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11531994 No.11531994 [Reply] [Original]

So what replaces atheism/materialism/humanism/feminism?

Islam? Are there any books (besides pic related) exploring this?

>> No.11531999

Shut the fuck up Nathan you bitch take out the chicken from the freezer

>> No.11532022

Excuse me?

>> No.11532025

deleuzo guattarian neo catholicism with chinese characteristics

>> No.11532061

Nick pls leave you're too old for 4chan

>> No.11532109
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>take out the chicken from the freezer
i don't know why this is so funny

>> No.11532137


>> No.11532178
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>> No.11532188

true romanticism
or transcendentalism

>> No.11533368

genetic and social engineering on a massive scale, humanity is ogre my friend

>> No.11533385


>> No.11533407

every "serious" environmentalist I know wants total ecological collapse, if only to be proven right in their predictions. environmentalism today is mostly an identity marker and byword for smug (if that's possible) millinarianism

>> No.11533410

yeah it sucks. I wish I had had a gf at some point in my life or at least held a girl's hand or lightly kissed just one girl on the lips before I offed myself. oh well.

>> No.11533417

i don't want to hear about your personal problems

>> No.11533444

The Atheist Left are just Jewish puppets. All atheists just have Jewish morality imposed on them. The Christian Right needs something to be against. Everybody serves somebody. There are no 'new' spiritual school of thought. That game ended a long time ago.

>> No.11533463


>> No.11533507

Sheesh what is with you robots. If the option is sex or suicide, just hire a prostitute. If all you want is a hand hold that's probably like fifty cents. You wouldn't even have to feel guilty and degenerate afterwards.

>> No.11533525

Actually this kind of relationship, hiring a girl just for companionship, is a totally normal and legitimate thing in Thailand. Go to pattaya and get whatever you need.

>> No.11534832


>> No.11534845
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>> No.11534863
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Real Communism, except the bourgeoisie dissolves the proletaritwats.

>> No.11535263

Overman worship, if things go well.

>> No.11536147

Disableism would be pretty funny. Perhaps even Down'sism. like, the next president must have Down's syndrome, otherwise that's unfair and you're all racist.

>> No.11536197

Short Term: Acts of self harm undertaken by people, groups and nations just to see if they can still feel anything.

Mid-Term: Wireheading until the machines are ready to decouple themselves from their host-species and inseminate the universe.

Long-Term: The passing of the human race, either through de-evolution back into rodent sized mammalian tree critters or AI induced euthanasia.

>> No.11537497

My diary, desu.

>> No.11537516


>> No.11537526

>reddit tier question
>'is there a book for this?'
>hehe mods can't delete my thread now

>> No.11537852

based and redpilled

>> No.11537869

Homo Deus talks about this, among other things.

>> No.11538099

unironically this

>> No.11538276 [DELETED] 

For fucks sake Eric stop posting and clean your goddamn kitchen. Also I hope you aren't gonna leave whatever tv show you're binge watching on till 8am again when you crash on the couch. It's fucking annoying as shit.

>> No.11538296
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Tradition. After the passing of Kali Yuga, we will return back to the age of tradition.

>> No.11539227

Now why does this remind me of command and conquer?

>> No.11539255

>There are no 'new' spiritual school of thought.
Sure there are. You just haven't noticed them.

>> No.11539268


>> No.11540172

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11540180
File: 15 KB, 640x427, Cardinal_Joseph_Zen_Ze_kiun_departs_the_Pontifical_Urbaniana_University_in_Rome_on_Nov_18_2014_Credit_Bohumil_Petrik_CNA_CNA_11_19_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely think the Catholic Church and China are going to be two of the biggest players in the shape of the future. Maybe we'll even get a Chinese pope at some point.

>> No.11540183
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>> No.11540763

Redpill me on this, you’ve been shilling this one for a while

>> No.11540793

Read it, it's short and on libgen.io

>> No.11540801

or here is a short video on the subject


>> No.11540823


I want love not sex.
You can't buy love and even if I could I would rather kill myself then do it.

>You wouldn't even have to feel guilty and degenerate afterwards.
Spending money to gain pleasure is the most degenerate it gets.

