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11526083 No.11526083 [Reply] [Original]

Can you write prose and handle heavy themes like death and cancer better than the author of the best book about existence and its meaning?

>> No.11526091

go away

>> No.11526097

"Why are breakfast food breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast?"

"Hazel, eat."

"But why?" I asked. "I mean seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich.

>> No.11526111
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>mfw 99% of people here don't even like reading and keep making threads about books that are easy targets for criticism to gain the "intellectual high ground" in their mind because they read Lolita or IJ once

>> No.11526122

so y'all be saying you can't

>> No.11526138

the funny thing about this is that there is a simple explanation.
Egg is a complete protein, and is a great way of starting the day. Unlike most other easily-available, cheap proteins, it is also quick to cook - i.e., the person preparing the meal doesn't have to wake up an hour before serving it. Other meals, like stews or curries, need to be prepared for a considerably longer time. The association of eggs with breakfast is thus a kind of synecdoche - breakfast often includes eggs, therefore the presence of eggs makes something a breakfast food. Of course, there are egg-based dishes in various parts of the world that are not breakfast foods, but if we consider the child who is speaking, it is entirely understandable that she does not have the necessary life experience to comprehend that her own culture is not the only one that exists.
The joke is that there are readers who think that she is being fearless and clear-sighted in her unwillingness to bow to blind tradition, when this particular tradition is transparently logical to anyone who thinks about it even for a moment. The desire to ask questions should be secondary to the desire to find answers to them.
And yes, before you say it, it is autism.

>> No.11526193

I want to be your friend, Anon.

>> No.11526201

Bacon lobby in the USA in I believe the 1960s but it might've even been earlier, marketed a "complete breakfast" and brainwashed a population that otherwise would've eaten whatever was at hand.

>> No.11526214

this is pasta I'm afraid

>> No.11526225

I read 1/3 of searching for alaska when I was 16.

The protagonist was a blue pilled beta bitch- is this one any better?

>> No.11526227

I don't have a lot knowledge on how egg farming works but doesn't this association stem from the time when refrigerators didn't exist and many people used to have their own chicken and would check on the eggs the next morning?

>> No.11526231

>"Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast?"



>> No.11526233

it fucking is not, you prick. I'm autistic to write this out all by myself.
thank you

>> No.11526238

yeah, one post can't explain all the reasons why eggs were settled on (hyuck hyuck) as the default breakfast food, but you're right that there are lots of reasons

>> No.11526240

The Jews own the chicken conglomerates.

Put two and two together goyim.

Blue pilled and not based.

Don't want to be your friend anymore gay boy.

>> No.11526241

I can though, stop bringing YA shit in here.

>> No.11526263

>Don't want to be your friend anymore gay boy
if I had a dollar for every time I'd heard this...