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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.92 MB, 4608x3456, 20180725_092201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11516104 No.11516104 [Reply] [Original]

Post your stacks.

>> No.11516109

I think the minimalist covers look kind of cool

>> No.11516139

what a dumb language
read in English

>> No.11516147

>Reading translations

>> No.11516161

Why should I read German books in English?

>> No.11516167

because german is a shit language and english isnt

>> No.11516213
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>> No.11516233

How is the fall a German book

>> No.11516234

Don't you dare, German is far supperior and deeper than english.

Der Idiot, I should read it again, it was long ago. Have you seen the jap movie?

>> No.11516243

Well, I didn't mean The Fall, but I also don't speak French and I don't see the point in reading the English translation instead of the German one. Same with Dostojewskij.
I haven't. I prefer to read the book before watching any movie adaptations.

>> No.11516249
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Really weak stack. Watch this. German is indeed a shitty language

>> No.11516252
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>> No.11516253

That's just flat out wrong.

>> No.11516255

>Naked Lunch
how fucked up is this book? The movie is allready weird but deep

>shitty language
Good arguments again

>> No.11516282

You're a walking meme, my dude.


>> No.11516294

>Don't you dare, German is far supperior and deeper than english.
Jep. Dieser Post geht direkt zu meiner Cringesammlung.

>> No.11516302

>t. der Idiot

>> No.11516309

I never know if you guys are joking or not.

>> No.11516311
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>implying that qualifies as a walking meme
You are like a little baby... Watch this.

>> No.11516325

No photo of a stack, but this is my reading list.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Le Mort Darthur
The Once And Future King
Chronicles of Narnia
Heart of Darkness
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
The Great Gatsby
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.11516350

>no lonergan
It's not quite there yet, these stacks show up often

>> No.11516364

I'll add him to the backlog, it's really getting a bit out of hand at this point. Those are all RCIA goodies or gifted or borrowed from others, there is much more on a Kindle. Currently working through Frank Sheed.

>> No.11516365

None of that is meme stuff though

This is, except some of those books are actually good even despite being enjoyed by /lit/.

>> No.11516369

>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
You can safely throw this one into the trash

>> No.11516376


>> No.11516379

Bait. Goethe is no doubt on the top of a /pol/ browsers stack, but everything else there?

I'm from /pol/ and I love a lot of those books, especially Stoner.

>> No.11516385
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>Der Idiot

>> No.11516387
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>> No.11516397

>but everything else there?
He literally changed Dostoevsky's name to Dostojewski.

>> No.11516399


>I can't discuss ideas effectively, therefore I must banish everyone I perceive as a threat to my sensibilities

>> No.11516400

>WhatsApp Image
Off yourself

>> No.11516402

My bad I thought you were making a statement about the general political philosophy of someone who reads that literature.

I didn't realise you were actually fucking retarded.

>> No.11516403

why is everything so dusty?

>> No.11516417
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your dosto translation is shit. buy pic related instead

>> No.11516511
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>> No.11516537

>Der Idiot

>> No.11516547

I've sent this to myself you confused bitch. What's wrong with What's App?

>> No.11516549

I suggest you skip Törleß. It was one my most boring and painful reading experiences. How's Zauberberg so far?

>> No.11516589

brainlet. törleß is musils best work after man without qualities.

>> No.11516629

>tfw reading pdfs on pad so no stack
Just end me

>> No.11516655

wtf why are there so many krauts in this thread

>> No.11516656

>all these plebs calling German a shit language
I bet you guys don't even speak it.

>> No.11516691


>> No.11516712

>Nicht Fremdschämsammlung

>> No.11516721
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 15178226_1841495669470872_351047312098178767_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got an ereader and I know this feel. I miss the feel of paper in my hands already but I don't have the money to be dropping on a lot of books.

>> No.11516738

But get the newer version by Fischer Klassik

>> No.11516745
File: 24 KB, 500x175, tumblr_inline_o9nt6kyuUY1twk1o0_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do it the /tv/ way

>> No.11516749

fellow schluchtenscheißer detektiert

>> No.11516754


You do get bored with them. There's like three big publishers over there flooding the market with identical looking paperbacks.