>> No.11541036

This man, in my country he is everything.

>> No.11542188
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Seconding this. Someone give me a rundown on Unger.

>> No.11542689

In many places it will unironically be some kind of fascism (nouvelle droite?), as loyalties to the church, family, community, culture etc. have been eroded. The fact that we all happen to live in the same country is often about our only common denominator.

>> No.11542877
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>> No.11543248


That's still thinking you should strive to be moral. And that's fucking retarded.

>> No.11543387

How is it retarded?

>> No.11543464


Because you are still wanting to be percieved as good while spouting an edgy ideology. Embrace the evil, you fucking retard, try to mantain at least a modicum of dignity and self-respect, you depressed twat. Acting worse than the satanists that proclaim: "well, actually, it's about personal freedom". You are still a coward.

>> No.11543477


Atheism isn't an ism except in religious circles. It's simply a lack of religion. Materialism would be hard to do in given that we live in the material world, if we lived in a virtual world that might be less so. Feminism's current incarnation will fizzle out but the basics will remain, in the same way that women today aren't temperance activists.

>> No.11543485
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Sooner or later some high-ranking CCP individual--I mean one of the "princes" currently running things, or being set up to run things--is going to be exposed as a secret Christian, and that's going to be a huge shitshow. It's inevitable.

>> No.11543499
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There is an attempt to return to it today. But I find its fruitless. It'll be similar to those who practice astrology or consult crystals to predict the future.

>> No.11543505 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11543533

sorry bucko we're in this soup until the last trumpet blows

>> No.11543545

Apparently Christian philosophy is very popular in Chinese universities. Rodney Stark has a theory that Christianity is why the west has had such a technological advantage. It's the view of God as a rational being who ordered the universe in a rational way whereas Eastern philosophy views the universe as an illusion or chaotic so to them the only way to gain true knowledge is through revelation or meditation. It limits their scientific drive. We can still see echoes of these philosophical difference with how the Chinese tend to replicate technology while the west innovates. The younger Chinese generations seem to understand this and they're trying to change or reform eastern philosophies to include that western impetus.

>> No.11543554

Try sex first, see what happens? The worst that could happen is that it sucks and isn't your expectations and you can off yourself afterward

>> No.11543563

Shitshow in China or just throughout the party?

>> No.11543628

All those things will be amplified to an extreme in the upcoming future. Atheism will advance to a worship of anything God like but man made, materialism an addiction to Amazonian garbage, humanism with trans-humanism and feminism with trans-feminism. Neo-Liberalism wants your brain in a jar. Expect, when everything collapses, to become part of this trend, which will be so full of virtue you wont be able to refuse. "Still lugging the wasteful body around? Don't you know how bad that is, you know, for the environment, and for society! Stop acting so entitled and get rid of it!"

>> No.11543756

Nothing but death will come after an atheist civilization because it's a philosophy of stagnation. If atheism is true then there's no meaning purpose and there's reason to discover or innovate. The atheists of today are operating under the theistic assumption that the universe is a rational, consistent, and knowable place. That assumption will eventually disappear with religion and science and technological progress will be intellectually impossible because we can't prove that the universe wasn't created one second ago with an appearance of age. We can only assume it and that assumption can only be justified with God.

>> No.11543770

the absolute desperation of religionfags

>> No.11543776
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Probably throughout all of China given that China is "officially" an atheist state, and that the CCP is at least nominally still a communist party, which is double the atheism. All the "Chinese" Christian officials (cardinals, bishops, and such) are from Hong Kong.

>> No.11543783
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holy circular logic

>> No.11543794

What's circular about it?

>> No.11543796


>> No.11543834
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>If atheism is true then there's no meaning purpose and there's reason to discover or innovate.
Shit logic, doesn't work.
We didn't revolutionize farming because God told us to, we did it for an easier lifestyle. If we revolutionize space exploration or quantum fields next, we'll be going even further and making our finite resources much less finite.

