helping others and being compassionate. What you don't find meaning from is wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.11555512

Life isn't anime. There's no perfect manic pixie girl. Women are animals just like men with physical form that has needs.

>> No.11555520

I know

>> No.11555530

But really, just imagine how much girl farts stink compared to that of the white man, and you'll fast get over womemes

>> No.11555540

its not like women fart all the time

>> No.11555541

Stop being a retard in this lifetime and just do it. I believe in you OP

>> No.11555564

do what?

>> No.11555576
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Just accept God and become a hermit monk anon.
The modern world has nothing to offer you that will make you happy

>> No.11555590
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>> No.11555593
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>> No.11555600
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Read this. One of my favourite passages from The Godfather.

>> No.11557019


>> No.11557053

My penis is small (4.5 inches). Books for this feeling?

>> No.11557301
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The Tunnel

>> No.11557311

read the quran...

and then convert to islam. you will get married in no time

>> No.11557319

Why are you despairing? The technology to self yourself is coming fast. Artifical womb is almost there. The technique to transform your skin cell into sperm and egg cells are known.

>> No.11557606

you have exactly what women want. even that you read is incredibly attractive to a lot of girls, let alone a really interesting and genuine personality trait. you'll find somebody in time, just give it time and be nice to everyone you come across.

>> No.11557644
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this although it is unironically a masterpiece

>> No.11557660


You will not die as a virgin. You just have to surrender to the fact that you'll only fuck very very ugly women.

Otherwise, pay for sex.

>> No.11557669

This. Every aspiring wizard should read Bernardo Soares and accept his fate.

>> No.11558649

Extension du domaine de la lutte - Houellebecq

>> No.11558655

>t. GuéNEET

>> No.11558916

im gainfully employed

>> No.11558922

Don’t think that way anon. it’ll work out.
But if you identify with incels, suck a tailpipe

>> No.11558982

omellete du fromage my nigga

>> No.11559046

Confessions by St. Augustine the Hippo.
You should join the priesthood. Only way to redeem yourself.
If being a priest isn't for you, become a monk.

>> No.11559051

>I will die a virgin
I don't get this. Literally just hire a prostitute. If you live in the US and you're too pussy to break the law, visit a country where prostitution is legal.

>> No.11559057

Better to die with some honor than further defile yourself.

>> No.11559351

Lmao seriously dude. Just defile some pussy and get on with your life. The sooner you do it, the sooner you can stop obsessing about being a virgin and start gaining a little confidence.

>> No.11559713

I actually want to do this. But how?

>> No.11559762

are you guys trolling when you say this? how is it not completely obvious that the issue is that they don't feel desirable... people want to be desired for themselves, not for their money, fucking a whore isn't gonna help. it's not just a matter of lacking the physical sensation of sex.

>> No.11559829

Of course it's true. I can think of dozens of ugly couples, most of whom have children. Most people in the world are ugly.

>> No.11560289

12 Rules for Life

>> No.11560372

>complaining about the odor of the huwhite man
I'm as sorry as you are that God made you brown, but that's not our fault.

>> No.11560672

Prostitution is a good enough facsimile of intimacy. Also the main issue with robots like OP (who I can almost guarantee isn't actually ugly) is that their sexual inexperience makes then behave oddly around women in social situations, which contributes to their love shyness. If he fucked regularly he wouldn't be as awkward, which will make it easier for him to get a GF

>> No.11560957

Think about how many things that are just as worthwhile if not more worthwhile than having kids, think of how much money it would cost you and how much time it would take from you. Then go and pursue something you stand a chance of achieving.

>> No.11560978
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>reading gets you women

anon please

>> No.11560983
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Literally how though?

>live in a small town
>no social connections so can't meet women that way
>online/apps are just a wasteland of single mums and other types i know i would be incompatible with

It must be nice living in a city but i don't know how you even meet women if you live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.11561021

do you want to turn him into joyce

>> No.11561070

Realize you're overvalueing all this shit. Reading Houellebecq won't help you because you'll just assume a negative position toward the thing you overvalue.
Nowadays sex and relationships and all that crap are everywhere, from tv-shows to billboards to magazines to music and the internet. It fits in with our culture which constantly bombards us with images and messages hoping to kindle our desires so we can become better, hardworking consumers who spend more money. We're continually being shaped to become bottomless, black holes of infinite desire with all the feelings of lack, envy and resentment that come with it.
Just realise most of this is pushed on you. Most of your desires don't really originate within yourself and thus can be cast of. Reorient yourself to desire something else which makes you happy or gives you a real sense of fulfillment.

I can't get a gf either, so feel free to ignore this advice.

>> No.11561107

I signed up for therapy. Don't think it will help but at this point I have nothing else to lose.

>> No.11561122

just fuck your therapist

>> No.11561129

Sexual desire can be sublimated, but the feelings of alienation that arise out of romantic loneliness can't be analyzed away or deconstructed. If you're alone, you feel lonely.

>> No.11561148

>you don't actually want to fulfil your basic biological drive and experience human intimacy

It's not like this is some new thing that has arisen with modern culture, it's pretty ingrained.

>> No.11561173


>> No.11561174

Since women were given the right to choose who they wanted to marry. Ultimately, it's up to them to decide whether you are physically attractive or not.

>> No.11561183

Since 21st century changes in economics and the logistics of dating. Now women have infinite choice on tinder, and since they make nearly as much money as men do they no longer have to settle for an ugly guy who can provide for them.

