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11552859 No.11552859 [Reply] [Original]

What did it all mean?

>> No.11552937

unironically the blackpill
Wilde was a genius like that.

>> No.11552946

That women are worthless and don't get art. That art is the ultimate purpose of life, and should be held in the highest regard. That there's nothing wrong with being gay, faggot.

>> No.11552960

There is no hidden meanings, all that happened happened as you read it.

>> No.11552966

Art is useless though.

>> No.11552977

That's why it's so transcendant, it transcends all biological sense/requirement and becomes part of the human condition.(see peacock plumage)

>> No.11552988
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Dunno. It was one of three novels I've hurled into the garbage without finishing, the other two being Finnegan's Wake and The Sound and the Fury.

It was funny, too. I pulled a copy from the shelf of the university library and sat with it for a moment. Perhaps four pages in, I thought
>does this queen have any sense of nuance
>of course not the fucking flamboyant cocksucker

Then I stood up and, in the greatest athletic feat of my entire life, hurled it from behind the back into one of those freestanding trash cans with the two-faced openings that swing on a single hinge; BANG!; right into the can, and the lid swung around and around spastically as I strutted triumphantly out of the library, my peers looking on in awe. I raised both index fingers high and victoriously, and whispered a single word:

I have nothing against faggots and am unbothered by faggot marriage or even buggery itself, but buggerers are to a queen simpletons without any concept of subtlety, or any understanding of any profound or higher order concept. They always make for the worst artists because they have no depth of thought and are plagued by impulsivity. Everything they produce just screams of their rashness and superficiality. Fags are women in male form.

>> No.11552999

based and redpilled

>> No.11553010
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>positively affecting your emotional constitution is useless
Never gonna make it

>> No.11553016

Just be yourself!

>> No.11553067

Did you read the book, you dumb faggot?

>> No.11553070

>That art is the ultimate purpose of life, and should be held in the highest regard
you mean life is the ultimate form of art, and all the other material shit is just imitating the beauty that is youthful life, that is whats written in the book

>> No.11553073

the picture of dorIAM GrAY

it was Wilde's big coming out of the closet.

>> No.11553142

Ok. This is epic

>> No.11553149

Nigger, if I just wanted to feel some good vibes and shit through Mozart I would be having a better time getting stoned.

>> No.11553198

“Oooh la dee daa I’m an aesthete, art has no moral purpose, art is for art’s sake, banish the didacticists and moralizers!”
-Oscar Wilde
“Ps, this book I wrote has an obvious overarching moral and is essentially didactic.”
-also Oscar Wilde

>> No.11553230

Morals > aesthetics