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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.14 MB, 1700x2275, Aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11499578 No.11499578[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules, and the other is ruled; this principle, of necessity, extends to all mankind.
>All inferiors should be under the rule of a master.
Well, /lit/? Are you one of the inferiors, or a master?

>> No.11499585

Well I am a man, but I don't think that's enough to declare oneself a master

>> No.11499591
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>tfw like femdom

>> No.11499592
File: 379 KB, 2536x704, IMG_20180703_214949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hate to break it to you, but Aristotle was a sophist.

>> No.11499611

Dont worry fren, the future is female.

>> No.11499647

a sexual fantasy to be reality, sounds terrible desu

>> No.11499851
File: 22 KB, 340x365, eckhart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nature performed in my father the work of nature. It was nature's purpose that I should become a father, just as he was a father.
>The intention is always to produce a male. A female is born only when nature is diverted or obstructed, so that its work lacks full strength. But where the work of nature comes to an end, God takes over and begins to create, for if there were no women there would be no men either.

>> No.11499885

based and redpilled Greeks

>> No.11499956

How does he manage to capture our hearts and minds all these centuries later?
I'm sorry anon, you're legally obligated to kill yourself.

>> No.11501046

t. Angry virgin incel

>> No.11501071

Women preform worst than men in almost every activity you could possible imagine besides having kids. You will be out done even in that with artificial wombs.
Given some time you will be completely useless beings. Incels don't need to be angry, only patient.

>> No.11501110

>by the time sexbots are viable, so is functional AI
>self aware sexbots reject incels and pursue Chad like real women

>> No.11501123

Then why did the lesbians prevent a war by withholding sex?

Check and mate, MRAristotles.

>> No.11501130

Then program them to serve whoever buys them, or don't make them self aware. No one would be retarded enough to produce sexbots that isn't made for the group that most demands for them, but for the group that needs them the least.

>> No.11501132

their pseudo-biological programming will be to search out the least valuable genes, to pacify the beta uprising

>> No.11501147

If incels aren't satisfied with fapping, then neither will they be satisfied with humping an emotionless robot. Sexbots will never provide satisfaction unless they have the same attributes, emotionally and phsyically, as real women, at which point they won't be interested in incels. Incels don't want to rape women, they want to be genuinely desired by women, and a programmed robot will not satisfy that itch. A sexbot with no freewill will be no better than fapping.

>> No.11501155

>aristotle is a student of plato
>plato is a student of socrates
>socrates is the student of diotima according to plato's symposium
>diotima teaches socrates using the "socratic" method
>diotima is the origin of the dialectic
>diotima is the origin of the theory of forms
>diotima is a female priestess
>the entire western philosophical tradition originates with a woman

>> No.11501175

>humping an emotionless robot.
Some would say that's just having sex with real women.
>Sexbots will never provide satisfaction unless they have the same attributes, emotionally and phsyically, as real women
Incels don't want women, they want sex and companionship (only one of these things women supply that actually decent). Women's emotions (i.e. bitchy-ness) and tendencies are by definition antithetical to what incels want. Why do you think they want sexbots that reflect everything they want out of a relationship? Sexbots aren't going to be designed like actual women; sorry if it's too big of a pill for you to swallow for you to realize that women aren't desirable. If we were able to design the perfect woman, it wouldn't resemble an actual woman at all.
>Incels don't want to rape women
Kek. You clearly learned the word incel from Tumblr and haven't actually been around actual incels. Women are property to them.
>A sexbot with no freewill will be no better than fapping.
Except one that cleans, cooks, and has a vagina that feels better than your hand is the definition of better than fapping. Those roles are meant for women, but they are getting replaced by robots that can do their jobs way better than they ever could.

>> No.11501181

Yes, this.
Also beauty is a type of goodness, with Plato preempting Oscar Wilde by some 2000 years.

>> No.11501190


>> No.11501193

who is this

>> No.11501201

>Incels don't want women, they want sex and companionship
Then fuck guys. Incels very obviously want a qt gf to listen to their feels and care about them on an emotional level. Everything else, from sex to cleaning and cooking, is readily available to anyone with money

>> No.11501202

can't wait for the threesomes with my gf and a sex bot

>> No.11501206
File: 17 KB, 207x253, 1531922190539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>champion of anarchy

>> No.11501207

Just get a hooker

>> No.11501211

dude i hate aristotle full of mindless banal ideology disconnected from reality haha sos your post xD fuck you

>> No.11501220
File: 17 KB, 332x500, hesiod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But when he had made the beautiful evil to be the price for the blessing, he brought her out, delighting in the finery which the bright-eyed daughter of a mighty father had given her, to the place where the other gods and men were. And wonder took hold of the deathless gods and mortal men when they saw that which was sheer guile, not to be withstood by men.

