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File: 163 KB, 600x962, Dante_Gabriel_Rossetti_-_The_Damsel_of_the_Sanct_Grael_(1874).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11551984 No.11551984 [Reply] [Original]

Evola has inspired me to try nofap again with this quote:

"According to secret traditions, man possesses the principle of an eminently virile force that, once freed from matter, is believed to manifest itself as a magical and commanding power. Such force is paralyzed by sexuality, unless sexuality is given a particular orientation. The woman acts in a lethal way on this force when she awakens desire in the initiate, drawing him into a sexual intercourse aimed at procreation; and since the power of magical and supermaterial virility is that which allows one to 'cross over the river of death,' once can rightly speak of a 'slow death which woman imparts.' Thus we can see a new aspect of the symbolism of a man who paradoxically turns into a woman as soon as he desires a woman, and especially at the time when he engages in sexual intercourse."

Hopefully, I'll get some dope magical powers soon. Anyways, post nofap motivation quotes from literature to help me on my journey of BTFO'ing the fapjew.

>> No.11551987

Are you a virgin? You know you can't ever become a wizard if you're not

>> No.11552000

Whats the thing with no fap?
Do you think you're prepared to never masturbate again for the rest of your life or do you just do it constantly over longer periods of time?
Sure its just a temporary discipline, how could you know you wouldn't masturbate years from now on?

>> No.11552003

is this from Yoga of Power?

>> No.11552011

And yet, most of the powerful, commanding men in history had sexual conquests a mile wide.

Has anyone in history ever considered that, maybe, sex really doesn't mean all that much beyond reproduction and a bit of fun?

>> No.11552030

while your dubs speak the truth, his 1984 speaks of fear. it is not desire which had them to fuck women, evola himself had multiple bastards and mistresses. They didn't conquer for women, they gained women by conquering

It's like when Chad says "just don't give a fuck about them and they'll come to you", if you focus on not giving a fuck you are giving a fuck

>> No.11552038

Exactly this, sexuality isn't the problem, it is the expression of need, and its precisely with sexuality that an inner deficiency is most visible

>> No.11552049

Nofap is dangerous. In the year I went without polishing the old mayonnaise cannon I managed to swell my prostate to such a degree that I required prescription drugs to piss. Also, I ejaculated when the urologist conducted my prostate exam and that was embarrassing (though apparently not too uncommon).

>> No.11552063
File: 151 KB, 612x861, Nietzsche_1862a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans).”
-Nietzsche’s NOTES (1880-1881)

>> No.11552073

I would disagree on one of your points. Specifically the suggestion that nobody in power (or similar) has ever conquered or killed to obtain women and sex.

And yet, people have killed for so much less. What is worse: killing when you have a biological imperative (reproduction), or killing when you have plenty of a thing, but simply want more or the thing? money for example. I would argue that doing wrong because of a biological push, while still wrong, is far more understandable than doing so out of greed.

>> No.11552125
File: 180 KB, 796x1600, 1532259277329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not. I unironically wish I was though. I feel like being a virgin would be nice. The women I slept with were mostly poisonous individuals and really just drained me emotionally and spiritually for a few years of my life until I started ignoring women for the most part.

Well, I usually just go as long as I can. Typically I experience benefits within a day or so (more energy is the big one). I don't think I could go forever, but the benefits of not fapping seem to make it a worthwhile endeavor, even if I know I'll probably break the streak sometime.

No, it's from The Mystery of the Grail. I feel like he expands on this stuff in his Eros, but I haven't read it yet. Soon hopefully.

>> No.11552157
File: 1.22 MB, 993x3657, evola slavros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i already read Mystery of the Grail must have forgotten that one. are you using the slavros list or the hyper chart?

>> No.11552179

One, That’s a very vague claim which needs examples.

Two, you could make just as interesting a claim that many geniuses and heroes were celibate for extended periods of time — da Vinci, Goethe (theorized he lost his virginity at 30 despite being an Uber-masculine sexual powerhouse), Newton, Tesla, and Kant are some examples.

