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/lit/ - Literature

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1151100 No.1151100 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite band, movie, and book.


>> No.1151108

>Coheed and Cambria
>The Matrix
>Naked Lunch

>> No.1151110
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>Coheed and Camrbria

>> No.1151116

Godfather Part II
Ada or Ador: A family chronicle

>> No.1151117
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>> No.1151125

>justin beaber
>twilight/avatar/scott pilgrim
>Simmons, George F. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 2nd ed

>> No.1151128


It all went down hill after he wrote himself into the story.

>> No.1151136

Band: Savatage
Movie: The last unicorn
Book: Rumo & his miraculous adventures

>> No.1151144

>Britney Spears
>Amelia Bedelia
>Taco Bell

>> No.1151149
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Neon Genesis Evangelion movie
Infinite Jest or Fire Wind & Song thing

>> No.1151165

My fvorite anime movie is Akira

>> No.1151166

>Miley Cyrus
>Citizen Kane
>Ender's Game

>> No.1151175

>Joanna Newsom
>The Prestige
>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.1151182

>The Mars Volta
>No Country For Old Men
>The Fall

>> No.1151190

Think I should get into anime movies? I've actually never seen one but I imagine they cater to pathetic sub-humans.

I like these musics.

>> No.1151187

>Insane Clown Posse

>> No.1151195

Watch the anime movie Mind Game

>> No.1151203

i was told to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion on 4chan once. which one is better? how do you pirate your tsundere movies?

>> No.1151206

>Mano Negra
>Forrest Gump
>The Invention of morel

>> No.1151209

You pirate animes from the pirate torrent sites ( you know the ones, like, pirate bay). don't wathc Evangelion unless you want to be bored to death, it's pretentious crap

>> No.1151212

Wynton Kelly
Lost in Translation

>> No.1151215
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>There Will Be Blood
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.1151217

this is a good scene from Mind Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E26FGlf4eXI

>> No.1151220

i don't torrent i'm not retarded. http all the way

>> No.1151221

Arcade Fire
don't have one
The Trial

>> No.1151223

Lost In Translation

normalfag will normalfag

>> No.1151228

Circle Takes The Square
Dr. Strangelove
The Bell Jar

>> No.1151232


>> No.1151237
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Here you go. Should be complete

>> No.1151238

>anime shit

gtfo of /lit/

>> No.1151240
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Tegan And Sara

>> No.1151241

>Red Hot Chili Peppers
>Howl's Moving Castle
>Harry Potter

Probably would be the girlfriend's choices. She's not bad.

>> No.1151246

you are delicious

elliott smith
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
a complicated kindness - miriam toews

>> No.1151254


>> No.1151255

right now,
Fearless Vampire Killers

>> No.1151259

>Nana Grizol
>Faces (John Cassavettes)
>Niebla by Miguel de Unamuno

flappers gonna flap

>> No.1151261

Susumu Hirasawa
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Lord of Light

>> No.1151265

what are you, 16?

squid and whale
sound and fury

>> No.1151297

Agalloch fuck yeah

>> No.1151308
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>Successfully slaying DeepandEdgy
Anon, you deserve a medal

>> No.1151318

thanks but fuck you. you're just as annoying.

stupid bitch

>> No.1151324
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Funny, I have a .jpg precisely for this context

>> No.1151338

Favorite band: Between the Buried and Me
Favorite movie: Moon
Favorite book: Don't read.

>> No.1151342


Only a tripfag would care about medals.
>he is a tripfag

>> No.1151352

2/10, try harder.

Did you copy and paste that off facebook? My 16 year old faggot cousin has that same list and actually thought Moon was a good movie.

>> No.1151365

how was that even a "slaying"?

>> No.1151379
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not getting a ~100 word rebuttal for one. Considering what the trip usually acts like, it was a clean kill

>> No.1151390

mars volta
boondock saints
readings gay

>> No.1151396

>Tom Waits
>Taxi Driver
>The Metamorphosis

>> No.1151416

>The Killers/Rolling Stones
>The Pianist
>Of Human Bondage

>> No.1151418

>The Cramps
>Sans Soleil/La Jetee (chris marker) or Return of the Living Dead
>atm it's ''The Infernal Machine and other plays" by Jean Cocteau

>> No.1151426

King Crimson
No Country For Old Men
A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.1151433

Pulp Fiction

>> No.1151437

Blade Runner
The Last Unicorn

>> No.1151440


>> No.1151447

Hows that funny TyBrax???

