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/lit/ - Literature

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1151145 No.1151145 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a novel set during the civil war, and I'm curious, is there a specfic term or name applied to people that persue deserters?

>> No.1151150

Hmmm, you should have come upon this in your extensive research, no?

>> No.1151151


>> No.1151155

probably PURSUERS.

>> No.1151157

Extensive research? Its fiction so I have not researched anything

>> No.1151172

Historian here, nice one, 9/10

>> No.1151173

According to Wikipedia, those who hunted down confederate deserters were either bounty hunters or units of the Confederate Home Guard.

>> No.1151196 [DELETED] 

The more inaccurate your story is, the totally more ballin' it will be.

Here's what you do.
Buy Shelby Foote's work, watch some Ken Burns documentaries, and read some primary docs and that will at LEAST give you an IDEA to start off on how to go about this.

>> No.1151216


>Extensive research? Its fiction so I have not researched anything

You MUST do your research if you're embarking on historical fiction. Go to reenactments, go to museums, go to your library and check out as many Civ War books as possible.

>> No.1151264 [DELETED] 

Alright guys here's my first chapter:

"The wind was blowing dusty over the plains of Wirgina as General Lee looked out upon the succulent fruit that was Washinton DC, right across the river.

"I want that fruit," said Lee angrily!

Calling one of his minions, he said to get his right hand mand Stonewall, a massive man with a heart of stone. He loved to inflict pain on other people, especially defenseless negroe.

"Stoenwall," said Lee, "there are derserters. They must be stopped."

Lee spoke these words softly and deliberately, so the full weight of them could transfer upon Stonewall.

Stonewall laughed an evil laugh, which surprised everyone since he never laughed.

"Do not worry my lord I have a secret weapon that will stop the deserters and the Northern Armies once and for all!"

A shadowy figure stepped out of the shadows, wearing all black except for his belt which was as red as the red river valley. He showed no trace of emotion and was also Japanese.

"Stonewall you fool how dare you bring an inferior into my presence!" shouted Lee, but before he could continue the mysterious man caught him by the throat

"General do not discoarage me; I think I am the superior one here. Remember that." and let him go, with Lee being visible angry and scared at one.

"I hear you have deserters. Well I will kill those deserters, and president Lincoln too. You shall have your kingdom."

"Just do what you have to!" shouted General Lee, wanting peace from this man.

The mysterious man smiled and walked away, and Stonewall smiled and said "He'll get the job done."

Lee stormed off and began drawing up his plan to conquer America...


>> No.1151269

you are a god

>> No.1151276

a fucking god

>> No.1151298
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>> No.1151299
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>> No.1151333 [DELETED] 

Chapter 2:

It was night, and eveything was silent under the moon.

Everything silent except for one, man running for his life.

This man's name was John Beauville Freedom.

Yeah, he was a soldier once, back when he still believed in fighting for wars and men. And God.
Yeah, he was the greatest rifleman the Condefercy had ever known. But all that didn't mean anything anymore.

Because he knew the truth.

His mine raced back to the days when he discovered just how awful the Confedercy could be. He was marching through with his batallion when he passed by a plantation. John had never seen a plantation before, so he was curious and looked around a bit. What he saw was frightening: plantation owners using other people as slaves. These people looked like anyone else, only their skin was black.

But the slave-owners didn't care at all
They laughed and said "Ha ha ha! Keep on working niggers or else we'll feed you to the pigs!" And one of them whipped a women who then fell.

John welled up with anger "Hey slave-owners! Stop mistreating these workers! Can't you see that these people are like you!?"

The slave-ownders laughed at John "You fool you are in the Condeferacy now, where all black people are scum!"
That man didn't have a chance to continue because John killed him in rage. No one has the right to rule other people. Especially these vermin.

And that was the day John became an outlaw derserter.

>> No.1151344


>> No.1151346
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>And that was the day John became an outlaw derserter.

>> No.1151347 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the help guys!

I have another question: What do you call a Japanese person that fought for the Confedercy?

>> No.1151349



>> No.1151354 [DELETED] 

What's that Japanese for?

>> No.1151358
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Shit, I'd buy it.

>> No.1151363

a faggot

>> No.1151399

I need more.

>> No.1151961 [DELETED] 

Chapter 3:

John Freedom was running but he didn't know why.

How could he stop the slavery?
There has to be away.

He was running through trees when he heard a branch snap. He stopped, and stopped breathing. Picking up his rifle, he looked around for an enemy. His solder instincts took over.

It was quiet, to quiet. The woods of Gorgia were never this silent. Had they found him at last?

Shouting a challenge and John Beauville Freedom said "I will never accept you our your salvery! Its wrong!"

This noise drew out the mysterious tracker. John Freedom put down his rifle in surprise.

It was an old black man, with a long flowing white beard, and a staff of oak. He looked wizened and powerful, but John's emotions got hold of him.

"Why did you sneak up on me? I am not hear to enslave you, old man!"

The old black man gave John Freedom a queer look and said
"It wasn't that you were looking for me, John Beaville Freedom. It is that I was looking... for you!"

"What do you mean and how do you my name?" angrily asked John Freedom?

I know you are the one my people have been waiting for, John Beauville freedom, or should I say, John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV."

>> No.1151964 [DELETED] 

Chapter 4: The truth reveled.

John stared in awe. Moses had died centuries ago. No descendant of his could be alive.
What do you mean, old man?" said John Freedom. He gasped afterward when the man was done.

The old black man began
"Long ago, my people were the peaceful rulers of this land, which was blessed by the sun-god Rakka Ta. He charged us with being loving our neighbors and being friends to all living things, and blessed us with his love.

But GeneralLee came and enslaved us to build his temples to the dark gods, eons ago. Now he wants to become immortal and ruin America!"

This was all too much for John Freedom. What did it matter to him that General Lee wanted gods? People wanted to be Gods all the time. "whad does this have to do me?" asked himself outloud.

Because Lee knew a propecy that a son of Moses could kill him. That is why Lee killed all the children of Moses long ago, including John's mother, but he had forgotten about it and served with Lee in the army. Now the memories came flodding with tears of sad.

"That is why we need you now John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV," said the wise man whose name was Freeman. "You can lead our people out of slaves and regain our kingdom!"

John knew it wouldn't be easy but he had no choice. He finally had a reason to fight.

>> No.1152005

John Freeman was the demons.

>> No.1152008 [DELETED] 
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>>General Lee
>>building temples to the dark gods
>>wants immortality

>> No.1152030 [DELETED] 
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OP, I think you have a pretty solid grasp on the Civil war.

Keep it up!

>> No.1152034

i want fucking more this is starting to get good

>> No.1152038

>I leave /lit/ for five fucking seconds

And amazing things happen.

This is brilliant. The Penis Was fails in comparison to this literary epic.

I recant my previous statement - OP does not need to alter this in any way. It is excellent as is.

>> No.1152059

Then, just as General Lee whipped out his forked penis to reveal himself as satan, a spaceship came out of the sky and out walked the HARDY BOYS.

>> No.1152102 [DELETED] 

Chapter 5 evil's holyday

"Freeman" said John Beauville Freedom "I will need to learn the ways of Rakka ta if I am to stand up to General Lee and his armies."

Freeman smiled
"t hat is what I was hoping to here, John Freedom. Let us begin by observing the earth. Rakka Ta teaches us that all our one, and one with Rakka Ta's life-force.

Those who steal lives or enslave others are shameful in the eyes of Rakka Ta-"

"Just like General Lee" said John Freedom.
Freeman nodded, but said nothing.

Meanwhile, Stonewall and General Lee were scheming in Virgina.

"My lord what troubles you?" asks Stonewall.
"It is the trouble of these derserters, Stonewall my faithful servant. how can I appease the dark ones if my own men abandon me?"
He then hit this table with force
"no one will deny me my god hood!"

he then looked to stonewall
"i have wasted enough time. it is time to start sacrificing the negroes."

Stonewall smiled and said to the men "begin the ritual."
Lee laughed evilly as men everywhere started killing the innocent worshippers of Raka Ta. Their cries even reached Freeman, who said that something evil was happening but didnt know what.

