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/lit/ - Literature

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11552319 No.11552319 [Reply] [Original]

oh god lit, what have I done?

>> No.11552331

The most fun way to read this is trying to pick out the bits that resulted in the deaths of about 100 million people. I wouldn't read it if you didn't start with the greeks.

>> No.11552333

seems as if you've photographed a copy of capital vol. 1

>> No.11552342

Hwo annyy Pageroos isent't Thater?

>> No.11552345

sick memes dude xD

>> No.11552426

what should I look out for on the genocide angle? unironically did start with the greeks

>> No.11552430

Okay, this is epic

>> No.11552438

Based senpai you just DESTROYED these LIBKEKS

>> No.11552480

what happened here?

>> No.11552487

I think that was part of the joke

>> No.11552488

I don't think karl marx is for you if your first thought was to snap a shot of your book and post it on 4chan

>> No.11552519
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Ha, great post my dude! I'd have you know that I am a CLASSIC LIBERAL myself! *smug chuckle*

>> No.11552531

bought yourself a nice doorstop

>> No.11552533

rude I have a degree in political science, I've read Marx before. I just happen to enjoy shitposting in my spare time.

>> No.11552548

>I have a degree in political science
so you're already a helpless cause who thinks liberal democracy is the greatest

>> No.11552571

the literal fuck are you talking about? do you know how much Fukuyama gets shit on in contemporary political theory?

>> No.11552593

I laughed. 8/10

>> No.11552597
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Marxist here. We actually find the genocide and gulags as hilarious.

>> No.11552644

Good bait.

>> No.11552652

Marx is overrated.
Read Engels.

>> No.11552667
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>> No.11552681

The most influential book of the past century and a half

>> No.11553120

bought a book u r 2 dumb to get

>> No.11553336
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this is actually a very good post

>> No.11553347

Anon, don't make fun of the mentally disabled, it's not nice

>> No.11553386

Communist Manifesto is what you are referring to. Capital is still a highly regarded work, even by us nazi larpers in /pol/

>> No.11553479

you bought another book that you won't make past 50 pages!

>> No.11553503

>Not getting the combined Vol 1+2 Wordsworth version

>> No.11553513

Engels described how humans evolved before it was confirmed; the true power of the dialectic.

>> No.11553937
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You are like a little baby. Just wait until you attempt to skip/"get past" the introductory matter, which goes like this.

Then you still won't have read any of the economic manuscripts running from about 1857-1864, and which are included in the MECW. You won't actually have read Smith or Ricardo, or listened to Wagner. Just give up.

>> No.11554149

We know.

>> No.11554157

you have to go back

>> No.11554159

I've read more early Marx (Paris manuscripts have been my favorite) than late and although I haven't read Ricardo I did read a shitload of Hegel to get here so I think I'll manage.

>> No.11554161

Hey girl, i can speak spanish

>> No.11554175

Imagine reading all this useless shit just so you can brag on the internet.

>> No.11554195

Empedocles beat him to it sorry pal.

>> No.11554215
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>Only sincere reply is a /pol/itipoop
Fucking kekekekekk boetry.
fuck you retard homo, go cry in ur pillow you fucking gay ass homo dork.
Unironically, really tho.

>> No.11554230


>> No.11554239

This and not this. It describes whats wrong with capitalism very well but the reasoning behind it is retarded and it has scientific pretenses that make absolutely no fucking sense.

>> No.11554252

Mandel's introduction is dogshit, and the early/late Marx is a meme. Capital was written to be understand by working-class citizens in the 1860s. The main reason it's so long is because Marx repeats himself over and over.

>> No.11554259

Damn, this got way more posts than it deserved. Adding another one, to make the screencap look better

>> No.11554274

Looks to me like you've just purchased yourself a genuine edition of Das Kapital by Marx. Now, despite what these dullards on this board may say, I for one think Karl Marx was an economic genius. After all, without him Malthus principles would have never been actualized on such a large (i.e. the millions of deaths incurred during the 20th communist regimes). Death, or at the very least wholesale slaughter under the guise of socialistic tendencies, seems to be the best thing for an economy in terms of limiting demand for otherwise useless products.

