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File: 99 KB, 640x814, 1520750933878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11525140 No.11525140 [Reply] [Original]

What are some book about manchildren?

>> No.11525144


>> No.11525147

a confederacy of dunces

>> No.11525153

the bible

>> No.11525155

just read the newspaper (liberal or conservative slant). Boomers are the ultimate manchildren. goodies and gossip and more goodies.

Fuck this gay ass earth.

>> No.11525158

George Elliot's manifesto

>> No.11525160

my dairy desu

>> No.11525161

redundant, all men are children

>> No.11525172

The Joker is a mass murderer.

>> No.11525179

>Boomers are the ultimate manchildren.
This. how do you blame [people under forty] for the problems in the world that you created

>> No.11525186


consumerism and capitalism are diseases

>> No.11525212

He is fucking worried about discord

>> No.11525228


Books haven't been written about basedbòyz yet. I think the most you can hope for are screenshots of sick burns.

>> No.11525254

you have to be 18 to use 4chan

>> No.11525283

lol sorry, meant to say Elliot Rodger

>> No.11525339

yeah, but he's a cool one

>> No.11525347

Notes from Underground

>> No.11525354


>> No.11525390
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>> No.11525397

your diary desu

>> No.11525406


Anime feets ruined sexual reproduction for me. The refugees can have the roasties.

>> No.11525414

modern manchild poetry


>> No.11525444


>> No.11525447

It was a word before it was an app

>> No.11525532

Is this what's known as a "safe space"?

>> No.11525564
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>> No.11525629

conflicts the only way anything emerges, lord have mercy!

>> No.11525683

true, gas the boomers, nothing but phonies, shills and entitlement.

>> No.11525704
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>> No.11525747

I followed this image to its creator's source and it looks like the dude makes reddicore meme rap and performs it at conventions


>> No.11525757

the bacon meme is one of the worst normie memes

>> No.11525884

12 rules for life

>> No.11525996
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>> No.11526017

i like how you can tell the kid is on ketamine

>> No.11526028


>> No.11526296

>on ketamine
>not sat down or holding his legs
he got some terrible quality ket

>> No.11526313

formerlly chuck's

>> No.11526317
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tfw oblomov is literally you

>> No.11526321

>hacks your wifi

>> No.11526349

>the frak
>wanting to swear but being too afraid to use the "bad words"
Of all the things in this dumb comic strip, this offends me the most.

>> No.11526412

There was this book I found on the table of a vacation house I stayed at this Easter. I kind of skimmed through it and read the beginning of most chapters for an hour. It was okay, talked about how modern adults are basically all mass consuming non independent children that fidget with their toy phone all day. The cover was a stroller I think. No idea what it was called though.

>> No.11526437

It's from battlestar galactica.

>> No.11526460
File: 287 KB, 452x622, 1449250673342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh smartphones muh consumerism
reminder that this opinion itself has already been commodified
no escaping the spectacle

>> No.11526466


>> No.11527442

What do you mean by this.

>> No.11527449

That just makes me feel even worse, anon.

>> No.11527454

Was she an incel too?

>> No.11527460

She was apparently quite ugly so I'm sure she was a lookscel

>> No.11527481

Debord really should be on this essential depressing literature charts because Society of the Spectacle is some incredibly depressing shit

>> No.11527487

Depressingly bad

>> No.11527491


>> No.11527538

Manchildren aren't a thing so there isn't one.

Try Oblomov.

>> No.11527599

If you're talking about relentless immaturity, you want a book about boomers.

>> No.11528017

Have you ever been in a bookshelf thread? Just count the number of pics with visible Tolkiens in them. Right now you're asking manchildren for criticism of manchildren, just browse the catalog instead and reflect a little on your own.

>> No.11528436

he's also a gamer

>> No.11528489
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I heard someone was talking about ESCAPISM!!!