Outside Lee's tent, the mysterious man in black looked on. "lee, yo u are such a fool- you don't even know what I'm planning!"
then he started to laugh too, and the moon was covered in clouds.

>> No.1152110 [DELETED] 

Honestly, I don't get this stuff and I wonder if it is practically useful. I guess you guys could tell me? I have always met and began dating girls in some unexpected, cute way where I fell for her and she fell for me. The idea of dissecting this process into terms that resemble finance is disturbing for some reason. I guess I was never looking for ''conquests'' and like with my last girlfriend when I first met her we were both crazy for eachother and it just went from there. Do you guys really get fulfillment from this kind of conquest dating?

>> No.1152114 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1152119


dude what

>> No.1152160 [DELETED] 
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>>it is time to start sacrificing the negroes

>> No.1152173

I don’t have a reaction pic that can truly express how absolutely awesome this is.

What are you calling it OP?

>> No.1152188
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Actually, I found one

>> No.1152193 [DELETED] 

"The Civil War: Let Freedom Ring" is what I had in mind, though I don't know if there's something better.

I wanted to kind a tie it in because Freedom is the name of a character in the story.

>> No.1152225
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>> No.1152239 [DELETED] 

Rakka Ta bless America

>> No.1152245


best thread on /lit/ in awhile.

>> No.1152296

If you don't make more, I will.

>> No.1152315 [DELETED] 

Chapter 6: Encounters of first kind

"Rakka ta forbids the use of guns, as they upset the balance of the life force" Freeman was explaining as he was training John Beauville Freedom hard.

John Freedom was making pogress quickly. He could already summon the life force into energy ballls and fire them at things like trees and other things.

however the training was over when a black man with wounds all over his face and eyes burst through trees sweating.
"Master Freeman!" he yelled.
"Why are you doing here, Jeremiah! we are training!" said Freeman, who was irritated because training needed silence.

"i am sorry, master Freeman, but it has begun! GeneralLee is beginning to sacrifice the children of Raka ta to gain the dark ones powers! I escaped with my life, but the others-"

Freeman looked at horror, and the courage of Rakka Ta welled up in John Beauville Freedom.

"Also we brought the girl since she was almost killed too!" said the man before fainting.

Other men rushed in all wounded, bringing in a wound white woman on a strecher.
"they thought she was one of us," one of the men said then they too fainted.

"This can't go one!" said John Freedom!

"Speak like a true descendant of Moses!" said Freeman.

The woman woke up with brown lustrous eyes.
"Hello, my name is Mariel. My parents were killed by Stonewall as children and I was raised with the children of Rakka Ta. Please help me!"

but just then out of nowhere swooped a deaft shadow, knocking everyone down.
"Is everything ok?" yelled John Freedom!

"Ha ha ha you are so naive and stupid, John Beauville Freedom!" laughed a familiar voice. Standing with two samurai swords was the man in black.

>> No.1152334 [DELETED] 

itt: how the civil war should have happened

>> No.1152337
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archive this shit

>> No.1152343

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 3 times now.

>> No.1152382

This is better than everything by Tolstoy, Camus, Kafka and Dostoyevsky combined.

>> No.1152426

Man-hunters, is what I would call them.

>> No.1152439 [DELETED] 

Chapter 7: the battle begins

"Who are you" said John Beauville Freedom.

"For a descendant of moses you sure are stupid!" said the man in black, and he threw his samurai swords at John Freedom.

John Freedom dodged the swords but like boomerangs they came back to the man in black's hands like magic.

"you have no chance to understand what this is all about" said the man in black "so you will die!"
"Die derserter!"
he said throwing his swords again.

sudeenly Freeman jumped and said "Watch out son of Moses!" and he jumped out in front of the swords

John Freedom cried out "no master! don't!" with tears on his heart.

But freeman defelcted the two swords with his oaken staff and summoned energy balls to fight the man in black.
"I didn't expect to see you hear old man" said the main in black. "But it is too late to stop me!"
"You will fall with the condfedercy!" yelled Freeman with a heavy soul because he had once trained the man in black to be a pupil of Rakka Ta but he greeded too lustily for evil and the dark ones.

"enough out of you old man!" said the man in black and threw his samurai swords but Freeman was not able to dodge this time, because the swords hit.

"No! master !" said John Beauville Freedom, and he charged at the man in black, who teleported onto a nearby rock.
"Let that be a lesson to those who stand in the ways ofGeneral Lee! We shall meet again, child of Moses!"
and like that, the man in black vanished, leaving a stain on the rock he stood on.

"Master, don't die! I don't know enough about Rakka Ta!"
Freeman weakly opened his eyes which were now wounded like the other men
"John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV, you have the spirit of Rakkata in you... when you need him most, he will lend his life force to you... until then, free... us... and protect... the woman...!"

and the greatest shaman of Rakka Ta died in the woods of Tennessee that day.

>> No.1152444

is one of your characters marrying a German guy? Because then I know you

>> No.1152465 [DELETED] 
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RIP Freeman
Chapter 3 - Chapter 7
Saver of humens

>> No.1152484

Fuck archive. Someone needs to sticky this bitch

>> No.1152488
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>Its fiction so I have not researched anything.

bitch u serious?

>> No.1152500 [DELETED] 

Well he obviously knows that the North won the civil war.

And that Stonewall was Lee's right hand mand.

What else do you need?

>> No.1152525


I bawwed. Not manly tears either. Little girly bitch tears.

Freeman ;_;

>> No.1152569 [DELETED] 
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He died a free man.

>> No.1152583
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>> No.1152998 [DELETED] 

I'm bumping this because I sure as heck don't want to see this somehow gone the following day, by some trick of fate.

>> No.1153433


>> No.1153438
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is this archived yet?

>> No.1153465


>> No.1153503


>> No.1153505

>Thread 1151145 has already been archived.

You're continuing this, right, OP? This is the best story I've ever read, no lie.

>> No.1153529

This is shit, monkeys could do a better job, this is the worst thread i've ever seen on /lit/ this is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.1153531

they were called TERMINATORS

>> No.1153534
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>> No.1153535


>> No.1153551

sure is AWESOME in here today, /lit/.

>> No.1154151


>> No.1154528 [DELETED] 

Chapter 8: friends or foes?

Walking through the trees of the forest, Mariel tried consolation by saying
"Master Freeman was a good man,"

But John Beauville Freedom snapped
"How could you ever know what he was like! He saved me from a life of running and taught me the ways of Rakka Ta!"
but he couldn't continue because Mariel slapped him with tears said

"do not think yo uare the only one that Master Freeman taught the ways of Rakka Ta too! He was like a father because mine was killed by Stonewall!"

"I am sorry Mariel, it is that the loss of Freeman is heavy on my soul."
Her looked understood, but John Freedom continued.

"but I will honor his memory, and free all the children of Rakka Ta from the clutches of General Lee! That is my promise of John Beaville Freedom to Master Free Man."

"You want free anyone if you are walking this loudly through my woods" said a mysterious voice from nowhere.

John Beauville Freedom pushed Miriel and said to the voice "who are you and show yourself!"

the laughing voice came from someone who stepped out from a tree. She was a black woman with a gaze of steel.
"My name is harriet Tubman and you have come into my domain."

>> No.1154537 [DELETED] 

Chapter 9: underground railroad

"we are not here for slavery if that's what' you are thinking," cautioned John Freedom.

The lady laughed again
"I know why youd came here, son of Moses! This is the center of the resistance against General Lee!"
and then she stepped away and John noticed an entire rebellion base with training and maps.Sons and daughters of Rakka tawere everywhere practicing their magic.

"we know you're mission, John Freedom" said Harriet, "and we're here to help."
"this is what you must do. Lee may sacrifice as many children of Rakka Ta as he likes, but that along will not make him gods. He must perform the high ritual on the ancient temple of Gettysburg to become one with the dark ones."
John Freedom was about to say that he understood completely when a black man ran into the camp.

Before dieing, he said "Lady Tubman! The Condeferates! They found us!" and then he died of wounds.

The evil Conferderate soldiers surrounded the camp and smiled with black hearts.
"Ha ha ha! We found you now, you deserters! Prepare to taste the led of the Confederacy! It's a good thing you are black negroes or else we might feel bad! Ha ha ha!"

