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/lit/ - Literature

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11522097 No.11522097 [Reply] [Original]

If he had stayed in STEM, would his life have been better?

>> No.11522127

Depends whether you think the "life" of an unconscious automaton is "happy." STEM majors are as "happy" as a calculator. They are soulless, emotionless husks who exist only to perform a small set of prescribed functions for the person who owns them, so that he can turn better profits. They learn how to make graphs and compute sums so that they won't be discarded, but do they really exist? Are they really conscious? No one knows.

>> No.11522138

His life would be better if he'd beat his wife once or twice desu.

>> No.11522149

>and that's why I majored in "taking things easy"

>> No.11522158

I laughed

>> No.11522186

stoner loved reading and teaching

>> No.11522193


>> No.11522198

Could some american explain to me what STEM actually includes? We don't have an equivalent where I'm from, but I've gathered that it refers to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics? Does it include medicine or biology?

>> No.11522205

>what STEM actually includes?


>> No.11522207


>> No.11522208

people who can't read

>> No.11522227

this is what I tell myself every day to cope with not choosing a STEM major

>> No.11522253 [DELETED] 

Yes, it would include medicine or biology, or really any advanced field of knowledge that would help one find a job and support himself after leaving university

Naturally it is looked down upon by baristas and retail employees who lack the gray matter to perform calculus--apparently, a love of literature and financial hygiene are mutually exclusive traits

>> No.11522266

calculus is easy though anybody can do it

>> No.11522281

So is the idea that all STEM people are smart but anti-intellectual in the sense that they don't read? I guess the equivalent meme where I'm from would just be the view on Engineering students as smug people who think they're getting the most advanced and well-paying education around, whilst being into Harry Potter and Neon Genesis Evangelion (?) at best - it doesn't really extend to mathematicians, biologists, physicists or med students though. Anecdotally, it applies to a few people I know, which I guess is quite funny.

>> No.11522286

He would have been a sadcunt dirt farmer like his old man. He was taking agricultural science to continue farming.

>> No.11522296

STEAM master race

>> No.11522312

When will the STEM meme die?

Do people actually think a STEM degree is an automatic ticket to a great job?

>> No.11522328

Me too desu.

>> No.11522342

I know they think it matters what you got your bachelors in

>> No.11522471

the thing is a lot STEM people are too caught up with their occupations to really focus on cultural studies. of course this is a generalization, but also people who decide to pursue STEM are usually either nerds or only care about making money which is very superficial and limited from a humane living point of view which literature/arts promotes.

>> No.11522565

After high school if you want to immediately go blue collar.
Otherwise 4 Year liberal arts education, including math and physics etc. Then you get hired and your company either supplies or pays for maybe 2 more years of training while you are also on the job. Am I a pleb for thinking this? Of course in the wake of what’s coming maybe it doesn’t matter.

>> No.11522567

>not inheriting your parents capital and not having to work regardless

>> No.11522605

It's a term that came from think tanks in the mid to late 2000s to push neoliberalism further in American universities and people keep buying into the meme

>> No.11522623
File: 23 KB, 648x528, STEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEM is a meme, pretty much anything too specialized like neuroscience, life sciences, and many fields of engineering are completely over saturated, but the T part of STEM is not.

>> No.11522639

>financial hygiene

Stick to STEM.

>> No.11522711 [DELETED] 

>when will the stem meme die
stick to starbucks

>> No.11522715

t. financially unhygienic slob

"Take a shower" i.e. a financial literacy class and learn to code or something. Playing make-believe and consuming entertainment is not a career

>> No.11522790


>> No.11522796

Nice edition.

>> No.11522866

I majored in philosophy and earn more than all my STEMlet friends. All a STEM degree promises is a repetitive middle class job. Some of us are a little more ambitious than that. Nevertheless I'm still disgusted by the tastelessness of those words, "financial hygiene".

>> No.11522875

What do you do?

>> No.11522885

>being a wagie in the first place

>> No.11522900

>Engineering students as smug people who think they're getting the most advanced and well-paying education around, whilst being into Harry Potter and Neon Genesis Evangelion (?) at best - it doesn't really extend to mathematicians, biologists, physicists or med students though.
This is exactly how it is here in America as well. Engineers are essentially eternal manchildren, not nearly as intelligent as they think they are and never emotionally developing past the age of 14 or so. Other STEM majors though are usually well rounded intelligent people.

