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/lit/ - Literature

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11499112 No.11499112 [Reply] [Original]

Some facts:
- Learning a foreign language /just/ to read books is silly and a waste of time. Yes, there is a great distance between an original and a translation. No, this doesn't mean waste years of your life studying to read. Preferably, you'd read only books written in your native tongue anyways and only exceptional translations when necessary.
- Language learning is pushed for political reasons. Period. Google "reasons to learn a foreign language" and see how many of the reasons listed are purely political and mostly have to do with adapting to (((their))) plan of globalization, multi-culturalism, etc. and consequently, the cultural death of all.
- People should speak and write in the language of their ancestors. Anything else is simply Stockholm syndrome. Likewise, a anglo-American man learning Spanish is fetid to the senses of his ancestors. And an Irishman who speaks only English makes a mockery of Cú Chulainn et al. Chicanos that bemoan speaking more English than Spanish are fools, for neither are their true tongue- must they really bemoan learning one conquerors' language over another?
- There are serious reasons to want to learn a language: 1.) if one is a philologist or works in a similar field AND has discernible linguistic talent (only one is not sufficient) and 2.) if one is learning the language of his ancestors (many Americans must do this; for the mutts, I don't know what to tell you).
- If one is of non-Anglo ancestry and has spent his entire life speaking only English, one must understand that the fact he speaks only English is purely circumstantial, but not ideal. He must speak the tongue of his ancestors.
- In most cases, learning the tongue of another ethnicity, tribe, nation, country, etc. is one of the most severe forms of cuckoldry and should be avoided except for some incredibly special reason.

Do not lose your ancestral tongue, it's the only one that can speak to your soul. And always remember that right now most language learning is done by third-worlders and is only done for immigration purposes. Do not help them in their goals. Society should shun these people who plan on leeching off our European societies. Also, many first-worlders who learn foreign languages are already cucked and plan on race-mixing soon (white male-latina is the most common pairing in the US).

>> No.11499143

So if I am a latina I can fuck cute whibois? Thanks, OP!

>> No.11499154
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At last, someone understands me.

>> No.11499173

But I like learning languages, anon.

>> No.11499178

Which languages are you learning and why?

>> No.11499193

English is a horrid language, stop using it

>> No.11499198

I'm an *nglo so there's no chance of me losing my ancestral tongue and learning languages is fun, as >>11499173 has been astute enough to point out. Only retards have trouble with it.

>> No.11499211


>> No.11499226

Irish because i'm Irish, Japanese cause i'm a weeb and Spanish cause it's pretty easy and I can take free classes every week with work. Although i'd say Spanish is the only one I am currently "learning"
I actually agree with you about speaking the language of your ancestors, but i don't get what's wrong with learning extra languages, even if there's no real reason to do so.

>> No.11499246

Language to learn for African Americans? Do they just take a dart and throw it at the gold coast and pick from there?

>> No.11499265

That would be more sincere than speaking English. In fact, Africans still cannot seriously speak English. It's layered with irony because they simply cannot sustain serious dialogue in the conqueror's tongue.
I applaud you for learning Irish. Spanish and Japanese though, eh. I would drop them if I were you. But that's some advice from a random anon on the internet with mild autism who has been debating this question for months.

>> No.11499341

Fair enough anon, you've obviously put a lot of thought into it, so I respect your opinion.

>> No.11499361

Desde ahora en adelante no voy a publicar nada en inglés en este sitio. Gracias Publicador Original, me has abierto los ojos.

>> No.11499387


>> No.11499414

Típico *nglo plebeyo: orgulloso de su ignorancia. Si te toma AÑOS aprender lo suficiente como para poder leer cómodamente un lenguaje extranjero, probablemente sos un retardado mental, lo cual es no poco plausible dada la naturaleza de tu post.

>> No.11499438

t. larping anglo

>> No.11499456

Speaking anything other than English as a first language is deleterious to the visuospatial processing faculty of the human brain.