>> No.11516775

Only 60 pages in... Very detailed descriptions of almost everything but the language is not as old-fashioned as I thought.
And I already read Törleß... but yeah, the dialogues seemed kind of constructed and certain parts of the book were almost unnecessary imo

>> No.11516793

>reading original, with all the unedited (by translation) bias from the writer

>> No.11516834

Trying to finish these before I head back to Uni :

Blood Meridian
Child of God
La Vita Nuova
Heart of Darkness
East of Eden
The Fall
The Sunset Limited

>> No.11516840

Of course I can post a screenshot, but I do not have a stack of physical copies. I cannot aesthetically stack them for all of you to see. You clearly do not know these feels, Anon.

>> No.11516871
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>> No.11516884
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What would you recommend for a booklet based on these?

>> No.11516918
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Most of y'all have such boring stacks. Too many memes.

>> No.11516928

Brave New World (same vein as 1984 and Fahrenheit)

Other than that, if you liked Inferno I unironically suggest you read the Bible while using a study guide (you can find plenty online). Even as someone who isn't religious I found it super fun.

>> No.11516931

what's the yellow one? what print/ publisher

>> No.11516944

Brave New World has been on my list, but what do you know about the book that inspired it? We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

>> No.11516955

I honestly have no clue. I haven't even read Brave New World, I read Fahrenheit and 1984 and then got dystopia fatigue desu.

>> No.11516956
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Prose Edda, Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Paradise Lost, Nibelungenlied, Faust, Orlando Furioso.

Brave New World, Man in the High Castle.

>> No.11516966

Fair enough. Will give them all a check.

I've read Odyssey and thoroughly enjoyed it. Also have Paradise Lost but haven't cracked it open just yet. Thanks for the recs.

>> No.11516997
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Have you read the Iliad yet?
It's generally considered the better book, and if you dig the Odyssey then the Iliad will be heaven.

>> No.11517006
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>> No.11517007
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>> No.11517015

I can smell the Jordan Peterson cultism through my phone.

>> No.11517021

Not yet, though it's been on my list. Which publication do you think is best?

>> No.11517022


>> No.11517023
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>> No.11517044

ordered a bunch of stuff not delivered yet but

moby dick melville
complete keats
complete rimbaud
artaud selected writings
collection of poe
collection of chekhov
the way of chuang tzu merton trans
the baron in the trees calvino
schoppy essays and aphorisms
tartar steppe buzzati
spring snow mishima
sanshiro soseki
isolt vol 2 proust
franny and zooey salinger
i served the king of england hrabal
a doll's house ibsen
the education of the stoic pessoa
spinoza: practical philosophy deleuze
kafka: toward a minor literature deleuze

>> No.11517049
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Not current reads but the ones most important to me

>> No.11517050

>Faust I/II
How hard/heavy is it to read? Recently I read Hesse - Steppenwolf

>> No.11517052

I remember this stack from an earlier thread, which book are you currently reading?

>> No.11517056

Cancer Ward. I'm around half way.

>> No.11517061

I read it in German and it was an easy read.

>> No.11517063

Hunter S. Thompson is fucking great. Any simmilar autors to him? I'm also reading in The Great Shark Hunt from time to time.

>> No.11517069

Nice, and you're not lacking good books to read after Cancer Ward. I can vouch for 'the sailor who fell from grace with the sea', read it recently and it was great.

>> No.11517074

Reclam. They've been around forever and are pretty much dreaded by everyone, because they do not provide the most pleasant reading experience (small text, almost no space between the lines) and everyone was forced to read at least 3 or so of these in high school. However, they are dirt cheap and have a pretty extensive catalog, so if you need to read a classic novel you feel ashamed for not having read earlier and don't care about the book's longevity (it's gonna look like shit after you're done with it), Reclam books are pretty cool.

>> No.11517076

Don't bother with just a third of Dante's poem. Since you're a new pleb you probably haven't read the Bible and won't get it. Just look up the /lit/ starter guide to literature, and once you manage reading decently, get into the basic Greeks

>> No.11517078

I plan on reading every book I buy, so I'm sure I'll get to it at some point.

