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File: 126 KB, 1158x670, phenomenology of shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11520492 No.11520492 [Reply] [Original]

[presented without comment]

>> No.11520497

I never read Hegel, is this what he's like?

>> No.11520499

Your brain when you didn't start with the greeks.

>> No.11520502

Why don’t you read him and find out?

>> No.11520504

G u m b o B u m P o F l e e p S n o r q

>> No.11520506

he forgot to take his vitamin A

>> No.11520507 [DELETED] 

go back there retard

>> No.11520511

>twitter communist "memes" philosophers
Why do the always do this

>> No.11520514

I'm illiterate

>> No.11520516 [DELETED] 

based gibberish poster

>> No.11520520

redpilled response

>> No.11520529

starting with the greeks is a waste of time

fight me

>> No.11520534
File: 409 KB, 756x874, Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 8.57.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gumbobumpofleepsnorq scrubblemcbubble and anyone who tells you otherwise is lyng.

>> No.11520537

yodel with jung then afterburn with bergson

>> No.11520538

The true red pill is starting with the post-moderns and ending with the pre-socratics

>> No.11520543

what the fuck

>> No.11520547

>not comprehending the universal totalising absolute-unfolding that precedes from the uncentred centralised and fluctuates into the afrhebingbongdingdong
Confirmed never gonna make it

>> No.11520554

Has anyone like, *actually* read Hegel and can defend it?

>> No.11520558


>> No.11520559

There are words, and these words have meaning, but the combination of words in that excerpt do not seem to produce a new meaning.

>> No.11520576

what's up

>> No.11520581

AW post coming in 5...4....3

>> No.11520582

actually, after re-reading it makes sense. Seems like he's being distrustful of people who prefer the experiential side of self exploration (19th century equiv of people like Terrence mckenna I guess) to formalization, and implies that their self knowledge is simply an illusion.

Absolutely amazing how shitty of a writer he is. What a goddamn pseud I have to say. He could have used 1/4 of the words and still have been as aesthetic in presentation as he wanted.

>> No.11520584

What do you mean "defend" it? If you think you can surpass Hegel you are saying you can sublate him through determinate negation; you cannot escape the dialectic.

>> No.11520591

I wanted to follow this guy but he's a full blown commie idiot.

>> No.11520593 [DELETED] 

>using twitter
get out of /lit/

>> No.11520600

He makes up random words and never defines them

>> No.11520602
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he wrote the phenomenology in a month, I can forgive him it. People used to care more about his Logic, but now a days we go back to PoS because even in it's rushed, labyrinthine style, it is still that radically influential to modern thought.

>> No.11520604

what provoked you to write this?

>> No.11520609

name 3 words he made up

>> No.11520611 [DELETED] 

I'm being oppressed by underage faggot retards from twitter. net

>> No.11520615

>It's another "/lit/ denounces philosophers they've never read and are insecure about not understanding to maintain their imagined superiority"

>> No.11520626

are you ok

>> No.11520630

Not even Heidegger is as obnoxious about making up his own terminology for no good reason. I'm not about to waste brain space for some self obsessed pseud who couldn't be bothered to use three normal person words instead of one retard word like sublate.

>> No.11520635

Sigh why don't we delve into some actual passages of Hegel to give him the benefit of the doubt and if the proof is in the pudding?

>The recollection of spiritual forms as they are in themselves and as they accomplish the organization of their spiritual kingdom ..., looked at from the side of their free existence appearing in the form of contingency, is History; looked at from the side of their intellectually comprehended organization, it is the Science of the ways in which knowledge appears.

Ok, that doesn't make a ton of sense. But maybe I'm missing the context.

>t is this self-construing method alone which enables philosophy to be an objective, demonstrated science. It is in this way that I have tried to expound consciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Consciousness is spirit as a concrete knowing, a knowing too, in which externality is involved; but the development of this object, like the development of all natural and spiritual life, rests solely on the nature of the pure essentialities which constitute the content of logic.

Hmm ok,

>Everything is inherently contradictory.
Including this statement I suppose?

>The Idea, in positing itself as absolute unity of the pure Notion and its reality and thus contracting itself into the immediacy of being, is the totality in this form – Nature.

Ok, Schopenhauer was right. Hegel is a hack.

>> No.11520640

he didn't invent the word sublate. Aufheben was used specifically because it's play on the colloquial understanding on the word.

>> No.11520648

why did both Kant and Hegel do this? "lmao just write it fast and let them figure the rest out"

>> No.11520650

actually yeah, I may have been wrong on that I guess. Does he just have retarded translators?

>> No.11520656

they didn't give a fuck about brainlets, they were writing for other philosophers

>> No.11520657

what is wrong with using the world sublate? If you want another option besides the Miller translation, read the Pinkard.

>> No.11520663

Sublation is a term I use frequently as an environmental STEMfag so it confuses me. ideas are not evaporating ice

>> No.11520664
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>to smart to get hegel

>> No.11520687

doesn't science do this with words literally all the time though? e.g. force in physics means something aside from it's colloquial usage. why can't philosophy do the same thing (you guys borrowed the method of us anyways)

>> No.11520695


schopenhauer was right

>> No.11520719

he's against mysticism; that's the long and short of it. it is a quick working out of how knowledge based on (forgive me for philosophizing with a hammer) pure subjective experience will never achieve the lofty goal of Science. it makes sense if you understand his system

>> No.11520725

>you guys borrowed the method of us anyways)
science is just seeing if the same thing keeps happening if you repeat the same conditions. People have been doing that since before we were even homo sapiens

>> No.11520733

>pre-human science
What ideology is this?

>> No.11520793

>an organism that learns from its environment is a scientist
Lmao wat

>> No.11520801

i mean, isn't that a perfectly valid example of a proto-scientific method

>> No.11520804

based and redpilled

>> No.11520805

So my dog is doing science because he knows that if he comes up to me and gives me a sad look that I’ll give him a treat

>> No.11520811

you guys just not going to address my point or what? The scientific process is that you do some experiment, and you get a result, and then ideally someone else comes and reproduces your experiment to see if they get the same result. It's just codification of trial and error that is common to any organism that can learn

the revolutionary thing about the Royal Society was honestly the social contract they had, not the idea of science, which everyone can grasp. It was that they all agreed to play by this set of rules and actually use the simple method of reproducing studies to come to conclusions about stuff. compare this to how humans normally argue about shit, which is just sophism and endless speculation and misdirection.

>> No.11520835

So your point is that “science” is just an extremely refined version of trial and error and learning that occurs with most organisms. Yeah no shit I think we all already know that but you’re being insanely reductive. I could say that philosophy is a discipline that actually occurs in all organisms because all creatures have to have thoughts and ideas to live their lives. If you couldn’t “think” about the world around you then you couldn’t survive. You could use this argument for any discipline if you simplify it enough.