>> No.11522905

why was Edith such a bitch?

>> No.11522907 [DELETED] 

He's Nintendo's philosopher-in-residence, very prestigious, real, and well-compensating work. Sometimes his job requires him to shitpost in the middle of the afternoon on 4chan, but such are the demands of a former philosophy student

>> No.11522931

Sooner or later won't robots/AI do what STEMfags do?

>> No.11522937

there will be people needed to control the robots and upgrade/ maintain them

>> No.11522961

only americans think STEMfriends are automated robots, they think in dichotomies and they are egocentric

>> No.11522985

Very true. We still have these boomer and Gen X fantasies of artist-slackers making by on a part-time day job and focusing on their true calling during their ample free time. The idea of studying math if you want to be a writer is unheard of to many Americans, who still don't realize that the 90s are dead, cost of living's skyrocketed while wages have stagnated, and they'll be lucky to find a Dilbert-esque desk job.

>> No.11523093


>> No.11523131


The world outside of the University is too poorly defined for me to care. There are two farms. Europe, we are told, exists.

This is not an interesting question.


This has nothing to do with the book.

>> No.11523158

Mathematics is the only patrician stem field. Science, technology, and especially engineering are all bugman majors.

>> No.11523176


That didn't make a lot of sense when I reread it. Here's the part I forgot:

If Stoner had completed his degree agricultural science, he would eventually have had to leave the enclave of the University. Might as well be the edge of the Earth.

Stonerworld isn't a fertile jungle pregnant with socioeconomic possibility, like Stygia or O.N.A.N. It's the fucking Midwest.

>> No.11523203


>Pic related; it's me and my bitch.

You forgot the most important part!

>> No.11523214

Farm life woulda been suited but empty for him.

>> No.11523250

Then you make robots that control and maintain the other robots

>> No.11523537

>implying our robotic overlords won't be able to maintain themselves
t. delusional meatbag

>> No.11523611 [DELETED] 

>furious and obviously triggered janny removed every post ITT which reminded the users of /lit/ of the importance of financial hygiene
Take a good look, friends. If you're not careful about what you study, you may end up as a volunteer 4chan garbageman, living in mommy's basement, throwing away hours upon hours just combing through this board's trash, your only joy in life being the petty pleasure you take in removing anonymous internet posts that remind you of your failures.

>> No.11523827

Actually, I'm pretty sure he just deleted the posts of a single user. They have this new feature now, if you spam they delete every post that you ever made on every board. Pretty neat, taking out all the garbage in one go.

>> No.11524091


>not beating your women into subordination

theres a reason why europe is getting allahu akbared despite westerners vastly outnumbering mid easterners.

>> No.11524165
File: 61 KB, 496x641, 1531028253705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you, my brother? You've got a whole life ahead of you, no need to indulge these vile fantasies. You have an opportunity to take what I'm saying to heart, to stop the hatred in your heart, before it causes you even more pain and misery. Choose life, stop running away. I assure you, things can and will get better.

>> No.11524477

Its a BIG maybe. There are some seriously troubling trends right now in machine learning academia, specifically the pressure to get out papers. When you're pumping out papers like a madman inevitably you don't actually change a lot and well, the bar lowers. Its kind of ironic, the same people who shit on non-STEM for not producing anything of worth have tried to produce so much that now their work is basically meaningless. Insane amounts of papers, insane amounts of conferences, insane amounts of "results", its all bullshit.

To answer your question, maybe because we frankly don't know what our current methodology regarding AI is capable of, and the obfuscation by the ML hype machine where small achievements are made out to be amazing advances isn't helping.

>> No.11524507

>tfw atmospheric sciences PhD
you couldn't even begin to comprehend the joy. It would blind you

>> No.11524512
File: 53 KB, 571x618, breddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. Thinking about how you're deep and spiritual when all those stooopid stem majors dont know NUFFIN. But you're special. Your daily artistic BREAKTHROUGHS will revolutionize the life itself FOREVER. When they see you unite with GOD HIMSELF and become the ultimate spiritual snowflake. Man you're pathetic clowns and you will never make noones life better meanwhile all the scientists and stem freaks are responsible for all the comfort you have. KYS.