>> No.11552236
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hyper chart

>> No.11552241

Yeah, it's where he's talking about the knights who were turned to women vs. the knights who weren't when they obtained a woman after some heroic feats. The first case the knights were pursuing the women, the second case the women were just an extra benefit to the quest. Something like that.

And I started following the hyper chart recently but I've read 3 books by Evola before. What you posted looks nice, I'll try to figure out a good reading order.

>> No.11552526

Most fighters abstain from sex before their fights because they recognize the benefits it has when it's time to do battle.

>> No.11552527

I only read Mystery and Hermetic Tradition, going through the Slavros List myself and Introduction to Magic is a tough read in comparison which is saying something cause Hermetic was tough

>> No.11552541

Conor McGregor has sex before a fight.

Really makes you think.

>> No.11552550

Underrated post

>> No.11552590

>a manchild modern barbarian copulates like an animal before he beats another man half to death before a frenzied, diabetic multitude

Why would you willingly electrocute yourself with an orgasm and evacuate your vital fluids into some repulsive flesh whore, literally to receive nothing in return except the savage's satisfaction?

>> No.11552636

>Why would you willingly electrocute yourself with an orgasm and evacuate your vital fluids into some repulsive flesh whore, literally to receive nothing in return except the savage's satisfaction?
Well, you need something to do between heroin if you're in Dublin. If they just let him do drugs, you'd not be bothered by him.

>> No.11552660

It's a general rule of conquest: when you conquer the land, you also conquer the women. Genghis Khan would be the biggest example.

The claim isn't that sex is good, it's that it doesn't matter one way or the other.
Yes, Tesla was a celibate genius. Richard Feynman was not. Da Vinci was, Einstein was not. Sex doesn't matter - so long as you don't let it control you.

>> No.11552716

Where is Kellogg when you need him?
Is he taking the summer off?
I liked his anti masturbation crusade here.

>> No.11552720

A literal mongoloid isn't among the best humans ever.
A fraud.

>> No.11552729

I get wet dreams if I no gap, it's annoying

>> No.11552971

Wet dreams are apparently only pre-cum. They don't break your no-fap streak and don't sap your bodily of its precious essence.

>> No.11552974

Yeah, imagine how good he'd be if he didn't have sex. Really makes you think. Maybe he would've beat Diaz.

>> No.11552987
File: 17 KB, 499x499, cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explains why he's always exhausted by the 3rd round!

>> No.11552995

>Pre cum
That is bs, it's full on jizz.
You can stop them if you really try in the last moments but it's super hard to break the dreem.

>> No.11553008

you have to de-program your sexuality to the point it doesn't even occur in your dreams

i've gone 2 weeks without wet dreams like it's nothing

>> No.11553036

Well if I shave something to do it's not to hard, but if it's nothing, then all it takes is a few Jezabell post or checking biz and it's over. Or some sex scene in a book.

>> No.11553060
File: 54 KB, 540x960, absoluteState.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love esoteric inspiration like this, here is one by Schopenhauer that is not so esoteric but rather realistic.
"Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered,
broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up.
More fittingly than the fair sex, women could be called the unaesthetic sex.
Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered,
broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up.
More fittingly than the fair sex, women could be called the unaesthetic sex.'

>> No.11553065

>Thus we can see a new aspect of the symbolism of a man who paradoxically turns into a woman as soon as he desires a woman, and especially at the time when he engages in sexual intercourse."
I guess this explains the explosion of gays and trannies since the sexual revolution in the 60's.

>> No.11553069

trying to stay busy so you don't have to think about it is counterproductive, you gotta tear it out by stem, I don't mean being a neurotic fucking wreck with regards to sexuality but you have to go into that shit full-bore my friend. if you can't resist a couple jezebels you're not making any real progress, just putting it out of sight and out of mind

an alcoholic trying to get off the sauce should be able to have a bottle right in front of him and resist the urge to down it, otherwise that dependency will always exist in you and you'll never have really conquered it

>> No.11553081

I don't have problems of its infronof me, but when I fall asleep...

>> No.11553099

try to meditate and keep your awareness grounded throughout the day, you'll be able to catch yourself lapsing into those patterns in your dreams.

trust me when your dream self is on nofap that's when you know you're on your shit

>> No.11553128

> That is bs, it's full on jizz.