>> No.11520849

what else do you think science is if not just reproducing studies? Isn't that the entire basis of how it works, im not trying to be a dick here i just genuinely dont know what other elements you are associating with it

>> No.11520855

>philosophy is a discipline that actually occurs in all organisms because all creatures have to have thoughts and ideas to live their lives.
this is also sort of true, in the sense that organisms make a model of the world, and thats what philosophy really is, just the total picture of reality you have.

>> No.11520867
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>> No.11520871

I’d say that modern science began when said experiments and studies could be written down and therefore preserved. My bigger point is that it’s just fucking stupid to be so reductivist that you couldn’t argue with me if I explained that my dog is a scientist based on your own definitions. It cheapens the meaning of science and what rigours go into it to the point of complete absurdity.

>> No.11520873
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>my dog has a 27 km particle accelerator
>plants have philosophical speculations

>> No.11520879

your dog is not really capable of doing that kind of trial and error consistently, which was my point about the social contract. I guess I should amend my definition to include the inclination towards using that method above others.

But if we want to be more rigorous scientists what do we do? We reproduce studies, we eliminate variables, etc. It's always based on the idea of repeatedly trying to recreate something by recreating the same conditions.

you say it's fucking stupid but if people cared more about reproducing studies our current science would be much better than it is.

>> No.11520883

>Don't add poetic meaning to scientific truths, as there is no depth to that poetry.
It's that what this paragraph is saying? It seems like a very simple argument he's making, after the gobbledygook is stripped

>> No.11520901

My dog is capable of learning and probably learned a lot of shit from other dogs behaviour which seems to fit your definition of science. Also now you’re talking about all this other shit I was just arguing about proto-humans and whether what they did was science. I’d argue that at the stage when we were grugs and grugettes our methods of understanding was probably similar to most other mammals.

>> No.11520911

i mean strictly speaking yeah, i dont see a difference between the LHC and a dog a learning not to shit inside. We are just much better at it, exponentially better, mostly to do with our social interactions but also of course how much more intelligent we are.

I wouldnt argue this if i thought it werent a valid point, im not just being pedantic. People sometimes act almost mystical about science and i dont like it. It also makes arguments from authority more common, as if the findings are beyond question beacuse of who said them, rather than just another thing to be checked by redoing the study.

>> No.11520912

What bullshit. Who would take this seriously

>> No.11520913

This is possibly the worst advice I've ever heard someone give.

>> No.11520915

Literally just turn to any page.

>> No.11520916

Marx, and that's the only reason people still read it

>> No.11520925

If you are doing philosophy which is supposed to be based on logic and reason you should not under any curcimstances make up any words expecially if you are already being obscuratist.

Schopenhaur was right.

>> No.11520927

He really was ye olde Foucault. Fucking hell, what an absolute pseud.

The whole paragraph can be summarized as, "Those who give themselves wholly over to the power of the Spirit and God gain a self-knowledge from God, who gives them wisdom in their sleep." It sounds absolutely retarded when you condense it down like that, which is why he did the Foucault trick of stretching out a idea thinly over several paragraphs.

I can't believe students actually listened to this fucker over Schopenhauer.

>> No.11520929

I've read two of his books, that's the point. none of the words in this passage are made up

>> No.11520934

This. You can read Findlays sum up of the Phenomenology and its all such bullshit once its in clear writing and you don't get of Hegels made up shit.

>> No.11520936

Thank the translator for that.

>> No.11520938

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.11520948

Foucault is even worse, he took "dude we live in a society" and ran with it for his entire career.

>> No.11520956

there was more to Foucault than that. he had annoying tendencies but he was a perceptive, if kind of insane and degenerate, person

>> No.11520960

It's literally the opposite of what >>11520630 said, Heidegger wanted to avoid all the confusion Hegel ran into by redefining philosophical/colloquial definitions, and instead decided creating new terms would help avoid the problem altogether. Hegel was not the type of philosopher to just make up random new words -- it's a sign you've never read Hegel. Here, this is a diagram of his system of logic, link me any made up words you find.

>> No.11520961

>we live inside a prisonciety

>> No.11520962

There is nothing more to Foucault than bias. Everything he did was a reaction to being butthurt about having to live in a society

>> No.11520965

Turn to literally any page of the PoS (piece of shit) in German and you will see how much of a mess it is.

>> No.11520966

Also all the French Poststructuralists (and Strauss, and the EU) thru Koyeve (and to a lesser xtent Hyppolite and Kovre), and many others through subtle multiform influence even if on the surface they mostly all ADAMANTLY claimed otherwise. This was the point of the Hegel meme, to expose all of 20th century academic """theory""", Verso's whole catalogue, all of it, as a hoax.

>> No.11520968
File: 1.91 MB, 480x270, 1524376867829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a famous passage against mysticism and knowledge based on revelation. try based Sadler if you're having this much trouble

>> No.11520973


>> No.11520984

Sadler is the worst because he teaches Hegel through an Analytic American Christian bias. If you haven't figured that out by watching any of his videos then there is no hope for you.

>> No.11520987

Not an excuse for being an obscuratanist and inventing new terms

>> No.11520991
File: 119 KB, 720x494, 1523252497129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally couldn't even read the passage, what do you want me to link them, Kojeve?
>inventing new terms

>> No.11520994

Literally nobody in this thread has read Hegel. The passage y’all are considering is a clear denunciation of antirational philosophers and y’all are acting like it’s the Zodiac killer’s secret code or something

>> No.11520997

t. learned Hegel from Sadler

It shows.

>> No.11521000
File: 342 KB, 854x1136, chapofaghouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11521005

>can't name a single new term he invented
>shakespeare was an "obscurantist" because he just made up new words
>doesn't know how german language works

>> No.11521006


dumbass american. go eat something

>> No.11521010

HDF has arrived

>> No.11521013

not true, I read the first hundred pages of pos then stopped

>> No.11521017

>only read 1/4 of the book

Then you are not in authority to talk about it

>> No.11521021

All good authors do this

>> No.11521035

Philosophers who want to be taken seriously shouldn't

>> No.11521047

almost all noted thinkers have appropriated terms and played with neologism, its what they do. i cant think of any really that didn't, even the common language types. its like shorthand. again, what words did hegel coin? aufhebung was already a word.