>> No.11524517

yeah, this is absolutely true. Computation is giving us better technique and practical abilities, but knowledge of fundamentals/system dynamics has declined pretty badly since the 70's in my field from what I can gather from textbooks and papers. We know so little about our climate system, and now we're turning over what grasp we had to machines.

>> No.11524617

>materialist utilitarian technoroach nihilistic self-fellatio
hope your kid becomes an SSRI tranny who kills himself. hope your children are brown and effeminate. hope you gain another fifty pounds and have a heart attack. hope one day you wake up in your marvel movie pajamas and realize you're a manbaby creep hedonist who has never interacted with an authentic or beautiful thought in his life. This is assuming your autistic creep ass ever loses its virginity and mates with a fellow roach. You scum. You rat scum. you are responsible for every evil in this world, every Chinaman who throws himself out of an iphone factory window, every incel mass shooting, every opiate OD and shitty meme and retard sitcom. You, you fucking scum, you pile of slop, you insentient retard, you freak. Shut the fuck up and crawl back to your lab

>> No.11524634

Who gives a shit about your autistic ramblings. It might have been a fault of progress those things you are saying but noone cares. Go live in a cave and share your spiritualistic unoriginal nonsense with a rock.

>> No.11524734
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The absolute state of /lit/.

>> No.11525002

This is only true for computer science and engineering majors, aka autists who's only source of happiness is derived from that kind of work anyway.

Every other aspect of STEM, particularly in research, is just as creative, abstract-minded, and broad in approach and technique as your creative writing major. The only difference is they actually have the capability to put their work into praxis and effect the world, as well as the raw intellectual substance to experience deeper and more complex emotions

>> No.11525056

>as well as the raw intellectual substance to experience deeper and more complex emotions
citation needed.

>> No.11525078

I keked way to much at that pic

>> No.11525224
File: 163 KB, 772x1230, Stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the Colbert cover

>> No.11525621
File: 55 KB, 667x435, some.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree. Went for CS because i wondered how this thing i'm writing this post on works.

The algorithms, ai - these are reflections of our minds. You cannot be conscious and not see how you are studying your own mind while studying ai.

After a while it becomes nauseating, only thing that comes to mind is the ouroborus and the fact that all science about nervous system is conducted via nervous system and it's consequences in the sphere of mind.
Recurrent loops it seems.

Unless you work on a life changing product, it's an utterly miserable science. One learns algorithms just to recognize that the way one lives one's daily life is less complicated and deep than most of the algorithms.

Somehow all of the CS guys i had pleasure to converse with don't inquire into this matter that much, it would mean the end of their life as they know it.

>> No.11525631

>just got to the "To W.S." part

>> No.11525801

Farming can be pretty lucrative if you’re smart. I don’t know how beneficial an ag degree would be during Stoner’s time though.

>> No.11525803

ha oh wow that's crazy I want to buy that and put it next to my glow worms I'm farming glow worms now

>> No.11525881


>> No.11525909


>> No.11525964

Is there a bigger brainlet red flag than asking why Edith changed?

>> No.11526001
File: 11 KB, 258x195, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are paying money to program robots that will inevitably steal jobs from them
Is this the occupational equivalent to cuckoldry?

>> No.11526002

Hmmm.... Yeahh. Based & Red Pilled.

>> No.11526023

It's because she felt free, after her father that molested her died.

>> No.11526024


>> No.11526115

I wish /lit/ was a more wholesome board sometimes, most boards where people are kind to each other are usually focused on 2d girls, it is shame that such a good board with so many culturated people has a lot of incels with hatred and anger towards people

>> No.11526151


>Make money
>Enjoy culture
>Never get complacent and always strive further into the realm of the mind

Based life and the same over here.

>> No.11526170

yeah more like slave live
not based & bluepilled

>> No.11526188

What do you lot think of biology as a major?

>> No.11526200

yes YES

>> No.11526205

I never understood why the topic of stem is so polarising on this board. Is everyone being disingenuous and inflammatory? There is never any balance to any of the arguments presented, from either side - and all you math majors with your insouciant obsequousness, saying 'but not my field', are spineless halfwits.

>> No.11526212

Life sciences are completely saturated with former/potential humanities students. You better be a straight-A student with a PhD if you don't want to end up as a lab technician that feeds the mice.

