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11538748 No.11538748 [Reply] [Original]

Recommending this book to everyone who is interested in conservative politics and political philosophy! Do you know Heinrich Meier? I took one of his Nietzsche lectures in munich where he lives and he is a really expert on his subjects

>> No.11538752

also book recommendation thread i guess

>> No.11538761

Ah yeah, Hayek had a lot to say about that Nazi-sympathizer (or at least liberal-hater) Carl Schmitt. What a fucking sack of shit, his ideology basically equates to something along the lines of identifying with fascism, and hating democracy.

>> No.11538785

whats wrong about hating democracy? you sound like a douche btw

>> No.11538835

Shut the fuck up you virgin faggot, there’s a reason you don’t have any friends and your whole lineage was raped by guns and tanks, you are a stupid fucking retard who will never have any friends.

Also Hayek is what you want to read, if you still want to take my advice

>> No.11538872

no, i don´t want to read hayek, you lunatic

>> No.11538878

Ok fine just trying to give you advice, calm down

>> No.11538908

then answer my question

>> No.11538909

Plato was really only wrong about one thing: democracy is worse than tyranny.
Also, Hayek. lmao.

>> No.11538918

>rating a political philosophers views on ‘right’ or ‘not right’

You fundamentally don’t understand how political philosophy works and neither does Carl Schmitt.

Hayek is okay, but he’s the cure for this kind of shit

>> No.11539011


>> No.11539048

>ITT: agressive brainlets 'discuss' their YouTube-level parodies of political philosophers

Thank you, OP, I was unaware of this, but it looks interesting.

>> No.11539054

So what is this, Primary or Secondary?

>> No.11539061

actually both if you will

>> No.11539068

wew lad

>> No.11539260

I love Schmitt. I will be sure to give this a look.

>> No.11539278

I took Meier's recent class on Nietzsche at UChicago and it was intense. He's so fucking German it's unbelievable. He obliterates you if you do the typically American thing of raising your hand to ask a half-baked malformed question that he already covered or that is only tangentially related to what he's saying. It's like he has the horizon of intelligibility for his discourse staked out with laser precision and if you say something that doesn't take place SQUARELY within that discourse, you might as well be throwing a pen right at his face.

Meier's perspective on Schmitt is great.

>> No.11539296

Good book, and Meyer's work on Schmitt is great, but his later and more recent books on Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem are much better. Though he should be tempered with Richard Velkley's work on Strauss and Heidegger, re: his take on the quarrel between philosophy and poetry.

>> No.11539547

Based and redpilled!

>> No.11539714

Whadaya mean?

>> No.11539752

>Heinrich Meier
It says on his wikipedia page that he wrote for a far-right school newspaper when he was fifteen and it seems he never grew out of it lmao

>> No.11540367

Lmao? That's a good thing though to be honest.

>> No.11540598


>> No.11540915

Anyone here read the biography of Schmitt? Thoughts? Any good?

>> No.11540943

But that was the one thing Plato was absolutely right about

>> No.11541071


>> No.11541082
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>> No.11541087

I've read part of a book called "Crown Jurist of the Third Reich" It seemed fine.

>> No.11541093

That wasn't the one I was thinking of but I'll be sure and give it a look in the morning. If the thread is still active and alive then I'll go ahead and find the particular biography that I was thinking of. Happy chatting about Schmitt!

>> No.11541197


>> No.11541204

Which one? There's one by a German scholar whose name I forget and I heard it was bad and sensational and drew too many conclusions from his sexuality.

There's the Balakrishnan The Enemy which is more of an "intellectual biography" which is good but keep in mind it was written by a left-wing rapist.

Meier is really the best scholar I've encountered on Schmitt. Alain de Benoist has written some good stuff as well but Meier goes deeper.

Paul Piccone is also worth checking out. Grab whatever essays you can find by him on Schmitt or anything really. Piccone is a very insightful anti-PC disillusioned Marxist.

