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/lit/ - Literature

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11541043 No.11541043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me that reading philosophy isn't a massive waste of time.

I want to not be a brainlet and open my mind to new ideas and concepts, but all philosophy I have read has just been hundreds of pages of rambling about complete fucking nonsense.
And trying to answer questions that only mentally ill people could possibly care about, like "What is aesthetics?" or "What is the meaning of language?"

Will I ever actually learn something valuable or meaningful from reading philosophy, or is it just shit to have on your shelf to make you look "intellectual"?

>> No.11541053

What have you read?

>> No.11541054

philosophy isn't a waste of time, i don't need to prove anything to you, if you want to wallow in your ignorance go ahead.

>> No.11541065
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>> No.11541067

what isn't a waste of time?

>> No.11541070

A good chunk of Plato's dialogues, Aristotle's greatest hits, the first 10 pages of Critique of Pure Reason, and some Hegel.

>dude I can tell you why philosophy isn't a waste of time but I'll just smugly smirk at you in the corner instead

>> No.11541072

what philosophy have you read? also why do you need other people to convince you to do things, if you want to do it do it, if not don't

>> No.11541074

What are you looking to get out philosophy?

>> No.11541076
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You're not going to make it on here anon

>> No.11541077
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>I'm too dumb to read philosophy

>> No.11541079

He doesn't want people to convince him to read philosophy, he wants people to prove to him that philosophy isn't a waste of time.

>> No.11541080

If you can't tell if philosophy is valuable or not from your own efforts, and resort to strangers online changing your opinions, you simply aren't cut out for it

>> No.11541083
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>how to explain calculus to a dog

>> No.11541085

if people convince him of that then he will read philosophy, if they don't he won't

>> No.11541090

To open my mind to new concepts and ways of thinking. To find truths about the world and the universe. Or possibly even to find thoughts I've already had myself, but couldn't articulate in words.
So far I haven't found any of that yet, but maybe I'm reading the wrong books.

>> No.11541097
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Or maybe you are just mentally retarded.

>> No.11541100

So you don't think there are any enduring truths about the nature of political organization to be found in either 'The Republic' or 'Politics'? I think that these are extraordinarily rich texts, especially Republic.

>> No.11541102

Thanks for the great book recommendations and showing me that /lit/ isn't the shittiest board on 4chan filled with pseuds.

>> No.11541103
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No problem, anytime, just for you sweetie! ;)

>> No.11541109

It helps you think, more than anything.
Instead of immediately jumping to conclusions, you'll learn how to you use your mind to rationaloze a particular subject. Depending on which stream of thought you concentrate on, it can help you to detach from things and attain more tranquility as well as finding a more fulfilling purpose seeking truth.

>> No.11541118

I enjoyed Politics way more than The Republic. But that's probably because I've come to hate the Socratic dialogue form.
And yes, there is something to take away from them. Political philosophy and debates over morals and ethics seem like issues that can be resolved through discussion, but metaphysical questions over the soul or the nature of reality seem like futile wastes of time that are beyond the limitations of what philosophy can answer.

>> No.11541123

Thanks m8. First actual response in this thread. Do you have any books that personally had a huge impact on you that you would recommend?

>> No.11541136

Unironically going to have to suggest The Culture of Critique.