>> No.11526229


>The world is not enough

kys death cultist

>> No.11526236

Should I read stoner after a breakup?

>> No.11526247

>Should I read stoner after a breakup?
what does it matter anyway? it's a good book to read regardless of what situation you have in life

>> No.11526270

don't really know if I want a career anyway, I just like birds

>> No.11526275

Been happening since the industrial revolution.

>> No.11526277

>you dont like modern life so you must be death cultist lol
the absolute state of bugmans and comfy-fags

>> No.11526292

Botany isn't really out of demand.

>> No.11526293

You're not supposed 'like' modern life, you accept it and do your best to lead a good life.

>> No.11526312

>dude, like, just stop fighting, we cant do anything about becoming post human, so just accept it dude

>> No.11526318

this but ironically

>> No.11526322

This is one of the best periods to be alive perhaps ever

>> No.11526329


It is.

>> No.11526336

Correct. Literally any degree that's not related to a home-grown passion (i.e. not your dad's) is a total fucking beta move. You're literally investing in your own capacity to fail-less rather than be bold with your dreams.
Fair enough if your passion is maths, but most are kidding themselves in that respect.

>> No.11526345

>Struggle against becoming post human by fighting reality just like a post human would do.


>> No.11526361

he's right at a certain level though, a society born from liberalism grants too much freedom and effectively opens the gate for others to replace it with their own sense of imperialism. i.e. the sacking of rome.
making /lit/ friendlier (more memetic) would create more space for YA and genre-shit, which is undoubtedly the death of many boards such as /tv/.
The only friendly board with memetic direction is /sp/ and that's because women and fagoo's are rarely as obnoxious about sport.

>> No.11526370

>Man you're pathetic clowns and you will never make noones life better meanwhile all the scientists and stem freaks are responsible for all the comfort you have. KYS.
Sounds like you're just mad that you literally build a better world (woman) for others to exploit (fuck).

>> No.11526438

jesus christ this whole thread is so fucking idiotic
stem and the humanities are equally important

>> No.11526439

this but ironically

>> No.11526475

this but ironically

>> No.11526523
File: 71 KB, 680x581, 1525709717460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, you have no idea how laid back engineering is, especially civil. We have all kinds of software that makes us redundant in calculations, we're literally just there to check for errors and draft an execution plan. The pay for what we actually do is tantamount to stealing.

>> No.11526553

you should know that actual engineers have much more difficult jobs, civnig monkey

>> No.11526582
File: 52 KB, 550x502, 1530471332394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha keep telling your friends that so we keep our pay.

>> No.11526591

you do what even indians can do, try mechanical or aerospace Chadgineering sometime virgin

>> No.11526622

they dont pay six figures for looking at a sonar map and telling oil companies where to drill
only a true virgin works hard for peanuts
fuck off

>> No.11527338

Part of me desires to study psychology and become a clinical psychologist, but I don't think I'm socially acute enough to do it. Nobody wants a therapist with as much 'tism as they do.

>> No.11527349

Did he rape Edith or not?


>> No.11527351

best is the rees-mogg cover

>> No.11527371

>they dont pay six figures for looking at a sonar map and telling oil companies where to drill
Yes they do

>> No.11527444

Just finished it. I don't see any reason why it would resonate more if youve just broken up with someone

>> No.11527572

Cope harder, brainlet.

>> No.11527600

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11527966

huhu i love to suck black cocks

>> No.11527972

Based and redpilled

>> No.11527979


>> No.11527989

too big of a redpill, cant handle so much

>> No.11527995


>> No.11527996

you'll love the cox-zucker machine

>> No.11528007


>> No.11528013

One man cannot swallow such a

Monstrously big



>> No.11528023


>> No.11528027

>huhu i love to suck black cocks
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11528037

redpilled and based

>> No.11528043


>> No.11528047

Best post in history of /lit/ or dare I say, of 4chan

>> No.11528054
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>> No.11528077

What did you end up going for/what did you do for a career now?

>> No.11528092


>> No.11528100
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, 1512073158457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute chad, I wish I was like you
>mfw virgin

>> No.11528122
File: 738 KB, 1106x1012, 1506111777225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute chad, I wish I was like you
>mfw virgin

>> No.11528258

Fuck off