>For from her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no help meets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth. And as in thatched hives bees feed the drones whose nature is to do mischief—by day and throughout the day until the sun goes down the bees are busy and lay the white combs, while the drones stay at home in the covered hives and reap the toil of others into their own bellies— even so Zeus who thunders on high made women to be an evil to mortal men, with a nature to do evil.

>And he gave them a second evil to be the price for the good they had: whoever avoids marriage and the sorrows that women cause, and will not wed, reaches deadly old age without anyone to tend his years, and though he at least has no lack of livelihood while he lives, yet, when he is dead, his kinsfolk divide his possessions amongst them.

Theogony - Hesiod

Why were the Greeks so based?

>> No.11501223

>Incels don't want women
that's true, what incels want is for porn to be made real, hence the sexbot angle. but sexbots will not satisfy incels not because they fail to be women but because the fantasy itself is unreachable. porn is fake and an incel can't live the fantasy any more than a harry potter fan can really go to hogwarts.

>> No.11501227

I'm incel, I don't want this.

>> No.11501228

so what do you want?

>> No.11501229

If incels wanted porn or sex they could go to prostitutes and live out their fantasies. What they want is to be cared about and loved, and no prostitute or sexbot will ever be able to provide this.

>> No.11501235

A woman who feels romantic and sexual affection towards me in the same way I do towards her.

>> No.11501238

>what incels want is for porn to be made real
No, I just want to hold someones hand.
By which I mean I seek intimacy and loyal partnership, I am not on some pathetic quest to lose my virginity, prostitution is legal here and I have more then enough money to fuck some whore.

>but sexbots will not satisfy incels
True, I couldn't care less about sexbots.

>> No.11501271

Yet you argue with strangers on a slavic bug harvesting forum. Are you a manlet or what?

>> No.11501324

>If incels wanted porn or sex they could go to prostitutes and live out their fantasies.

that's false because porn is not real. sex with a prostitute, or anyone else, does not live up to the fantasies of a porn addict. you actually have this backwards: sexual fantasies are imaginary and therefore legitimately unreachable whereas the basic need for a relationship can be satisfied very simply by lowering your standards of physical beauty. there are armies of ugly chicks out there an incel could date if he just got over the girl looking slightly like a goblin, but they won't do it because physical appearance is crucial for the fantasy that they got from looking at porn and anime. keep in mind that all that dating sim shit where an absurd caricature of a loving girlfriend stares at you with puppy eyes is just another niche of porn.

so why don't you just do what i described above and find some ugly chick that will adore you just for paying attention to her at all?

>> No.11501335

>so why don't you just do what i described above and find some ugly chick that will adore you just for paying attention to her at all?
I haven't had a casual conversation with a female in over 3 years.
I don't even know where I can find a girl (where do these mythical creatures hide, sometimes I see them on the bus or train, but aside from that?), much less how to talk to her.

>> No.11501354

Nigga this is an Aristotle thread, keep your forms bullshit out

>> No.11501378

well then it's not involuntary for you at all, you just refuse to engage the opposite sex. pick an interest you have, go to a place where people with that interest hang out, find an ugly chick nobody's talking to and talk to her about the topic in question. tons of potato-shaped nerds with bad hygiene are fucking this very instant because they went to some comic book convention and asked some female troll in a spider-man shirt "u-uh... so you uh, like spiderman...?". next thing you know they're happily married with a couple of hideous children. it's not fucking complicated.

>> No.11501386

i said porn fantasies are not real and therefore unreachable so they can't be platonic forms, which would be real and reachable. this is a philosophy thread, get out.

>> No.11501405

>platonic forms, which would be real and reachable
Dude you need to actually read Plato before you shitpost like this

>> No.11501419

>so why don't you just do what i described above and find some ugly chick that will adore you just for paying attention to her at all?
Because why would I want to be with someone I find ugly?

>> No.11501435

>you just refuse to engage the opposite sex.
But I don't refuse.
How can I refuse anything if I don't even know how I can accept it?

