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/lit/ - Literature

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11510627 No.11510627 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11510635

The Greeks

>> No.11510991

The Culture of Critique

>> No.11510999


>> No.11511142
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It's OK. Beard seems to dismiss a lot of perfectly plausible ideas about the early Republic out of hand, i.e.
"Those fucking Toga Niggers couldn't form a real army, or create a plan to conquer their neighbors, etc."

>> No.11511268

Plato's Republic

oh shit, you said non-fiction....

>> No.11511274

What's the deal with Pinker and ass, mr. reverse Satan?

>> No.11511280
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>> No.11511295

The Crisis of the Modern World by Rene Guenon. He's a fascinating author and I feel like his work is designed open a path from the academic to the esoteric, kinda like Evola but not an edgy shit-stirrer.

>> No.11512539


>> No.11512577

more like positivism now

>> No.11513205

I remember /lit/ heavily shitting on this book but I can't recall exactly why. Can yall refresh my memory please

>> No.11513816

Rise and fall of the third reich

>> No.11513824

Reading Pinker too but that book about writing coherently. Other than that is Sister Miriam Joseph's Trivium.

>> No.11513826

start the holocaust

>> No.11514023

You're pathetic

>> No.11514056

bunch of articles from Foreign Policy maganize and two essays about the Self orientalism tendencies of the japanese throught media

>> No.11514151

Sounds interesting. Wouldn't mind reading all of those if you could hook us all up with them later.

>> No.11514157

Nicholas Ostler - Empires of the Word

Interesting book about the history of a major languages

>> No.11514295

great song

>> No.11514314

go to bed, steve

>> No.11514363

The Bible

>> No.11514706

Seconding this >>11514151

>> No.11514746

my diary desu

>> No.11514918

The Black Swan

>> No.11514985

>The case for reason, science, humanism and progress
Kill me.

>> No.11515114

What could you honestly learn from a book like this?

>> No.11516180

Giving this a third.

>> No.11516202


>You say Religion I say SCIENCE!
>You say Prayer I say REASON!
>You say Objective Morality I say HUMANISM!
>You say Tradition I say PROGRESS!

92% of teenagers have turned to fairytales and delusion. If you are part of the 8% that still use logic copy and paste this message to another 5 videos. DON'T LET THE SPIRIT OF LOGIC DIE!

>> No.11516351

Isn't that the book where he spergs about Nietzsche?

>> No.11516743
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>> No.11516758
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I'm reading Truth and Method, which, I assume, would totally annihilate any teleological or pseudoteleological argument that Pinker tries to put forth for enlightenment and "progress". It's highly recommendable. Even if you disagree with the overall direction of his work, his thoughts on art and the classics, as well as the value of humanist education are worthwhile, especially to anyone who is actually here because they like literature and literary classics, and not just to shitpost.


pic related

>> No.11516778


>> No.11516796

When someone who's never been a fight tries to be intimidating...

>> No.11516856
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>> No.11516866

oh christ
the absolute state of anglo thinking

>> No.11516947

Dun get it.

And I never will.

>> No.11517425

he's not wrong tho

>> No.11517744

I read 'So you've been publicly shamed' yesterday and it enhanced my paranoia...book itself was readable and pretty ok tho
Was it good?

>> No.11517748 [DELETED] 

steven pinker = s. phincter

>> No.11518219


>> No.11518225

based assposter

>> No.11518226

Also new article by John Gray added today

>> No.11518235

What's that? Thought you were reading Foreign Policy and articles about Japan? Maybe link to those?

>> No.11518273

I get my non fiction form documentarys I watch at work

>> No.11518281

I don't know how anyone can read Pinker unless they are rabidly politically slanted like he is. I'm still pissed I bought one of his books last year.

>> No.11518318
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>> No.11518333

This is an embarrassing line but I just read his other book, How the Mind Works, and it was very good. Read it for my disso

>> No.11518381

His pre-9/11 stuff was pretty good.

>> No.11518471

The hilarious thing is that all the writers he flags as fans on N. are writers that /lit/ praise.

>> No.11519301

Your diary, desu.

>> No.11519862

Whites should read the review below about this.

>Why does Pinker insist that European national identity must be civic, based on political values alone, without ever mentioning the ethnic state of Israel with its massive wall and regular deportation of non-Whites and non-Jewish immigrants? At the core of the Enlightenment ideal, he says, is the expectation that one should provide reasons for one’s beliefs. What are Pinker’s reasons for his selective demonization of European identitarians? There is a lot of psychological projection in Enlightenment Now. Pinker projects his own irrational feelings about protecting Jewish identity onto white identitarians, pretending he is the embodiment of Enlightenment ideals, while calling European populists “blatantly irrational” and “tribal,” but never caring to “adduce reasons” as to why populists may want to protect their culture.


Another jewish gatekeeper, fraudster, and hypocrite promoting one thing for whites and another for his own tribe.

>> No.11519913


>> No.11520628 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11521604


>> No.11521679
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Bibliotheca by Photius, in translation and on archive, slowly going through and downloading a shitload of public domain translations of authors he mentions. Making notes of lost works.

10/10 would recommend to /lit/ weirdoes into more obscure Roman and Greek works.

>> No.11522492


His book about the Blank Slate was pretty good, back in 2002. It doesn't seem like he would write it now though.