>> No.1154538 [DELETED] 

"Not so fast, Confederate scum!" yelled Harriet Tubman seething with rage! Taking out two concealed chain scythes she cut half of the soldiers in half very quickly.

Some confederates were scared but others wanted to shoot so they shot defenseless people in the houses.

Mariel was frightened, because a Confederate came to her wanting to look at her naked, but John Freedom summoned a light ball from Raaka Ta and shot it at the Conderferate and killed him with lots of pain. Harriet Tubman while yelling and swinging her scythes killing dozens of Confedertes, yelling at John Freedom
"run out of hear son of Moses! Take my secret underground railroad! It will take you to Gettsyburg and General Lee! I'll catch you all later, and be careful for the minions of lee who are everywhere!"

"thank you for the advice Harriet Tubman,' said Mariel. "Freeman would thank you if he could, but he can't."

"I know he would" she said winking, but she then became busy.

John Freedom and Mariel ran away from the fighting and found the railroad going into the north.

>> No.1154551

Half of me is "what the fuck am I reading", the other half is graving for more. It is so bad that it is good.

>> No.1154552
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I've never been so touched by a true paramount of literature. Joyce, Kafka, Borges, Hemingway...none of them are worth licking the dirt from your shoes o glorious Anon.

>> No.1154559

Fuck Hugo, Anon is my new favorite writer.

>> No.1154615

Why has this stopped? Don't stop! This is great!

>> No.1154644


>> No.1154797 [DELETED] 
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I concede to the greatness of this work.

Let Freedom Ring!

>> No.1154798


>> No.1154818

Oh HELL yes.

>> No.1154896


>> No.1154924
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"My name is harriet Tubman and you have come into my domain."


>> No.1155004

I never knew an adventure like John Freedom adventure

>> No.1155025

Saving this beautiful epic. Never knew the American Civil War was so complex.

>> No.1155026
File: 29 KB, 372x497, 0449213943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm James Joyce, and this may possibly be the best work of historical fiction I've ever read, to date.

>> No.1155031
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>my parents were killed by Stonewall when they were children

>> No.1155033


James, I hardly think you need place that qualification on the end of your sentence. There will be no more literature, not after this.

>> No.1155256
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edwin loves beans

>> No.1155352

I didn't know Peter Chimaera browsed /lit/.

>> No.1155419

>"He must perform the high ritual on the ancient temple of Gettysburg to become one with the dark ones."

shits about to go down

>> No.1155454
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'sup guys, i happily concede the title "most talented american writer of the last 30 years" to OP.

>> No.1155511

it's like being the first one to read the bible.

>> No.1155562


>> No.1155657
File: 549 KB, 1280x960, 1262263106763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread transcends greatness

>> No.1155797

Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? The nominations for this year's Nobel are closed, but if they're ever going to make an exception to the rules, this would be that exception. Do you have to be a Swedish citizen to nominate? Or can you just use the accent?

OP, you should print this, asap, and mail a copy to the Nobel committee. You never know, you can't win unless you play. Unfortunately they don't have email, so you do need to print it. You need to include 2 pictures of yourself, one from the front and one from the back. Wear something Swedish, it can only help your chances. Send here:

Svenska Akademien
P.O. Box 2118
SE-103 13 Stockholm

You'll need at least 2 stamps.

>> No.1156248 [DELETED] 

Chapter 10: the evil gros

The man in black returned to Lee's camp, very angry thoughts. All around he saw how the altars with sacrifice to the dark ones were being used for dark rituals, and shook his head.

"this fool will never become a god" he said sneakily.

He entered into the tents of Lee and stonewall and found them studying a map of Pennsylvania. The map was old with age and inked with human blood. its dark letters kept secrets which they were trying to discover so they could learn the location of the high temple.

"Ah yes" said Genera Lee. "Our prodigal son returns now to bask in my glory. Tell me did you catch the derserters?"

The man in black looked down for a second, and then looked up again. He turned around and said
"not quite"

lee suddenly grew ravenous with anger.
"What do you mean! You told me you were going to catch them, but here you are with nothing! You worthless scum! Stonewall, remove this man!"

but before he could say that, Stonewall placed hands on Lee, and said to calm himself. Lee complied because he knew Stonewall was capable. The man in black breathed a sigh of thanks and said
"Master Freeman is dead. I killed him."
Good, said General Lee. "He was a nuisance and a negroe so I am glad he is dead."

"However," that man in black said, " i have bad news. Before the old fol died, he had found him."

"Who do you talk about, said Stonewall?"

The man in black paused, and lifted his head.
"The descendant of Moses. His name is John Beauville Freedom."

>> No.1156262

o'shit this will be a race for Godhood! Ascent John Beauville Freedom, the Heir of Moses!

>> No.1156322

This story deserves to be hailed as a masterwork; and not just a masterwork of slipstream historical fiction, but a considerable achievement within contemporary fiction itself.

>> No.1156821

iLos Bumpos!

>> No.1157269 [DELETED] 

Chapter 10 part 2: what we know

Lee stammered
'bbbbbut John Freedom! A Son of Moses! How could this be! I killed his mother! This is not passible!"

The man in blak laughed and said "believe it. he is going to be coming to gettysburg now looking to free the children of Rakka Ta. Because Freeman told him about that."

General Grew so angry that he ordered twice as many burnings in the feilds.

Stonewall looked at the man in black and said thickly
"We ordered you to capture derserters and here you have not even caught one son of Moses. Why must you fail?"
and saying that he backhanded the man in black with his gauntlet.
With a bruise the man in black said "I am sorry, General Stonwall. I wil ldo my best to make sure this son of Moses is wiped from the earth by my blades. Then" turning to general Lee, who was still thinking, "you will be one with the dark ones."

"I don't care how many you must kill! Just kill John Beauville Freedom before he arrives in Viginia!
If not," he said like a shadow, "i will slaw you."

The man in black gulped and left the tent, leaving the two generals to their own devices.

"He is hiding something from me stonewall."
"He is hiding nothing important. You are too close to your goal to worry about crumbs like him."
"You are right my faithful servant. Soon both him and John Freedom will be under my grasp!"

And the two men laughed until dawn the scorched earth belched into the sky.

>> No.1157291



>> No.1157303
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>"i will slaw you."

Gotta love Southern cooking.

>> No.1157344


OP, I got to say with complete honesty, this is the best thing I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.1157365

this is the best thing I've ever read

>> No.1157864

Stonewall is definitely up to something sinister.

>> No.1157923

Needs a bump. Would like to know how this goes down.

>> No.1158138

fucking outstanding

>> No.1158155

Op, would you let freedom ring already??

>> No.1158167 [DELETED] 

OPs been pretty consistently posting chapters at nighttime every night.

I'd like to think he'll get to it sometime tonight.

>> No.1158195

Guys I can't breathe.
This is absolutely perfect.

I printed this out and put it in the desk drawer of my hotelroom, right next to the Bible.

>> No.1158427 [DELETED] 

Chapter 11: The will to fight

Travelling through the path that Harriet Tubman had set them, John Beauville Freedom and Mariel found themselves walking in the silence of the wilderness.

They spoke nothing in order to preserve beauty. Yet all the same a burning justice was flamed inside John Freedom. To take revenge on the man in black. To free the children of Rakka Ta. and most importantly, to revenge General lee for killing his mother.

he couldn't take it and yelled out
"why is Mariel there such a thing as slavery!"

Mariel was took back, but answered calmly

"because there hasn't been a heir of Moses to guide the people, so they forgot the rules of Rakka Ta and his teachings to"

"Then why is there no heir of Moses for so long?" asks John Freedom;

she stopped. Then he stopped.
She cried and then he wondered why she cried.

"Because of General Lee. He told the people of america that Rakka Ta was a false god, and we shoulnd't listen to him and we should enslave the negroes. He frst killed all the children of Moses including your mother so they couldn't speak out against general Lee about enslaving people"

>> No.1158429 [DELETED] 

I am sorry" said John Freedom, "but these are things I must know. Why did Stoenwall kill your parents?"