>> No.11554343


Joke's on you because I never actually read any of it. :^)

>> No.11554354


You've bought a book that you haven't read because you wanted it primarily as a commoditiy fetish. Good job!

To learn about commodity fetishism, read the book you bought!

>> No.11554864

Damn that guy looks awful

>> No.11554874

Humorous post

>> No.11554890

When does summer end?

>> No.11554902

I just wish people would stop posting an economist which relied on faulty principles to justify a regime that would have required a violent revolution in HIS inception of it, which never came to fruition anyway

>> No.11554962

>required a violent revolution in HIS inception of it
It factually would. Explain how it wouldn't.

>> No.11554971
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>mfw I like to read introductions and prefaces more than the actual book

>> No.11555029

>Capital was written to be understand by working-class citizens in the 1860s
no it wasn't. why do you think he wrote the manifesto?

>> No.11555088
File: 531 KB, 1200x1600, Diagram_of_Marx's_Dialectical_Method_17MAY2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that this is your brain on materialist dianetics

>> No.11555379

>Karl Marx: Re-read Greek tragedies in original Greek to keep his mind sharp.

>Alain Badiou: Translated The Republic from the original Greek, reimagining it with Pessoa, Beckett, Hegel and Freud.

>Jacques Derrida: Wrote about the semantics of Socrates' 'death', finding vagueness in the original Greek, i.e., Socrates may have been cured rather than killed.

>Yanis Varoufakis: Recalls stories of Athenian democracy (even the bad ones) to stress a point about the virtues of equality. Always alludes to Greek mythology.

>Vladimir Lenin: In 'State and Revolution', he assessed the nature of Athenian democracy intently.


>> No.11555397

I thought fascists were LARPers but you fat and weak commies who get beaten up in the streets everytime you come out to fight are even worse. At least fascists look like they can handle a revolution.

>> No.11555401


>> No.11555412


>> No.11555433

>nothing at all happening but a few bourgeoisie college students walking around with their faces covered up
How emberrassing

>> No.11555445

So they just walked around for a bit? Why are they all dressed the same? Brainwashed larpers. Cool video filters, though.

>> No.11555451

Do you know anything about Greek unis? They're certainly no longer bourgeois and rate lower than most colleges now. They've been poor for a while now, c'mon.

>> No.11555477

>Do you know anything about Greek unis?
Absolutely nothing. I didn't even know they were uni students. It definitely explains >>11555445 tho.

>> No.11555487
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>> No.11555494

>it's a /lit/ hasn't read the book so they try to mask it with "ironic" humor episode

>> No.11555503


>> No.11555505

I didn't say they were uni students, dingus. The anarchists I know of are all poor house squatters.

>> No.11555529

>Do you know anything about Greek unis?

>> No.11555552

>In its opening fourteen-page chapter, The Dialectic of Sex takes in Engels, Marx, Fourier, Owen, Bebel, Newton, Beauvoir, Sartre, Hegel, and Freud. If this sounds ambitious, even for 1970, it is.
Don't neglect our own living tradition now, especially not for some bourgeois fetishism with antique stage devices.

>> No.11555554

and that's a good thing

>> No.11555562

He said they were bourgeois. I said that the unis in Greece are not that anymore.

Not by international, prestigious standards, anyhow.

>> No.11555566

It must be difficult for you being so tough yet trapped behind that screen all safe and sound

>> No.11555575

He didn't say anything about himself.

>> No.11555579

i could unironically kill most commies with my bare hands in a hypothetic self defense situation. I mean i could rip their shoulders out of their sockets and crush their orbital bones in a few blows, in a hypothetical self defense situation. You fags need acid and bricks, tasers and shields to survive.