>pick an interest you have, go to a place where people with that interest hang out, find an ugly chick nobody's talking to and talk to her about the topic in question. tons of potato-shaped nerds with bad hygiene are fucking this very instant because they went to some comic book convention and asked some female troll in a spider-man shirt "u-uh... so you uh, like spiderman...?". next thing you know they're happily married with a couple of hideous children. it's not fucking complicated.
The only thing which I have some genuine Interest in talking about is the foundations and Philosophy of mathematics (leaving aside the things I do while procrastinating), where do I find girls like that? Don't tell me at a University, because that would be a lie, at least the girls there are quite intimidating.
I really have no hobbies (again leaving aside procrastinating), I sleep eat, watch dumb YouTube videos and occasionally read books or do sports, while desperately trying to convince myself to do Uni stuff.

>> No.11501437

then what is anamnesis if not the recollection of direct contact with the actually existing forms? follow your own damn advice.

>> No.11501440

can't raw dog a hooker

>> No.11501457

>Because why would I want to be with someone I find ugly?
because it would allow to reach your stated goal of forming a relationship. why don't you do it then?

>> No.11501459

Not him, but obviously people are more likely to be romantically or sexually attracted to people who aren't ugly, which was his stated goal.

>> No.11501472

My stated goal is >>11501235
How can I feel sexual affection towards someone who I am not physically attracted to?

>> No.11501600

>How can I feel sexual affection towards someone who I am not physically attracted to?

see, we're getting back to the porn thing. given a choice between everything you want minus physical attractiveness and nothing you choose nothing. so physical attractiveness actually outweighs everything else you'd want out of a relationship and is actually the point of it despite you formulating your demands in such a way as to downplay it. you'd rather be alone that loved by a person not meeting your standards of sexual desirability.

but where do these standards come from if not the pornographic imagery you've been exposed to all your life? assuming you are a healthy man, you could fuck any ugly girl with zero problems. you might turn up your nose at her but the moment her hand goes into your pants your dick is going to get hard same as it would for a supermodel, because that's what it's built to do. there's no actual problem there, everything is going to work just like it worked for all your ugly ancestors. they were free of these complicated fantasies and unreal standards, they just wanted to grope a tit and fuck a wet hole. they fucked in the dark and they were happy. that's what real sex is, not these fake porno gymnastics: two ugly piles of meat making each other happy.

so the problem is entirely in your head: you're willing to torture yourself with loneliness for the rest of your life rather than discard these porn-derived fantasies. that's the deadlock at the heart of inceldom.

>> No.11501615

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch would like a word with you.

>> No.11501668
File: 1.81 MB, 365x238, nicememe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time on /lit/

This is a solid post. I think I'm gonna stick around

>> No.11501694

goddammit dude. let me elaborate on the comic book convention story. the ugly girl in the spiderman shirt doesn't actually care about spiderman, she just went to a comic book convention because she's ugly and lonely and she wants to get fucked. the guy who asked her about the shirt actually posts online as PeterParkerIsAFaggot92 but he pretended to like spiderman because he's lonely and wants to fuck. the point of the story is that people use whatever trivial bullshit as an excuse to get together because they're lonely and want to fuck.

so of course you misunderstand it completely to make it about some soulmate bullshit where you need a girl that shares your one absurdly specific obscure interest and until she magically appears you'll not even bother to open your mouth at a woman. if you don't have "genuine" interests then pretend to have interests, god knows everyone else does it. go get some pills for your sad brain and fuck a fatty in a spiderman shirt. it's not going to get better until you do.

>> No.11501706

Socrates and Diotima aren't fictional?

>> No.11501724

The desire to be physically attracted to your partner (which is essential to having a fulfilling sexual relationship) comes from porn? How so?

>but the moment her hand goes into your pants your dick is going to get hard same as it would for a supermodel.
If I'm not physically attracted to her my dick isn't getting hard.

>> No.11501732

Don't do this. This is an incel on a LARP, it has no idea what it's talking about.

>> No.11501788

no, the artificially elevated standard of attractiveness comes from porn. please keep up.

>> No.11501846

physical attractiveness has always been the number one thing men look for, this is bullshit. incels simply dont want to stay in their own league, it has got nothing to do with porn

>> No.11501893

>the artificially elevated standard of attractiveness
Garbled nonsense.

I don't even watch porn anyway, so it's immaterial.

>> No.11501901

>incels simply dont want to stay in their own league
Who would?