>> No.11521083

Nearly every page is littered with ill defined words that are utterly meaningless even with the "context" he feigns to provide. If you claim to "get" Hegel you are lying to yourself. Its a bunch of word salad

>> No.11521092


He's criticizing some of his contemporaries for appealing to an intuition that puts you in immediate contact with the divine. He thinks that the intellectual work of going through all the stages (which he'll go through in the rest of the Phenomenology) has to be done, and that process & its result is what he calls 'Science.'

>> No.11521102

Thats an insult to science. Hegel literally bullshits his way through the entire book and provides no secondary sources or supporting evidence

>> No.11521113

>Calls Haiti the most advance nation at the forefront of human rationality

Schopenhaur was right. Need I say more?

>> No.11521114
File: 86 KB, 455x675, 1499726838824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will miss half of Machiavelli's hilarious jokes if you've never read Plato or Aristotle, though.

>> No.11521115
File: 101 KB, 600x330, 22haiti-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture. Just shows how absolutely wrong Hegel was

>> No.11521119

All this explains the painful impression with which we are seized when, after studying genuine thinkers, we come to the writings of Fichte and Schelling, or even to the presumptuously scribbled nonsense of Hegel, produced as it was with a boundless, though justified, confidence in German stupidity. With those genuine thinkers one always found an honest investigation of truth and just as honest an attempt to communicate their ideas to others. Therefore whoever reads Kant, Locke, Hume, Malebranche, Spinoza, and Descartes feels elevated and agreeably impressed. This is produced through communion with a noble mind which has and awakens ideas and which thinks and sets one thinking. The reverse of all this takes place when we read the above-mentioned three German sophists. An unbiased reader, opening one of their books and then asking himself whether this is the tone of a thinker wanting to instruct or that of a charlatan wanting to impress, cannot be five minutes in any doubt; here everything breathes so much of dishonesty.

>> No.11521121


he's not just being distrustful, he's literally equating rapture uninflected by (not reached via a progression through) science/reason to dream-content. he's placing its telos on that dream loop in the om symbol instead of above it, its alleged location

the paragraph is beautifully written and translated, he could've used less words to state our general reading of it, but his explanations seem accurate and nonobvious, like iding the contingency of content as the ruling force in a territory of rapture/dream wouldve never occurred to me, but it's a brief and exact description

>> No.11521159
File: 48 KB, 463x190, owl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop memeing the phenomenology, Hegel wasn't that bad at writing

>> No.11521241

what the fuck

>> No.11521269

writing aside I disagree with this really hard.
Language is imperfect; The relative ease of expressing a given experience doesn't reveal any great substance or depth or reality of the experience. It merely reflects that language's compatibility with that particular kind of experience.
Take descriptions of experiences with psychoactive substances. They all sound so overblown, stilted. I suppose Hegel would be satisfied to say AHA, see, it's all bullshit. But the only way of really understanding something like that is experiencing it first-hand.
And I think everyone understands this principle. An adult speaking to a child, for instance, can never really convey the gravity of some things, but with age we all come to understand these truths of maturity. These are experiential truths. No matter how many words you use, or how emphatically you say them, words are just insufficient in these cases.
The power of spirit is much greater than its expression.

>> No.11521280

system-building is gay

>> No.11521283

Hege's the original pseud

>> No.11521287

lmao, this is borderline unintelligible

>> No.11521293

Hegel was the Jordan B Peterson of his day. Smart enough to trick people into thinking what he is saying holds weight but too dumb to actually make say anything that is worthwhile. But even JBP doesn't resort to pulling out made up words when he talks himself into a corner.

>> No.11521298
File: 395 KB, 1410x283, received_2002321623125226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11521300

Hegel has never written anything other than vague statements that are hard to disprove but at the same time don't mean anything. Like "dude over time people get smarter", no shit einstein.

>> No.11521308

>he makes philosophy into a contemplative act of rationalism rather than a balls-to-the-walls phenomenological overdose of deterritorialized sensations and unconcealment which recognizes the Significant as the World in which all meaning and even human life itself dependently takes place and must be met every second, continually, with the aiding amplification of amphetamines

>> No.11521317

Literally the first page;
"vorausgeschickt, Behandlungen, hereingezogen, Wissenschaftlichkeit, Zusammenhange, Mannigfaltigkeit"

All words he pulled out of no where and refuses to further specify what he means or set any ground rules of why he uses them. It's an embarrassment to the entire field of philosophy and it's why science doesn't take you seriously.

>> No.11521327
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>and it's why science doesn't take you seriously.

>> No.11521334


>> No.11521480

They're not comparable. Despite how obscure Hegel is, his thoughts are at least original.

>> No.11521515

But philosophers generally don't assert that anything we perceive isn't real. What they will assert, however, is the difficulty in the creation of abstract concepts from an organic reality.

>> No.11521519


This is the charlatanic mumbo jumbo that pseudointellectual, oversocialised, limp wristed humanities students attempt to make sense of

>> No.11521585

>The whole paragraph can be summarized as, "Those who give themselves wholly over to the power of the Spirit and God gain a self-knowledge from God, who gives them wisdom in their sleep."
It's literally the complete opposite

>> No.11521609
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based and redpilled

>> No.11521649

It's a bad translation, it would have made sense in german with sentence long words and verbs as an afterthought

>> No.11521661

Those are words, but it feels like he just stapled them in to make himself appear smart, like when a /lit/ post is purple

>> No.11521665 [DELETED] 

Four tres two uno

Listen up y'all 'cause this is it
The beat that I'm bangin' is delicious

Fergalicious definition make them boys go loco
They want my treasure so they get their pleasures from my photo
You could see me you can't squeeze me
I ain't easy I ain't sleazy
I got reasons why I tease 'em
Boys just come and go like seasons

Fergalicious (so delicious)
But I ain't promiscuous
And if you were suspicious
All that shit is fictitious
I blow kisses (muah)
That puts them boys on rock rock
And they be lining down the block
Just to watch what I got
(four tres two uno)

So delicious
(it's hot hot)
So delicious
(I put them boys on rock rock)
So delicious
(they wanna slice of what I got)
I'm fergalicious
(t-t-t-t-t-tasty tasty)

Fergalicious def—
Fergalicious def—
Fergalicious def— ["def" is echoing]
Fergalicious definition make them boys go crazy
They always claim they know me
Comin' to me call me Stacy (hey Stacy)
I'm the F to the E R G the I the E
And can't no other lady put it down like me

I'm fergalicious
(so delicious)
My body stay vicious
I be up in the gym just working on my fitness
He's my witness (oh wee)
I put yo' boy on rock rock
And he be lining down the block
Just to watch what I got
(four tres two uno)

So delicious
(it's hot hot)
So delicious
(I put them boys on rock rock)
So delicious
(they wanna slice of what I got)
I'm fergalicious
(hold hold hold hold hold up check it out)