>> No.11555583
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>i could unironically kill most commies with my bare hands in a hypothetic self defense situation. I mean i could rip their shoulders out of their sockets and crush their orbital bones in a few blows, in a hypothetical self defense situation.
Lay off the Marvel comics and vidya, basedboy.

>> No.11555584

>He said they were bourgeois. I said that the unis in Greece are not that anymore.
Why link me, then? I didn't call them bourgeois.

>> No.11555585
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Sorry, my man, I apologise for the (you).

>> No.11555587

based avatarfag

>> No.11555607


>> No.11555861
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Marxists tongue my anus.

>> No.11555931


commies on suicide watch

>> No.11555952

OwO former CommiE SCuM here, People diesd? OwO communism freaky. I like Hillary now btw

>> No.11555958

it's not pretty. it's the best we've got, though, so cheer up

>> No.11555969

good goy

>> No.11555972

how does anyone survive without LSD anyway?

this isn't a funny post. 0/10


>> No.11555979

based and bluepilled

>> No.11556457

lmao that's how i felt after finishing volume 1 too. pretty sure i went to the bar right after i was done and started drinking again. don't take the marx pill

>> No.11556467

way to conflate marxism with leninism you fucking conservative brainlet pleb

>> No.11556492

>every practical implementation of a theory results in tragedy and suffering
>heh stupid plebs, don't they understand it's not the fault of theoretical framework itself *tips*
you forgot to add that socialist regimes never actually attained communism, so all the victims are actually the fault of evil capitalist pigdogs opposing them, comrade

>> No.11556505

>muh 100 million

>> No.11556507

>i'm a more faithful interpreter than Lenin
you're all so fucking boring and predictable, with maybe a dozen or so talking points you've been spouting on rotation for several decades. at least talk radio fans get a new script every couple weeks.
>uuuuuhhmmm, first comes tragedy, then the farce
wow so insightful

>> No.11556548

what parts are those?

>> No.11556570

That’s my point...

>> No.11556585
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Bukharin wrote a wonderful takedown of Böhm-Bawerk

>> No.11556647
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Read it as an example par excellence of the Talmudic mind.

>> No.11556816

We've been over this before, all he did was make spurious accusations of him being a "vulgar economist" for not adopting Marx's historical method.

>> No.11556878

Bukharin's little hissyfit was so immaterial to Böhm-Bawerk's critique that even the b-team of Austrian Economics was able to dismiss him offhand.

>> No.11556890

Jesus that's long
Isn't there a shorter version

>> No.11557386

as expected, not a single argument in sight

>> No.11557623
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>> No.11557628

where are the parts about killing 100 million people?

>> No.11557685
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>The main reason it's so long is because Marx repeats himself over and over.

You haven't read it, have you?

>> No.11557701

I've only just finished reading all three volumes of Kapital and he's not wrong. Marx likes to rephrase his points in order to show them from different angles. This is especially the case in volume 2 and 3, which to a large part consist of his unedited manuscripts.

>> No.11557719

"The last capitalist we will hang will be the one that sells us the rope." -Karl Marx

>> No.11557750


Yes, though they appertain much better in light of vol. 1 compared to vol. 2 & 3 which, as you rightly point out, are bloody drafts.

>> No.11557874 [DELETED] 


You can tell from the title of 1.1 that this whole book is bullshit. Value is entirely decided by the free market. Attempting to shoehorn in your subjective bullshit isn't going to lead to anything intellectually worthwhile.

>> No.11557884

>espouses the subjective theory of value
>"Attempting to shoehorn in your subjective bullshit isn't going to lead to anything intellectually worthwhile."
reaching levels of jogging noggings never thought possible

>> No.11557887
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>subjective bullshit


>> No.11557992

literally the whole book.