English is the supreme lingua franca.

>> No.11499474

> lingua franca

Great English, anon!

>> No.11499485

Learning Irish because I'm Irish, will start old Irish after that then classical Irish and then middle Irish

if I have some time left over I might learn Latin cause I like it or German because I did a bit in school and want to read Goethe

>> No.11499549

maith thu a chara, lean ort le do chuid oibre

>> No.11499553
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Lingua franca is a functional term, independent of any linguistic history or language structure.


>> No.11499596

>Be a Latin American
>My ancestry can be traced back to native south american tribes, spaniards, hebrews and africans
Am I supposed to learn like five languages, pick one at random or just learn the language native to the land I inhabit?

>> No.11499605

I speak English, Bulgarian, Hindi, and French

Have I lost my identity?

>> No.11499618

You're a good troll, but that's Latin and means "language of the Franks." lol

> "speak English"
> speaks Latin

Yeah, mutts are always in a rough situation culturally. I'd say pick the one that most fits your phenotype. Maybe that's none of them. I think mutts don't do themselves any disservice by being bi or multi-lingual. My main point is that people should be linguistically connected to their ancestors. Whatever that means to you, follow it. Maybe you can't make all your ancestors proud, but you could do your best.

>> No.11499620

What's your ethnicity? As long as you know the tongue of your ancestors and it's your /main/ language, meaning you speak it best than I'd say no, you haven't lost it.

>> No.11499629

It's a Greek and English hybridization which first occurred in the English diction in the 1600's, you ignoramus.

>> No.11499645
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I also read another source that says it came from Italian (OED).

I think at this point you're just trolling or otherwise finding really bad sources instead of admitting you spoke to me in Latin while claiming English is the best language. lol

>> No.11499655
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/pol/ pls go

>> No.11500154

>Greek and English hybridization
>Latin words

>> No.11500319


>> No.11500438

>Learning a foreign language /just/ to read books is silly and a waste of time
Might be silly, but some people just really love to read and spending a whole lot of time essentially worshiping the work of your favourite authors should not be considered a waste of time by students of the humanities, otherwise what the fuck are we all here for?

the rest of this post is on the ball.

>> No.11501013

>lethargic brainlet
>sees every challenge as conspiracies against him
You are the definition of a subhuman

>> No.11501020

dude did you learn Spanish in the 8th grade?

>> No.11501025
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Source please?

>> No.11501213

Yes fight me

>> No.11501226

>language is a code used to decipher texts written in that code
>but learning a foreign language /just/ to read texts written in that code is 'silly'
t. anglos

>> No.11501446
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>Language learning is pushed for political reasons
As opposed to what you're proposing?

>> No.11501613

It's a Latin expression, and it's also used in other languages.

>> No.11501952

that's a pretty shitty definition of language, desu. language came about entirely independent of texts and its main purpose is not textual but verbal.

>> No.11501985


Imagine living in a society that has had at least 8 decades of total Jewish dominance in mass media, business, film, art, literature, government, culture, etc with no opposition., where 'they' have embedded themselves so deep within your psyche that you don't even know they are there, structuring your thoughts for you... And imagine that your icons, your culture, your favourite television shows, movies, music, everything you were brought up on and know and love, is a Jewish creation (a trick) and/or was pushed by 'them', likely so as to weaken you in some way...

Okay.. Then imagine they have invented an unknown amount of terms, they have literally changed language, and made up new words, changed their meanings, all to usher in radical change that they fund and then propagate through their global inter-connected network of news, tv, movies, and so on. Imagine they have quite literally bombarded you, your parents, and your grandparents minds from birth, and you're so accustomed to it that you don't even recognise its happening.

Still with me? Imagine 'they' own you, your family, and everyone you know and love. Their total assets are in the trillions but they have a literally unlimited supply of fiat currency to prop up anything they see fit, in reality. Imagine every aspect of modernity is entirely dominated by Jewish influence.