>> No.11553154

>Conor "Easy Work" McGregor

>> No.11553171

>they haven't actually read the metaphysics of sex
No its actually about being with roasties but absolutely NOT cumming in order to transcend into the perennial Tranny Hermaphrodite. Evola was left hand path and more similar to Crowley than any altright faggots.

>> No.11553206

Genghis Khan is a nothing, any bonehead with a certain (cunning, ruthless) personality, connections, and luck (and the cunning, of course, to notice and pounce on these lucky times/situations) can become a great dictator. Worthless, sociopathic.

You say sex doesn’t matter as long as you don’t let it control you — I agree with that. However, perhaps for some people, celibacy is a good way of not letting it control way. I have no doubt sexual energy can be sublimated, transmuted, directed towards other ends.

>> No.11553271

Wet dreams occur almost entirely from the buildup of cowper's fluid. There is some prostatic fluid ejected out but seminal fluid from the vesicles and sperm is largely absent.
Anyone who has woken during a wet dream will note the consistency is much different than that of a voluntary ejaculation.
The body breaks down and recycles seminal fluid and sperm from the testes frequently. The turnaround time for sperm is roughly an hour.

The idea that semen is a waste fluid that fills up the scrotum and has to be ejected lest a wet dream occurs is rooted in a total ignorance of basic anatomy and physiology.

>> No.11553323

>some prostate fluid
That's the troubling thing. If you don't flush it out your prostate will get swollen, no? So you have to masturbate or have sex.
or massage your prostate

>> No.11553338

Prostatic fluid is almost entirely produced in the moments leading up to ejaculation.

>> No.11553357

Then how is tantric or blue balling or whatever not the worst thing ever? If you get close and don’t release you are hurting yourself.

>> No.11553379

>Genghis Khan is a nothing, any bonehead with a certain (cunning, ruthless) personality, connections, and luck (and the cunning, of course, to notice and pounce on these lucky times/situations) can become a great dictator. Worthless, sociopathic.
Be careful not to sprain your wrists with all that hand waving you're doing.

>> No.11553420

First, I do not practice either of those things and am inclined to agree with you that doing tantric sex or edging is going to be extremely uncomfortable and may be unhealthy.

It is possible to be entirely abstinent without incurring vasocongestion. The trick is to not allow arousal to occur in the first place. This is difficult for many but it is possible. I have gone over 6 months without release without the slightest bit of discomfort.

Kellogg likened it to throwing up. You only feel the urge to after gorging yourself. Likewise, the consequence of mental incontinence, leads to release.

>> No.11553427


2352 By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action." "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved."

>> No.11553433

Interesting. Thanks for the discussion anon.

>> No.11553452

This is a retreat from earlier church dogma which held that all sex outside of procreation was immoral. While not imposed strictly on the public ever, this indeed effect the clerics of the church, even when celibacy was not the norm. Sexual restraint built and sustained the oldest organization in existence.
It predates Christianity. Rufus and his contemporary Roman philosophers were the most influential in shaping these attidudes. Before them, Pythagoras is thought to have heavily advocated sexual restraint.

>> No.11553774

Where is Kellogg when you need him? :(

>> No.11553822

>Emission not Necessary to Health.
>—If it be argued that an occasional emission is necessary to relieve the overloaded seminal vesicles, we reply, the same argument has been used as an apology for unchastity; but it is equally worthless in both instances. It might be as well argued that vomiting is a necessary physiological and healthful act, and should occur with regularity, because a person may so overload his stomach as to make the act necessary as a remedial measure. Vomiting is a diseased action, a pathological process, and is occasioned by the voluntary transgression of the individual. Hence, it is as unnecessary as gluttony, and must be wasteful of vitality, even though rendered necessary under some circumstances. So with emissions. If a person allows his mind to dwell upon unchaste subjects, indulges in erotic dreams, and riots in mental lasciviousness, he may render an emission almost necessary as a remedial effort. Nevertheless, he will suffer from the loss of the vital fluid just the same as though he had not, by his own concupiscence, rendered it in some degree necessary. And as it would have been infinitely better for him to have retained and digested food in his stomach instead of ejecting it—provided it were wholesome food—so it would have been better for him to have retained in his system the seminal fluid, which would have been disposed of by the system and probably utilized to very great advantage in the repair of certain of the tissues.
Plain facts for old and young
By John Harvey Kellogg page 357.