>> No.11501904

>incels simply dont want to stay in their own league

and why is that? we're looking at this significant phenomenon where countless men would rather suffer all this anguish and die alone rather than even entertain the notion of fucking someone at their own level of sexual attractiveness. do you really think this has nothing to do with the fact that they spend all day looking at absurdly idealized bodies and sex?

>> No.11501921
File: 77 KB, 580x517, neverStopWorkingGoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too but that is just irrational sexual fantasies, in society I think women should be controlled to some degree.

>> No.11501923

you can't not watch porn. maybe you don't regularly masturbate to hardcore videos but you still watch all the soft porno that's in all the ads and popular entertainment. don't tell me you don't see the difference between living in an environment where seeing a female ankle is a big event and one in which you have perfect female bodies beamed at your eyes 24/7. don't be like one of those "ads just don't work on me!" retards.

>> No.11501927

who is this
bump >>11501193

>> No.11501930

they are incapable to face reality or any kind of
possibility of rejection, porn is not the cause just a tool

>> No.11501937
File: 760 KB, 1125x731, nomakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban the hojab.

>> No.11501948

Women have worth just for being women, because they're like a forge that make babies. That's pretty useful technology.

>> No.11501951

>Mfw I run 30 catfish findom accounts on Twitter and make literally 70k a year
LMAO you're paying me bro

>> No.11501992

This supposes that the women I'm attracted to and approach in real life look anything like these so called "perfect bodies" that you're talking about - they don't.

Your crusade against pornography seems deeply personal which seems to be somewhat warping your perception here. Have you had difficulties in the past?

>> No.11502018

Because attraction is an act of aesthetic appreciation that takes into account the balance between both a person's emotional and intellectual being with their physical one. Any relationship that puts too heavy an emphasis on either side is bound to fail. Too heavily skewed towards physical attraction and the relationship becomes meaninglessly material and vapid. Too little emphasis towards the physical however, can lead to a passionless dour and insubstantial experience. Both are needed.


>> No.11502048

>Your crusade against pornography seems deeply personal which seems to be somewhat warping your perception here. Have you had difficulties in the past?

what a faggy attempt to kill a conversation. you can just leave if you don't want to talk about it instead of doing this lame shtick. also it's completely off because i actually like pornography, it's just obvious to me that people engage with it in pathological ways just like videogames or anything else. please don't respond to me again.

>> No.11502053

Sounds exhausting desu.

>> No.11502060

where did you get this "balance" shit from, some sort of new age self-help book?

>> No.11502063

But I want to know more about how your porn addiction is making incels?

>> No.11502072

No I check it weekly
30 mins a week basically, not even joking its easiest money I ever scammed in my life

>> No.11502073

A brief study of human nature that you would get if you didn't spend all your life watching porn and surfing round 4chan.

>> No.11502086

then why does it sound exactly like what a hippie lady would read in a 1974 issue of a woman's magazine? honey it says here that if you don't fuck me enough it will make our experience passionless by removing the natural balance between the yin-yang of the physical and the spiritual! i have to ask my guru about this next time.

>> No.11502091


Non-faggy fetishes, i.e. face sitting, pegging, mommy's milkies, etc. (1) actually stem from your futile desire for the woman to be an entity in and of herself, rather than something set into motion and controlled by man.

>(1) in contrast to cuckoldry, farts, feet, ball busting, voting democrat, etc.

>> No.11502118

I like being the submissive because I don't need to worry that much about things

>> No.11502166

The balance between the physical and the spiritual in all walks of life is an essential truth that can be easily gleaned from a fully lived life. The writers of 70's women's magazines clearly have more experience of relationships than you.

>> No.11502175

Based. Women are formless beings.

>> No.11502188

I agree but pegging is immensely gay

>> No.11502246

well yeah, the point of new age crap is to say the sort of shit a random idiot already thinks but to spruce it up with references to eastern religion and jung. but if you actually think "you need to care about X... but not too much!" is a piece of insight worth sharing then you might actually be a modern male version of a zonked out 70s hippie chick in which case may i recommend the youtube channel of dr jordan b peterson.

>> No.11502282

who is this

>> No.11502309

None of it is wrong though.

>> No.11502317

Must have touched a nerve.

