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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 176 KB, 1200x1200, borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11530073 No.11530073 [Reply] [Original]

assuming we have bolaño before his liver disease and borges before he went blind, who would win in a knife fight to the death in a south american desert?

>> No.11530141

Bolaño’s father was a boxer or some
shit like that IIRC. Also, a kid could probably slap Borges’ ass

>> No.11530162

Can someone recommend me something by Borges that isn't weird shit like Ficciones.

>> No.11530172

El Aleph. You are a pleb btw

>> No.11530175

did you finish ficciones? try "the south."

>> No.11530445

Borges, obviamente. Te pensás que todos esos cuentos sobre malevos y gauchos eran al pedo? Le abriría la panza de un facazo en tres segundos al Chavo del Ocho chileno. Sí, escribo en español porque se me canta el orto, lidiá con eso.

>> No.11530457 [DELETED] 

Qué gordo basado chabón. Seguro que el chilote ese ni escritor sería si no fuera x Borges.

>> No.11530462

I want to protect that smile

>> No.11530693

Just read it. Terrible.

>> No.11531322


>> No.11531521

Halo io onions italiano i non ablo tu lengue peró me lengua es mui simile tu tua lengua so no es problema compriende?

>> No.11531524


>> No.11531609

grande chori

>> No.11532172

Wacho basado y pijudo.

>> No.11532189

Wasn't Borges racist? Bolaño would win.

>> No.11532195

>Borges tumbero

>> No.11532198

borges is a diversity hire so he wouldn’t have a concept of fighting for something

>> No.11532210

>a wild Argentine appears

>> No.11532272

Borges should have had a moustache.

>> No.11533358

"Empieza entonces para Otálora una vida distinta, una vida de vastos amaneceres y de jornadas que tienen el olor del caballo. Esa vida es nueva para él, y a veces atroz, pero ya está en su sangre, porque lo mismo que los hombres de otras naciones veneran y presienten el mar, así nosotros (también el hombre que entreteje estos símbolos) ansiamos la llanura inagotable que resuena bajo los cascos."
Borges (-:

>> No.11533521

Aguante el chavo. Estoy de acuerdo contigo compa, pero no venga a usar al chavo como un insulto.

>> No.11533791

lol. What a pleb.

>> No.11533801

There are deserts in South America? Bolaño wrote about Mexican deserts, OP.

>> No.11533808

Universal History of Infamy. Comfy read.

>> No.11533817

I fucking hate myself for not fully knowing Spanish, as spic I should be able to read Borges, and I refuse to read him till I finish learning Spanish.

>> No.11533821

>Wasn't Borges racist?
When he was a young adult. It doesn't matter any way.

>> No.11533829

You're not a spic if you don't "spic" Spanish, are you retarded?

>> No.11533836

>tfw American
>tfw no romantic pastoral literary tradition comparable to la literatura gauchesca
at least we have Westerns

>> No.11533842

why didn't your parents teach you Spanish? lol total failure as parents

>> No.11533847

Westerns are better than "literatura gauchesca", though.

>> No.11533874

You think my wagecuck parents have time to teach me any shet, including proper grammar.

>> No.11533887

You could've learned Spanish at home and English in the outside world. Like me lol

>> No.11533910

It's not like they had to explicitly teach you grammar. Just talking to you in both Spanish and English from an early age would have made you bilingual. It's kinda weird they didn't do it.

>> No.11533927

Underrated, also very good read for kids.

>> No.11533930

Bolaño would win.


>> No.11533947

They were both weaklings, but Bolaño was more manly, so my money's on him.

>> No.11533948

Only if you consider Hollywood as the best cultural expression of the XX century

>> No.11533960

No strawberry picker languages on this board. /lit/ is for intellectuals to discuss literature

>> No.11533966

Even if you don't consider that, Westerns are superior.

>> No.11533972

t. MAGA hat wearing inbred redneck

>> No.11533988

I didn't even vote for trump, be even more bitter, you obsessed faggot

>> No.11534005

>I didn't even vote for trump
Well, you need to be older than 18 to vote, pal.