>> No.11553833

He was actually way ahead of his time in terms of the understanding of habit.

>> No.11553844

Let the vril energy flow brother

>> No.11554064
File: 1.17 MB, 1145x904, 1526574563880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal"
2 Corinthians 4:18 King James Version (KJV)
Your body is seen. You soul is not seen.
Your body is temporal.Your soul is eternal.
Needs of your body are temporal.Needs of your soul are eternal.
Chose wisely.

>> No.11554150

Abstinence is of benefit to the body.

>> No.11554225

that fuck advocated for male and female genital mutilation

>> No.11554443

just had my 5th-7th orgasm of the day lads

>> No.11554450

anyone got any screenshots of this guy?

>> No.11554468
File: 1.86 MB, 500x298, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precious bodily fluids thread?

>> No.11554480

Low iq decadents hate Masturbation. One must find a way to masturbate even if one does not tug the old jack in the box... Sublimate or perish.

>> No.11554508

The church dogma is the same. I don’t know why you think non-procreative sex is considered licit after reading that

>> No.11554521
File: 234 KB, 460x1227, FA60ABDD-5E2E-42E2-A7D3-82E24B2FFB0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11554924

>so long as you don't let it control you
What exactly does this mean? Why would you ever yield to the sexual impulse of your own free will?

>> No.11555075
File: 39 KB, 325x499, De Arte Magica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of certain Hindu theories
>Like the Jews, the wise men of India have a belief that a certain particular Prana, or force, resides in the Bindu, or semen. But all their theory of magick and meditation being a reverbatory, so that their "communing with God", is but a "communing with Self", and all their artifice directed to development of the powers in their own bodies and minds, as opposed to the Western idea of extending those powers to bear sway over others, we find naturally that just as they seek to restrain the breath altogether, or to avoid its violent extrusion from the nostrils, lest the Prana thereof be lost to them, and as they even practice to suck up water into the rectum, so that in defaecation they may be able to retain the Apana, or particular virtue thereof, and replace it in the Svadistthana-cakkra, so also much more do they extravagantly labour to retain the prime Prana of life, the Bindu.

>Therefore they stimulate to the maximum its generation by causing a consecrated prostitute to excite the organs, and at the same time vigorously withhold by will. After some little exercise they claim that they can deflower as many as eighty virgins in a night without losing a single drop of the Bindu. Nor is this ever to be lost, but reabsorbed through the tissues of the body. The organs thus act as a siphon to draw constantly fresh supplies of life from the cosmic reservior, and flood the body with their fructifying virtue.

>> No.11555081

>Of certain Jewish theories
>Among the Jews are certain instructed Initiates of their Qabalah who hold, as We understand, the view that in the Zraa or Semen itself lies a creative force inherent which cannot be baulked. Thus they say that before Eve was made, the dreams of Adam produced Lilith, a demon, and that from his intercourse with her sprang evil races.

>In other language, this is their theory: the act of love causes a magical disturbance in the Aether of Akasa of such a nature as to attract or create a discarnate human spirit.

>All other sexual acts involving emission of semen therefore attract or other spirits, incomplete and therefore evil. Thus nocturnal pollutions bring succubi, which are capable of separate existence, and of vampirising their creator.

>But voluntary sterile acts create demons, and (if done with concentration and magical intention), such demons as may subserve that intention. Thus, as Levi testifieth, to graft a tree successfully, the graft is fixed by a woman while the man copulateth with her per vas nefandum.

>> No.11555185

I don't know I feels quite normal, but that my be my half asleep state.

>> No.11555458

were you edging like a filthy degen

>> No.11555527

Day 2, lets go

>> No.11555570

do not listen to anything incels say ever
its a useless value judgement and worthless in the face of power. If you aren’t fucking you’re a eunach and mentally ill its that simple

>> No.11555574

N was a volcel

>> No.11555581

Newton, Tesla and Kant were fucking autists though. Goethe however was a real man.

