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11546565 No.11546565 [Reply] [Original]

>buy English translation of a philosophy book
>entire Latin and Greek sentences left untranslated with no footnotes

>> No.11546568

>What is google?

>> No.11546570

> he doesn't know Latin and Greek

>> No.11546583

And I could have used google to translate the entire fucking book from Italian or German or whatever language it was. I bought an English translation, not an Italian -> English translation. I'm not paying the translator to do half a job

>> No.11546615

The Italian or German philosopher left the phrase in untranslated Latin or Greek for a reason
That would be like translating the French Dostoevsky used in his books into English in the English translation

>> No.11546620

But without a footnote? That's just retarded.

>> No.11546689

Mildly educated people are expected to know these languages, my dude.

>> No.11546710

This isn't 200 years ago, my dude. Science has replaced knowledge of Greek and Latin and poetry as the common indicator of intelligence. Telling the common person that you know Ancient Greek and Latin is likely to get you at best an "oh, that's cool" (or more likely they'll think you're autistic for wasting time learning them), whereas telling them you know calculus and physics will get you an "oh, you must be smart"!.

>> No.11546721

And yet, here you are, unable to read simple quotations.

>> No.11546725

Go read a science book then

>> No.11546729

Already am, my dude. 4th year engineering/math double major. Philosophy is something I do in my free time and I pay cuck faggots like you to translate ancient languages for me.

>> No.11546736

>he thinks google translate is any good for Latin

>> No.11546740

> engineering student
> doesn't know basic Latin and Greek
Not gonna make it.

>> No.11546764
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>author prefaces latin/greek phrase by saying that it's a phrase so common and simple a shoolboy would know it
>i don't know it

>> No.11546772

Witness that 20something boomer stemfag mind at "work." He is completely unable to grasp, for example, that mathematics is nothing more than a branch of philosophy

>> No.11546783

>author spends half the foreword of the second edition explaining he is duly rebuffed for having misdeclined agricola/e and requests would schoolboys and vicars please stop their justified berating on the matter now it's been corrected

>> No.11546796


>tfw stem PhD and know Latin

Please for the love of god get on my level

>> No.11546810

STEM doesn't mean anything if it's not physics or math.

>> No.11546828

>mathematics is nothing more than a branch of philosophy

nice one, i keked

>> No.11546847

Yeah but you have to think of the Americans in situations like these.

>> No.11547087

I could see bitching about the Greek, but Latin? Holy shit, how long would it take to figure out a sentence in Latin? You might have to look up a couple words, the fuck. I have to look up words in English sometimes, too, but I get through it.

>> No.11547853

Dumbest comment here.

Seeing as both Ancient Languages and Calculus/Physics takes about the same amount of time and effort to learn, people will be impressed by either of them, depending who you talk to.

Most will be impressed by both, but a STEMfag will scoff at ancient languages, and an ARTSfag will likely scoff at calculus/physics.

>> No.11547910
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>checked out Kant translations
>it just does not work in English the way it works in German
It's not the TL's fault he has to translate into an inferior language that simply cannot bear complexity.

>> No.11547924

If you're reading Agamben get ready because latin and greek are just the tip of the iceberg. Shit start's to get REALLY out of control when he starts dropping shit in hebraic out of nowhere or quoting entire passages of text without elaborating as to why he's quoting these passages.

>> No.11548023
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>> No.11548042
File: 115 KB, 544x960, jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being autistic.

>> No.11548113
File: 39 KB, 443x213, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you don't have to because you're living it

>> No.11548124
File: 121 KB, 746x676, wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless your heart anon.

>> No.11548145
File: 300 KB, 699x699, 1530484472529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but isn't it amazing how this wolf has been overlooked for years because everyone always focused on his seething partner?

>> No.11548155

Dear diary~desu: on this blessed day anon was baited