>> No.11534013

Wrong again, I was 22 at the time

>> No.11534030

>shitting on the language of Cervantes, Borges, Cortazar, García Márquez, Bolaño, De Quevedo, De Vega, Neruda, Parra, etc.

>>11533972 is right, you're not better than a Trump supporter.

>> No.11534036

borges knows a thing or two about knifes...

>> No.11534050

The others are pretty good, but not worth learning. Going to go extinct in >1oo years anyways. They all want to be american and speak English!

>> No.11534078

Any western masterpiece? Unironically

>> No.11534083

Blood Meridian.

>> No.11534095

It's the second most spoken language in the world by the number of native speakers. It's going to be extinct at some point but not as fast as you think.

>> No.11534102

>They all want to be american and speak English!
who's "they"?

>> No.11534116

Pedazo de pelotudo, ¿estás escribiendo en inglés que no usas la "¿"?

>> No.11534118

>Gracián, Góngora, Güiraldes, Fray Luis de León, San Juan de la Cruz, Garcilaso de la Vega, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Antonio Machado, Leopoldo Lugones, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Calderón, Rubén Darío, Jorge Guillén, Jorge Manrique, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, etc etc etc
Spanish has one of the richest literatures in the world. It's behind English and French in literary terms, but not by much. The wealth of Spanish literature is particularly impressive considering that for two centuries (roughly from the end of the 17th century to the end of the 19th), during the political humiliation of Spain, in which very little literature of note was written in that language.

>> No.11534119

no importa, es 4chan no una tesis, pelotudo.

>> No.11534134

Es un lugar para la discusión de la literatura, tomate el esfuerzo de escribir bien o andá a /lgtb/ a escribir en "lenguaje inclusive".

>> No.11534140

It's well known, in Mexico city they are super fucking racist. They prefer whites and American culture. The countries im specifically referring to though are Mexico and central America. I dont know too much about South Americans though tbf

>> No.11534177

You know what, you are so right. Everything i said was wrong, i take it all back, NAUUUTTTTTTT!
Hahaha, no one will be speaking it in three generations

>> No.11534183

You're right, we're going to stop speaking it because some retard on 4chan says so. My bad.

>> No.11534205
File: 2.98 MB, 500x500, 1531404318101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading comprehension thats this bad.
People arent going to stop speaking spanish because i said so, Im just telling you thats the trend

>> No.11534239

Yeah, you might want to check your sarcasm detector, m8.

>> No.11534257

Back pedal any faster and you are going to trip and start rolling down that hill you worked so hard to climb

>> No.11534267

> Im just telling you thats the trend

what trend you're speaking of? millions of spanish-speaking babies are born every day...

>> No.11534274
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 324543213342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11534277

And they want to be American

>> No.11534292

Wanting and becoming are different things ;)

>> No.11534296

"American" = white, regardless of the post 60s narrative you may have imbibed claiming otherwise. Writers like Borges and Bolano also probably had 0% non-European admixture, which is why they were (for the sake of discussion, to many, though I personally don't think so) good writers.

>> No.11534313

Bolaño probably had some Native blood in him, it's useless to judge him unless a DNA test it's done.

>> No.11534321

Latin American writers are generally mixed even if it's just a little, not Black blood, though, but Native American and European.

>> No.11534327

Borges' ancestry was Portuguese, English, and Spanish (specifically Andalusian). Don't know about Bolaño but he looks like he had at least a little native ancestry.

Also you're a pleb

>> No.11534330


>Latin American writers are generally mixed
None that's decent will be.

>> No.11534342

Borges whole family was military. Does it make a difference?

Borges probably has a bigger dick so I think he would win by dickslap.

lol kys pleb

>> No.11534378

It does matter because it demonstrates that a high minded nigh alien like Borges had stupid human failings.

And he was a racist even to his old age. Look up his interview near the end of his life where he says he dislikes Brazil, since it's "full of niggers".

>> No.11534390

Do you think you're on reddit or something? This word has no meaning here and displaying the attitudes commonly associated with what you've been told it is is not a flaw or "failing," but a healthy reaction.

