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/lit/ - Literature

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11545175 No.11545175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
How does modern philosopher explain it? Any examples in modern literature?

>> No.11545195
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>> No.11545203

They're hedonistic. It's that simple.

>> No.11545209

Not sure about a philosopher explaining it. But it is always seemed like they do it because its the path of least resistance; Meaning that actually pursuing intellectual pursuits requires dedication and diligence while sitting down in front of a tv and watching banal mass produced anime requires no effort.

>> No.11545211

They read women writers

>> No.11545213

1. low social desirability
2. low testosterone levels
3. no incentives to improve from the rest of society and or parents
It all spirals from there. Once they meet like minded people it's a vicious circle.

>> No.11545214

Sometimes it's good to unwind a little. You can't be pursuing intellectual shit or philosophizing for every waking hour of your life: you've got to relax too.

It only becomes bad if you grow lazy and let yourself relax too much.

>> No.11545219

Life is hard and meaningless to them, so they distract themselves with easy entertainment and try to find meaning there.

>> No.11545226

>You can't be pursuing intellectual shit or philosophizing for every waking hour of your life: you've got to relax too.

That's when you should be exercising your body

>> No.11545232

Modernization of spirituality, or rather it's athrophy

>> No.11545236

No, that's when you should be meditating/praying/etc

>> No.11545237

Look at that picture. What do they all have in common?

They're ugly. So they take up hobbies to bond with other ugly people.

>> No.11545249

You misspelled fapping.

>> No.11545252

If you're part of the warrior caste, you should be exercising. If you're part of the priestly caste, you should be meditating/praying. You're both right.

>> No.11545260

What if you're a warrior priest? Is that possible?

>> No.11545262

You mean like the Buddha? Then you have to leave your wealth behind and become an Ubermensch.

>> No.11545263

on the image pictured (from left to right):
Ivan Stepanovich Volitsky, graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University, currently finishing up his doctorate on the identity of dark matter

Irina and Anna Vaslilyevna Kolochai, sisters innovators in the field of psychoanalysis

>> No.11545278

What if you're a warrior-poet? What do I do then?

>> No.11545289

Bourgois Alienation + mass faggotry

>> No.11545309
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>> No.11545319

Haven't people always done seemingly inane shit when they have free time? I doubt most people care to improve themselves or generate wealth 24/7

How many of you actually do >>11545236 after a day at work or an afternoon at the gym?

>> No.11545324

No, most people used to just be serfs or slaves so they had no free time.

>> No.11545325

Just because you were raised by a single mom doesn't mean we all were

>> No.11545332

>implying you have work the field 24/7

plebs were sloths, actually the aristocracy were the ones who actually did any work

>> No.11545347

I was actually raised by two moms...

Still, I'm doing considerably better than the people in the OP even if I'm spiritually atrophied

>> No.11545359

>two moms

hot, did they tuck you in if you know what I mean

>> No.11545362

Because wynaut

Do you get it ?? Pokémon reference lol

>> No.11545383

I miss /fitlit/

>> No.11545411

then you are a brainlet and should go back, only those who have completely forsaken the material world and it's pleasures can be true /lit/

>> No.11545416

Well I do pray every night before bed.

>> No.11545419

I wouldn't say "manchildren" so much as I would say "consumerists." All this silly stuff is marketed to them heavily like a "nerd lifestyle" and they, like most others with different things, consume it.

There is no difference between these people showing off their funko pop figures and people here showing off their book stacks.

>> No.11545424

People don't have money, we're all gonna fucking die and the world is a dumpster fire. Enjoying small pleasures is all anybody can afford.

Also fuck you. You're on 4chan, you don't get to talk shit about anybody.

>> No.11545427

Are you featured in OPs pic?

>> No.11545429

>You're on 4chan, you don't get to talk shit about anybody.
Fuck you, I talk shit about anyone I want. That includes you, OP, and your mother I've dicked last night.
Being on 4chan is purposely the reason for this. Everyone gets shit. Fuck you.