>> No.11555595

what dis meen

>> No.11555602

But Tesla is married to Grimes

>> No.11555608

Jesus, I hadn't heard about that. Musk is a fucking autist too. I hope Grimes marries then divorces him for billions.

>> No.11555682

You might find what Miguel Serrano has to write regarding the asag as something very interesting and complimentary on this field, and also the kularnava tantra of the vamacara tradition.

>> No.11555686

All genuine esoteric paths involve sublimation of the sexual energies. The important element is that it must be coupled with the Conscious Will, guiding it into the heart and anja eye. This is alchemy, and will produce a nigredo of absolute dispersion before the Spark is attained in crossing the abyss. Crowley knew this, but was unable to maintain perfect continence and fell into a degenerate seminal praxis in his later years.

>> No.11555783

The more I read Evola's books and read his quotes the more I hate/love him

He's such a fucking pretentious spergy faggot, but also so interesting

>> No.11557282

Bump for great bundhi retention during the maithuna and great astral energy gains during nofap

>> No.11557438

Who cares about conquerors? They just cause death, destruction, and misery. They don’t count in my definition of “great men”. Sure, they have more ruthlessness, practicality, and shrewdness than the average man.

>> No.11557447

what about napoleon
surely he fits any criteria of greatness

>> No.11557453

2 year no fap by now, I can alter reality mildly by now.

>> No.11557516

what if i just want to have sex bro

>> No.11557520
File: 246 KB, 1097x1600, 14-Temperance-Art-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keys to the sanctuary.

>> No.11557691

Can you make my hair grow back?

>> No.11557708

Good article, probably written by one of us, on the matter:

>> No.11557743
File: 74 KB, 1128x2156, 1523049482974-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im on nofap right now, havent unloaded in about a week and a half, which is by far the longest I have ever gone without it since my peepee started getting hard. First nofap of my life. And i gotta say, its crazy. I dont know how to harness this power yet so ive just been laying low. Went to the gas station last night to get some beer to calm my nerves a bit and saw a black girl wearing tiny little skimpy shorts, held the door for her and she said "thank you :)" and boyyy my heart started racing and I felt like a violent jungle beast, im breathing heavy right now just thinking about her and my knuckles are flexing and aching and I want to kill my dad worse than ever
TLDR nofap is equivalent to steroids

>> No.11557758

Why don't you nerds do something actually useful like alternate day fasting?
Don't you want to live twice as long based on animal models instead of following some meme sex schedule from mystics and cereal magnates?

>> No.11557803


>> No.11557817

quality post

>> No.11558020

black girl butts are divine

>> No.11558100


>> No.11558107

Is Evola actually where this meme came from?

>> No.11558490


>> No.11558552

Now this is epic, get lil afropuss, also your dad prob deserves it

>> No.11558594

I just finished scanning a chapter of book and turned it into TIFF format and I feel that I want to fap.

So I guess it's true. If my desire of fapping was satisfied I wouldn't want to scan the book.

>> No.11559135

>Gengis Khan is a nothing

Get a load of this guy

>> No.11559150

Did he make corn flakes as a tool to prevent fapping in youth or is that just an urban legend?

>> No.11560170

So, will you guys go for the "dry way", or for the "wet way" when it comes to tantric maithuna?

>> No.11560268

Jews didnt mutilate my penis when I was born so I do it the normal way.

>> No.11560857


>> No.11561116

the entire reason behind ancient no-fap traditions is because they thought that the sleepiness, relaxation and gradual numbing of dopamine circuits induced by masturbation was indicative of a great loss of power.

basically it's all based upon primitive and half-correct science and you should stop falling for this pajeet-tier shit.

>> No.11561159

Interesting. He criticized Schopenhauer's entire philosophy for being ultimately life-denying. Schopenhauer is very clear that abstaining from sex should be the endgame of anyone who really understands what he's saying about the Will (along with dying of hunger on a mountain.)