>> No.11541211

oh shit you're pathetic

>> No.11541235 [DELETED] 

How? I am not a Nazi-sympathizer. That would be pathetic. To put your hopes and dreams in a bunch of filthy krauts is more embarrassing than putting your faith in a bunch of suicidal gooks flying around embarrassing human existence by killing themselves just to be taught a lesson by a giant nuclear bomb on their ugly fucking civilians.

Fuck you you fucking retard

>> No.11541240

respect the comma

>> No.11541246

I’ll be honest with you, I don’t respect or use anything Japanese

>> No.11541251
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>> No.11541253

This is me again, the one. I suppose some aspects of Japanese people are cool these days. But the military/hierchical engine needed to die, and that’s my point

>> No.11541255

You lose.

I’ll expand on this. >>11541246

Out of the three countries, Germany, Italy, and Japan, Germany and Italy were by far the worse offenders.

I honestly think japan was just latching onto an opportunity, militarily. But their engine was a dirty, hierchical machine, almost as steeped in social Darwinism as German culture. They needed to lose for supporting that side for sure

>> No.11541258
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>I don’t respect or use anything Japanese
Then we all bid you farewell

>> No.11541273 [DELETED] 

4chan isn’t japanese

>> No.11541278
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I said, "Good day"

>> No.11541281 [DELETED] 

the absolute state of reddit

>> No.11541291

A rapist? Citation needed.

>> No.11541429

Which was the German scholar one? The Balakirshnan one was the one I was thinking of because it was the only one I had heard mentioned around here until just recently. I'll give these other scholars a look though. You a Schmitt scholar yourself or what?

>> No.11541457

Lmao as if the US was any less cancer during WWII or that there was any "right" side of history. This is a pathetic notion

>> No.11541459

Thanks, I op, I'm a fan of Schmitt and conservatism in general. Schmitt turned me on to Donoso Cortes

>> No.11541599

>Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem
ah, nice, i bought this one, too.

>> No.11541608

It was.

>> No.11541646

Balakrishnan got metoo'd.

After Meier, I am the leading Schmitt scholar in north america.

>> No.11541670

Do you live in Alaska?

>> No.11541783

Tell me more about his metooing lol?
So who are you?

>> No.11541841
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>> No.11541861

What could the hottest latina in history have to say about politics?

>> No.11541866

Nah I think Plato was wrong that only music and poetry played in certain rhythms can be virtuous towards society.

>> No.11542028
File: 39 KB, 750x492, gopal-balakrishnan-e55a6d98-4d5e-4f1f-a783-245e3084549-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2017, a number of women published allegations that Balakrishnan had committed sexual assault on multiple occasions. UC Santa Cruz launched an investigation in 2017 that was extended in May 2018.[5][6] Balakrishnan remains on paid administrative leave.

The professor, Gopal Balakrishnan, has denied the accusations, made by seven anonymous individuals whose accounts are part of a public statement circulating on the internet.


The statement described him as someone who regularly hung out with undergraduate and graduate students in bars and at parties.

"I was introduced to GB as the ‘down’ Marxist professor," she wrote. "Students of the movement were really enamored with him, and it was a must to take his classes," she wrote. "The upsetting thing about this was that everyone knew he was creepy to women. It seemed to be tolerable to everyone because he was a Marxist and supported the student movement."


Really makes you think.

>> No.11542433

Read an article about it not too long after I read the above post. Laughable really. Glad to see it happen to such nice guys like him and Junot Diaz. ;)

>> No.11542710

So who is the second leading Schmitt scholar in North America?

>> No.11542917

Stuart Oel

>> No.11542995

Good fuck, thank you for telling me about Piccone

>> No.11543019

He's great. There's a lot of his essays on booksc. Telos Press went downhill after him.

>> No.11543986

What is Piccone like?

>> No.11544658

These men, in my country they are everything.

>> No.11545153

Took me a while to understand this comment.

>> No.11546244


>> No.11547611

Tell me more about him?

>> No.11548437

Glad to see another Schmitt thread again.

>> No.11548796

Underrated (and true)

>> No.11550127


>> No.11551729


>> No.11552164

based af

>> No.11552931

and also redpilled

>> No.11553031

yeah, thats how i remember him too

>> No.11553580

Any interesting stories of your time with him?

>> No.11554476