>> No.11528513

all boomers have ever said was that millennials can't take responsibility for themselves. And this is the classic millennial rebuttal
>the world was fucked up when I got here man so I should be a lazy sack of shit and smoke weed and eat avocados

go clean your room bucko

>> No.11528542
File: 1.85 MB, 1093x1280, F635CDFB566F4BD19A8AE2D25CE09AD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what if we ruined your planet. It's your responsibility now LOL I'm gonna be dead anyway before having to face any consequences. Now shut up and let me mow this lawn *sip*
The reactianary enviromentalist in me says boomers need to die but the post-ironically quasi-memetically humorous side of me tells me they are based and red(?) pilled for destroying everybody else's future and not giving a shit about anything but their high living standards.

>> No.11528663

This guy is based, and you guys are all just hatas.

>> No.11528723
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>not posting the original

>> No.11528775

witnessed your oc lad

>> No.11528821

Not mine tbf.

>> No.11528881

to my boyfriend???

>> No.11528899

I can't tell if this is serious or satirically making fun of people who are obsessed with pop culture.

Or maybe a meta-satire of someone who would make fun of a pop culture fan because many of the stories those characters are in have the same themes as the "real world" on the left.

>> No.11528910

He’s right you know..

>> No.11528924

to be fair

>> No.11529178

I've gone more towards the ol pop culture stuff recently but not because of "muh scawy news", more how brain numbingly repetitive it is at the moment. I saw a front page headline a couple of days ago in the UK about how post Brexit trade deals will be difficult according to a minister. It's not a new story or an interesting story, it's more of a status update from the government.

The problem is now the manchildren with important jobs imo, not these other people.

>> No.11529182

Why would their be a possessive on boyfriend? Their boyfriend if anything surely.

>> No.11529258

200 iq bait

>> No.11530390

e.g. Bojack Horseman, the show marketed to people who don't want things marketed to them

>> No.11530404

Got him
Debord currently drinking himself to death for the second time

>> No.11530437

why i are

>> No.11530453
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>> No.11530465

so the based thing to do would be to do the same

>> No.11530469

Debord is some "we truly live in a society" bullshit. Representation has always governed human interaction

>> No.11530546

The superfluous man, and a lot of things by Turgenev.

>> No.11530564

Debord BTFOA

>> No.11530573

my diary desu

>> No.11530848

Real winner of a pic, OP

>> No.11531379

So are, communism, socialism, anarchism and whatever political systems currently thought of.

>> No.11531388


>> No.11531510

he's intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.11532586
File: 405 KB, 500x500, 15230542_1811252462474552_5977699181997318095_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you stop escaping finishing the final fucking movie it's been 8 years at this point anyone who cared has literally outgrown whatever message you had.

>> No.11532997

>Still giving a shit after how bad 3.0
I don't even have the motivation of watching my waifu since she's be relegated to irrelevance and taking Misato's place.

>> No.11533050

Seize the Day

>> No.11533053

actually, yes

>> No.11533061

*record scratch*

So there I was...

>> No.11533116
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x2162, EHizwBl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually liked a lot of what 3.0 did and think that some aspects of it compare to EoE.

Shinji standing alone in the remains of Unit 01's hangar, staring up at its old and rusted restraints is as poignant and Eva as anything in the original series. Of course, it made a lot of weird choices but seen mostly just as a reflection on Eva's legacy (Shinji trying to repeat the old patterns in a world that's grown past them, "The curse of Eva is that you never grow up," etc) I think it's good parts are legitimately great.

It's just its bad parts are legitimately shit

>> No.11533139


>> No.11534468

tits or gtfo.

>> No.11534995
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1706, twingo army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oui oui mi amor

>> No.11535020

fuck this kid looks like me if I lost 20 pounds

>> No.11535046

the communist manifesto

anything written between 1965-2015

>> No.11535215

I want to make a fascist version of this where he turns and goes towards a tradwife and kids.

>> No.11535224

I like how the image insinuates these mental invalids are incapable of mentally handling reality

>> No.11535238


>> No.11535247

shoop, thats not his real shirt