Mariel cried and said "because he is a wicked man who wants to kill everything. My parents said he was wrong, so he snaped them. he follows General Leeso he can do what he wants when Lee is a dark one."

"all I know," said John Beauville Freedom "is that slavery is wrong and the people who pracitce it are not true children of Rakka Ta."

"that is why the Confedercy must fall, or else slavery will exist forever, John Freedom," said Miriel. "it is against the laws of Rakka Tas love to enslave one another. But there is no love of Rakka ta in General Lee, so that is why he wants power."

"at Gettysburg i'll make sure" said John Beauville Freedom, " that the only power GeneralLee has is death."

And they continued to walk in silence. A sign they passed said two days to Virgina.

>> No.1158466

>" that the only power GeneralLee has is death."


>> No.1158496 [DELETED] 

Stonewall is definitely up to something.

>> No.1158506
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>My parents said he was wrong, so he snaped them.

>> No.1158558

>"at Gettysburg i'll make sure" said John Beauville Freedom, " that the only power GeneralLee has is death."

Edge of my fucking seat here.

>> No.1158571

ITT: The next "Eye of Argon"

>> No.1158573

this story is pretty awesome ... however i can't tell if it's meant to be ironic, like the 'inglourious basterds' of the civil war. part of me thinks that you're taking massive rips off a bong, making up the story as you go and perhaps trolling /lit/ in the process.

if so, then fidelity to historical fact is less important. also, keep doing what you're doing, this story is epic brah!

>> No.1158598

Are you implying that this isn't impeccably researched? Go back to fucking high school and learn some history.

>> No.1158610


>Extensive research? Its fiction so I have not researched anything

>> No.1158617
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>> No.1158619

No I would never imply that, it shows a firm grasp of history (and spelling), especially the little-known but extensive involvement of the Japanese in the Civil War.

>> No.1158639


Since when is joking trolling? There is not a single troll in this entire thread.

>> No.1158736


>> No.1158968

expectant bump

>> No.1159012


>> No.1159047

literature of the year all years

>> No.1159053

Fucking move over Bernard Cornwell

>> No.1159078

>Now the memories came flodding with tears of sad.

Tears of laughter... I'm saving this whole thread

>> No.1159927


>> No.1160038 [DELETED] 

Chapter 12: a new friend?

John Beauville Freedom and Mariel were going far on their way to get to Viringa where General Lee was stop him from becoming one with the dark ones.

They travelled long and hard but they cared little because their hearts had hope. And without hope mankind is lost to the dark ones.

Sometimes they would pass a town full of Confederates and although john Freedom wanted to kill them all Mariel would say there is no time and that they could get them later, which John Freedom thought was sensible.

however they at one time came upon a man who had a nother man one the ground ready to kill, and they said "hey who are you and why are you killing that?" they asked the man in hopes to get some answers around here?

"My name is Joshua Chamberlain and this man is condeferate spY!' said Joshua Chamberlain.

The sneaky spy said "please spare my life and I will never enslave a negroe again!" in an attempt to not be killed.

Mariel said "Joshua you have every right to kill that spy but we must not have time to waste because we are going to Gettysburg"

>> No.1160041 [DELETED] 

Joshua agreed and said "you got lucky spy"
John Beauville Freedom agreed.

So Joshua decided that they'll need him and went.
He was carrying a gun and John Beauville Freedom said to him " don't you know that Rakka Ta forbids the use of guns? why would you have one even now" asked John Freedom?

"i do not believe in Rakka Ta," said Joshua Chamberlain, " so I carry guns everywhere."

"If you do'nt believe in Rakka Ta does that mean you are Condeferate!?" said Mariel with anger because she remembered her parents killed by Stonewally.

"NO said Camberlain" I just follow my own path in life."

"Freeman told me to follow all our own paths in life" said John Freedom" so I see the wisdom in your words"

"thank you for agreeing with me" said Joshua Chamberlain. "I will help you defeat generalLee and bring peace back to America."

While they were talking they crossed into the golden sun lands of virginia.

However, the spy sad to other spies that they were there so they went on reporting and spying so that General Lee could see they're every move.

>> No.1160055
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>> No.1160056

This is amazing

>> No.1160076

>hey who are you and why are you killing that?

In the following decades, this will be regarded as one of the defining quotes of modern literature. I mean, this entire story is a glowing example of Postpostmodernism. In fact I believe that it shall eventually come to be known as the definitive Protopostpostpostmodernist work.

>> No.1160088

fucking awesome, OP.

Keep up the good work.

>> No.1160188

So... did the thread get archived? I can't see it on the request interface.

>> No.1160203


>> No.1160280


>> No.1160358 [DELETED] 

Chapter 13: land of cotton

Things where getting dangerous for John Beauville Freedom and the friends of John Freedom.

Virginia was nothing at all like the rest of the south- it was craling with Condeferates and spies everywhere and the sun wept at seeing the evil GeneraLee bought upon the land. It was rough going and Joshua Chamberlain said that if he made it out of this he would became Governor of Maine. though all three were doubtful that they would make it out of here. But John Freedom still pushed on because he was atrue son of Moses and for the first time believed in fighting.

Mariel was disgusted with the altars everywhere because General Lee had ordered sacrifices to the dark ones and the stench of the evil was.

"lee will pay." she said stonely.
"all of them will pay," said John Beauville Freedom with conviction.
Suddenly a batallion of troops started marching past so the three of them had to run through some trees to hide in the forest.
"How can many follow the words of madman?" asked Mariel ripe with sadness.

"Because people will believe any fool who says he is right" replied Joshua Chamberlan.
"General Lee said that Slavery was right so they believed him. But Lee wants more than that. He wants to rule the world."

"i will let him have none of that" angrily spoke John Freedom!

but before John Freedom could continue to speak about being a son of Moses he heard the cocking a hundred guns and unfortunately they were pointed at him.

"we meet again, son of Moses!"

It was the man in black with a whole army of Confedercy soliders.

>> No.1160361 [DELETED] 

John Freedom thought about fighting but he saw that Mariel and Joshua Chamberlain were in danger so he said "why do you want me killer of Freeman?!"

the man in b lack laughed evilly "freeman was such a fool. he chose you over me to be his greatest pupil and for that he paid the price."

and to be mean he spat in John Freedom's face.

"if you take us to General Lee and stonewall you will never be a true child of Rakata." yelled Mariel.

The man in black laughed again this time making all the Condeferates laugh too. For they took off their masks and revealed that they were all Japanese too.

"John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV, you are so stupid. I am not taking you to them. I am going to sacrifice you on Gettysburg my self and become the ruler of this world!"

and he ordered them knocked out and began a death march to Gettysburg.

>> No.1160388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1160402

Those Japs, up to their old tricks again!

>> No.1160416 [DELETED] 

they've been meddling in American concerns forever, it would seem

Some bad shit's gunna go down in Gettysburg.

>> No.1160424

I'm predicting a cameo by Lincoln after the apocalyptic final battle between Lee and Freedom, where he offers John the presidency, only to have John turn it down to continue helping the down-trodden children of Rakka Ta everywhere.

>> No.1160436
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>they took off their masks and revealed that they were all Japanese too

>> No.1160488

fucking bump

>> No.1160492
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>> No.1160826

Motherfucking bump.

I feel that the end draws near.

>> No.1161063 [DELETED] 

Chapter 14 part 1: hi noon

John Beauville Freedom woke up and it was all dark, but since he didn't know where he was he fell asleep again. he also fell asleep because his head hurt from being hit so much.

Waking again he could see a little more clearly and could see that he was in the back of a carriage tied up with Mariel and Joshua Chamberlain. he had hard remembering what happened because the man in black had spat in his face and also hit him on the back of the head several times

"those cowardly conderferates" said John Freedom mutteringly.

You can say that again" said Joshua Chamberlain
'lousy scum that don't give fair fights."

'i will not lie and say I know what to do right now Joshua," said John Freedom truthfully.
"it could be the end of the friends of John Freedom."

and they all wept sadly.

"we must trust in Rakkata" said Mariel wisely. "he will help us in the end."