Never read any Mishima before.

>> No.11517080

You should read Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth.

>> No.11517082

Easy; a lot of students have to read the first part for German class in 10th/11th grade.

>> No.11517086

Good advice. I haven't finished Inferno just yet, and I was afraid of reading Paradise Lost for the same reason (not fully reading the bible beforehand). Wouldn't fully get its message. Any particular books on the start kit you'd rec? Or just pick one?

>> No.11517100

Please for the love of god read the rest of the Divine Comedy

>> No.11517103
File: 306 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180725-091708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought all these on ambien last night. Mainly got all the pop biology books to wokepill friends on biodiversity.
Did I rip myself off?

>> No.11517115

what site is that

>> No.11517121

I absolutely do plan on it, anon.
Might read more of the bible first before really getting further.

>> No.11517147

Just pick one that looks interesting desu, most are pretty quick reads

>> No.11517151

Will do. Thanks anon.

>> No.11517166
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Thrift books right now they are doing this deal. Every 1$ you spend you get 15 points, 500 points is a free $5> book. Pretty good deals.
What I got with my free book, I fucked up and got the same book twice

>> No.11517251

Read La Vita Nuova first. It is to the Divine Comedy what Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is to Ulysses. Mendelbaum’s translations are pretty good, but you should probably go with an annotated text if you aren’t planning on reading the Bible.

>> No.11517258

Even dude. You have a book about Rock n Roll. Maybe you should read more “memes”.

>> No.11517264

Paradise Lost is a masterpiece. Probably the best mirror as to what it is to be human that we have.

>> No.11517271

Hunter S. Thompson - The Las Vegas one
Philip K. Dick - Dr. Bloodmoney
Bernhard Schlink - The one that tells about a freed prisoner.

>> No.11517328
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>> No.11517356
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Anyone have any recommendations for this subject matter?

>> No.11517456
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>> No.11517464

oh hey thanks Anon

>> No.11517503

>Glass Bead Game
Nice book, a really interesting read!

>> No.11517511

I'm not going to lie, OP. That's a beautiful stack. Not exactly the content, but those are pretty books.

>> No.11517570
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>> No.11517572

legit jealous of your stack right now

>> No.11517600
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My small stack of reading/about to read.

>> No.11517702

Fix the fucking direction the spines are supposed to be read at

>> No.11517920 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11517945
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About to start on Gravity's rainbow, and it's the only book I have left and I am out at sea. How fucked am I?

>> No.11517953
File: 1.52 MB, 1222x3649, A lit Guide to Pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read any Pynchon before?

>> No.11517974

I have not, but I have read books by different authors.

>> No.11517979

is that edition of pessoa complete?

>> No.11517985

you really should read at least V. before Gravity's Rainbow as a handful of characters are first introduced in the former.

>> No.11517991

>2 years worth of reading

>> No.11517998

Oh Freud too, hard read but worth it

>> No.11518002

Stack is very loosely defined.

Those are just the books that I've purchased in the past 2 months. But yes it will most likely take me around two years to get through it all.

>> No.11518004

Nope. Can't remember why I got this edition. There was a reason (other than the nice cover).

>> No.11518028

You're missing the third book to the Evans Third Reich trilogy friendo

>> No.11518054
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>> No.11518077
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usually go to this thrift store for something else, the book section is generally so bad that I dont bother to look anymore but today everything changed.

>> No.11518086

You need to step it up, anon. It almost looks like you're in high school and posted your required reading.

>> No.11518097

I think it's a bit dry but otherwise easy to read. The translator is a linguistic mastermind stringing together half-page sentences with beautiful flow. The value of the content may be up for debate, along with McKenna, but it's interesting.

>> No.11518100

that is an atrocious rug

>> No.11518104

total cost?

>> No.11518110

No I'm not. The Third Reich at War was in a previous stack.

Yeah it's Swedish.