>> No.11534410

>Spanish golden age only yields one true masterpiece, DQ, and in spite of DQ being a masterpiece, it's in many ways a flat generic propaganda piece filtered by the inquisition's censoring.
Spain becomes even less impressive when you consider the paltry yields of the fruit of its "golden age", along with its deserved decline. They got to the new world during that era of exploration first, then squandered its riches, and did almost nothing with it.

>> No.11534426

... dijo el yanki, mientras un porcentaje cada vez mayor de su propio país habla el español como lengua materna. En 50 años te van a obligar a aprender español para poder hablar con los nietos de Pancho el wetback, boludazo. El futuro (¿qué digo? El cuasi-presente) yanki es MARRÓN e HISPANOHABLANTE, queridito.

>> No.11534430

Race is a spook.

Faggots on 4chan like you are only here because you suck dick at life. Don't mistake a vocal minority of inbred, sister-fucking bigots as being inheritors to a worthwhile set of mores, when really, you're a bunch of cowardly, unlikeable, nobodies who fled to the stagnant corners of the internet.

>> No.11534435

They overextended themselves and bred out with the indios too much, but the takeaway from that period, or that leading up to it, is how expelling the jews and the arabs those jews let in led to Spain taking off like a rocket ship and conquering the globe. That's a lesson and model the west needs to reinstitute with no room for conversos this time.

>> No.11534438

Race is the foundation of everything. You're just a bitter mongrel and you know it.

>> No.11534440

>None that's decent will be.
You'll be surprised ;)

>> No.11534454

>Race is the foundation of everything
Debatable. But not race purity, though.

>> No.11534455

If it's the foundation of Europe and Murrica you must be pleased that Allah and his minions are making those foundations crumble.

>> No.11534466

It's not debatable, it's the root of one's being and the defects caused by race-mixing aren't debatable.

Arabs are dysfunctional, they won't be taking over anything. They, along with the jews who let them in, will be kicked out just like they were in Spain. No light without darkness.

>> No.11534493

Race mixing is bad only if you do it with Blacks.

>> No.11534514

All race-mixing is bad, even among two high IQ groups like whites and Asians. It destroys a child's fundamental identity and leads to increased rates of depression and other physical and mental defects. It should never be encouraged. Of course, I expect a bunch of Argentinians mossing in a Borges thread to claim otherwise, but the fact that you are here in the first place and read likely means you have marginal admixture.

>> No.11534521

I want to make a reply but you're basically right

Now I want to unlearn Spanish

t. american

>> No.11534523

You're retarded.
t. Mestizo

>> No.11534526

lol you're being ridiculous, maybe in a first generation it causes identity issues but in places like Latin America pretty much everybody's mixed to a degree and people are maybe the happiest in the world. I am indeed mixed, but so are my ancestors.

>> No.11534532


Retard inbred sister-fuckers alert

>> No.11534545

You are defending your mongrel interests, no surprise there.

Latin America is a shithole outside of parts where the population is predominantly European like Southern Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. The rest of it is a mongrelized murderscape.

>> No.11534552

>Biological determinism
Just LOL

>> No.11534555

Lmao. And who are you kidding, you dumb faggot. You're a 56% Amerimutt.

>> No.11534565

race-identity is a worthless mental object, you are just a larper

>> No.11534572

Actually the shittiest places are the ones who are predominantly black like Haiti and such. You're being racist just for the sake of it, mixed cultures are an important part of Latin America, downplay it or minimize it, it doesnt make a difference, the reality is that we wouldn't have some of the richest cultures in the world if it werent for it.

>> No.11534578

Instead of bathing in your mongrel bitterness and trying to bring others down with you, you should try to accept your lower status and genetic defects.

>> No.11534587

You are the bitter one here pal, going all Hitler on us. Get real, it's 2018, nobody save basement dwellers care about race anymore.

>> No.11534590

The facts are against your Pollyanna view of the murderous shitholes that comprise most of Latin America, and the best places in Latin America are the most European and the least mixed. This is the reality, try to face it.