John grew wrathful with anger. "Where was he when Freeman was killed? Where was Rakka Ta when his children will sacrificed to evil? where was he when i gotten hurt?"
he was not happy that he was captured so he was questioning everything, including Rakka Ta which he never did.

but he couldn't complain more because the carriage stoped.

"lock these insect into a tree." said the man in black smiling like a devil. "I don't want them squirming around."

The condfederates complied because they liked to do mean things like enslave people or put them into trees.

the three found themselves onto a tree and they couldn' move so they sat wondering what would happen and why. they saw the great altar of gettysburg being prepared for blood. The blood of John Freedom and the friends of John Freedom. And then they looked down.

>> No.1161074 [DELETED] 

At nighttime they were sowly sleeping when rustling awoke them.

"john freedom you crazy man you better wake up or I will kill you!" said a mysterious but familiar voice
"I do not get what you are saying" said John Freedom sleeping "Who are you and why do you yell at me?"

The voice laughed again but quietly since she wanted to be sneaky.

"Why is it me Harriet Tubman John Beauville Freedom!? I told you I would come and catch up but I had to fight a lot of Condferates between here and atlanta! Don't worry they are all dead!"

John looked up and was happy and said "you saved me in my time of need harriet, thanks for being a friend."

"this is only half the thanks John Freedom because once i let you go you have some unfinished business to take care of right" she asked like a trickster?

"You right" said John Beauville Freedom, and freeing the other two friends of John Freedom, they all ran through trees and into the Condeferate camp to stop the ritual.

>> No.1161085

Thank god for Harriet Tubman!

>> No.1161119



>> No.1161136

my god this is getting intense as fuck

>> No.1161138 [DELETED] 

Chapter 14 part 2: samurai shodown

There was a lot of killing as John Beauville Freedom was going around the conderfete camp using his light balls as weapons against the man in black's troops. Mariel was using her body to fght the soldiers because they trained her to do that in the past and Joshua Chamberlain was dual-welding rifles to take care of them. Lady Tubman was using her chain sycthes like she always did and it was very useful to John Freedom because it meant less confederates to worry about

John Freedom needed no gun because Freeman had taught him too well.

soon the ruckus got the attention of the man in black and he looked outside his tent to see lots of dead people who were his troops and not John Freedom, so he became maddened with mad and got his two samurai swords. He ran through trees like an anime until he came up to John Freedom.

"it is over killer of Freeman," said John Beauville Freedom. "I have killed your men and also stopped them from hurting other people like my friends."

the man in black laughed like murderer and said that it was far from over! "It has only just begun son of Moses! I will kill you and become the dark one himself!"

And the two began to fight on the top of Gettysburg hill.

>> No.1161144 [DELETED] 

"john Freedom I believe in your power!" said Mariel to John Freedom because she secretly loved John Freedom. "Freeman will watch!"

"you lousy swine you are not worthy to say his name!" said the man in black and he threw his samurai swords at her in order to silence her.

"No marial!" said John Freedom and he jumped in front of the swords to protect her like Freeman had done for him. He thought he was going to die but the power of Rakka Ta's love fowed into John Freedom and he made a barrier that blue the swords in six hundred pieces.

"no my swords" yelled the man in black! "You will die, John Beauville Freedom!" and he summoned large black balls of evil to hurt John Freedom.

John Freedom had to dodge them since they were trying to smother him with darkness but he was able to thanks to summoning light balls to cancel them out.

The man in black shot more balls of darkness at John Freedom and one of them hit making him fall to the ground hurt like fatality. The man in black stepped over John Freedom's body and kicked it and laughed at it and pointed
"Where is Rakata son of Moses? Ha ha ha, he is nowhere because he does not care about you! He will watch you die and I will become one with the dark ones!"

but JohnFreedom opened his eyes and mutters things
The man in black said "huh"

"i said that Rakka Ta lives in all of us. In hearts. and he will answer my call!"

Then John Freedom yelled the name of Rakka Ta and a super light beam shot his heart at the man in black, and since the man in black was heartless he couldn't handle the power of heart so he screamed and then blew up into millions of fizzles.

The battel had become done.

"John Beauville Freedom you are one kind of man." said Harriet Tubman.
"I know, right?" said Joshua Chamberlain, smiling but bloody with wounds.

>> No.1161147 [DELETED] 

"Not so fast, John Beauville Freedom!" yelled a voice filled with lifelessness.
"you see my lord I told you that man would lead us to the high temple!" said the cold mincing speak of Stonewall.
"Yes, my faithful server. I have come to kill John Beauville Freedom now and allow myself the glory of becoming a dark god! Ha ha ha ha! I have won!"

Also they had brought the entire Condefercy Army with them and surrounded the hill.

"Oh no" said mariel definitely.
"that is right" said Joshua Chamberlain
"I think I will not" said Harriet Tubman.
"GeneralLee I will think you will be sorry." said John Beauville Freedom. "For my mother, Freeman, and rakka ta's children!" he yelled, speaking like a true son of moses.

>> No.1161231
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I'm on the edge of my seat here!

>> No.1161248

This shit is balls to the walls.

>> No.1161288 [DELETED] 

Great dark balls of evil to the wall.


>> No.1161365

Bumping for JUSTICE

>> No.1161427

don't tell me you're not going to finish this.

>> No.1161459


>> No.1161462


>> No.1161467
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>> No.1161471

oh come on you guys. seriously

>> No.1161534

is it just me or is Joshua Chamberlain just Han Solo + more badass?

>> No.1161555 [DELETED] 

in the book Killer Angels he is actually just as bad-ass.

maybe a little less bad-ass due to not duel-welding rifles, but still, he's cool.

>> No.1161557

actually he's a total Mary Sue in the Shaara books (and iirc his exploits are fairly exaggerated)

>> No.1161568 [DELETED] 


I guess he was added because he was the guy who won the battle of gettysbur-

oh shit

>> No.1161693

Rakka Ta lives in all of us.


>> No.1161704

>so he became maddened with mad


>> No.1161734 [DELETED] 

Chapter 15: let Freedom ring

a long time ago, there would have been a time John Beauville Freedom said this was crazy. Maybe it was still crazy, but it didn't care. He didn't care now because General lee and all the condferates were right there waiting to be defeated once and all.

"stand back friends of John Freedom" John Freedom said to the friends of John Freedom.

"ha ha ha, look at the puny man who's mother I killed, Stonewall" said General Lee. "He thinks he can defeat me"
and they both laughed.

"you will eat words, general" said John Beauville Freedom and he concentrated on summoning balls of light to fry the general and his men.

but there were no balls.

John Freedom tried and tried again but he couldn't summon any light balls to fight.

"no, why?!" asked John Freedom!

the general Lee cackeld.

"you fool, John Beauville Freedom. This is why i killed your mother, because you are so stupid!"
John Freedom ran charging at General Lee but Lee caught him by the mouth and threw him through some trees.

"you cannot use the power of Rakka ta because you have killed too many people, John Beauville Freedom! Rakka Ta says that for every life you kill, the more damage you do to his love! because you like killing, you are no different than me! So Rakkata has no love for you or your friends, John Freedom, son of Moses!"

and saying that the generalLee took his fist and rammed it up into the stomach of John Freedom, causing him to lose some blood and teeth.

>> No.1161737 [DELETED] 

"come one guys let's help John Freedom out" yelled Joshua Chamberlain and they joined the frey. Harriet Tub man used her chain scythes to attack the soldiers around the generals and they pretty much died because of it.

Mariel came at Stonewall with fury in her mind because her was the man who killed parents including her own. The Stonewall man laughed and said "little girl do you really want me?" she said no and came anyway to where he was.

she tried karate kicking Stonewall but he grabed her leg and throws her down. She fell but got up and tried hurting him again, but Stonewall was to ready.

meanwhile Joshua Chamberlain took his pistols and shot down some Condeferates and threw a dagger at General Lee which made him drop John Freedom and let him go.

"i guess I repayed the favor" said John Beauville Freedom through teeth to the friend of John Freedom;
"pay me when this is over" joked Joshua Chamberlain.

>> No.1161739 [DELETED] 

Lee was ordering his men to kill but that was a hard order to follow when they were already dead.

finally Lee said enough and summoned balls of anger to fight Harriet Tubman which hurt her and knocked her down. They were special salvery balls so they trapped her.

