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11505944 No.11505944 [Reply] [Original]

Is writing a journal considered 'writing practice'? Especially if I try my hardest to analyze myself, while writing to the best of my abilities? I hope so, because I've been doing that for most of my life. Now that I think of it, what the hell does practicing writing even mean?

>> No.11505950

>practicing writing
It means turning a concept into a piece of readable prose. The better you are at writing, the more easily you can translate a complex concept into prose without it seeming forced.

>> No.11506094

Your post is an example of bad writing.

>> No.11506254
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who cares my man
just do whatever you want
write a story and thats it the story's written
you dont have to practice to practice writing
don't hope that writing in a journal is considered writing practice, even if it is or isnt it doesnt make a difference
like just focus on things that matter

>> No.11506284

Your post is an example of being an asshole.

>> No.11506656

Your post is an example of ad hominem.

>> No.11506714

I don't need your validation on my writing.

>> No.11508696

Has anyone tried the kind in OP's pic? I almost bought one, but it was wrapped so I couldn't get a good enough look at its quality. I bought a different one, but that was the journal I really wanted tbqh.

>> No.11508709

Asshole. I don’t need you trying to try to try to try.

>> No.11508729

tfw want to journal but can't make a decision on which journal I should buy as I balance aesthetic value and monetary cost.