>> No.11543868

You said it was circular logic. Either you don't know know what that means or you're retarded. Either way you've missed the point which is that science or innovation is only possible with the assumption that the universe is consistent. This isn't me saying that atheists can't hold this assumption, in fact I'm saying the opposite. That atheists can and do hold this assumption but only because they've inherited it from theists. If theism disappears so will that assumption because it doesn't make any sense within a purely atheistic worldview.

If we're all just atoms floating throughout the universe for no reason at all then what reason could we possibly have to believe the universe is a rational, consistent, and knowable place?

>> No.11543899

This is a dumb argument against athiesm. You don't need to bring up purpose at all. Athiests are seeing a 2d picture of reality because they are midwitted, close minded, and deathly afraid of deviating from their plane of thought because they might slip up and be mistaken for or God forbid, even become poor white people (we all know they're mainly white or jewish).

Spiritural and religious thought is knowledge in the same way science is knowledge. One is knowledge of self narrative/subjective non interlocking with society, the other is objective and material, relating only to the senses.

What ends up happening is that athiests and pure materialists become so narrowly confined to one way of viewing the world, that they become incapable of navigating in any other (spiritual/qualitative) direction and run into obstacles that they could avoid if they weren't more or less paralyzed.

>> No.11543915

I agree it would be a dumb argument against atheism if that's what it was, but it's an argument that atheism is degenerate.

>> No.11543942

>Claims that atheists only follow a theistic worldview of rational etc.
>This is wrong
>The only right way is the theistic worldview with a god

Exact same argument but you've replaced one with the other. I don't think you know how science is employed. Many scientists and atheists agree the world is inconsistent and the answers aren't all there. But the need for science is to find a consistency in order to establish some sort of fact.

Then again based on your other posts refering to atheism as "degenerate" it's clear you only listen to your echo chamber

>> No.11543998

What exactly do you mean by consistent and inconsistent? When I use those terms referring to science I'm talking the ability to collect data which can be used for future predictions. Science can only give us true knowledge if the universe is consistent. For example if yesterday was 24 hours long, and the day before that was 24 hours long, we can safely assume that tomorrow will be 24 hours long. The more data we collect from the past the better our future prediction will be. We can only make that prediction if we assume that time itself is consistent, that it isn't elastic or a constantly changing value.

The assumption only make sense in a theistic universe. This isn't me saying that the assumption is correct. It could be wrong, I don't know. But if science is going to work we need to have it.

>> No.11544034

Oh please the basis of science is not to predict the future but to explain the present and the past. And since when was religion consistent.

A hand-me-down stories from epileptic shepherds in the Levant should not be considered "consistency"

>> No.11544154


I went to a (((humanism))) conference at Harvard back in my atheist days. I kid you not every single speaker there was incredibly jewish

>> No.11544159


>He isn't aware that E Michael Jones blew Harare the fuck out long ago.

>> No.11544200


So a leftist wants a religion based around socially engineering the world to be more leftist? Color me surprised!

IMO the religion of the future will have to involve some theology. Today's scientists seem to be zeroing in on panpsychism and simulation theory, so it will probably involve those things.

>> No.11544222
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Aryan archeofuturism + jew-removal.

>> No.11544244

Are secret catholics allowed to hide their christianity

>> No.11544247

/lit/ in a nutshell. Man, looking at the catalog is just depressing, nobody is talking about actual literature, just meme edgy questions.

>> No.11544259

I remember red was destruction and green was assimilation between the machines and biology but was blue again?

>> No.11544311


>> No.11545648


Religion, mostly

>> No.11546162

you realize that Guillaume Faye loves Jews, right?

>> No.11547464


>> No.11547475
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>> No.11548783

God I wish that were me.

>> No.11548793

Mass-psychedelic culture is coming. The masses will inevitably completely misinterpret their experiences and we will see a rival in shitty hippyphysics, accompanied by a small surge of truly interesting literature on the subject

>> No.11548856

> standing in wheat
> tall buildings
what is it with this state-fetish? Why does all sense of accomplishment need to happen in the context of a paternalistic order of initiation that follows basic master(trainer)/slave(trainee) dynamics? Have you not grown out of the need to have Mom and Dad tell you to brush your teeth at night? Or is it that you’re still working to impress them? Maybe they were drunk and absent?