"ha ha ha, I will kill you soon, you stupid child of Rakka Ta" he said grimly, but Hariet Tubman cared.

'no Harriet!" said John Freedom! "not today General" he whispered as he ran and tackled Lee as he was about to kill Harriet Tubman with his sword.

"watch out John Freedom!" said Mariel because she noticed Stonwall was coming to help his master so she dropkicked him down the mountain and saved him from that. John Freedom was glad he had such friends. Still Genera Leebrushed her away and held up John Freeman by the throat
"You are so foolish John Beauville Freedom. You think such powers can beat me? if you had Rakka Ta on your side you might win, but since you don't I win! Ha ha ha! I will kill you now and become one with the dark ones, ruling this earth and enslaving the negroes forever! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
So he laughed and John Freedom called out to Rakka Ta, but he heard no answer, so he closed his eyes which were wounded.

>> No.1161741 [DELETED] 

"not so fast General Lee" yelled another voice
"quiet you fool," said the general thinking he was going to win. "who are you and why are you yelling at me?" he said angrily!

"My name is Joshua Chamberlain and I am going to kill you now!" his eyes said with fire in them.

the general laughed showing his blackened teeth black with the blood of slavery. "You have no power of Rakka Ta, fool. You cannot hope to kill me now!"

"you forget" said the friend of John Freedom" I dont believe in Rakka Ta" and General Lee said what but then Joshua threw his rife at the general, which went through his breastplate and exploded him from the inside. This caused him to drop John Freedom and fall down the mountain to his death. The balls that had enslaved Hariet Tubman were no more, and all was quiet.

"it's over" said John Beauville Freedom. "the slaves are free."
And he embraced the friends of John Freedom with love and other emotions that were good.
The war that had consumed them was over at last.

"Help me John Freedom!" cried a voice from over the way!?

John Freedom turned around like lighting to see what he didnot want to see.

It was Mariel being held hostage by General Stonewall by the great altar of Gettysburg.

>> No.1161746

>but there were no balls.

I almost fell out of my seat and died.

>> No.1161748
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can some kind some please put all this in a word file and rapidshare it?

>> No.1161751

I will when it's finished. I definitely want to save this for later.

With the permission of the author, of course.

>> No.1161753
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many thanks.

also, i lol'd

>> No.1161769


>> No.1161777

first time /lit/ has ever made me laugh.

>> No.1161776 [DELETED] 

Maybe the author should upload this magnum opus to fanfic.net or something.

Or would the moderators there be full of slavery and bitchiness and just take it down?

Also: man i was so banking on Lee being John Freedom's father or something.

>> No.1161779


This is almost as good as closing the seals.

>> No.1161781 [DELETED] 


or something

>> No.1161786
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here go

>> No.1161809
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>>Harriet Tub man used her chain scythes

>> No.1161818
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>>They were special salvery balls so they trapped her.

>> No.1161822 [DELETED] 

Ok those are fucking hilarious.

>> No.1161886


>> No.1161899

Where's the end?!

>> No.1161920
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>he heard the cocking a hundred guns and unfortunately they were pointed at him.

>> No.1161986

If I had half of the author's imagination I'd have written bestsellers.

>> No.1161995

Honestly, I enjoyed chapter two. However, the dialog needs a lot of work. As in, I reread the first line, because of how shocked I was at how dumb they sounded. Really really, learn more words. Characters need individual personalities. You'll get there. We do love you, you know.

>> No.1162003
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wtf is going on in this board, i dont beleive i just wasted all this time reading this thread.

>> No.1162187 [DELETED] 
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Because once you become a friend of John Freedom you stick it out with him till the very end.

Mariel especially. Do we ever know why she's involved in any of this, really?

>> No.1162210

Stonewall killed her parents when they were children and she's also a child of Rakka-ta who want wants slavery finished. She also loves Freedom. Those are all valid reasons.

>> No.1162226

>The mysterious man smiled and walked away, and Stonewall smiled and said "He'll get the job done."
>and walked away, and Stonewall
>walked away, and
>away, and
>, and

wtf is this shit?
I see no clausal prefix
fix your grammar you filthy mexican.

>> No.1162463

oh shit what's Stonewall gonna do

>> No.1162512


Philistine. You probably don't like Joyce or Rowling either.

>> No.1162606

bump for great fucking justice

>> No.1162669


>> No.1162703


>> No.1162707


stop wasting posts or it will auto sage

>> No.1162950

Oh hey guys
I want as many people as possible to have this so it's preserved forever!

>> No.1163027

bumping for justice

>> No.1163439

If there is one piece of literature to preserve as this millennium's Odyssey, this is it.

>> No.1163483


>> No.1163672 [DELETED] 

Chapter 16: liberty bell part 1

"don't move John Beauville Freedom or else you will not like me" said Stonewall menacingly with Mariel in his crutches.

What could a man like John Beauville Freedom do? Nothing that's what, so he didn't move.

"put her down general Stonewall I have you surrounded!" said John Freedom hoping to get Stonewall off guard.

"you may have killed those week fools" said Stonewall laughing like an evil man, "but I have the upper hand here!"

"help me John Freedom my love!" cried out Mariel afraid that stonewall would kill her like parents.

"silence wench!" said Stonewall and he hit her a few times and once in the mouth

"Enough ! yelled John Freedom." Stonewall put her down and fight me like a enemy of John Freedom!"

"do you really think you can right me you worm?" and lifting up Mariel by the head he said "i could fight you with one hand and still kill you" flexing his iron gauntlet!

"no don't" said Hariet Tubman worried for her friend John Freedom. "without Rakka Ta you don't stand a chance!"

but John Freedom looked grimmer at Stonewall and said "this is must happen" and jumped over the gorge to where Stonwall and Mariel were. Instantly every where around the gorge burst into fires so the friends of John Freedom could only watch as their friend John Beauville Freedom fought with the evil general of the condeferacy.

"I may have no love of Rakka Ta in me general" he said "but I have more enough of it to kill you!"
Also just then lightning cracked a storm started to blow across the world.

the battle for Freedom had begun.

>> No.1163678 [DELETED] 

Church bells began gonging and Stonewall said "the bell tolls for you John Beauville Freedom!"
"you are wrong general they are you death bells ringing for you to die" he spat

even with one arm General Stonewall was a very strong man. what's more is that he would sometimes throw Mariel in the way so sometimes John Freedom accidentally punched her ribs but he was sorry so she understood.

"such a weak man that hits women" laughed general stonewall! "I will shown you true power!"
"the only coward here is you general!" said John Freedom burning with the justice.

" I don't need this meatbag any more" the bad man said and he threw Mariel at John Freedom. John caught her but not good enough so he fell down.
"calling it quits general?" said John Beauville Freedom and another litning cracked.

The general laughed like the wind.

"the man in black and Lee were so stupid! they thought they needed blod to make the sacrifice! the blood important? Now! it's the soul, you fool! And I have Mariel's soul right hear!"

and with a grin he pulled out Mariels soul from his pocket. it was white and shiny like a pure diamond from RakkaTa.
"not my soul!" cried Mariel and John Freedom rushed to stonewall but it was too late because the general ate marial's soul on top of the high altar of Gettysburg and became one with the dark ones.

>> No.1163682
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>mfw throughout that whole post

>> No.1163734 [DELETED] 
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>>mfw everything

>> No.1163740

Are threads like these a common occurrence in /lit/? Because this is fucking horribly awesome

>> No.1163754



>> No.1163771 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1164346

posting in historic thread

>> No.1164631
File: 423 KB, 640x480, RAEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. What the fuck. Why was every story post in this thread deleted?



>> No.1164646





>> No.1164658

This is a tragedy. We may never find out what happened to Mariel.

>> No.1164672
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Did we all just get trolled by Civil War fanfiction?

>> No.1164673
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>> No.1164687

Why do I have the feeling these are 158 posts by the same person

>> No.1164689

Maybe because you're a gay nigger jew?

>> No.1164888
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>Error while freedownload
>Unassigned file limit of 10 downloads reached.

