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/lit/ - Literature

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11534922 No.11534922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Name a more Jewish book. The first chapter literally talks about ruining soliders families through to tampering letters. Why, Jews, why?

>> No.11534927

I think you meant to post this on /pol/.

>> No.11534928

>racism outside of /b/

>> No.11534932

he makes fun of everyone, and is pretty red pilled about the government, fuck off

>> No.11534933

>antisemitic drivel in /lit/

>> No.11534937

>rac is m[e]?
what even is this word? what did he mean be it?

>> No.11534940

>jews in lit

>> No.11534943

We don't want you or your brainlet kind here. Leave incel.

>> No.11534949

You start talking about Jews, then you mention "white genocide" or whatever. You know where this is going, don't play fool.

>> No.11534952


>> No.11534960

I legitimately don't understand the meaning of the word "racism"

>> No.11534965

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race

>> No.11534969

Is it a bad or a good thing?

>> No.11534982

That depends on who you ask. Personally, I believe it is a bad thing.

>> No.11535018

who here wants /pol/ to leave so /lit/ can go back to discussing literature?

>> No.11535059


>> No.11535066

I too recently started hrt and enjoy reading the works of Albert Camus so that I can revel in my own self created meaningless world while jews rob my people blind.

>> No.11535068

>muh jews
give it a rest

>> No.11535073

The Bible.

>> No.11535075

not until I can talk about jews irl without being persecuted

>> No.11535086

where do you live?

>> No.11535087

>waaaah, waaaaah, i can't say mean things about the most persecuted people in history
Grow up, snowflake

>> No.11535090
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>> No.11535103

>most persecuted people in history
you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.11535109

>most persecuted people in history
have to post this again actually since it's the most retarded thing I've heard all day and more people need to see it

>> No.11535116

>most persecuted people in history
just this one last time i promise

>> No.11535125

So who's more persecuted?

>> No.11535126

Looks like I hit a nerve with a storm baby. What a sad sack of shit.

>> No.11535132

was it autism?

>> No.11535137

>the most persecuted people in history
you know incels are the guys who cant get women because they fucking repulse everyone? jews are the incels of races, get kicked out of everywhere they go

>> No.11535166

but do they all deserve that? just like do all whites deserve whatever tinpot conspiracy you think is being done to them? i think not.

>> No.11535176

armenians, chinese, koreans, dozens of native american groups, gypsies, cathars, hutus, pagans in the islamic world circa 600-800ad .... only a jew would be so self centered.

>> No.11535184

The Jews trump all of those in persecution rates.

>> No.11535185

>whatever tinpot conspiracy you think is being done to them?
lol. whites are not even a real group for one thing,(think about Russians) but the Western civlization that is currently dying is dying like every other civilization that has ever died, all of which are not white except maybe the Greeks and Romans.

that shit just happens man, and nobody deserves fuck all. It's just a fact that Jews piss people off with their behavior and thats why they get kicked out so much.

>> No.11535187

Bad thing. Focus your hatred on something else.

>> No.11535202
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I'm almost certain that youre either a falseflagger or someone so dumb enough that they got kicked out of /pol/
The idea that any of the characters in that book were Jewish or of Jewish character is laughable. In fact, the idea that you would think its major points of lambasting and criticizing military bureaucracy, which you can easily argue is more Jew-run than anything to do with the rank-and-file due its manipulation and subversion of the character of its men into being self-serving bureaucrat-followers, other than of course (((Minderbinder))), is somehow Jewish, in a book that doesnt even include the
sept-gorrillion, is just proof that youre just pot-stirring and trying to artificially lower the already low bar that represents /pol/ intelligent discussion
>the most persecuted people in history
>A group that was periodically persecuted and occasionally kept at arms length is more persecuted than groups that were successfully wiped out entirely
Im not even going to give the (You)

>> No.11535203

There are no conspiracies and jews aren't doing what they do on purpose. They are just biologically evolved with a higher than average verbal IQ that allows them to usurp power within certain societies. They then form a strata of society with disproportionate power and their own zeitgeist different from that of the rest of the population. This creates resentment and ultimately expulsion. The fear of this explusion leads them to instinctively and unknowingly attempt to make their host society "tolerant" of outsiders, which ultimately fails because outsiders are not more tolerant of jews than others. I love individual jews and have no problem with them as people, it's all just the system at work.