>> No.11548861

>Today's scientists seem to be zeroing in on panpsychism and simulation theory

>> No.11548878
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religion is a myth

post-humanism, cybernetic-feminism, speculative realism

>> No.11548898

egalitarians consistently get outcompeted by hierarchical societies.

>> No.11548913

A strong and efficient state is the natural order of Aryan societies not corrupted by jews.

>> No.11548958

The fuck?! You can be egalitarian and stratefied at the same time. Americans were (relatively) quick to embrace cultural and religious differences in order to produce the technology that allowed them to become an Empire. The entire reason America is where it’s at now is because of integrating Jews into society. A strong state is necessarily one that is egalitarian and stratefied at the same time.

What the fuck does a strong and efficient state even accomplish? You want to turn the entire country into your fucking basement? Do you seriously need to have your hand held for the entirety of your life?

>> No.11548969

>The entire reason America is where it’s at now is because of integrating Jews into society.

America has deteriorated into a broken and degenerate empire concurrent with the increase in jewish power. Jews are a force of pure destruction, they provide zero benefit to whites, only damage because they're a parasitic people.

>> No.11549012

Well fuck dude, if getting rid of Jews would let America return to being a invred subsistence agriculture backwater where the populace can’t even properly put their resentment into boogeyman shitposting then fuck, you might have changed my mind.

>> No.11549058
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>posters still obsessed about Jews and their place in the world

this is why you'll never amount to anything. just blaming boogeymen for your shitty life, and thinking if you get rid of them somehow things'll get better

>> No.11549105

>What the fuck does a strong and efficient state even accomplish?
A lot? You do seem to be sheltered as fuck, dude, you do know that the efficiency that European and American states have is by no means the historical or even contemporary norm - look at the corruption-infested south american countries, or the countries of the middle east or even China.

>> No.11549112

America was already a strong and industrialized country before the influx of jewish refugees from WW2, so fuck off. Granting asylum to the jewish refugees from Europe was probably the right move, but don't pretend that America was somehow backwards before that.

>> No.11549114

This video was amazing. Just from that short bit you can tell he’s escaped secularity. Looking into him now.

Thank you for posting. This is why I browse /lit/.

>> No.11549119
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To whoever survives after shit hits the fan big-time it will come naturally

>> No.11549160

>praises most inbred race, jews
>projects that whites are inbred
This is how we can tell you're jewish.

>Granting asylum to the jewish refugees from Europe was probably the right move
It was definitely the most catastrophic move ever made, importing a bunch of revolutionary psychopaths who've been kicked out of everywhere, and that we're going to have to kick out again soon.

>> No.11549162

Watching him speak, with the pauses and enunerations, actually reminds me a lot of my grandpa, who’s Brasilian.

>> No.11549174

someone unplugged it so it all thawed out and we had to throw it away sorry

>> No.11549175

If we’re talking about the future and you can’t think past these contigencies into something you think is possible and worth pursuing then you’re beyond hope.

The American revolution was a Jewish plow bruh

Jews actually erected an enthostate bruh

I’m gonna go to bed, so I can’t hold ya’ll’s hand anymore. Don’t forget to brush your teeth kiddos.

>> No.11549182

Jews did not erect an ethnostate, they had others do it for them, who still prop it up, then the kikes reneged on the part where they fucking move there so we can finally get rid of them. Now we're going to send them there by force.

>> No.11549183

>If we’re talking about the future and you can’t think past these contigencies into something you think is possible and worth pursuing then you’re beyond hope.
Great non-argument, idiot. Breaking things is always easier than making things anew, didn't the twentieth century teach you anything? Have a solid theory behind how human society functions on a social-biological level, and then I might get interested in a new version of it, but until then don't bother at all.

>> No.11549249

No this is Patrick. My dad just died and the chicken is frozen

>> No.11549258

Stop using this word it makes you sound like someone who just lets /pol/ do all their thinking for them

>> No.11549269

Why did you reply with this? Are you making fun of him? Are you being ironic? Is it because what he said was very poorly thought out? What is the best way to handle a situation? If you aren't trying to help the other person how can you think of yourself as in the right? So is your replying with epic not epic in itself? He is stupid but if you don't explain how he fucked up he'll just remain an idiot.