>> No.11534598

*You* do not care about race because your racial identity was destroyed and now you are forced to latch onto some low IQ mocha globalism as a replacement identity. I feel bad for you, but you shouldn't with your fate upon others. That's just selfish.

>> No.11534602

>the reality is the reality I'm telling you.
Mexico City is mixed and one of the best cities in LatAm, as is Monterrey and Guadalajara.And plenty of others cities in LatAm. Mexico's only Lit Nobel is mixed, too. Provide a source for your claim ot get btfo.

>> No.11534603

>mixed cultures are an important part of Latin America, downplay it or minimize it, it doesnt make a difference
The racist dumbfuck is particularly wrong, but you're wrong too. In the grand scheme of things, race is irrelevant to a strong culture. Case in point, most "Arabs" today dropped their shitty identities and Islamicized themselves into a generic brown, and the Muslim world is relevant, because by the end of this century, they'll be a third of the world, dwarfing christendom.

>some of the richest cultures in the world
Don't fool yourself. A Spanish golden age, and 1.5 continents to themselves, and latin america has accomplished even less than the Murrican hooligans.

>> No.11534615

I'm an Ivy graduate, so maybe you should get used to bowing down to me. I'm not sure what you're on about in terms of genetic defects, but if my upbringing got me several scholarships and an elite education, I might as well stick with it.

>> No.11534616

not such thing mate

>> No.11534633

I've lived in Mexico City. European-blooded people run it and live in specific, well-guarded neighborhoods in DF to escape the population with little or no European admixture. I lived in those neighborhoods, I knew those people, few if any had native ancestry.

>> No.11534634

It's being like that since the 1500s in my country, this is the New World we're talking about, so it's not some recent globablist bs. You need to understand that not every country is as segregated as the US, specially not LatAm countries. Our identity comes from the mixing. We arent just Natives nor Spanish.

>> No.11534643

You still have to go back. Whites built those institutions, not mongrels like yourself, who were only let into them due to jewish anti-white affirmative action policies.

Anyone vaguely familiar with the demographic layout of Latin America knows this.

>> No.11534645

People were born into this, as were their ancestors, no identity was destroyed.

>> No.11534654

>You still have to go back
There we go. YOU have to go back to /pol/

>> No.11534657

>my country
Which is? All of Latin America is heavily segregated based on racial makeup. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.

>> No.11534663

The average LatAmerican is mixed. This is the reality.

>> No.11534667

Spanish identity was destroyed for many who bred out to create half-castes who are forced to adopt a new identity like yourselves. It is what it is; the problem here is when it's presented to non-mongrels as good or ideal.

Never posted there.

>> No.11534679

>Never posted there.
You might want to vent your racist worldview over there, pal. This board is for LITERATURE.

>> No.11534684

>You still have to go back. Whites built those institutions, not mongrels like yourself, who were only let into them due to jewish anti-white affirmative action policies.
Slaves built those institutions.

>> No.11534685

There are many who are not, and behavioral patterns, functionality, and intelligence are still correlated along basic racial lines whether you want accept it or not.

<- - - >
Indio blood, less functional ....... European blood, more.

That's just how it works.

>> No.11534691

Well, like you said, it is what it is.

>> No.11534692

"Racism" is not a real word; it's a propaganda word used by people losing discussions about the reality of race.

No, white people did.

>> No.11534702

Ay caramba

>> No.11534705

It depends. The Europeans (read Spaniards) didn't even brush their teeth before getting here, it was the Aztecs who had teeth-cleaning habits. One culture nurtured the other. And the result it's not necessarily a bad thing. It is what it is.

>> No.11534707

what the ACTUAL fuck
mods delete this thread already and ban pol crossposters ffs

>> No.11534717

"racial identity" is not a real concept, it's a propaganda concept used by people losing material resources like territory and dubious "cultural heritage" in order to expand their political totalitarian power.

>> No.11534721

You should try to think about how you pick up bogus bits of propaganda like that, who is feeding it to you, and what agenda it serves.