>> No.1164966

brb going to an hero now

>> No.1164982

whoever put the file up, for the love of god find a way to lift the limit

>> No.1165000

I have up to Chapter 14 Part 2 saved, but after that, nothing. Can someone who has a full copy upload it somewhere that isn't rapidshit?

>> No.1165157




>> No.1165160


>> No.1165165

For the love of God, someone who has it, just upload it to mediafire or something.

>> No.1165220

Ok, anons, here's the story up to Chapter 16 Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/azcuj2g2dqu13ag/Civil%20War%20Story.docx

>> No.1165235


Is this legit? No offense, but this is 4chan after all.

>> No.1165236

Yeah, it's legit. Don't download if you don't want, but I spent my time copypasting everything relevant before everything got deleted.

>> No.1165239


Alright cool, I'll take it then. /lit/ seems like a pretty bro board anyways.

>> No.1165240


I got it. Confirmed for legit. Thanks bro!

>> No.1165795

I got the last 2 chapters he posted. I'm so fucking glad I had nothing to do yesterday.

>> No.1165809


Then post it, you wonderful motherfucker.

>> No.1165816

Just go to the guy who posted it above. But since I put so much work into it...
The only differences I can see is the other guys has no cover page, and the Chapters each have their own page.

>> No.1165980

Cheers, anon.
Man, what a cliffhanger. I wonder what happened to OP.

>> No.1165993
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What DID happen to OP? Was he truly a troll of epic proportions, or was he simply stricken from the record by the banhammers of his enemies? The world may never know.

>> No.1165997


Thanks for posting it dude, but rapidshare sucks. They won't let me download it without downloading some trojan first. can you email it to me? temp email address: 4chanbeef AT gmail. That would be awesome. I can put it up on a website to download for free.

>> No.1165999


How was he a troll? Explain to me how this story was meant to incite hatred and flames. OP isn't fucking troll, learn what the fuck that means.

>> No.1166013

Okay. OP posted an exciting thread, with a story that, quite obviously, was written badly to be funny. This thread garnered many replies, though no other OC, and was approved for archival.
Then OP deleted all the OC posts, leaving a thread full of reactions to posts that no longer exist, to be archived, without ending the story that everyone was enjoying reading.

I call that trollan, if it was done on purpose. Funnier than it was rage-inducing, but trollan nonetheless.

>> No.1166028
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That's usually the specific intent of a troll, but it's still trollery if someone posts something that's not what they say it is for the sole purpose of getting a reaction.

But this epic masterpiece could not possibly be faked. It's too epically epic and shit.

>> No.1166031

Looks like John Freedom will have to make his last adventure alone.

>> No.1166050

Here, have a pastebin:

I'm not convinced that the guy who wrote the story was the OP. I think the OP was either a troll or some guy who really thought he could write a Civil War novel without doing research. OP left and the author of Let Freedom Ring took advantage of the situation.

>> No.1166055

The plot thickens...

>> No.1166072

Beowulf, Odyssey, and all of Shakespeare was made (allegedly) by many authors. Doesn't lessen the greatness of the work.

>> No.1166077

I meant to reply to >>1166055

>> No.1166935

the hell happened

did OP delete all his posts right before the very end

>> No.1167324


>> No.1167327

someone doesn't like me or freedom

thanks for all carers though!

>> No.1167407

Chapter 16: liberty bell part 2

John Beauville Freedom awoke and remembered that he must fight Stonewall. He had been asleep because Stonewall had merged the soul of Mariel with his own becoming the dark one. he looked at Stonewall and saw something nasty

Stonewall had become 20 feet tall as tall as two buses and his beard and hair were one fire to. Stonewall laughed and said "you see the power of the dark ones you fools? I am not beatable by the likes of you puny insects!"
also he picked up John Freedom and threw him through some trees kicked him and laughed at how small he was.

since John Freedom had no love inside him except for Mariel and the friends of John Freedom he had to run away really fast because without love he couldn't hope to defeat stonewall. He ran across Mariel's body that didn't have soul and wept a single tear which fell onto her cheek and stayed there.

"Mariel you will be paid for" he said turning around really slow.

"Stonewall" he said! " i am threw running. Fight me ike man!"

the general turned out and smiled stomping towards John Freedom.
John Freedom began to cry again.
"Rakka Ta, please do not let me die!" he said "I didn't think that killing Conderferates were wrong! Freeman my master didn't teach me so much so I didn't know when what was doing!"

"cry John freedom like the girls soul I just ate! Ha ha ha! " said Stonewall thunder voice
"She cried and then she died! Just like you will!"

>> No.1167411

John Beauville Freedom grew angry and charged at stonewall with all his might hoping to kill him, but stonewall's fire fist punch John Freedom up into air five miles, and then Stonewall super teleported up the air and smashed him back down to the ground and made a big crater. But John Freedom didn't care and got up again looking for something to fight with.

He ran through the forests and tripped and heard the mad General running looking for him. Since he couldn't get up John Beauville Freedom looks at the sky and said a short prayer to Rakka Ta and rested his head down.

"Get up, John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV."

John heard spots so he shook his head and looked around but saw noone.

"It is time to finish what you started John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV."

John Beauville Freedom looked up and saw the face of his kindly black master Master Freeman who he thought was dead a time ago. He looked older now but alive which was a good thing.

"Master, " said a surprised John Freedom "I thought"

"It doesn't matter. You must take my staff and fight!"
"no master I have no love for Rakka Ta I can't find the balls anymore" said John Freedom.
Freeman smiled.
"You don't need any balls John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV. They are inside you. the Generals lie and they also told you tricks and riddles. You've always had the love of Rakka Ta in you, but when you have fear and doubt you have nothing. So cast away those things and fight like a son of Moses!" Freeman said and gave him his staff.

John took Freeman's staff and looked at it and held it and felt love in every inch. He looked back and said thanks but couldn't because no one was there.

Except for General Stonewall who had caught up.

>> No.1167412

"that stick will not hurt me!" said General Stonewall like a thousand moons. "Death is all you will have to think about now!"

"no General." said John Freedom, which made the General stop for a second.

'I think about a lot of things. About war and killing. And my friends and love. And I think the world doesn't need you or the dark ones or salvery any more. Rakka Ta wants love and you want hate. and love is always winning. So goodby General Stonewall"

this made Stonewall grow crazy with anger and he started slashing around and stomping. "Well see about it!" he said and ran at John Freedom.

But John Freedom was ready. When stonewall came he jumped up and landed on stonewall's head. He took Freeman's staff and jamed it in Stonewall's mouth.

"urk" said Stonewall choking

"the dark ones want to destroy things" said John Freedom loud! "well they will have all the destruction they want! to themselves!"

John Beauville Freedom yelled out the name of Rakka Ta, and the love exploded from Freeman's staff into Stonewall causing him to wail like a demon as he disintegrated under the power of Rakka Ta. Then all the storm clouds swirled him and he exploded with them, showing the sun for the first time.

John Beauville Freedom was nocked back, and saw Stonewall destroyed, and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you John Beauville Freedom, son of Moses!"
he turned around and saw Freeman standing there over Mariel.


>> No.1167430

>"cry John freedom like the girls soul I just ate! Ha ha ha! " said Stonewall thunder voice
Dude, harsh.

>> No.1167447

Stonewall is a pretty cool guy. eh eats souls and doesn't afraid of anything.

I sure hope the author isn't banned again for no raeson and have his posts deleted again.

>> No.1167821

Fucking gay mod.

>> No.1168274


What more could possibly be added to this story?

>> No.1168513
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>"no master I have no love for Rakka Ta I can't find the balls anymore" said John Freedom.
Freeman smiled.
"You don't need any balls John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV. They are inside you.

>> No.1168514
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a mod deleted the posts? why?

it's not easy to write this bad on purpose

and these threads can be a great deal of fun

>> No.1168523

if a mod deleted this i have a few words to say to that mod... you have no soul!!!!!

>> No.1168539

Clearly, this moderator is not a follower of Rakka' Ta

>> No.1169065


Seriously, fuck you, /lit/ moderator. You wouldn't know a good story if it somehow managed to bite you in your microscopic dick.