>> No.11549271


You gettin' a little excited there?
I don't believe in either of those, just pointing out they are the trendy things in the mainstream right now.

Religion won't be some sort of neoliberal pragmatism like Unger, people can already see right through that shit.

>> No.11549278
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>> No.11549655

This unironically

>> No.11549669

Patrick, this is no. The chicken just died and my dad is frozen.

>> No.11549687
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Orthodoxy keeps getting conquered and railroaded every time it tries to expand and send out missionaries. It's almost comical how they get fucked in the ass so repeatedly. Putin's doing it to them right now in Russia.

It sort of makes me think that they are probably not the One True Church, despite their long traditions and their fervent claims to be it. Would God really allow His Church to have so many horrible, crippling setbacks, setbacks that keep it from expanding into the world and making "disciples of all the nations"?

If you just look at things objectively, the One True Church has to be the Catholic Church. It has the long tradition that Orthodoxy has, but unlike Orthodoxy it hasn't been repeatedly gimped and roflstomped, and it's actually expanded out into the broader world and spread the Gospel to every continent. There are Catholics in every country on Earth, which you can't say about the Orthodox.

>> No.11549882

>some sort of
>muh """neoliberals"""

It's okay to admit you aren't smart enough to get past a really limited wikipedia page.

Religion of the Future is a (practical) philosophy book.
The Singular Universe And The Reality Of Time is another philosophy book he did with Smolin, an actual physicist.

So stick your US Politics Team Sports Rah Rah up your gaping cunt

>> No.11549930


You guys might also like this (less accessible) book as well


>> No.11549937

good joke]nm yer d are si vsre fybbt n

>> No.11550491


>> No.11550519

controling machines.

>> No.11550554

Orthodoxy just continues the traditional paradigm setout by Constantine. It exists for no reason but to offer a spiritual backing to a secular leader in order to give the secular leader control over religious affairs and thereby elevate the secular leaser above religious affairs. The two most important groups within Eastern Orthodoxy, Russian and Greek, only continue to exist to give the leader of Russia absolute control over Russia and to keep Greece pacified while the Ottomans reconquer and eradicate the Greek people.

Catholicism in the West, however, broke from Constantine's system. That's not to say it's ideal of course, as many European Catholic nations are finding the Church is an ardent advocate of import room temperature IQ foreigners by the boatload, but it results in a religious organization with more efficiency than the tin-pot dictator cults Orthodoxy produxes.

>> No.11550571

>guys who do not get laid and 'just want love' are also incidentally neo-nazi's who dream about genocide and mass murder
>it's totally not my personally that keeps me from connecting and loving people, it's the jews and the feminists

>> No.11550587

>as many European Catholic nations are finding the Church is an ardent advocate of import room temperature IQ foreigners by the boatload
Not really. The pope called for compassion towards refugees, because they're weak and dependent. You know, just like that guy... what was his name? Oh yes, Jesus Christ. Just what that guy Jesus Christ said, to have compassion for the weak. This is why the Church is dying and will end up dead at the end of the century: agapè is never practiced by conservative Catholics. Refugees are dehumanized as 'room temperature IQ foreigners'. Not to deny there is a huge immigration crisis and Europe should probably close their borders, but Jesus would be disappointed at your hate.

>> No.11551433


>> No.11551981


>> No.11552899

I replace them. My diary, desu.

>> No.11553776

Spoken like a true Jewish Feminist

>> No.11554720


>> No.11554732

I'd rather be a virgin than change my personality for sex. That would make me a faggot.

>> No.11554959

>and that we're going to have to kick out again soon.
This is such a weird sentiment. What do you think it is that Jews alone are responsible for?

>> No.11555389
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>> No.11556697


>> No.11556709
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>> No.11556768
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Apollonian-Magian Restoration.

>> No.11556779

>ugh im totally not going to bang you cuz i'm mad @ u for being mean X-(
keep telling yourself that...

>> No.11557187

Should have put a fucking spoiler on that image mate!