Baby baby baby
If you really want me
Honey get some patience
Maybe then you'll get a taste
I'll be tasty tasty
I'll be laced with lacey
It's so tasty tasty
It'll make you crazy

T to the A to the S T E Y girl you're tasty
T to the A to the S T E Y girl you're tasty
D to the E to the L I C I O U S
To the D to the E to the to the to the
Hit it Fergie

All the time I turn around
Brother's gather round
Always looking at me up and down
Looking at my (uh)
I just wanna say it now
I ain't trying to round up drama
Little mama I

>> No.11521669

It's called the german language translated literally

>> No.11521673
File: 201 KB, 250x665, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Presented without comment
But that's a comment

>> No.11521683

the original author presented it without comment, OP is reposting the image with an appropriate annotation, you dumb weeaboo shit, what are you even doing on this board you escapist brainlet, go back

>> No.11521699

He's wrong though. Aquinas was the greatest theological system-builder in history and at the end of life he had a spiritual experience and acquired an intuitive understanding of God that made all his writings seem to him like "straw".

>> No.11521701

Stirner was a Hegelian.

>> No.11521702

wow projecting much
[commented without comment]

>> No.11521704

He was affiliated with the young Hegelians but he was probably the most non-hegelian out of all of them.

>> No.11521708

Flawless, timeless, irrefutable Platonic system that changed the entire world.
>hegel's critics
duuuhhh gumbobumpo fleepsnorq scrubble mcbubble xD

>> No.11521720

Because science in German had different connotations to now, you dork. Google 'Wissenschaft'.

>> No.11521721

haven't read, he must be amazing though he sounds smart, german name and all
>hegel's critics
have read, they can't know what they're talking about, they just don't understand him, and neither do I

fixed it for you

>> No.11521724

>philosophizing with a hammer
poor heidegger, never stood a chance :-(

>> No.11521735
File: 36 KB, 698x671, 8q2R9vb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it infuriate you people so much that others get something out of what you're only going to be flummoxed by? stick to cryptic crosswords or something more your speed

>> No.11521746

I'm pretty sure you never read Hegel, I only have a problem with how much of a poser you are

>> No.11521751

>that pic
me desu

>> No.11521756

t. doesnt know about the weltgeist, mad about "muh posers" instead

>> No.11521776

I get what he's saying, but he provides absolutely zero good evidence against mysticism in that paragraph. Absolutely fucking zero. I get the picture he paints of it in these words, but the paints are all taken out of his frequently fisted, faggot German ass.

>> No.11521779

hegel was a mystic you retards

>> No.11521785


it's hilarious that the collective reading level of this board has degenerated to such a point that someone writing naturally at a very high level is accused of affectation and trying to "look smart"

pseuds like the ones that have infested this thread always want everything reduced to soundbytes and think any articulation of an idea beyond what can be communicated in syllogisms and various beeps and tones must be fluff, when it's precisely hegel's point that truth just is the process of its own articulation and not the "empty universals" of your hallmark card kurzegast-tier reddit philosophies

no you goober aquinas may have marked a boundary for faith but those arent valid grounds to accuse him of the "rapturous haziness"

>> No.11521840

But those are relatively common words.

>> No.11521845

and to think I was going to jump right into hegel out of my college philosophy 1 course

>> No.11521857

This is what you get when you donate $1000/month to Sadler's Patreon.

>> No.11521873

Those are just regular german words

>> No.11521877

German is full of words you can't find in any dictionary, those aren't even that extravagant

>> No.11521889

Why do Hegel's defenders only offer cultish non-arguments?

>> No.11521913

twitter communists are even worse than twitter deep ecologists

>> No.11521918

It's true though you nit

>> No.11521926

show me some of those twitter deep ecologists then

>> No.11521933
File: 154 KB, 1242x1093, IMG_20180425_224607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know but I just found this in my twitter folder

>> No.11521947
File: 7 KB, 250x222, wojack surprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>watch sailor moon with gf
>secretly desire for my gf to start wearing her highschool uniform again

>> No.11521952

>tfw 16 is legal in my country
dream's not dead yet bros

>> No.11521968

There is absolutely nothing difficult about this passage, are you just pretending to be brainlets?

>> No.11521976
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I feel like age of consent is arbitrary due to different 'blooming'. I hit puberty at 8 and would obviously be sexually active before others who hit it at a later age.

I really only like the schoolgirl aesthetic, we started dating when I was 18ish, and she 16ish. I'd never go out with someone that young now at 20. I do want someone who is mentally and physically mature.

Just my thoughts. Call them out if you think they're immoral, but I do think lots of what we brand 'pedofilic' and guarding of young bodies is uncalled for. On the contrary, I also think that someone at 18 can be immature and prepubescent - and they should not have sex.

>> No.11521979

Fuck off you fucking faggot

This thread is embarrassing

>> No.11521982
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Go on... tell me hwhy

>> No.11521983
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>be me
>don't watch escapist cartoons for overweight losers
>still alone with no gf

>> No.11521987

>The whole paragraph can be summarized as, "Those who give themselves wholly over to the power of the Spirit and God gain a self-knowledge from God, who gives them wisdom in their sleep."

Hegel mocks this view in that passage, are you retarded?

>> No.11521988
File: 33 KB, 400x400, duuuuuuuuuuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way we can meddle with the brains of STEM people to turn them into the philosophical zombies they so obviously want to be. I am absolutely one hundred and ten percent serious about this. It really is worth considering that we should look into some method of removing all the functions of the brain which allow STEMfags to do anything other than whatever they need for their autistic little field. Honestly. Give me a mathematician and an ice cream scoop and half an hour. Love and passion, nope not using it, you don't need it (*SCOOOP*). Desire for meaning and authenticity, don't think you even knew you had this (*SCOOOOOOP*). Basic ethical and aesthetic sensibilities, well known to any well-adjusted three your old, you certainly won't miss this (*SCOOOOOOOOOOP*). Then we screw the top of his head back on and marvel at our creation: the ideal STEMfag, reduced to his essential part, a human calculator in the case of our mathematician. And I genuinely believe that he would thank me if he could. This is all STEMfags want to be, this is all they're really capable of being.

Give them all to me and with an ice cream scoop I'll fix all their problems. They won't have to worry about any of the dastardly, irritating aspects of life, such as beauty, or religious hope, or virtue, or even sensuality (which will be merely sense-data once I'm done with my scoop).

You really do have to understand, noble reader, that this isn't even in the slightest a cruel thing to do. It's removing from them those things which would do nothing but bother and irritate them till the end of their days. They don't want these things which are so valuable to you and I, noble reader. In fact, their every utterance is a plea to the universe to "reduce" and "eliminate" and simplify and I, and my trusted associates at the clinic, with our scoops would do nothing more than give them that freedom from unnecessaries that they so desire.