>> No.11558929


Ch. 1: Commodities

Section 1 — The Two Factors of a Commodity: Use-Value and Value (the Substance of Value and the Magnitude of Value)
Section 2 — The Two-fold Character of the Labour Embodied in Commodities
Section 3 — The Form of Value or Exchange-Value

A. Elementary or Accidental Form of Value

1. The Two Poles of the Expression of Value: Relative Form and Equivalent Form
2. The Relative Form of Value

a. The Nature and Import of this Form
b. Quantitative Determination of Relative Value

3. The Equivalent Form of Value
4. The Elementary Form of Value Considered as a Whole

B. Total or Expanded Form of Value

1. The Expanded Relative Form of Value
2. The Particular Equivalent Form
3. Defects of the Total or Expanded Form of Value

C. The General Form of Value

1. The Altered Character of the Form of Value
2. The Interdependent Development of the Relative Form of Value, and of the Equivalent Form
3. Transition from the General Form of Value to the Money-Form

D. The Money-Form

Section 4 — The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret thereof

Ch. 2: Exchange

Ch. 3: Money, or the Circulation of Commodities

Section 1 — The Measure of Values
Section 2 — The Medium of Circulation

A. The Metamorphosis of Commodities
B. The Currency of Money
C. Coin and Symbols of Value

Section 3 — Money

A. Hoarding
B. Means of Payment
C. Universal Money


>> No.11558990
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you who deny marx's importance are literally brainlets


>> No.11558997
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Meme arguments deserve meme responses

>> No.11559119

>Marxist here
Read: subhuman here
90% of people sent to gulags were small shop owners and farmers in Europe, not fascists
I really don't agree with using violence to shut down particular views, but in all honesty I think Marxists and other kinds of c*mmunists should be hanged on trees.

>> No.11559133


>> No.11559134

Come and get me, and we'll see where those stand your ground laws you love so much get you.

>> No.11559483

Beating up a Marxist would be like kicking a dog, I'd rather just remove you quickly. Suffering is unnecessary, but you pose a threat

>> No.11560523

You engaged in unethical consumption, sucker.

>> No.11560527

Stalin sure found it hilarious when he stuffed all of the Marxists in the USSR into gulags and then turned it into his personal empire.

Hey remember that time Joseph Stalin realized that Hitler was right, then started rounding up Jews before dying of a mysterious stroke after not being checked on for like sixteen hours in his own room?

I remember. Good times.

>> No.11560531
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>Sit around in the most right-wing society to ever exist and drink a tall glass of Capitalist cum every morning
>h-ha ha I sure s-showed those fascists by sitting around doing nothing ha ha

What is it Marx said, every great historical tragedy reemerges as comedy? Manifestly obvious that he got at least one thing right.

>> No.11560638

>muh famines

>> No.11560654


>> No.11560659

Like I said, come to my house or my job and eat a bullet.

>> No.11560970

it's even more fun to go through all of Locke/Smith to pick out the bits that resulted in the hundreds of millions of deaths under capitalism we're still suffering

>> No.11561077

>Start with the greeks

>> No.11561108

jesus christ /lit/ btfo

>> No.11561133


Pretty disgusting desu. A perversion and inversion of Hegels Mind/Matter dichotomy and the replacment of God by the means of production.

>> No.11561321
File: 57 KB, 1100x733, 6980828c0c3af2f4f03ca73336a9ea2c717c1e0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They guy advocating wholesale theft demands that someone else come and rustle him

How about you go and try to redistribute the wealth so that the police can redistribute your intestines on the pavement, thief. Your entire ideology from bottom to top is about theft, so what are you going to do lad?

We've already seen criminals like you try it, and most of them spent their short lives having their kneecaps popped off by Pinochet's brave soldiers. Every second you don't spend starting REVOLUTION (i.e. giving Jews the power to murder goyim) you're just sipping that porky cum right out of the bottle.

>> No.11561327

You need to go back.

>> No.11561336

Wasn't literally all he said wrong?

>> No.11561337

This wasn't even that great a post, just goes to show how absolutely ass-blasted commies are about literally nothing they do working

>> No.11561343
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Oh we're back, alright.

>> No.11561363

Nice dubs