>> No.1151452

cause there's no book & you're posting on /lit/!

>> No.1151453

Don't have a favorite book, you're on /lit/

>> No.1151455

Death from Above 1979
A Fistful of Dollars

>> No.1151456

Belle & Sebastian
Altman's Nashville
The Satyricon

>> No.1151460

ok then..

Pulp Fiction
Happyslapped By a Jellyfish

>> No.1151461

I hate you.

>> No.1151462

>Taking Back Sunday
>Of Mice and Men

>> No.1151464

Oh, I love Belle and Sebastian and Robert Altman :3 so I'm going to ask you what The Satyricon is and why it's your favorite or why I should read it (since your tastes are so nice)

>> No.1151465

I love all of you <3

>> No.1151469

appreciated :)

i feel happy right now even though I have uni tomorrow. weird, because i've ran out of my medicine so I've been off it for two days.

>> No.1151479

You dont need it anymore.

I'm chillin to Fang Island, you should like it.
Really upbeat, Math Rocky.

>> No.1151502


The Satyricon is just the first mind-blowing book I ever read (I think I was 12 or 13), and I re-read it every year or so. You could say it's the first modern novel: it was written during the reign of the emperor Nero, but honestly it reads like it was written last week.

If I told you it was a satire about hipsters and con-men and pretentious rich idiots, that wouldn't be inaccurate. It's just....it takes place in 70 AD.

Parts of it are hilarious, parts are obscene, parts are just weird (it includes the first werewolf story told in literature)....the only problem is that because of the obscenity it was suppressed in the middle ages, so we don't have the complete book, and we don't have any idea where the story actually begins or where it ends.

Anyway, if you want to read something from the ancient world which is as modern (and funny) as anything being written today, I recommend it.

There's also a film version directed by Fellini, but it's not as good as the book (largely because Fellini doesn't go for satirical comedy, he turns it into a circus of grotesques).

>> No.1151511

I never understood how people can reduce everything done to a single band/movie/book...

>> No.1151513

>Into The Wild

>> No.1153533

>Amelia Bediela
>Kidz Bop

>> No.1153542

That does sound amazing, I knew you would recommend me something interesting. I'm definitely getting into ancient world literature (reading Sophocles at the moment, because I had read Cocteau's reimagining of Oedipus and it was great.) Thanks, I will definitely go find a copy of the Satyricon. I didn't really think of it, but Satyricon>satyr>satyr plays...I had actually been wondering where I could find something in that genre :)

>> No.1153543

>Layer Cake (movie) or Snatch
>Fight Club (book) or Watership Down

>> No.1153563

Dire Straits
Once Upon a Time in America

>> No.1153570

18 year old manc detected.

>> No.1153583

Apocalypse now
Crime and punishment

>> No.1153595

>the Arcade Fire
>l'illume c'est trop

>> No.1153598

so like, how do you green text?

>> No.1153606

type #00FF00 (the html color code for green) in the subject field

>> No.1153612

thanks, how do you green text only a word though or in the middle of a paragraph?

>> No.1153613

like this [#00FF00] hello [#00FF00 /] but remove the space between the 0 and the /

>> No.1153617
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>You fail so hard

>> No.1153620

you're either stupid or upset, im happy with either of them

>> No.1153639
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>So says the one who can't even green text.

>> No.1153642

you didn't even read the thread did you?

>> No.1153647

he was trolling you stupid fuck

>> No.1153649
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>You haven't even read the thread, have you?


>> No.1153651
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>> No.1153654

>Relient K
>Back to the Future
>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.1153668

from eastern europe actually, but I am a Manchester City fan, yes.

also, Noel had absolutely no influence on that, I found out hes a fan of MCFC years after I started following them.

>> No.1153678

Legend of Drunken Master
Breakfast of Champions

>> No.1153685

>Atlas Shrugged

>> No.1153689

the Good, the Bad and The Ugly.

>> No.1153692

The Get Up Kids
Wicker Park
David Copperfield