It's a perfect solution, which frees us from having to listen to their opinions on things outside of objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to their field and their field alone, and it frees them from the distractions, such as moral intuitions and human consciousness, which they are so disturbed by that they need to deny the very existence of these things.

Just picture it, thousands upon thousands of STEMfags walking out the clinic back towards their test tubes or whatever they do. Imagine the grotesque rictus smiles on their chinless anglo faces. "I'm finally free", they would think, were they not indeed finally free from that thing which they felt most keenly to be a burden on them, qualia, human consciousness, and all the beauty, passion, love, emotion, all the duty, the sense of virtues, the religious hunger, the ups and downs and bends and curves of being *human*, all that aesthetic, moral, spiritual... noise, which plagued them like tinnitus until my act of kindness.

To do anything else, would be utterly inhumane.

>> No.11521992
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>>don't watch escapist cartoons for overweight losers
Maybe your highbrow demeanour scares away the would-be waifus. It makes far more sense to become cultivated and cultured, while using popular media as a gateway to touch the unwashed. You shouldn't want to be alienated by the masses.

>> No.11521996

Delete this, you're doing it wrong. Use the pasta somewhere else, where it actually applies, over-saturation will cheapen it.

>> No.11522028

no idea what he's talking about but the ending of that paragraph is strong.

>> No.11522048


You don't read Hegel. He reads you.

>> No.11522049

No it isn't its easy as pie, what are you mongs doing on a literature board

Translation: only time affords us the distance to be able to see a present state of things for what it is, to have a determinate notion of the order of things. You're seeing it now with Trump, he's riding that wave, neoliberalism has come into its Notion. Hegel's saying true philosophy comes at the end of processes as the self-appropriation of those processes, and Science is just knows this at a dialectical level

>> No.11522052

Hegel is dead. His philosophy even more so.

>> No.11522079

I'm taking a shit right now, and I'd really love to be doing that over Krauss and force his nose into my anus repeatedly as I squirt diarrhea all over his cunt face

>> No.11522085


>> No.11522090


This makes approaching Hegel all the more propitious. It was his legacy that was bad. The man is quarry for philosophical thoughts. Forget the adumbrations of his interpreters. Engage the man without notion or pretense; as if he were some strange alien hologram. You'll find yourself thinking strange and wonderful things.

>> No.11522150
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>dude just accept that it is what it is lmao

>> No.11522155

t. Barrelposter

>> No.11522174

Anyone under 30 must be banned from discussing literature and philosophy.

>> No.11522180


twitter: lorem ipsum + all yall lil lol + random pictures of rappers = 6 digit retweets

>> No.11522204

>trance twitter marxists

>> No.11522213
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This is Hegel. Say something nice about him

>> No.11522220

>The whole paragraph can be summarized as, "Those who give themselves wholly over to the power of the Spirit and God gain a self-knowledge from God, who gives them wisdom in their sleep."

That's precisely what he's NOT saying.

>> No.11522239


It's also ironic that you are a perfect example of the empty depth Hegel speaks of.

>> No.11522301

>/lit/ actually finds this passage difficult

Bunch of pseuds

>> No.11522332

this but please leave the biologists alone

>> No.11522343
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>> No.11522372

look for the ones with pine emoji.

>> No.11522391
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new translation

>> No.11522481

What translation?

>> No.11522634

>Asking for secondary evidence in the work of a systematic philosopher
You probably shouldn't be discussing big boy topics, anon

>> No.11522644

>m-muh sources

haha come on dude. read words and comprehend them, its that easy hahahaha

>> No.11522746

10/10 bait

>> No.11522837

ffs, give me a couple mins to wake up. what happened to the /lit/ that loved Hegel and enjoyed difficult literature?

>> No.11522901

this is actually pretty woke, he is saying that if you think you have found a deep truth, but have to deliberately obscure aspects ("rapturous haziness is superior to science", "draw a veil over your self-consciousness") of it then you are a deceiving yourself

>> No.11522929

[slightly different translation for sake easier of copy/pasta. keep in mind this is very reductive and meant to provide the sort of edification this very passage is against]
>Still less must this kind of contentment, which holds science in contempt, take upon itself to claim that raving obscurantism of this sort is something higher than science.
The "this" that Hegel speaks of here is Divinity and the a form of "edifying" philosophy, or, philosophy in which you only need to learn a certain set of facts of tables without any deeper experience or context to nest them in.
>These apocalyptic utterances pretend to occupy the very centre and the deepest depths; they look askance at all definiteness and preciseness of meaning; and they deliberately hold back from conceptual thinking and the constraining necessities of thought, as being the sort of reflection which, they say, can only feel at home in the sphere of finitude.
These people say you don't need to worry about the "real world" (determinitness) and actively resists engaging with the way it presents itself to us (Notion and Necessity) and instead focuses on empty subjective interpretation (that the world out there exists only in/for their subjective reflection)
>But just as there is a breadth which is emptiness, there is a depth which is empty too: as we may have an extension of substance which overflows into finite multiplicity without the power of keeping the manifold together, in the same way we may have an insubstantial intensity which, keeping itself in as mere force without actual expression, is no better than superficiality.
A deep revelation or "you would know if only you had been there" approach cannot be scientific. Denying it can be expressed is just as bad as a "broad" yet superficial expression of the same content.

>> No.11522934

>The force of mind is only as great as its expression; its depth only as deep as its power to expand and lose itself when spending and giving out its substance.
Science doesn't exist in some objective vacuum or biological process, it only exists to the degree to which it has been worked out
>Moreover, when this unreflective emotional knowledge makes a pretence of having immersed its own very self in the depths of the absolute Being, and of philosophizing in all holiness and truth, it hides from itself the fact that instead of devotion to God, it rather, by this contempt for all measurable precision and definiteness, simply attests in its own case the fortuitous character of its content, and in the other endows God with its own caprice.
These people don't just get things wrong, they actively work to mystify being, bring it out of the realm of the intelligible into something "hazy". The self is reduced to something simple, where as Hegel saw consciousness as necessarily wrapped up in contradiction (more on that in sense certainty). Their explaining away does more harm than good.
>When such minds commit themselves to the unrestrained ferment of sheer emotion, they think that, by putting a veil over self-consciousness, and surrendering all understanding, they are thus God’s beloved ones to whom He gives His wisdom in sleep. This is the reason, too, that in point of fact, what they do conceive and bring forth in sleep is dreams.
By giving up on the process of science and instead falling to one of the superficial paths to knowledge, you are like someone who sleeps. you may feel you are making real progress, gaining true knowledge, but, like knowledge gathered in a dream, it will all be dust in the wind when you finally wake up

>> No.11522973

Do assblasted philosophy major brainlets actually believe this?

