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11514468 No.11514468 [Reply] [Original]

Red-pill me on society.

>> No.11514476

we live in a society

>> No.11514477


>> No.11514501
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It's a power system of oppression that is driven by the dominant mode of discourse.

>> No.11514525

Foucault didn't think it was an inherently bad thing. It's just that Marxist SJW's weaponize this to give minorities the dialectical means to overthrow the majority, yet ironically they are unaware that democracy is oppression of the majority.

>> No.11514540

Can you stop turning all threads into this shit

>> No.11514550

Hierarchies naturally develop in any system free enough to allow for differential outcomes. In that case, why would it matter which particular mode of discourse is dominant? In any system someone is being "oppressed."

>> No.11514560

And why is that a bad thing?

>> No.11514594
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I think this is how society works.

>> No.11514642
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gangweed is either the prelude to a global insurrection or the last gasp of a dying humanity hopelessly enslaved to the technocapitalist social media panopticon

>> No.11514663
File: 152 KB, 723x366, sinister-forces-trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole trilogy is on libgen.io

>> No.11514735

What F is interested in is how those tools of oppression change over time. In his supposed early work analysing how they are discontinuous (different, and thus contingent, but similar so limited to a time, society, epoch, something).

This is precisely the point at which analysis of power and the genealogical period comes into play. Foucault begins to look at games of truth, and in a Nietzschean manner how certain concepts get taken over by different groups (good and bad becomes good and evil, good is appropriated by the meek). He turns, I shall paraphrase F himself, N upside down. Different contingent ideas seem to be crystallized and pass on in different forms, used by different people for different ends.

That nihilism, as you seem to be implying, becomes unavoidable is the common way of viewing Foucault. There is, however, a recent interpretation of F that call themselves compatibilists, in regards to what F is doing and holding an ethical stance.

He is, at the very least, trying to be ethical without articulating a system/discourse that can be appropriated and yh

>> No.11514796

read any dickens book