>> No.11534728

Racial identity comprises the core of being and has been formulated over millennia. It's about the most real concept there is, and everything flows out of it and is a reflection of it, including culture.

>> No.11534731

>"Racism" is not a real word; it's a propaganda word used by people losing discussions about the reality of race.
The textbook definition of racism is that you think a perceived race is superior to another. So yeah, your opinion is indeed racist.

"Propaganda" however is a word people say when they want to dimish their opponent's argument. "Oh it's propaganda! It offends me!" When in fact no propaganda has taken place because there's not an actual political agenda when two fucking strangers on the internet are discussing some issue.

>> No.11534745

Races are not equal. Whites are responsible for 97% of all scientific and technological innovation because they have intrinsic faculties that others do not.

>> No.11534749

>it's real becuz history say so
sure thing larper, alternatively how do you derive a metaphysical and idealist concept like "being" from fucking hard materialism like the density of melanine in your skin?

>> No.11534764

All throughout human history different societies have placed their priorities in different places.

>> No.11534767

I recommend learning about what the word "race" actually means instead of making yourself look foolish by repeating clearly nonsensical judeo-agitprop lines about 'muh skin color.'

>> No.11534775

There's no speculation here, you're just not informed on the subject matter. Whites are responsible for nearly all innovation because of creative faculties that were selected for and built up over thousands of years and are a result of evolutionary environment. Other groups evolved in different circumstances and even when they are high IQ like Asians, did not undergo the same pressures and thus lack traits like creativity that are responsible for innovative prowess.

>> No.11534790

typical nihilist trash, answer now, how do you derive the idealist concept of "being" from "race" , to form "race-identity"?

>> No.11534803

I don't know what you mean by functional but iq is better described by chance than heritage, there are thousands of individuals of different genetic with above averge iq in colombia they are still the minority but they are not uncommon (there are many black and indio doctors and lawyers). india has a comparabel average iq and still produces many engineers and doctors each year.

>> No.11534806

Your question is unclear, as is how you interpreted "nihilism" of all things from my post. Race is the root of the plant, all cultural expressions and faculties are products of it.

>> No.11534814

>iq is better described by chance than heritage
No, it's not. And anyone even remotely familiar with IQ research would laugh at that. IQ is tethered almost invariably to genetics.

>> No.11534815

Your comment and my comment don't necessarily contradict each other. Different groups of people have different priorities. If you compare Europeans with Native Americans, ones were more spiritual than the others, and ones were more materialist the others.

>> No.11534829

where's the core of race deposited? in a material object like your body or in a idealist-metaphysical world?
answer clearly please

>> No.11534833

How tf did a Borges/Bolaño thread became a /pol/ thread??

>> No.11534839

All of that is relative and likely not true anyway. Indians were eating each other's hearts and were incapable of creating an advanced society and remain so today. Some people are just better and more capable than others, and that's okay, that's how nature works.

>> No.11534840

It is highly heritable but it is alwas described in percentages, there is no certainty when it comes to iq only prediction regardless of how accurate it is

>> No.11534844

I recommend you refer to a textbook on how evolution and natural selection work before posting more.

>> No.11534871

>It is highly heritable
Yes, it is, which is why it negates the following statement you made right after.

>there is no certainty when it comes to iq only prediction regardless of how accurate it is

>> No.11534882

Maybe because their priorities weren't placed in the same places as those of Europeans. Have you thought about it? You and I don't have the same priorities. Maybe my priorities are fucking, writing and cooking while yours are praying, drinking and reading.

Are we seriously going to question their religious practices? Europeans were into incest and whatnot. And worshipped a Jew on a cross, etc.

>> No.11534894

No, it is completely heritable would, not highly

>> No.11534898
File: 275 KB, 1755x1240, global_consanguinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to pretend laziness and lack of creativity are virtues, okay, I'll stop pushing back against your extreme relativism. Europeans are the least incestuous people alive though. That's a jewish meme; jews being of course the most inbred group alive, in control of much of our media, and prone to projection.