>> No.11522977


There are no 'good' translations of a bad text

>> No.11522992

>a bad text

It's fine if you don't understand it and don't want to but the people who actually do can see right through your posturing

>> No.11522996
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Not really, most philosophy departments try to appeal to the sciences desperately. My philosophy teacher was surprised I even read Hegel (it was lectures on aesthetics, so not much). They do in my faculty, at least.

>> No.11523022

Here you go

>> No.11523030


very nice

>> No.11523088

thought it was gonna be the 9781139050494 isbn of Pinkard's translation that published in February this year

Thanks tho

>> No.11523089

I dunno. I've met several people whose claim to understanding it is legitimate, and none of them could offer any explanation of his worth.

>> No.11523095


>> No.11523097

>It's fine if you don't understand and don't want to
The thing is, it's not fine. If you're going to have a discussion on a text the bare minimum should be to understand on a basic level what the text is transmitting. Not wanting to understand a text goes against the entire purpose of /lit/ as a board for discussion. The mentality that it's okay to trash something without even making an effort towards comprehending it is the basis of the anti-intellectualism which plagues and threatens to nullify this board. The text itself is pretty densely written, sure, but by no means is it nonsensical, and the edition at >>11522391 spells the meaning out even more clearly. Now, if someone has an issue with what's actually being said by Hegel that would be different, but the majority of responses seem to be "I don't understand it, therefore it must not have merit."

What drives people to behave this way? Isn't understanding something always better than the alternative? Sure, there's the slim possibility that Hegel was, in fact, spouting unintelligible nonsense. But given the fact that various philosophers have taken his ideas and expounded and expanded on them there's evidence to believe otherwise. Not that there aren't criticisms to be leveled towards Hegel or the passage, but those should be carried out on a foundation of understanding, not ignorance. Isn't gaining new ways of understanding the entire purpose of philosophy i.e. the love of knowledge?

>> No.11523107

I agree it's smug ignorance and autism

>> No.11523111

my bad it’s hard to find

>> No.11523198

>my bad it’s hard to find

no it isn't

>> No.11523208


>> No.11523217

hint: science used without an adjective refers to the scientific method alone, nothing else.

>> No.11523227

I think you've got the basic gist, but part of his admittedly turgid style is due to him addressing the academic forms of philosophy at the time, especially Fichte and his old friend Schelling, but also the post-Kantian responses to Kant generally. The more technical terms that He's using were part of that mileu. This is also coming from his Preface, wherein he starts off by saying, "It's kinda fucking dumb to start off with a summary of your work without any of the arguments that defend it in the main part, but plans demand a preface so buckle up fuckers."

The actual introduction is much clearer by comparison.

>> No.11523228


>> No.11523236

Oh, really? Such as?

>> No.11523241

>he wrote it in a month
No he didn't you pseud

>> No.11523260

Oh, so you mean you don't know German as well as you think, good argument 10 outta 10

>> No.11523394

i am a brainlet and i could understand this with some thinking really easily.

you people are retarded.

>> No.11523452

If you can't be fucked to write clearly I can't be fucked to read you.

It's that simple.

>> No.11523467

right, but this doesn't make you superior or anything, it makes you lazy. why walk into a thread and say: "I find this difficult and do not have the intellectual drive to engage with the material so instead I will posture as if my lack of engagement somehow makes my opinion that much more valid"

>> No.11523469


no one cares junior

>> No.11523471
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>right, but this doesn't make you superior or anything
It means that I'm smart enough to realise the value of communicating clearly and concisely, which clearly makes me smarter than Hegel.

Most academics are shit writers.

>> No.11523480

Nah the boundaries of your comprehension are not universal, humble up little nigga

>> No.11523482
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>the boundaries of your comprehension are not universal

>> No.11523484

grab one of those little calendars that give you a kitschy little saying every day; you should have no difficulty reading those

>> No.11523489
File: 8 KB, 226x223, 1522665613521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say I couldn't read it, I just said that Hegel has failed to sell me on the payoff for my effort.

No matter how insubstantial the effort is, I suspect a payoff of 0. Therefore any engagement with the text is a waste of time.

Hegel only has himself to blame.

>> No.11523501

If you can actually read it worrying about the payoff would be immaterial you drooling little goober

>> No.11523505

>I blame authours for my ineptness and come to conclusions about book before having read them
you are never going to make it anon

>> No.11523508

nobody on this board or website is a philosopher (you) included

>> No.11523510

well in that case I have good news because he wasn't writing for 4chan either

>> No.11523516
File: 117 KB, 700x566, 1532070039573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am incapable of understanding that the entire life of all human beings is a question about the appropriate allocation of limited time
>i don't understand that if i want people to do things i need to persuade them why they should
This is why your books don't sell, faggot.

>If you can actually read it
I haven't even tried m8. Neither you nor I know if I can read it or not.

I'm gonna start getting ready for work now. Thanks for your time, brainlets.

>> No.11523529

you came into this thread on your own accord anon. no one was trying to persuade you that you should read it. you thought it would be worthwhile to stop by and tell us you wouldn't even if you wanted us to. well, we don't want you to so no hard feelings. have fun at work anon

>> No.11523567

Clarity can be of value in writing, but that doesn't mean technical writing isn't appropriate for subjects that require it. He's writing for academics already following the difficulties Kantian philosophy posed; if he wrote a clearer book, it's be at least twice as long.

>> No.11523684
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>> No.11523734

>if he wrote a clearer book, it's be at least twice as long.
Don't kid yourself. It would be a quarter of the length it currently is. I get that you guys are so afraid of appearing "anti-intellectual" that you'll never question the necessity of these dense styles, but there isn't enough depth in these works to justify it.

>> No.11523793

There is enough depth you wanker, every subject is minimally differentiated with itself by its being there to perceive determinate content: the tension between the indeterminate nothingness of the cogito and representation. this is the motor of the dialectic as an ideality of witnessing recuperating immediacy to itself, difference in Hegel is the recursion of thought, the whole reflecting itself into itself, self-mirroring Mind

You are like a little baby

>> No.11523831

And you're saying this from having read Hegel?

>> No.11523835
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Zizek's dialectical turn of Hegel is basically: if our grip on reality is always-already notionally determined - if the weight and solidity we give to the world and our problems in it are just defects in our concepts - this doesn't mean that there is a "perfect" concept to get to. Idealism without a Sun. Zizek thinks reality is "ontologically truncated". He thinks the universe is just a plurality of centers whose experience bears on an absent center, like God as a strange attractor. Like a radical immanentization of Proclus' Henads. But Zizek has his Kabbalistic sympathies as well.

