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/lit/ - Literature

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11536413 No.11536413 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so I have only begun to read the bible and pray to god recently. But I feel and almost connection with God and the teachings of what I have read of the New Testament really resonate with me.

I want to know where to go after reading all of the bible; What other books should I read to develop my faith, and what books should I read to decide which denomination is right for me?

>> No.11536454
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First of all, don't assume that a denomination is right for you, and that you have to pick one. You should practice your religion exactly how you believe it should be practiced.
Do not make concessions to fit in.
Do not tie yourself to a set of beliefs which deviates from your own.
Remember Christ's words against hypocrisy.

Anyway, here's the Christian /lit/ chart.

>> No.11536468

Thank you, I was also considering practising christianity without conforming to a denomination. However, I feel like I mostly align with the Catholic church except I think women should be allowed to have the choice to be ministers also.

>> No.11536511
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Plenty of places to go to even right now as you read the Bible.
Remember to pray too, God will deliver you to his grace.
And welcome back to the flock.

>> No.11536525

Thank you, thats a great list definitelty looking forward to reading Aquinas and Kierkeegard.

>> No.11536527

Thank you, thats a great list definitelty looking forward to reading Aquinas, Kierkeegard and CS Lewis.

>> No.11536567

If the new testament resonates with you it's probably because you're boring and have a martyr complex.

It's the direct to video sequel to the OT.

>> No.11536571

Seriously though, Drop Aquinas, continue with Kirkie and Lewis.

Aquinas is basically just " le neoplatonist circular argument man" and has his head permanently stuck up his own bum.

If you become one of the people who cite Aquinas as proof of anything you too will have your head stuck up your own bum.

>> No.11536610

Don't listen to this dumbass. But you may consider leaving Aquinas for later though study when you know more yourself.

>> No.11536644

Congrats, you sound like a perfectly accomplished LARPing christian-neckbeard; now go read the brothers karamozov, decide promptly that it's the best book in the world, and tell everyone else on /lit/ about it proving the existence of god on the grounds of morality all day, every day, until you vegetate and become an inanimate part of your armchair and your tiara has melted permanently into the top of your head.

>> No.11536652

Op here. Are you okay?

>> No.11536655

Sounds like a high-church Protestant denomination is closest to you. They keep relatively traditional liturgies and church hierarchies (bishops, archbishops, and all that) but are often more open to reforms like female clergy. Anglicans and Lutherans are the main ones.

Aquinas was a great philosopher, but is he really a good place to start? I'd think OP would want introductory devotional books than dense treatises. Mere Christianity is worth reading even if you disagree with Lewis, since it's so popular and will give you an idea of how some Christians approach their faith.

This describes a lot of "christians" here, but OP seems sincere.

>> No.11536658

>Protestant denomination
my natural reaction is to cringe

>> No.11536671

i'm grand thanks, how are you doing anon

>> No.11536675

Pretty good, just checking up since you seemed a bit angry there.

>> No.11536677

>reeeee protties
You have now convinced me that you are a spiritually enlightened and cultured individual. No doubt you have a folder of christ-chan pictures and epic Aquinas quotes to btfo the damn heretics on demand.

>> No.11536681