>> No.11535205

and what behavior are you speaking of? the higher than average IQ rates, or the vast amount of elite positions within whatever society they decide to dominate with their vastly superior genetic intellect? jews have done nothing to deserve ANY hatred, if anything they should be praised for their contributions to society.

>> No.11535209

some of them are now extinct so I doubt it. And the total number of chinese executed in excruciatingly brutal ways during the 30's and 40's by the Japanese makes the holocaust look like summer camp.

>> No.11535218

Their IQ advantage is solely verbal. And hatred is a completely natural and justified consequence of their prevention of people's right to self determination by forming a nepotistic ruling class within host societies.

>> No.11535228

you underestimate how dumb the people we have on our side are, we have literal retards walking around in the WN ranks, i guess like the democrats have 70 iq somalis representing them

the problem is you get alot of criminals in the WN group because most guys just dont have the balls to subert every precept of society, to become the ultimate bad trhing, but those guys have no problem doing so.

they need to be beaten into place but the problem is that it's all just run by criminals right now, nobody smart is in a position of power, because the actual power structures of our society are still run by faggots enamoured with the equality and progress memes

that shit is rapidly ending though, diversity is causing low level race wars, and whites will win in those battles like they have every single time in history that they engage in organized warfare out of necessity because that is their strength, that dominance in organized violence

>> No.11535243
File: 476 KB, 982x712, Popper_en_caceria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuegans in South America were hunted down to near extinction by people who thought of them literally as animals, unlike Germans who simply thought of jews as bad people. And yet you have the guts to say
>most persecuted people in history

>> No.11535246

>whites will win in those battles like they have every single time in history that they engage in organized warfare out of necessity
oh, like the romans did? like hitler did? im sure glad hitler was white, otherwise he might have lost. real stand up kind of guy.

>> No.11535252

But the fuegans were animals though

>> No.11535254

hitler was fighting people more white than him

the romans were also taken over by people more white than them

white people have literlly never lost a historical battle, we are the most coordinated and bloodthirsty people that ever existed

>> No.11535256

They lived a happier life than anyone on this board ever will

>> No.11535260

My dog lives a happier life than anyone on this board ever will. Does that mean he's human?

>> No.11535265

It's not our right to tell other cultures how to live. seperate but equal is the only way to have peace.

>> No.11535276

I can agree with that, a wild animal deserves to be in the wild most of the time. But other times, such as in the case of the fuegans, you cannot deny that certain animals are in fact animals.

>> No.11535302
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At some point or another, the falseflagger and the /ourcriminalretard/ are one and the same, and should be treated the same as the other
>white people have literlly never lost a historical battle
Im a white nationalist and even I wouldnt say that something so utterly retarded.
Kill yourself, because youre either so low IQ you shouldnt continue on, or because youre a falseflagging shill, and it doesnt really matter which

>> No.11535308

>being a white nationalist

>> No.11535315

a better solution for your idea would be to name a time whies have lost against people more white than them in the longterm because it hasnt happened

>> No.11535331
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>implying implications
Me wanting to carve out an explicit land for my posterity is irrelevant to the qtness or fugability of brown anime girls

>against a people more white than whites
Stopped reading there.

>> No.11535344

but senpai, how will we uphold the 14 if we keep falling for those qt brown anime girls?

>> No.11535368
File: 40 KB, 362x454, 9549e7c744d988fc457d33d532162d8e584cef3084f4ce77fbefcd6fcf408b7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its easy
qt brown anime girls dont exist in real life, just like the black father or compassion from an Asian
If you can get past that grueling realization and start lurking churches to find high quality white girls, you can go on to live a fulfilling life of having a qt waifu and a qt wife

>> No.11535383

>qt brown anime girls dont exist in real life