>> No.11561185


>Accept Christ
>Join his church (catholic)
>Get yourself a spiritual leader
>Be active in your parish
>Connect to other yound adults
>Join their groups and activities
>Wait for a female signalling you her interest

The alternative:
>Monastery and daily life of prayer and work for A. M. D. G.

>> No.11561188
File: 78 KB, 300x231, flanders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no way you're that ugly and vile that you can't get laid / find love. No way. You're your worst enemy here.

Unless you can prove me wrong, with a photo showing you have something of a lovecraftian apparance, you're just full of bull shit and you don't even know it

>> No.11561277

just be yourself lol

>> No.11561317

So what if you're alienated? If you find meaning or some form of contentment in something else it's bearable. As if millions of people throughout history haven't felt alienated and still managed to function.

The idea that this is all ingrained is just the problem. Even if it is to a large extent, you'll find it a lot easier to sublimate it and find pleasure in other things if you stop using biological reasoning as a sort of justification for these feelings.
It's one thing to actually feel a physical sensation, but something different to feel something emotionally which is always bound up with your thoughts and convictions.
There's a huge gap between an actual physical sensation in the body and an emotional experience of loneliness. This is were culture comes in.

>> No.11561350
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I'm guessing most of the anons cry are under 25 who are just wasting their valuable time here.

But what of those who are a year away from wizardhood?

>> No.11561816


Not OP, but I lost my virginity at 16 and had intimate experiences with 4 different women, who could all be considered at least 7/10, and I still feel ugly and undesirable.
It's the same way everywhere else in my life. Finished high school with top grades, got into the college of my dreams (art school) where I'm getting praise and top marks and so on along with all the classic memes (normal diet, normal sleep,...).
It doesn't fucking help. I'm feeling worse every day, can't even read books or do anything creative. I'm becoming this cynical, self-hating husk of a person. Everytime I'm with people I'm convinced everyone hates me, I have trouble breathing, it takes tons of willpower to leave the apartment...
Can any book help me? Currently the only thing I don't have trouble reading are works of Thomas Bernhard but they seem to affirm my pessimistic worldview and worsen my mood.

>> No.11561850

How and how often do you socialize?

>> No.11561852

Read the Bible

>> No.11561911

It depends. Sometimes I'll go for a beer with high school friends, go to the woods with my siblings, I go to art show openings or the movies with college friends, I often hang around 1 on 1 with people and have long conversations and so on. On the other hand, I can go like two weeks without almost any social interaction.
I guess I feel much more exhausted and resentful when I socialize a lot, but the anxiety goes down.

>> No.11561917
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>literal chad
>thinks he has the right to complain

>> No.11561931

Why? I'm fascinated with religious art (Catholic and orthodox) and things like neoplatonism or asceticism, prayer, the mystical, but I deeply resent the Catholic Church and Christian ethics in general.

>> No.11561948

There are many more things more important than having children, such as contributing to people's education.

>> No.11561953

Mostly I was trying to prove the point that self-hate doesn't necessarily stem from being unsuccessful in something.
Also, this is lit, not r9k, so fuck off with the chad/incel ideas.

>> No.11561989

Your issue might be more psychological than physiological. You're just a normie who hates himself. Go to a therapist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy and learn how to reframe your bad thoughts.

>> No.11562064

How exactly does it work? It it's psychological, how can a therapist fix this path that I've been treading for years?

>> No.11562126

Bad thoughts of the kind you're talking about are usually just conspiracy theories one holds about oneself. CBT is a way of noticing bad patterns of thought as they arise, and then creating honest and rational alternate interpretations of those thoughts. i.e. changing "this girl rejected me because i'm horribly unattractive" to "there could be a million reasons why she rejected me, like that i'm not her type or that she already interested in someone else, etc.)

It sounds simple, but you need a third party (usually a therapist) to help you apply it

>> No.11562776

Instead of trying to get over it with a book, why not solve your problem with a book? Read The Rational Male and
>get a non-meme haircut
>mew to improve jaw posture
>buy a dumbbell or a gym membership and start working out
>get myfitnesspal and eat in a caloric deficit to lose weight

in half a year you'll look better than the majority of guys your age

>> No.11562972

Still doesn't fix non existent social skills.

Look at this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oliq8m8Qph0

He's an okay guy but obviously has other problems, it's not all physical.

>> No.11562973


>> No.11562993

You have to have a certain personality for romantic relationships. I don't think many women find me attractive, but even if they did I know I am incompatible with them and deep down I don't want a relationship.

>> No.11563382

As wagecuck my chance of getting a nice middle girl are null right?

>> No.11563439

Nope. You are in control of this situation and wagecucking doesn't have anything to do with it.

>> No.11563467

Is CBT the only solution?

>> No.11563518

It's impossible to throw off culture and desires that have been brainwashed into you before you could even speak and trying to do so will only end in suicide for most anons that take this advice.

>> No.11563821

true, but social skills can be gained. just start small and make guy friends at work or in class if you're an unifag (not other autists) and build your way up to talking to girls once you're confident

>> No.11563824

the main thing that's wrong with people like OP isn't their appearance, social skills, or whatever else. it's their attitude. believing you can't change is what really holds you back. everyone can be better if they try at it and give up their defeated outlook.

>> No.11563840

>I don't have things women want
>I refuse to give up the things women don't want

>> No.11564071

Social skills really can't be as easily gained as this though. Social isolation for a long time really does a number on you.