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11524595 No.11524595 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11525824
File: 346 KB, 1003x796, wayne-barlowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an elephant that grows bull horns and megaloceros antlers and he starts eating everything. Too bulky to be opposed by carnivores, too ferocious to be opposed by herbivores, too irrational to be understood by man, too arcane to be integrated into nature. He's always. We can only perceive him through paintings of dinosaurs. Once you correlate all of them, he eats you too.

>> No.11525847

A tragedy about someone called moner who works at a university, studying and teaching English language. He meets a wife but it turns out they’re a terrible fit and she takes his daughter and raises her strictly by herself. He has an affair with a girl at the university called matherine miscoll. And one of the professors called momax really hates him because he wanted to throw a student out of his class for being an arrogant cunt

>> No.11525872

Sounds really fresh and original anon, I like it

>> No.11525882
File: 110 KB, 600x600, CEA4523B-317A-471D-9EF7-B561EFA86FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the plot to Neon Genesis Evangelion but in space and with less Askua. (Fight me)

>> No.11525914

Not really a novel idea, more of a short story or a novella at most. I think
A young man wakes up in the desert with amnesia, a few miles outside of a small town. On his forehead is a piece of cloth tape with a name written on it, which he presumes is his. All he can remember is that he was sent to the town to kill someone. The story revolves around him investigating the history and people kf the town and finding out who that someone is.
Plot twist: he eventually realizes that he's supposed to kill himself to atone for crimes he committed in the past. Because he learns of what he did while not remembering that he was the one who did it, he realizes that killing himself is the right thing to do.

>> No.11526161

A novel that describes the life of people in a hotel, all the events are happening in one day. There are a lot of guests staying at the hotel, and the novel would go full autism with the details about each character. There would also be plot intertwining. For example, a certain event isn't understandable at a certain part of the novel, but later on, when seen from a different perspective (through the eyes of a different character) and with the reader having more knowledge of some information, everything would fit into its place, and he'd understand the event (why it happened, who are the characters in it etc).

>> No.11526166

It's an interesting idea, but I think the plot twist is too obvious. Before reading your spoiler, I already guessed what it was.

>> No.11526315

>but I think the plot twist is too obvious
For sure. But its more about the fact that he comes to terms with killing himself when *he* realizes what's going on, he accepts it as the right thing. I also think there could still be a lot of suspend if its written right.

>> No.11526320

The only good thing about NGE was Asuka desu

>> No.11526343

It definitely is a good idea, I hope you write that novel one day.

>> No.11526352

For me, it's the Baird's Tapir.

>> No.11526382
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Thanks anon. I'll do my best.

>> No.11526384

You can do it, Anon, I believe in you.

>> No.11526411
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Anon plz, you're making me feel bad.

>> No.11526419

You can do it, dubsanon.

>> No.11526534

Epic poem of three guys sitting around a campfire. Each tell a story about love, life, rejection. Its set to our time, its a glimpse into modern love from many perspectives

>> No.11526599


No redemption?

>> No.11527575


Based Baird's

>> No.11527632

I dig it. As the other anon said the twist might be to obvious. I think there are more original endings that still fit with your idea.

>> No.11527678

A book brimming with homolust where nothing ever happens.

>> No.11527700

So pretty much S.T.A.L.K.E.R, just slightly different and worse?

>> No.11528633
File: 201 KB, 1200x826, Baird's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute also

>> No.11528637

Tapirs are stupid. This is fact, not an opinion.

>> No.11528646
File: 157 KB, 1360x768, tapirsnout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