>> No.11534906

answer the question please, I really want to know how do you create a "racial identity"

>> No.11534912

>Europeans are the least incestuous people alive though.
Bold claim. Your map shows it's pretty much the same as in the Americas. Care to provide an additional source.

>> No.11534918

>That's a jewish meme; jews being of course the most inbred group alive, in control of much of our media, and prone to projection.

lol back to /pol/, /pol/tard.

>> No.11534919


>> No.11534921

Africa is so inbred lmao

>> No.11534936

/pol/ needs to be regularly pogrommed. The mods should just go to /pol/ at random and mass-ban everyone posting on it at any given time.

>> No.11534948

In sudacamonkey land, only edgy teens and leftist students think Bolaño is good. Stop pushing this meme writer you retards he is not even close to Borges or any other legit Latinamerican like Asunción Silva, Rulfo, etc

che chori sos un pibe re re basado

>> No.11534950

I would like to try but I don't understand what you're asking because you simply aren't making sense, friend.

Map's pretty clear. Consanguinity has been outlawed in the west for a long time. It's simply not a part of western culture.

Jews have disproportionate control and frequently behave with hostility toward the host population. Screaming 'jew' in all caps is not an effective strategy of convincing people who may not understand that otherwise.

>> No.11534961

Your statement is directed mainly at me, someone who has literally never posted on pol.

Try to confront the arguments being presented in a mature fashion using logic and civil discourse, as I am doing.

>> No.11534967

Who the fuck is Asuncion Silva? Get the fuck outta here with your no name writers and let people enjoy Bolaño.

>> No.11534971

>Bolaño is good

He is indeed good, maybe he's not at the same level as Borges and the others you mentioned but he's still worth reading though.

>> No.11534976

You cant get any more West than The Americas. And yeah, the map shows Europe is as consanguineous as The Americas.

>> No.11534978

>Spanish literature thread degenerate into a race discussion.

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.11534990

>Your statement is directed mainly at me, someone who has literally never posted on pol.

He literally didn't talk to you, but if the boot fits...

>> No.11535000

Much of the population of the Americas is European so that's not surprising, is it?

>> No.11535003

Im all in for edgy ironic racism but conspiracy theories and fash larping has to go

>> No.11535005

>doesn't know the most famous colombian poet
gtfo gringo marica

his books are too long. there are better things to read

>> No.11535006

My remark was making known that it doesn't fit.

>> No.11535014

Well, yeah, but also incest was frowned upon or even punished by death in many Native American societies.

>> No.11535024

please answer, how it is originated a "racial identity"

>> No.11535027

>his books are too long.
lol thats the most pleb opinion, you dont belong here.

>> No.11535029

Colombian here, you just introduced him to me, he is in one of our bills!!!

>> No.11535030

It's really not. In smaller LA towns you see astronomical rates of mental retardation because the population is low IQ and highly related.

>> No.11535036

Quite the opposite, you felt it was directef at you because you knew it fit with the /pol/ trash.

>> No.11535042

>It's really not. In smaller LA towns you see astronomical rates of mental retardation because the population is low IQ and highly related.


>> No.11535047

The same goes for southern USA, but thats not the norm, is it.

>> No.11535053

>doesnt even know the people in the national currency
Why even browse /lit/? kys already

>> No.11535054

Lease a mis otros dos favoritos, Nico Dávila y León de Greiff. pelotudo

stop whitesplaining gringo

>> No.11535061

I said Native American as in the Aztec Empire, etc. where incest was punishable by death. I didn't say modern Latin America, which as the map implies is pretty much the same as Europe when it comes to consanguinity.

>> No.11535064

Anecdotal from my vast experience living in the region. Sure you can find stuff to back it up though.

That's a jewish Hollywood meme, projection. This was established upthread.

>> No.11535071

I'm not whitespaining shit and I'm not a gringo, I'm Mexican. If you call an author shit because "his books are too long" you are a pleb.

>> No.11535077

>I'm a Mexican

>> No.11535084

>That's a jewish Hollywood meme, projection.
Is it, though? Well, viewing Native Americans as a savage monolith is also a Hollywood meme.