>> No.11523889
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plus he likes mother/son incest; based af

>> No.11524060

Someone with no context for Hegel here. From what I can tell it's against people who put mystical woo above science because the latter is "limited" by its strictness. He's saying that by abandoning strict standards, you don't achieve higher knowledge, you just end up believing bullshit. Doesn't seem that hard to understand unless I've gotten it completely wrong.

>> No.11524150

You can't just denounce it as anti-intellectualism. We're not denouncing the text because it's a text. We're denouncing the text because it's a bad text.

>> No.11524259

I spat my drink when he said that shit.
(movie is not that great though. I was kind of nauseated with french people by the end)

>> No.11524264

>him it
> labyrinthine

>> No.11524276

I don't think you understood Foucault.

>> No.11524309

could have been written without sounding like it was generated in dwarf fortress

>> No.11524320


>> No.11524404
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>> No.11524798

his analysis of Sound of Music is better (and Westside Story)

>> No.11525410

markov chain anyone?

>> No.11525411

Then you realize that the logical antecedent of the pre-socratics is the philosophy of the post-modernists so you go for one more spin on the intellectual ouroboros

>> No.11525467
File: 508 KB, 864x849, anime girl with interrogation mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally NO ONE talks like that, and hegel is also very confusing for just about anyone regardless of their high level reading skills because of the fact that hegel's philosophy is so fucking convoluted that it really shouldn't matter.

>> No.11525469

This isn't difficult to parse at all, and in fact it's so relevant to post-nuCatholic/trad /lit/ it's possible you're a Hegel scholar trying to subtly induct followers with something instinctively relatable

>> No.11525470

the passage in question is simple. you're all brainlets

>> No.11525471

so you guys got cucked by pol too then. it's funny that the center of 4chan is now dictated by dumbasses with 88 tattoos on their necks the same way the left ultimately suck marxists' dicks

>> No.11525739

>the passage in question is simple
Simple in content, not in style.

This, ironically, is the worst way to write.

>simple content simple style
Nothing wrong with that. Working-class literature for the masses.
>complex content simple style
Absolutely B A S E D, though it does sacrifice some artistry
>complex content complex style
Masterpiece tier.
>simple content complex style
Consider suicide.

>> No.11525748

>it's hilarious that the collective reading level of this board has degenerated to such a point that someone writing naturally at a very high level is accused of affectation and trying to "look smart"
You'd have to be a fool to believe anything that shill for the Prussian crown did was natural, especially his writing.

>> No.11525766
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It's not simple in content. He is simultaneously critiquing a philosophical method while at the same time introducing the mechanics of his own system. He's not simply providing exposition, he is already using the system itself to work through the exposition (hence the use of his yet undefined terminology like Notion and Necessity). Yes, Hegel is hard to read. No point in getting upset about it. Either dive in for a year or two and really get inside the rabbit hole, or ignore it; no point trying to prove to yourself it's not all it's cracked up to be.
>t. didn't read the preface to PoR

>> No.11525790
File: 39 KB, 618x612, ss+(2018-07-27+at+06.15.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not simple in content
Yes it is.

Let's go through it line by line.

As you can see, most of it is fat that can be cut, and what's left is not complicated.

I'm not interested in quibbling over my word choice here. If you think I have gotten something substantial wrong in my 'translation' then sure, I'm happy to talk about it, but I think I got across the gist and more, and that's all that's worth preserving of this passage.

>> No.11525810

if you can't see that this is asking edification from philosophy (the very thing he is warning you against) then we are talking past each other. I'm the anon that did the (more nuanced) line by line breakdown here >>11522929 , by the way, I'm not pretending this passage is something extraordinary; but saying it's simple content is nothing more than posturing.

>> No.11525827

>18th century Phil class in college
>absolutely love Schopenhauer's will and representation. Slave for whole week on passionate essay analyzing it.
>don't understand a single thing Hegel is trying to say
>write half-ass essay regurgitating Hegelian phrases

Fuck me

>> No.11525830

Your line by line breakdown is poor. It's not a translation but an explanation, and you use your additional knowledge to provide additional information not relevant in the text.

That may be what Hegel is trying to say, but it is not what he's saying in those words.

My line by line breakdown is superior, and in no way inaccurate except that you could, perhaps, be more specific in the very last segment, but not it doesn't matter enough to be worth a full revision.

Hegel (let's pretend that Hegel wrote this translation) is a bad writer. Most academics are. Most philosophers are. Writing and philosophy are not the same skill. You can be a good philosopher and also a bad writer. This is bad writing. You can tell it's bad writing not just because of its objective lack of merit (>objective), but also because this argument is happening at all. If this writing was good, there would be argument about what it means.

>> No.11525832
File: 428 KB, 2560x1440, mk_I_centurion_2560x1140_logo_com_6b3f9eda6363c51608e6fc7af5c8fd8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not relevant in the text.
not extant*

Sorry, I'm smashing these posts out in between rounds of WarThunder.

>> No.11525836
File: 7 KB, 610x111, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, real big brain over here. hey, post some hard philosophy so I can really get started.

>> No.11525840

>concise = bad
you = dumb

>> No.11525842

The most ironic thing about this picture is that some statements on the right are actually quite legit. Like Dawkins saying about a philosopher that he doesn't take common sense for an answer or that Bill Nye guy (haven't heard of him) saying that what we percieve as reality is actually (sort of) real.

>> No.11525846

I really hope you are trolling my dude

>> No.11525850
File: 15 KB, 626x224, ss+(2018-07-27+at+06.41.48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a line by line translation, it's a line by line replacement. If you take that single section out of all context (which you have done) of course it seems overly reductionist. This is because my line replacement depends on the line replacement before it.

In the attached context, i.e. in its proper context, the replacement is proper. Hegel is writing a long and pointless flowery description of shit nobody cares about.

>> No.11525869

These are thoughts you cant express in a simple, vulgar tongue like english.

>> No.11525874

How anyone could call himself an intellectual speaking only the language of the salmon is beyond me.

t. German, English, Latin, Ancient Greek and a little French

>> No.11525888

fuck you

>> No.11525894


>> No.11526110

Nobody likes elitists, especially not other elitists.

>> No.11526197

It's a critique of Neoplatonism and negative theology. Makes sense if you understand the theory of procession from, and return to, forms; and the negative theology of Plotinus, Dionsyus et al.

>> No.11526204

He's critiquing that negative theology as a delusion: "nothing but dreams."