>> No.11518145
File: 13 KB, 298x272, 1524390578058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the worst fucking publisher I've ever come across on the German market. I've their selection of Neetchee (I hate the ambiguity in 'gesammelte Werke', by the way), and the selection is piss poor and mostly from his later period. They're hardback, but in name only, because it's obvious from the very first touch that it's shit quality, you can tell from the weight alone. I can barely use my Anaconda Nietzsche or my Capital as a paperweight.
Then there's the typos, fucking blatant typos like commas in the middle of words (Stefan Zweig's Welt von usw.), pretty sure they're paying five-year-olds with bags of haribo to proof read their shit. I was gifted a copy of Kafka's Castle but I gifted it right on and bought a Suhrkamp that I could trust. Oh yeah and forget about introductions or annotations because that would cost money, but hey, you're getting a hardback! No, just fucking pay five fucking eurodollars more and get a real book.
Fuck fuck fuck Anaconda. Fuck.

>> No.11518169

>only free shipping option is within the US


>> No.11518175

Forgot: the only redeeming factor would be the aesthetics of the collected editions, but this is outweighed by the covers they choose for their single editions (usually complete ass and stock photo-tier). I also don't care for the fact that they often edit the texts to conform with contemporary German spelling.

>> No.11518198

It's really not that nice of a language

>> No.11518223

Well it was a German who proved beyond any doubt that your preference for a language or anything else is determined by your own egoistic interests whose claim to objectivity is immediately negated by the equally egoistic interests of your peers.

>> No.11518515

Naked Lunch isn't particularly fucked up, just gay and degenerate. It's really not worth reading.

>> No.11518595


>> No.11518636

like 200. i usually spend that much but ive went through my other stack quickly and have nothing much to do as of now so i figured this will keep me busy for a bit.

>> No.11518717

is that Egypt book any good? I was searching for something about that topic.

>> No.11518735

i usually dont*

>> No.11518746

apparently that same publisher will release complete edition this year, maybe even in hardback.

>> No.11518813

I know...I didn't really read a lot when I was in high school and had a teacher where we didn't have to read the books he gave us in order to pass the exam. I've been reading a lot of 700+ page books in the last few months and I went into the bookstore with the intention of getting shorter books and potentially books that I should've already read in high school as a sort of breather.

>> No.11518945

>Animal Money
enjoy the ride

>> No.11518978

Good lookin our man, might pick up a few myself.

>> No.11518986

I'm ordering some Everyman's Library to make sure I get some (you)s next thread.

>> No.11519186

Fucking lost it

>> No.11519203

Based O'Connor

>> No.11519313


>> No.11519738
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Always wanted to learn German.
How's my list.

>> No.11519763
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Uh oh! Lol! >>11519709
Maybe You Saw my posting up! Must have not seen this link up on the homepage! Anyhoo you guys can help an old man out?

>> No.11519782

[Delete ] >>11519763
ht tp://boards.4chan.org/lit/thread/11519709

>> No.11519787

wasn't funny the first time

>> No.11519804

[Reply] 1519782 [/]

Guess I aint got this posting thing figured out yet! Mind the mess! Could you guys help me out here with the books? Really liked flipping through the Hemingway after work. Now that's a man! Real guys guy storys is what iIm into. Something to kick back with nice brew.....

>> No.11519830

You just posted a stack with nothing but memes.

>> No.11519892

How's that renaissance poetry anthology? I've been eyeing it but wonder if it includes much my norton doesn't

>> No.11519900

maybe you should get the fuck out and not come back then?

>> No.11520004

I know you’re memeing but the answer is Kerouac anyway

>> No.11520013
File: 377 KB, 1717x938, IMG_20180722_200320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a stack. THIS IS A STACK

>> No.11520029
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, 8BC71F35-1617-464D-BC6C-989045A55A5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourth from the bottom is Proclus’ Elements of Theology.

Second from top is Hayek’s Road to Serfdom

Morganstern and Hayek were Vienna contemporaries oddly enough.

>> No.11520059

fuck you loser

>> No.11520101


First ever book I've ever judged solely by the cover. Couldn't resist

>> No.11520180

Maybe you should have spent money on a better camera instead

>> No.11520185

That’s several stacks retard. The point of a stack thread is to choose a NICE lookin stack. Like just HOLY FUCK look at that NICE ASS STACK

>> No.11520336

Fuck Thomas Mann. Tod in Venedig is the most cringy thing I've read.

