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/lit/ - Literature

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11551260 No.11551260 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my 2 first bookes. I hope reading becomes the my next thing. Vidya and lifting has been for years and now i hope to get into philosophy specifically but also read about anything i find interesting.

>> No.11551277
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Fuck video fucking games, keep lifting and I hope to God you start reading and enjoy it.

>> No.11551282

Also start with the Greeks.

>> No.11551404

Good luck, you're gonna need it, especially if you have big expectations and no experience

>> No.11551458
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Thank you. I guess time will tell

>> No.11551462

you're in for some shit. i hope you're good at abstract thinking

>> No.11551463

>he didn't start with the greeks

>> No.11551490

I've read like 20+ books so far and I STILL haven't read any of "The Greeks".

>> No.11551502

Imagine wasting your time reading Spinoza’s autistic proofs

>> No.11551529
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I think i'm fairly decent at abstract thinking but we'll see. Is it not a prerequisite for having an interest in these books in the first place anyway?

What are some good books then?

>> No.11551540

The fact that your first instinct was to take a picture of them and post them on the internet instead of actually reading them tells me you might read the first 50-100 pages of one of those and then give up. Then you'll go back to video games and this will be yet another one of the projects you started for five minutes and then never continued. Enjoy.

>> No.11551549

Yes, i'm sorry. Next time i make a thread it will be unrelated or maybe even slightly related if i feel kinda whack that day. Maybe apu or wojack xD

>> No.11551652

>good books
How about some fiction you faggot?

>> No.11551738

Like what?

>> No.11551752

>I've read like 20+ books
Wow, damn

>> No.11551901

So you've never touched a book in your life, and you're starting with Schopenhauer and Spinoza? Good luck kiddo. Like >>11551540 said, if your first instinct is to post pictures of the books you purchased online, then philosophy might not be your thing.

>> No.11551942

Schopenhauer is best starting point after greeks

>> No.11551998

bad advice, whenever someone tries to start with the greeks, especially a beginner, they usually end up getting bored and discouraged to read, just read what you like.
and honestly the only greek philosophers worth reading are the presocratics plato fucked it up afterwards.
spinoza is the GOAT. that said op he is pretty hard to read good luck fren schops is at least easy to read. if you have trouble reading spinoza look up stanford ep for guidance and also look up deleuze's lectures online they are pretty accessible.

ganbatte anon :3

>> No.11552016

>Starting at Spinoza
G l o o p B o p S n e e z l e F i b Z o r p

>> No.11552045

I don't get it. Explain to me why posting a picture of the 2 books i talk about in the OP means philosophy might not be my thing?

>> No.11552130

>and honestly the only greek philosophers worth reading are the presocratics plato fucked it up afterwards.
yeah dude reading fragments and extremely contextual ionian greek shit is hella fun

>> No.11552306

Schopenhauer is accessible enough, but I'm pretty sure there are a couple of essays in E&A that our vidya autist here is never going to comprehend. He's accessible for a newcomer to philosophy, not to a person who never read a book in his life.

Just read the books you fag and you'll find for yourself. A lover of wisdom doesn't seek validation from autists on the internet.

>> No.11552771

I don't like your fucking attitude

>> No.11552790

Not bad for your first two. You should have just gone with Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung instead of shope's essays. Good luck especially with Ethics. That's like trying to read the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus as a highschool senior.

>> No.11552875

the ethics was a bad choice (that's a real big boy book). if you are looking for philosophy, grab some platonic dialogs, the enchiridion, fear and trembling, and a neech reader

>> No.11552975


Lifting? I am literally typing this between deadlift sets. Philosophy you say, here's something to help you on your way my /fitlit/ friend


Also here's the lit wiki