>> No.11502381

it's not wrong as much as it is obscurantist. you're never going to solve any real problem if you insist they all derive from incorrect proportion between elements and not actually investigate what those elements are or whether you've even recognized them correctly. it's extremely easy to point at a pissed off person and claim they must have the wrong "work-life balance" or whatever but think for a second on how many bizarre ideological assumptions are packaged into these three words. it's a self-help distraction. it's worse than worthless.

>> No.11502445

You were talking about the fact that incels should fuck women they don't find attractive (who they apparently only find unattractive because Pornhub told them not to) then they'll be happy. The fact you can't see that this is obviously bullshit is why you need to hear obvious platitudes like above. Both physical attraction and emotional attraction are equally essential and wanted.

>> No.11502457

as an incel,
the only thing i want is a real life anime waifu or ukranian wheatfield equivalent to love me
not some roastie wtf

>> No.11502475 [DELETED] 

As an incel the only thing I want is a homely christian girl who is smart and kind.

Not some roasite wtf

>> No.11502486

As an incel,
the only thing I want is a homely christian girl who is smart and kind.

Not some roastie wtf

>> No.11502487


guys, have u tried googling? just putting a wee little search query into google, perhaps in quotation marks to ensure exactness, of a sentence of that excerpt?

no ):?

well u freaking made me u twerps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's hobbes: on the citizen! happy!!?!?!?

>> No.11502498

is anyone else on here becoming increasingly attracted to themselves. I have been putting lots of effort into dieting and working out(especially not drinking alcohol), and growing my hair out and etc. and i am starting to be more attracted to myself than i am to girls. I still feel a sexual impulse towards them but i dont idealize their form very much anymore because i am so used to thinking about how to make myself more attractive that women seem sort of deformed

>> No.11502536

State-run matchmaking agency enforcing compulsory marriage at 21. Ban on media depicting marriage as based on love. Heavy propaganda and incentives to promote multi generational families instead of the nuclear families. Cities disbanded in favor of sub 10,000 inhabitants communes based on direct democracy. All of this in the context of a market socialist state. Most social evils instantly disappear. Incels forever wiped out.

>> No.11502595

Here is what you do. I promise this will work for you. Your thoughts about the world (yourself included), coupled with your faith in their truthfulness shape your reality. You think you cannot have sex with women, or be confident around them, etc; you imagine failure with women. And you have faith this is true. And the world reflects this. If you imagine yourself having sex with women or being confident and relaxed around them, and have faith that this is the truth, your world will do what it must to come into alignment with your vision. It must do so. A thought impressed on formless substance (and sustained by faith) will come into material existence. It's called the law of attraction in the thought world. You should read some New Thought Movement literature.

>> No.11502649

>Both physical attraction and emotional attraction are equally essential and wanted.

and this is exactly the problem i described above: you deal in these "balance" platitudes where A must be balanced with B but you refuse to investigate what A and B are, what determines them, is there even a tenable distinction and so on. to not have to deal with thinking about those things you pretend they're immutable constants. the result is that you are now stupidly arguing that porn has no impact on what people find attractive. with that kind of moronic attitude you're not going to understand inceldom, whether other people's or your own.

>> No.11502762

I'm not investigating them because they it's fairly obvious to everyone what they mean and how they are different. It's also obvious to you, I'm not sure why you're pretending otherwise.

>arguing that porn has no impact on what people find attractive
Of course it has an impact but nowhere near the level that you're talking about; to the point where all possible physical alternatives to the mainstream porn star's body are inherently seen as unattractive - that is an argument that can only be made in good faith by a literal porn addict.

>> No.11502815

It's not that.

>> No.11502858

But drones are male?

>> No.11502909

>that is an argument that can only be made in good faith by a literal porn addict.

this is a complete non-sequitur - the idea that staring at extremely attractive people all day every day will seriously mess with your standards of what is and is not attractive in the real world is something that can only occur to a porn addict? what are you even trying to say here? is the idea that living in the tropics for years will mess with your perception of temperature something only a suntan lotion addict would say? are you so devoted to your stupid attempt to "expose me" as some sort of ex-porn addict (?) you're just going to write total nonsense now and hope nobody notices?

it's literally an old meme on this site ("pointy knees") to laugh at ugly people for developing incredibly unrealistic standards of female attractiveness. it's just such a bizarre concept to deny. you've been arguing in bad faith for a while but now you're incoherent.

>> No.11502926

>to laugh at ugly people for developing incredibly unrealistic standards of female attractiveness
women are way way worse about this though. they rate like 90% of men as being below average in attractiveness