>> No.11520417

German is the most aesthetically revolting language right next to Portuguese.

>> No.11520501

>too many memes
>first book in stack is the penguin meme edition of white noise

>> No.11520675
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>> No.11520743


>> No.11520998

very well

>> No.11521134

Good on you, anon. Don't let Effi Briest be your last Fontane, though. If you don't read a lot, there are a lot of things you probably won't be able to appreciate in it, so what's left is all the social realism and drama, but he could write very funny books as well with very charming characters, namely Stechlin which I recommend.

>> No.11521349
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This has got me laughing, fair play

>> No.11521354

Those will last you until 2022

>> No.11521726

Are you a dummy?

>> No.11521744

>don't see the point in reading the English translation instead of the German one
To learn English better so you can stop speaking German

>> No.11522066
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>> No.11522096

meme mean nothing fuck off

>> No.11522098
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, minecraft_books2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is epic.

>> No.11522110

Don't read 'Meditation for Dummies' read 'Mindfulness in plain English'.

Or maybe I took the bait.

>> No.11522135

Wonderful. Has a nice introduction with the thesis being that the English Renaissance was much more than a runup to the likes of Shakespeare, Donne, and Jonson. Williams presents three stages of poetic development starting with the content focussed simple metrical style of the early renaissance, the high stylization and rhetoric of the middle, and the synthesis of the two in the late. Not sure what norton includes but it introduced me to some of my favorite lesser known poets like Sir Thomas Wyatt. Additionally it made me realize how good Spenser really was (although he is undoubtedly in the norton).

>> No.11522147
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>> No.11522244
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>> No.11522255

are swetlana geiers translation always the best choice or are there exceptions?

>> No.11522276

any kraut in this thread that could recommend a translation for Iliad and Odyssey?

>> No.11522804

german sounds disgusting but english language is the most retarded

>> No.11523019
File: 37 KB, 640x613, wHjuO_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is the superior language.

>> No.11523263

dont listen to this guy>>11517985 just read that shit

>> No.11523386

you are an idiot, why would I care about your opinion?

>> No.11523504

if you're actually interested in OE I suggest you get another, more philologically oriented translation. Note that I say 'oriented', not 'sound', and that I'm not trying to spark another debate on Heaney, just saying that there's a very noticeable difference and that it might be good to be aware of this.

>> No.11523542
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>> No.11523545

nah its good for what it is (a light scifi comedy)

>> No.11523594

>"der der der red german books in german"
>posts Dostoyevsky, Stoner, Camus
>"der" still retarded in three different languages

>> No.11523637

most dostoyevsky works were translated by the same people, so it does not really differ by book. in general, geiers translations are regarded as the best ones.

>> No.11523765
File: 1005 KB, 1536x3082, 01CD2912-F2F7-4C69-B5DE-0141AF6C3538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t decide on what to read so I just keep piling them up until I find something.
Most of them I’ve started reading but I’ve yet to choose one as my current read.

>> No.11524310

>implying English is not a dumb language too

>> No.11524492
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20180724_220841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-don't laugh okay! It's a work on progress. Need to get more classics, Russians and non fiction in here

>> No.11524611

Solid. How's the cynism reader?

>> No.11524640


>> No.11524731
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Last one is Richard Mosse's Incoming.

>> No.11524766

it's good for what it is

>> No.11525637

Borges is a mixed bag. You don't know what your gonna get in the next chapter, but it's gonna be good.

>> No.11525651

A nice counterbook to his BNW

>> No.11525671

What book store?

>> No.11525685
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About to start Thucydides, just finished Herodotus.

>> No.11525707

what edition of Livy is that?

>> No.11525713

you need less tolkien and a less gaudy lovecraft, then again most lovecraft books I find have squids and spoopy shit on them. What's the quality like, though? Always wondered. I can see it's hardback, but that's not necessarily saying much these days.

>> No.11525716

Reprint of the Spillan and Edmonds, got it to have a real in my hands reference.

>> No.11525724
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More for you guys.