>> No.11535091

No, Mexican from Mexico. You're a Colombian, people barely care about your country.

>> No.11535096

Maybe. You said it was frowned upon, which it typically is except among the most backward of semites and Africans. I am happy to accept that mestizos are on par with whites in the consanguinity department. I'm not trying to disparage them here. If I had to guess though I'd say it's a little higher and my personal experience backs this up. I've lived in LA towns where a large % of the population was mentally retarded due to population relatedness.

>> No.11535098

>Anecdotal from my vast experience living in the region. Sure you can find stuff to back it up though.
I've also lived in southern USA, and I'm telling you it's pretty inbred.

>> No.11535111

It's simply not. You're lying.

>> No.11535112

>I've lived in LA towns where a large % of the population was mentally retarded due to population relatedness.
What countries and regions exactly?

>> No.11535117

Am I? Well, that was like twelve or so years ago but I do remember, I met many first and second cousins who were couples and had kids. That level of incest, I'm not talking about parents and siblings.

>> No.11535123

Pacific coast of Mexico is primarily where I witnessed that. The % of mentally retarded people in small Jalisco and Colima towns was enormous. Those aren't really mestizos either but more indios, I should have said.

>> No.11535133

It's quite clear you aren't telling the truth.

>> No.11535136

indegenous communities are quite isolated and marginalized so I guess thats why.

>> No.11535148

Mejor ser irrelevante que chicano

>> No.11535158

It is true, though, I've lived in a small town near Knoxville where everybody knew everyobody. They seemed happy. Also I've heard rural Appalachia is inbred as well. Heard horror stories which I refuse to belive, involving fathers anf daughters.

>> No.11535163

I rember seeing a poll in a newspaper in Colombia where people were asked what was the first word that occurred to them when thinking of indians. The top responses were along the lines of: "lazy, stupid, rude, ignorant, criminals, low lifes, ugly, etc"

>> No.11535165

La cosa es que no onions chicano ;)

>> No.11535192

People knowing everybody else does not mean they're inbred, and there is such a strong taboo in place against cousin marriage and the like among whites that occasions of it are rare to nonexistent, and certainly not something that would ever be shared openly with someone like you. You're being dishonest, it's quite obvious.

>> No.11535219

>I rember seeing a poll in a newspaper in Colombia where people were asked what was the first word that occurred to them when thinking of indians.

You shouldn't take the opinions of the colombian average citizens very seriously. As a society, we are retarded.

t. colombian

>> No.11535226

I thought I was the only colombian here

>> No.11535230

They didn't share it with me, I was just passing by the town and people told me everything about it.

>> No.11535231

t. indio o negro de mierda

you came close boricua

>> No.11535240

Ya te vi argento

>> No.11535251

>I've lived in
>I was just passing by
Like I said, you aren't telling the truth.

>> No.11535258

Been there for 2 weeks. Should've been more specific.

>> No.11535548

Talking shit will not give you back the falklands

>> No.11535820

atacama desert in chile and half of argentina its fucking its dry dust.

>> No.11535844

>islas pedorras llenas de *nglos incestuosos violadores de ovejas
No, gracias.

>> No.11535928

Damnable shitposting by yours truLy :)

>> No.11536907

Borges not only hated the spanish language but also the "porteño" italo-spanish low-class crime culture. Have you ever heard him speak? No lunfardo in there.

>> No.11536940

'Going to go extinct in >100 years'
'in >100 years'

Anon, I didn't know you loved Spanish so much.

>> No.11537126

>”isn’t weird shit like Ficciones”
>isn’t the experimental form he’s known and lauded for as in his greatest and most well-known work

I sometimes dislike Borges’s metafiction too for being hollow and convoluted, but this is just the definition of being a pleb. The whole point is that Borges wrote in “weird” (new, interesting, experimental) ways. If you don’t like his most acclaimed work and think his experimentation is “weird”, you’re not going to like his other stuff. God, this board really does get awful in the summer. We need to cull the plebs.