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/lit/ - Literature

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11515187 No.11515187 [Reply] [Original]

So I went into this completely cold, and after reading others describe it as an existentialist masterpiece I'm a bit confused.

The first half has the protagonist literally apathetic to all goings on around him. The second half is the only time he takes even a modicum of initiative or responsibility - only to suddenly lay the blame on society for forcing him to adopt norms.

I'm obviously missing something here.

>> No.11515190

Yeah, a brain

>> No.11515195

L'Étranger is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills Arabs and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.11515253

go on....

>> No.11515258


its crap

>> No.11515283

you're not missing anything, news flash, camus is pseud-tier trash

>> No.11515286

I don't see how anything you said disqualifies it from its status

>> No.11515333
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ITT pseuds with no philosophical background who can't understand Camus in any depth

>> No.11515369

read the plague instead, senpai

>> No.11515374

I read it. I was an angsty teen, so I was the ideal audience. It did NOTHING for me. Just about a guy with antisocial tendencies who was unapologetically detached from reality.


>> No.11515391

Overrated imo

Myth of Sisyphus is better but overall I think Camus is over-hyped.

>> No.11515410


All roads lead to death, therefore nothing matters, therefore any perceived meaning is socially constructed by plebs who don't 'get it.'

Not the best philosophy.

>> No.11515497

Excellent taste.

>> No.11515504
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>The Stranger is existentialist

>> No.11515555

Good read, don't look too much into the existentialist shit, enjoy the killing of arabs

>> No.11515561

>a philosopher

>> No.11515566
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I think it's almost a take-down of those nihilists who refuse to even play the game and find their own personal meaning. How wrong am I?

>> No.11515570

That's not what nihilists do.

>> No.11515572

Sartre admitted they were all just LARPing after he hopped onto the marx fad.

>> No.11515728
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Mom says its my turn on the xbox now...

>> No.11515798

LOL, just having some good old fashioned fun and R&R here at 4chan /lit/. Unironically good post, anon. Made me lol.