>> No.11525755
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>mfw twitter is stealing content from 4chan for monetized (you)s

>> No.11525760

based. How's that Josephus? It's got to be better than the Penguin on the Jewish war.

>> No.11525779
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>> No.11525786
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>> No.11525794
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Made me reply

>> No.11525804

What do you mean by stacks? Do you guys really read ten books at the same time?

>> No.11525814

>Hell's Angels
So good
Read the thread. It's reading and to be read

>> No.11525863
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Not my current to-read list, just the stack that most lends itself to being photographed at the moment. The only one I’ve actually read is Oyasumi Punpun.

>> No.11525865

Yeah, the complete Josephus, for whatever reason, has shot down to like $13 dollars, and this version is a little bit more friendly reprint of that public domain translation, with a few notes and articles in the back. It's also everything that Josephus wrote that we still have. So I would recommend either this or the older complete works.

>> No.11526570

What’s the name of the publisher of the Rilke collection?

>> No.11526747
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>> No.11526774
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my birthday stack :)

>> No.11526877

most arent krauts, mutt

>> No.11526903

its the best language

>> No.11526951
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To read, re-read and to have on hand when wanting. Bibles always near by. There’s a book or two of poetry I like going back to to relax with. This stack is my mission for the rest of the year - bible on hand for whenever I need it.

>> No.11527160
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>> No.11527166

10/10 stack

>> No.11527173

>holy bible
>the ego and its own

>> No.11527191

Best Russian novelist/novel for a beginner reader? My Russian isn’t bad: I can hold a basic conversation (school shit like “what do you do in your spare time”) and I have a good grasp of grammar, it’s just vocab-wise I’d struggle.

>> No.11527307

but stirner quotes the bible a lot and not just ironically

>> No.11527739

happy birthday anon :3

>> No.11527761

thank you!

>> No.11527944

Moscow to the End of the Line

>> No.11528817
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>> No.11528911

Which publication of Scarlett Letter is best?

>> No.11528956
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Is this a stack?

>> No.11528965

you have the exact same kawabata's as me

>> No.11528986

They're good Kawabatas. Which one was your favorite? Snow Country's the obvious choice for me but for some reason I found something really tranquil about the Tea Ceremony stuff in Thousand Cranes, and that work was soul-shatteringly good in its own right

>> No.11529024

the master of go really hit a spot for me
asides from that i loved snow country, especially the stuff at the beginning with the guy looking at the reflection in the train window at the beginning

also the weird brutal mind games in beauty and sadness

>> No.11529045

>DiLello in with all the soft "lit"
Based and redpilled

>> No.11529197

Is that a first edition Confederacy? How much?

>> No.11529276


inside says 1985 eighth printing

>> No.11529459

Food of the gods
1st 50 pages are good. The rest is crap.
Watch Paul Stamets on JRE instead

>> No.11529527
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all in various states of completion.

>> No.11529562


>> No.11529630
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>tfw plebeian
give me recs based on this shitty stack por favor

spanish lit appreciated as well, but beginner tier stuff

>> No.11529735

huh I use the same deodorant

>> No.11529761

what is MA? mandarin?

>> No.11530571

That's called a shelf

>> No.11531063
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Top book is : On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History by Carlyle

>> No.11531404
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>> No.11531468
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"I hate Peterson, his charts are weird, but check these totally normal charts by Lacan"

>> No.11531491
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>> No.11531631


>> No.11532002

any relation to Barthes?

>> No.11532117

>Don Quixote
Read also "Tirant Lo Blanc", Tristan and Isolda and the Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda

>> No.11532214

what are you talking about, that's a real man's chart and puts petersons d&d garbage about order and chaos to shame.

>> No.11532557
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Recommend me some edgy fantasy shit (besides Bakker, Abercrombie and Erikson).

>> No.11532559

Is Carnegie actually interesting or is it just superficial self-help like JBP? I see it posted a lot but no one ever comments on the contents. I don't have anything against the guidebook format or whatever you call it because I mean Aurelius wrote a self-help book as well, so when I ask if it's like JBP I just wanna know if it's all surface- and entry-level shit based on feelings without any real introspection.