>> No.11545430

t. watches anime past the age of 12

>> No.11545442

based and redpilled

>> No.11545445

Because it's easy and comfortable. That's it. It doesn't require a change or meaningful growth, you just keep doing the same shit you always used to do.

>> No.11545478

what is genre fiction, I'm pretty new to lit - I mean in terms of fiction I have a preference towards technology or sci fi, does this mean I read genre fiction

anyway it's because they aren't forced to grow up and see no benefit of it being an adult has no value to them and their parents don't force them to be adults, in most cases society provides them money for existing so why bother being an adult and adding all the extra responsibility and risk for what they convince themselves has no reward, plus most of them hang around on places like r9k, surrounded by people who have never been an adult telling them how awful it is

>> No.11545512

>technology or sci fi

yes, that's genre fiction and reading it probably means you're a manchild
if you want examples of literary fiction just google the western canon

>> No.11545610
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I put for a general inclination of all mankind, an innate and restless desire to affect change in their surroundings, that ceaseth oncely in death. This desire may be on the micro scale of personal influence or on the macro scale of the influence of society. When one is separated from their ability to affect change in their life, they become irritated or dissonant (à la learned helplessness). Now, not everyone has the capacity to affect the change they desire, or the patience to develop to the point where they are able to; yet the hunger remains. A desire without an output creates frustration and dejection with reality, and consequentially a retreat into unreality. What video games offer is a way to affect change without consequence—it creates a pseudo-reality to manipulate in lieu of the frustrating reality of their existence. A perfect example of this would be "speed-runners". If one takes but a brief glance at these "speedrunners" on Twitch, it is obvious that they are failures in reality. They substitute the achievements they were unable to attain in the IRL (often due to their slightly above average, but in no way exceptional, intelligence (110)) with an ephemeral "record" on completing a disposable piece of children's entertainment. It is essentially a masturbatory experience. What Anime and Genre-Fiction offer is an ideal type of the world they wish to affect. Plato sought the ideal form in search of truth; Manchildren seek the ideal form in escape from the truth. Rick and Morty is a world of boundless affect which can be vicariously indulged in, is an ideal form of the desire of affect placed in perfect unreality—an unreality which can never exist within this affect-voyeur's frustrating reality. The stereotyped Anime girl is manufactured to perfection beyond possible existence, so indulging in it will never draw the unsettling thought that the affect could be fulfilled in reality. The Manchild knows that his indulgences are mere pseudo-experience, which is why he seeks to shield himself from the real world so as reinforce his dissociation. It is the great curse of the dis-affected: to have infinite wants but modest means.

>> No.11545619


This. Roastie culture is as infectious as the fungal spores dotting their seedy beef curtains

>> No.11545620
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>> No.11545628

>reads camus once
fag philistine exhibiting the most superficial kind of high school nihilism

>> No.11545632


>Psychoanalysis innovators

Do they design tests to detect thought crimes?

>> No.11545640

The sad thing is that plenty of those man children study computer science and get decent and rewarding jobs, whereas your average /lit/izen is either poor, a disappointment to their successful parents or a disenchanted stranger in a more lucrative but less interesting field.

>> No.11545678
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>not being CS /lit/ masterrace

>> No.11545679

Bait? Where do you really think you are? You're implying /lit/ but you're talking about chasing paltry mammon, living up to your parents' ideals, and then something about a more lucrative, less interesting field? If anything I aim to be poor, a disappointment, disenchanted and to be working in an anything but lucrative and instead very interesting field, that is, a field that I find interesting. How much of a spooked STEMfag do you have to be to type out something like that and believe it? Hence why I'm honestly debating whether this is bait.

>> No.11545688

I actually have a decent job in finance but I hate it desu lads

>> No.11545710

>when you forsake the material world so hard you abandon spelling

>> No.11545712

boomer parenting

>> No.11545724

innate characteristics

>> No.11545732

how are you posting from the age of enlightenment though

>> No.11545739

> white people

>> No.11545742

tabula rasa has been thoroughly demolished
nurture has nigh-zero impact on the mind of man
only severely traumatic experiences can change our nature