>> No.1169076

Racist mods cant stand good african american literature.

Remember when 4chan wasnt stormfron2?

>> No.1170478

4chan was always stormfront.

Also, what proof is there that a mod deleted the chapters and not the OP himself?

>> No.1170483

It's all here anyway. This is golden, guys.

>> No.1170485

Chapter 16: liberty bell part last

"Freeman " said John Beauville Freedom "I thank you for the power of Rakka Ta. Also I used it to kill Stonewall" he said pointing at the place where Stonewall wasn't.

"I knew you could do it heir of Moses" said Freeman "only a son of Moses like yourselfcould have destroyed Stonewall and the dark ones forever."

"yes" said John Freedom but looked down and said "but Mariel." for she was still dead.

Freeman understood the words of John Freedom and said "Do not despair but have faith in the power of RakkaTa" and suddenly a small white flame hovered into Freemans hands and he put it inside Mariel. Suddenly like magic she got up and was not dead but alive.

She got up and huged John Freedom and they kissed. Freeman smiled as he watched their love and was at peace.

After stopping John Freedom said "but Freeman, how could you live? You were killed by the man in black in the woods!" he was confused and wanted answers. There was twinkles in the master Freeman's eyes.

"i have been telling you lies and tricks a little bit John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV." said Freeman.

"I am not really the man named Freeman. I am actually the god named Rakka Ta. I took this form to fight the dark ones on the earth I love so much."

Freedom and Mariel instantly were aback with wonder at the sight of a god like Rakka Ta and suddenly John Freedom knew that everything made sense now.
Except for one thing.

"But why did you have me fight the Conderferates, Rakka Ta? What could a man possible to do?"

>> No.1170487

"Man is capable of things John Beauville Freedom Moses XXXV. And if mankind cannot train their own love they are lost to the dark ones, like Stonewall and my other pupil. Long ago I left on this earth a child who would have descendants. That child was Moses, and he would teach people love. You are that descendant, John Beauville Freedom my son."

And the two embraced right there. Tears of joy came into John Freedom's face and he finally had a family since his mother had died.
"i am glad I could count you" said Rakka Ta "and your friends because it is in friendship that the true love of Rakka Ta shines forth."

and he turned around and starting to go.
"Wait!" said John Freedom! "Don't go, master! You should stay here and teach the people so they never listen to the likes of General Lee again!"

Rakka Ta smiled and shook his head.

"you must lead the people now John Beauville Freedom. helping people is not my power anymore. it is yours. as long as evil is in man, the dark ones will try to return. Teach them to love and not hate, my son and I will be happy."

and saying that he shot off into the sky like a bullet and flew into the sun.

>> No.1170490

John Freedom and Mariel jumped across the gorge to where the friends of John Freedom were waiting.
"ha hah ha you sure showed them!" said Joshua Chamberlain all bondaged up. "america is safe thanks to that crazy magic you pulled!" he still didn't believe in Rakka Ta but since he was a good man it didn tmattered

"i am glad slavery is gone forever" said Harriet Tubman. "Now maybe the children of Rakka Ta can start rebuilding everything to be places of peace and not war. We must tell everyone about this"

"No said John Freedom" people would only be wanting to repeat Lee's mistakes if they knew the truth." John Freedom said wisely "we must help the people build a new world free from slavery and hate and the dark ones."

"well I will help you" said Joshua Chamberlain
"and so will I" said Mariel "also John Freedom please marry me because I love you"
" I thought you would not ask" said Freedom blushing and Joshua Chamberlain and Harriet Tubeman laughed and congratulated the too.

And the four went down the mountain and the sun smiled on John Beauville Freedom and his friends because it knew they did the right thing.

>> No.1170505

My favorite character is the ninja, how about you guys?

>> No.1170510

definitely Joshua Chamberlain or Stonewall.

One exploded a guy by throwing a rifle at him the other had a beard made out of fire.


>> No.1170535



>> No.1170543

someone save this before it is lost.

;_; If only men of today still remembered Rakka Ta. Here's hoping for a Moses XXXVI to save the world.

>> No.1170564

it has been saved child.


The lessons of Rakka Ta may hopefully enrich the world for ages to come.

>> No.1170574
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>> No.1170723
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>John took Freeman's staff and looked at it and held it and felt love in every inch.

>> No.1170831

The funny thing is, if you search "John Beauville Freedom" on google, the first result is a completely transcribed copy of Let Freedom Ring on fictionpress.com. The second result is this thread. Many thanks to the anons who saved this for posterity.

>> No.1170886

What do you put on forms if you have just converted to believe in Rakka-Ta? Rakkist? Rakka-Talim? What?

>> No.1170891

The one review on fictionpress.com is pretty funny:

>>All my life I have dreamed of reading a story like this. All. My. Life. You took the shabby, outdated myths of General Lee and the "chivalrous" South and exposed them for what they are. Myths. And then you created your own myth, of freedom and courage and love, and you did it with humor and imagination and sensuality and style, even though from the looks of things English is not really your first language. Incredible story. Incredible achievement. God bless you sir, whoever you are!

>> No.1170933

>implying it was a civil war and not northern agression against a confederacy of states that had a constitutional right to secede
i'm not pro slavery or anything, but fuck, you americans don't even kno your own history

>> No.1170946

Some American historians actually agree with your position, eurofag. In fact, some people this side of the ocean argue that Abraham Lincoln was acting unconstitutionally in trying to keep the South tied to the North. But ymmv, what's happened has happened, and this thread is about a fictional story, not about actual American history. If you want to talk about it, take it to /new/ or something.

>> No.1170949
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>i'm not pro slavery or anything, but fuck, you americans don't even kno your own history

Yeah um enlighten us, oh wise foreigner, about the constitutional right to secede. Please.

>> No.1170959

How can anyone support the south when this story shows just how depraved the Conderferates were?

>> No.1171509
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>>outdated myths of General Lee and the chivalrous south and exposed them for what they are. Myths
>>outdated myths of General Lee and exposed them
>>outdated myths of General Lee

>> No.1171520

I thought the South were all a bunch of drunken hicks in flanel shirts with shitty old muskets? What chivalrous myths?

>> No.1171590

Well the South may have been a lot of good ol' boys, so to speak, but they had a reputation of having the far better end of the stick as far as officers go (the best officers of West Point joined the South). Lee was in particular seen as the perfect Southern gentleman.

At least, that's what Lee wanted us to believe while he went around sacrificing Negroes to to dark ones.

>> No.1171622

There's a reason there are so many stories about Southern Hospitality and Honour. True, it only extended to wealthy white land owners, but readers of military fiction eat that sh*t up. especially stuff set during the civil war.

Many comparisons have been made in historical research about how southern speech, manners & society during the civil war era were more closely related to the previous hundred years of british society than to any american ones. northerners were hard-bitten city people, for the most part.

>> No.1171639


"God's Watchdog's", so Dogs.

>> No.1171692

Yeah but what is the name of Japanese confederates who pursued deserters in the Civil War?

>> No.1171718

Hey, I just finished formatting this thing in the style of an actual novel. Take a look here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/dp0e9j6x6ga3gga/Let%20Freedom%20Ring%20Novel%20Format.docx

Additionally, I left placeholder pages at the end of each chapter for illustration purposes. Anybody feel like contributing their original artwork to this masterpiece?

All of this, of course, will be done with the permission of OP. Can't just take his work and run away with it.

>> No.1171772


Seriously what the fuck mods

>> No.1171776

> There's a reason there are so many stories about Southern Hospitality and Honour.

Yeah, because it sells well amongst Confederate apologists who want to rehabilitate the Civil War. That doesn't make it true. Just means there are a lot of people (read: shitheads) who still sympathize with the South.

>> No.1171870

Guys, stop talking about bullshit history. Anything you need to know about the Civil War has been documented in the tale of John Freedom.

>> No.1171983

You said something about images?

's about all I can muster.

>> No.1171985
File: 500 KB, 1004x1340, JohnFreedompic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops forgot image

>> No.1172045

Holy shit this thread has been here for a week.

>> No.1172186

such is the power of Rakka Ta.

>> No.1172621

not gunna lie this is pretty cool