The thing is that having lots of sex, while tiring, should be right up Nietzsche's alley as it goes diametrically against what both Schopenhauer and Christianity stand for. Not to mention the only two examples Nietzsche really gives of historical Übermenschen, Napoleon and Goethe, were both intense womanizers.

Handling your sex life, and knowing that for a fact you can get laid if you put your mind to it, is incredibly freeing and gives you a lot of power and confidence. Every young man should make it his primary goal to get his sex life handled - otherwise you'll just be a slave to women. It's analogous to the apparent paradox that only the ultra-rich can afford not to CARE about money because it's simply too abundant to put much importance in it.

>> No.11561190

>All genuine esoteric paths involve sublimation of the sexual energies.
Simply a lie. Lots of pagan cults, both Roman/Greek and European, practiced all kinds of sex and orgies during their rituals.

>> No.11561203

He is writing from the perspective of the priest caste I think, how they have attained strength (or illusion of it) differently to the warrior caste.

>> No.11561566
File: 78 KB, 960x960, 1531600591989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I haven't fapped since I made this. Day three today, friends.

>> No.11561584

>counting days
not gonna make it

>> No.11561855

I know, anon. I thought that maybe I shouldn't count the days because the primary goal of not fapping isn't simply to not fap, but to get harness magical virility. Let me just scratch the two carvings out of my wall..

>> No.11561887

Wet dreem annon here, had one yesterday and it's because I sleep on my stomach and my dick rubs and gets comperesed.
So annoying. I still can't tell from if was jizz or pseudo jizz.

>> No.11561921

>that image
>being proud of being a whore
just fucking flood the world already Noah

>> No.11562305

High-IQ post

>> No.11562342

Alma Mahler was a based whore though.

>> No.11562392

Some advice for the OP based on experience:
No fap on its own is not sufficient. You also have to oractice the other "five Yamas"
- Satya (truthfulness)
- Ahimsa (non-violence); this doesn't mean being a pacificist, as violence may be necessary in the course of fulfilling one's "caste duties" or one's svadharma. Ahimsa does nt only mean physical violence, but also unpleasant or rude behavior, even negative thoughts toward others.
- Asteya (not stealing); can also be extended to not accepting gifts (unless this would offend the offering party)
- Brahmacharya (sexual restraint), meaning abstinence if unmarried and fidelity to one's wife/wives/concubines if married. Also includes not "checking girls out" in public (avert your gaze), not harboring lustful thoughts, etc
- aparigraha (non possessiveness, non avarice); not desiring things that don't belong to you, not envying, not being attached to your possesions.

One of the purposes of nofap is to accumulate energy for spiritual efforts, but if you're wasting energy on anger, negativity, etc chastity is rendered pointless.

>> No.11562400


>> No.11562406
File: 1.14 MB, 1204x889, 1532676861682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed Sigmund, nobody's buying your theories.

>> No.11562426

What the fuck is wrong with you dumb motherfuckers? Making a big deal out of feel-good touching your dick. Shit doesn't mean anything.

>> No.11562448

It means a lot of things, especially for men who can't get sex easily. It's easy to turn jerking off into a hobby where you're low-level dopamine stimming yourself to wet fart porn like a disgusting goblin.

>> No.11562453

t. utilitarian hedonist

>> No.11562459

very high IQ post

>> No.11562464
File: 44 KB, 1006x906, 1532467037461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we find naturally that just as they seek to restrain the breath altogether, or to avoid its violent extrusion from the nostrils, lest the Poopoo thereof be lost to them, and as they even practice to suck up water into the rectum, so that in defaecation they may be able to retain the Apoopoo, or particular virtue thereof, and replace it in the Splashy-cakka, so also much more do they extravagantly labour to retain the prime Poopoo of life, the Bidet.

>> No.11562490

Sounds incredibly unimportant. If I have nothing better to do some days, I'll jerk off twice or even thrice. If I end up having something to do the next day, then I do it, have no thoughts about masturbation, and if I've tired myself out through whatever activity I've engaged in, then I usually have no desire to fap. Fapping isn't gonna make you do nothing, you fap because you already aren't doing anything.