>> No.11532564

wrong thread you little manbabby faggot, contain yourself here >>11518249

>> No.11532596

Thanks for the directions, kind xir!

>> No.11532732

Insel Verlag

>> No.11533345

Stirner's ideology is a spook, as was his life. He was actually a bishop, which is why he pissed off Marx so much.

>> No.11533383

did you just assume I would assume you were assuming my gender? Use the generic masculine or fuck off you fucking bigot faggot

>> No.11533434

Polish beats both. Literally vomit in the form of words.

>> No.11533442

This is a very interesting selection. I'm a biochemist and very interested in the philosophy of biology myself, what has you interested in these books?

>> No.11533549
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$1 each

v happy about “other minds” and “reading the oed”, was going to buy those on amazon

>> No.11533588

how is that Norton intro? what's in it?

>> No.11533644

I didn't even know such a book existed, I'll have to pick it up some time.
I fucking love the OED, and it's so easy to love because it's so obviously superior. I like how Longman's recommended by SLA people, Webster's by no one, and OED by everyone. Even the German Duden looks amateurish in comparison.

>> No.11533955

How much did you get the Landmark books for? I'm considering just getting them on Amazon for ~$20 a piece (Herodotus, Thucydides) because there's no way my used book store is gonna get them.

>> No.11533999

Ive seen some of them go on ebay/thriftbooks for like $10

>> No.11534023

I'll just have to keep a lookout then, thanks. I'm far too poor to be so impatient

>> No.11534138

Carnegie is dadpill tier, but articulates it in a thoughtful manner.

>> No.11534149
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>> No.11534260

Stirner was a gym teacher, not a bishop.
The only time he quotes the bible is when he is trying to destroy its credibility.

>> No.11534300

Has anyone ever read his critique of Stirner? I heard it's just a bunch of name-calling.

>> No.11534335

What did they mean by this?

>> No.11534377

What do you mean by this?

>> No.11534383

cringe holy shit

>> No.11534600


>> No.11534618

youre doin well anon, keep it up.

>> No.11534629

looks like a lot of starting

>> No.11535107

based stack

>> No.11535739
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Do I need anything else? I doubt.

>> No.11536038

So wrong. That he flips quotes on their storied heads doesn't 'destroy' its credibility, if there's any destruction going on it's Destruktion which is no destruction at all. In some cases there's reason to believe it's more like a reversion to Early Christianic sentiments, for example 'gebt dem Kaiser, was des Kaisers is'. This has nothing to do with servitude or the church having to be inside the state and no parallel to or above it, in reality Jesus was saying the state is utterly unimportant to a man of faith. Stirner is not the only one to have done so, Egon Friedell called Protestantism a perversion of Christianity for much the same reason.
Johanes was an eremite who ate locusts and wild honey, why should he have had anything to do with the state? Stirner isn't on the edges or outside of tradition, he's arguing from within tradition and in this way has much more in common with modernist poets than post-modernist ones.

>> No.11536113
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These are all pretty old, nowadays I just pirate stuff and read it on my phone.

>> No.11536234

bait saved

>> No.11536355

Each books ~ $4 max, so its worth it, unless the translation's bad.

>> No.11536483
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Can someone post that pasta about the guy who goes to the bookshop and posts his stack

>> No.11536546

their covers are unholy

>> No.11536580
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I've read these over the past few weeks, some good, some alright, some eh

>> No.11536589
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>> No.11537184

do you think there's an in-joke at wordsworth headquarters or like a running gag where they see just how much they can get away with before people tear their eyes out? I was about to say that picture's a screencap from the intro to Age of Mythology but that's not being fair to AoM

>> No.11537201
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Sci-fi and philosophy

>> No.11537498

na just coming to your senses

>> No.11538704


>> No.11538763

I just bought Spinoza's ethics and Schopenhauer's Essays and Aphorisms. What else can you recommend?

t. Bought my first books a few days ago.

>> No.11539002

The Prince is really good if you want an insight into how politicians think.

Art of Motorcycle maintenance is a nice story about quality

The Stranger was a nice story about finding yourself

>> No.11539030
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I fell for it