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11516542 No.11516542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Start having sex

>> No.11516548

I'm not getting an advice from a faggot.

>> No.11516551


>> No.11516552

sex doesn't even exist

>> No.11516577

Look up RSD Tyler on jewtube

>> No.11516608

But I don't really like to

>> No.11516613

stop having aids

>> No.11516627

He is kind a guy who gonna claim gay sex is only true sex and other hetero sex is unnatural because their sex is not anal enough so sadomasochistic microfascism can applied

>> No.11516633

No one wants to have sex with me

>> No.11516635

Me too

>> No.11516636

Remember when he got btfo by Chomsky of all people?

Just imagine what Harris would do to him.

>> No.11516681

would thati twere so sample.

>> No.11516693

Tfw need sex but live miles away from a town, debating how trying to find a cougar in my village desu

>> No.11516699

he didn't get btfo'd by chomsky, chomsky's just a moron and foucalt was too intelligent to realize what a moron chomsky is and so took him seriously

>> No.11516708

But I thought sex was a social construct?

>> No.11517119
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>> No.11517125
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>> No.11517136
File: 64 KB, 433x600, IMG_2860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your rapport sexuel*

>> No.11517143
File: 176 KB, 736x944, J-Lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

il n'y a pas de relation sexuelle you raunchy post-structural gargoyle

get back in the archives and leave the people alone

>> No.11517157

sex is the opposite of a social construct you dumb redditor

>> No.11517170

Lmao at thinking this brainlet bitcj

Sex is completely virtual, and always relies on some kind of backdrop of fantasy or else it isn't sex, there's nothing remotely sexual about the so called "sexual act" considered in isolation from this surrounding backdrop of fantasy

Vade retro freudlet!

>> No.11517196

I don't consider the ritual/risk of humiliation appealing enough to go through with it.

>> No.11517235

back to plebbit

>> No.11517245

So when I have sex with my girlfriend it isn't actually sex unless I think of Foucault ramming me up the ass?

>> No.11517547
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Start torturing twinks

>> No.11517555
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>claims to be a philosopher
>too stupid to wear a condom

Why do people take this hack seriously again?

>> No.11518074

You don't know that, maybe he just swallowed some poz cum or something.

>> No.11518082

Pretty much. The act can happen mechanically, but the enjoyment comes from it being somewhat related to the phantasm that it can never reach (according to Lacan).

>> No.11518089

Tbqh Proust thought that gay sexuality was more profound than straight.

>> No.11518252


Well it's without women so, inasmuch as one can enjoy sex at all, he's right.

>> No.11518280
File: 22 KB, 376x349, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

et was a defrent time

>> No.11518543

Hermaphroditicism is the future. Female aesthetics and male freedom and mind (phallos). Egg laying and the cloaka should be back in trend soon enough.

>> No.11518553

>sex is completely virtual

>> No.11518590

Yes well the lad also masturbated to pictures of his mom and to rat torture, so I don't care about his views on profound sexuality

>> No.11518641

holy fuck Lacan is dumb

>> No.11518831

Well he does have some arguments that work within his system, like the sexual act undergoing repetition because it misses its mark (the object a, or object small a, same thing, the unconscious object cause of desire).

Of course Deleuze's version of desire being inherently productive (producing more and more connections as it contemplates its specific objects) blows that out of the water.

>> No.11518849


Let's see how long it takes the janny to delete the thread.

>> No.11518862

More like stop talking about sex

>> No.11518869

literally not even off topic you snitch bitch

>> No.11518871

Don't ruin December for me, it's my favorite month.