>> No.11562499

This article is /lit/ af http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeII/Blake.html

>> No.11562514

>Evola has inspired me
stopped reading there

>> No.11562518
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Try to refute it

>> No.11562530

> thrice

opinion disregarded. fuck off

>> No.11562549

Thanks for this. Out of all those the one I need to work on most is ahimsa, especially as regards negative thoughts about people as I often have those. I understand that not fapping isn't enough and I'm hoping to channel my energies into better things. I think I'm doing well so far.

>> No.11562555

obvious leftypol is obvious

>> No.11562561

Damn....now I'm cum thirsty.

>> No.11562595

ETL-kun should kindly fuck off.

>> No.11562619
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> tfw edged the hell out of it
> constant prostate inflammation, ejaculation doesn't help

Welp, I guess I'm going full monk mode a few months as well.

>> No.11562692


>> No.11562903
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>It's a general rule of conquest: when you conquer the land, you also conquer the women
yeah because woman sprout from the land like mushrooms, conquer the land means conquer the mushrooms. This is absolute garbage. Men died in combat and women and children were sold as slaves to pay the costs of war you retard, since they were often times the only spoils of conquering a fucking farming village,
typical of ghengis cunt who never conquered castles or kingdoms with actual gold or wealth and only had the option of selling the villagers as slaves to acquire wealth for his army.

Its also a general rule of homosexuality that youre a faggot

>> No.11563180

Anyone here tried self-flagellation when you get urges?

I sometimes hit myself with a knotted length of rope when I feel aroused at home and I dig my thumb nail into my hand when I see slatterns prancing around in the gym, stops the urges right in their tracks.

Might be a tad unhealthy but I finally got to 10 days clean today

>> No.11563194


>> No.11564207

you need to be put in chastity o.O

>> No.11565578

Boy Sminem

>> No.11565637

Unironically on week 5 of nofap.

>> No.11566869
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This is moronic. The only things contrary to bad things are other bad things. The Good does not deny, it supersedes.

>> No.11566885

>pajeet tier
>mentioned in the Bible
>Jesus and the Holy See have warned about it countless times
>da joos literally wrote in the Talmud that masturbation weakens the strength of the nation
>every single great civilization has used marriage and anti-masturbatory policies

Yes no fap is very poo in loo

>> No.11566893

>uses nigga
>still surprised at the level of whoredom
Don’t you know that sheboons and whites that hang around blacks are the biggest whores? It’s literally a part of the culture

>> No.11567779

People who read evola are legitimate brainlets

>> No.11568195
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How so?

>> No.11568217

It's funny that nofap advocates seem to post this a lot when Nietzsche:

1. disliked priests, and wasn't praising them in that line.
2. used virgin as an attack on Mainländer.

>> No.11568224

Non sequitur, the post.

>> No.11568230

What do you think is a non sequitur there?

>> No.11568240

>He said these things, therefore that statement is invalid

>> No.11568254

I didn't say the statement is invalid. Nietzsche is just a terrible person to use when trying to push advocacy for nofap. From TI:

>The same means, castration and extirpation, are instinctively chosen for waging war against a passion, by those who are too weak of will, too degenerate, to impose some sort of moderation upon it; by those natures who, to speak in metaphor (—and without metaphor), need la Trappe, or some kind of ultimatum of war, a gulf set between themselves and a passion. Only degenerates find radical methods indispensable: weakness of will, or more strictly speaking, the inability not to react to a stimulus, is in itself simply another form of degeneracy.

>> No.11568425

yeah but nofap can be a neurotic shitshow or just someone finally buckling down and getting a handle on the stimulus. what you posted only applies to people who keep "reifying" nofap in their minds, counting days, posting about it, etc.

>> No.11568897

jew alert jew alert

>> No.11570393


>> No.11570403

Your life is about to get very difficult psychologically unless you start lifting weights

>> No.11570573

well yeah pure nofap is stupid but so is marathon milking all ur mana and giving it to internet jezebels.

what would evola have thought of watching porn without wanking. The impetuous feeling it gives you surely means something in the metaphysical sphere.