>> No.11526207

Foucault is a lot more comprehensible than Hegel tho

>> No.11526258

i don't know what it is but i can't stand goon humor
something about the tone just evokes tremendous douche chills
difficult to convey, honestly

>> No.11526305
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>it just leads to nonsense
The entire paragraph is Hegel admitting he is too dumb to understand Platonism.

This. All Hegel does here is confess he doesn't understand Plotinus, Proclus, Dionysius, Eriugena etc.; it's an expression of his bafflement at their system, not arguments against it.

>> No.11526381
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With embellishments removed.

>> No.11526482

Lol no it fucking isn't, holy shit, it's a critique of the Romantics dude

>> No.11526500


>> No.11526511



>> No.11526662

Can you translate the entirety of PoS too?

>> No.11526727

Wtf is this website

>> No.11526732

Yeah he chose a different barbaric language for his thoughts instead.

>> No.11526798

What a fucking pseud desu, sounds like Hegel just didn't have cool enough dreams to be a prophet.

>> No.11526831

>REAL PHILOSOPHY is nothing pithy aphorisms
Okay now this is epic

>> No.11526999


>> No.11527251

he wasnt writing in hopes of making commoners understand him. he had his own scene with giantbrain friends so he tried to throw something onto the table that wasnt the typical circlejerk language system. so if youre a contemporary brainlet no shit it would take more effort and time to parse. and this is apart from disagreeing or agreeing with his views altogether.

>> No.11527275

I'm not referring to the people who take issue with the text. I'm referring to those who don't even bother to make a first effort towards understanding the text while simultaneously dismissing it. That is absolutely anti-intellectualism and a despicable attitude to take in a board for discussion. It adds nothing to the conversation and serves only to stroke your own ego. If you see a topic of conversation on a text or author you know nothing about and have no interest in reading and decide that disparaging said text or author is the best course of action, then you are directly complicit in the slow murder of this board.

>> No.11527562


Unclear writing betrays unclear thought.

Life is too short to bother with bad books

>> No.11527589
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Hourly reminder

>> No.11527598
File: 932 KB, 640x480, Tom reads hegel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11527712

Unclear by what standard? From the perspective of someone steeped in Leibniz, Spinoza, Rousseau, Kant, Plato, and Aristotle, he's dry and dense, but otherwise clear.

Or did you mean he's unclear by the standards of Wikipedia scholars who need their philosophy to be twitter-sized?

>> No.11527728
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>> No.11527765


HIDF pls

>> No.11527774


He's the opposite of clear. Many passages in POS are indecipherable, even for actual scholars of his philosophy. It's reminiscent of Kant's schema of the pure concepts, which is notoriously abstruse and ultimately mistaken.

>> No.11527780


This was a good discussion on /his/

It won't get anything but memes on here though

>> No.11527788

Can someone link me to that discussion?

>> No.11527823
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It has been posted multiple times, I can't find the best thread

Here's a post I saved from the original though

>> No.11528189
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>> No.11528629
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Thanks for this blackpill, i will reconsider my decisions.

>> No.11528670

The good way went from Schopenhauer to Wittgenstein. Nietzsche was nothing more than a talented poet.

>> No.11529000
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Go playing your word games somewhere else

>> No.11529019

Damn this made me sad.

>> No.11529208


Prof sounds like a pseud

>> No.11529234
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Reminder that all Communists are deeply insecure about not understanding Hegel and you should always accuse them of: "if you properly understood Hegel then XYZ."

>> No.11529250
File: 1.16 MB, 460x243, giphy(3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plants have philosophical speculations
Is Wittgenstein's comment on the talking lion meant to say that lions have no philosophy or just a different kind of philosophy?

Plants have insanely complex communication and responses to things, and are an incredibly diverse group. It's not Shamalamamam's The Happening, but maybe it's not totally crazy to think some plants could do something like have a philosophical thought and that we wouldn't understand it. At least not yet.

>> No.11529277

Based AND redpilled

>> No.11529331

>Facts and specificity are important. Without them, all you have are feelings. And unless you’re God, your feelings aren’t reality.

There you go. I condensed your shitty paragraph into three sentences.

>> No.11529348


>> No.11529374

Why do you think english is vulgar? Why can't it be beautiful?

>> No.11529380

Thread killer

>> No.11529435

Wait that’s what it meant?

>> No.11529448

yeah just like the bible just meant love your neighbor and how the CoPR just meant everything's noumenal bro. in fact, if you ever try to engage with a philosopher's primary text you are a mary and a psude. grab a copy of cliffs notes, and open yourself a monster energy; obviously that's the proper way to practice philosophy.

>> No.11529487

Consider how your position that nothing is reducible conflicts with the paragraph we are talking about. If you can read it, that is. ;)

>> No.11529492

He is also (ironically) rallying against half assed reductive approaches to philosophy that skim the surface rather than try to enter the system and understand it from it's own perspective. He is also setting up distinctions which will be explored let in the PoS (eg. between determinateness and Notion and Necessity). He also differentiates between "mystic" and "reductive" approaches to philosophy (eg. breadth and depth).
or, you know, he's just a dumb dumb and the smart people of /lit/ have cracked the code so we can abandon the 200 years of Hegelian studies (thank god because that shit is hard; I like Nietzsche and Kierkegaard because they write like "real literature")

>> No.11529502

except he literally says "just as there is an empty breadth [mysticism], so too there is an empty depth [reductivism]"

>> No.11529528

The fact that there are limits to which phenomena can be reduced while retaining their original meaning doesn’t mean that they can’t be somewhat compressed. Like, for instance, taking a horrifically turgid paragraph and condensing it to three sentences. Your boy here isn’t throwing down a gauntlet. He is calling for less extremity in the positions of both positivists and essentialists.

>> No.11529556

>The fact that there are limits to which phenomena can be reduced while retaining their original meaning doesn’t mean that they can’t be somewhat compressed.
this is a non-sequiter. the question isn't "is anything reducible", the question is "are reductive approaches the proper way to practice philosophy". If you are an analytic, of course you would say yes (based on Russell's interpretation of certain philosophers, one wonders if he did go by cliff notes). But Hegel isn't playing that game.

>> No.11529587

Then what game is he playing—working in the purely a priori or producing a philosophy in which all uncompressed phenomena are accounted for?

>> No.11529677

he's literally telling you the game he's playing at the very beginning of the preface. this is literally a cherry picked section out of the part of the book where he lays this out. have you read the phenomenology, anon? (to answer your question it's far closer to the latter, although sublimation does act as a sort of compression (never as reduction though))

>> No.11529729

I actually understood that. He's denouncing the "philosophy of intuition" as the bullshit it is.

I'm pretty sure this is the preface too.