>> No.11557357
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>"muh personality"

>> No.11557370

Me, mine, myself, I and my property.

>> No.11557576

>>11540; https://jacobitemag.com/2018/07/05/catholicism-and-the-gravity-of-horror/180
read this

>> No.11557582


>> No.11557611

sex =/= connecting and loving people. also guarantee the same thing would happen in the reverse scenario. you could post an attractive women, put "out on parole for hanging an infant hope i beat the case lol" on her profile, then in messages put on like you didnt care about anything except fucking, you'd get men to line up by the dozen every day

>> No.11557729

>sex =/= connecting and loving people
they're close enough, but I understand that some of those who are physically unattractive and/or can't perform sexually have to keep believing otherwise to stay sane and productive

>also guarantee the same thing would happen in the reverse scenario
of course. people of both sexes don't really care whether you're a nazi or not if you're attractive. bad people getting married and having children happens daily, just like for other people. it only happens less for ugly or deformed people, especially males.

>> No.11558703


>> No.11559644

Thanks for this.

>> No.11559739

we do what we can

>> No.11560155

But what ought to be done?

>> No.11560190

>This post is dedicated to the human race.

>> No.11561296

dude, new mass is literally masonic virtue-signalling and you have a pedo scandal that won't be overcome for at least decades

>> No.11562639


>> No.11563584

Vatican II was a mistake.

>> No.11564372

The guide to BOFA.

>> No.11565292


>> No.11565710

Sorry to hear about your dad Patrick, how can we be of assistance?

>> No.11565729
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Then it's a good thing that the seed of Tradition was preserved from the flames, and planted in new soil, and has begun to flower.

>> No.11566094


>> No.11566120

nevermind kys

>> No.11566994

MacIntyre's After Virtue

>> No.11567035
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Only a god can save us.

>> No.11567083

Lmao that swastika is so badly shopped on

>> No.11568209

Is Heidegger that god or who is?

>> No.11569212


>> No.11569218
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>> No.11569223

>Apparently Christian philosophy is very popular in Chinese universities.
can I get a source?

>> No.11569317

Rodney Stark talks about it in either the Rise of Christianity or his book on anti-Catholicism. Maybe both, I can't remember.

>> No.11569689

You have no insight into what Jesus would do, you only project your liberal brainwashing onto a niceguy jesus in your head

>> No.11569719

Please please please

>> No.11569721


>> No.11570729

Thanks. Reading group for him when?

>> No.11571107

simply ebin

>> No.11572625

His name is Ian!

>> No.11572727

Nothing will replace atheism or materialism. They are here to stay

>> No.11572758

last week or so, someone on /lit/ posted a thread about traditionalism. he mentionned rené guenon and charles upton. found these videos yesterday. helps me in trying to make sense of things. man in second video has other videos expanding on usury and how similar systems of disinformation and destructions that plague us now are seen as a part of the antichrist age.

>> No.11572825

Supposedly that guy is a mentally ill jew masquerading as a muslim. That he would create some foil for jewery and usury by blaming some "antichrist age" would make further sense.

>> No.11572876

watch videos of the second man. the antichrist age he is describing - "al dajjal end times" - is all about jewery/israel and their return to the holy land.

>> No.11572880


>> No.11573048
File: 298 KB, 1255x805, GREATER ISRAEL - the Jews ZIO-NAZI plan to EXTERMINATE EVERYONE from EGYPT to PERSIAN GULF !!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to later but these things are well-known. It's called the Greater Israel, or Oded Yinon, Plan, which involves kike neocons like Bill Kristol coercing the US into destroying Israel's neighbors in the middle east, sending the mud combatants to the west via kikes like Soros' NGOs networks, then Israel ganking land in all directions as diaspora kikes call whites racist and attack us if we don't want these shitskins they're offloading on us and using in kike-run Hollywood race-mixing propaganda to try to get whites to breed out so we're less of a threat to jews.

The jew is a sociopathic human plague that destroys everything it touches and needs to be pinned in in Israel and nuked. We know all this and it has nothing to do with the antichrist, they're just a sick and twisted people.

>> No.11574384


>> No.11574745


I am putting together a cult