>> No.11570611

This doesn't contradict his statement at all. The libido needs to directed by the Will into higher centers. Nietzsche is impenetrable because people don't place him into a Hermetic context.

>> No.11570675

any good hermetic nietzsche scholarship you aware of?

>> No.11570686

>half-correct science
the modern superstition of facts is half-correct, traditions which incorporated intelligible realities into a transcendent view of the world and the human soul are correct science.

>> No.11570694

Are you rusing me?
Nietzsche is entry-tier high school philosophy.

>> No.11570699

it's a bit of both man, it's an unearthly genesis like the chicken and the egg.

if you wank to dominatrixes 10 times in a day, you're going to feel less self-confident and less keen on going out the next day. while you're stuck at home in the porn bubble (which is part porn and part you) one of the most fun and easy things to do is wank to dominatrixes again.

>> No.11570704

what's it called in english?

>> No.11570832

i read inspiring works of literature and transcendent esoteric philosophers like evola and guenon and they make me want to live a more dignified, less decadent life

but im fuckin fiending a cone and all i want to do is smoke it and watch some fucked up porn and maybe pick up some sluts when i pick myself up or just learn to harness anti-mana.

degeneracy pretty clearly doesn't preclude you from creative pursuits but does it make a satisfying life, complete 'individuation' or an authentic connection with/initiation into the transcendent dimension impossible?

cunt theres some hot sluts on femdom porn but i just hate seeing dicks, so then i just watch videos of sluts beating the shit out of each other. i've watched heaps, i just love seeing those whores cry. now i kinda wanna be one of the little sluts getting kicked in the face because these destroyer-type women are the sexiest, so i kick myself in the face each day w/ a bit of weed and drift away to the sexy succubus chamber.
duality of man is a strange thing eh, haven't even smoked a cone or wanked today and rn i'm feeling my 'transcendent'self building up and the degenerate voice getting quieter. but i''m not sure if the templar cunt's got a book in him where as the pit-dweller misanthrope degenerate definitely has some cool shit to say, even if he is afflicted.

>> No.11570858

i'm assuming you live in California and i'm saying this completely seriously : i really think you need to seek professional psychiatric help

>> No.11570876

He says the most manly thing you can do is fuck another man you nimrod.

>> No.11570911

damn, one time i just put unreconstructed thought into a 4chan post and this is the first reply.

but aren't psychs a bit fucked? YOu put a lot of trust in a psych revealing the movements of your mind and asking them to fit it into their framework. they're not explicitly evil but like most humans their impulses, ideas, and moods are mostly just gonna be capricious. They're professionals at a job and consequentially their highest object is just gonna be getting through the day. I wouldn't want to get hit with an anti-depressant prescription i don't need or some shit advice that fucks me any further just because some bloke missed his morning coffee.

in the olden days i reckon the function of psychiatrists would largely be served by priests, maybe i should go to one of those instead

i'm in rural australia (about an hours drive from melbourne) btw, if any other edgy cunts or dilletantes want to meet up and discuss ideas we dont fully understand or just kill time, go to gigs n shit, i'd be down.

>> No.11570939

fuck there are so many jezebels on the internet, every second i spend in this strange autistic mindscape im called by their siren songs

>> No.11570960

Where's the lie in that tho?

>> No.11571072
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>destroyer-type women are the sexiest, so i kick myself in the face each day w/ a bit of weed

>> No.11571098

you have felt this feel too?

>> No.11571123

said author also advocates ganja + being trampled beneath Kali's feet (and the virtues of semen retention, of course)

>> No.11571132
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What's this about feet and trampling?

>> No.11571144

How long can this last? Won't you eventually be btfoing your pud again?

>> No.11571153

is there any revelation in the sensation of pain?
does overloading the body with tactile anti-sensation produce catharsis or is it just a porn myth? only asking bc i havent even read the upanishads yet so it seems abit excessive to read some guy's interpretation of hindu doctrine, like reading the summa theologica before u read the bible
do the sacred hindu texts have answers to these questions?

>> No.11571448

proud of u, son

>> No.11571820

>This doesn't contradict his statement at all.
It contradicts his status as a positive role model for nofap, however.

>> No.11571836
