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11491819 No.11491819 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best counters to stirner? It is unsettling me and I want to go back to my spoops

I know Marx has a shitty counter, is there anything else?

>> No.11493080

Hindu philosophy.

>> No.11493088
File: 24 KB, 331x334, StirnerPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooks are just a spook. Problem solved.

>> No.11493095

Marx' counter is pretty comprehensive desu

>> No.11493143

just finished Stirner, gimme a quick rundown on Marx's counter?

>> No.11493203

1. Stirner's conception of history is supported by nothing and is unscientific.
2. His definition of "property" within the egoist framework tries way too hard to set itself apart from bourgeois property, when they're functionally the same.
3. His psychology is flawed. Counsciousness is not contained in the individual, but in larger groups such as class.

>> No.11493217

so he went 0/3 on that?

was there anything this marx guy was actually right about? he kinda sounds like his generations John Green

>> No.11493223

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11493237

I can add to what >>11493203 said that Stirner remains stuck in ideas and fails to see or tries to wish away real existing constraints. See for example the part where Stirner says he remains "free" under slavery because he's really just waiting for his opportunity to kill the master.

>> No.11493262
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>Counsciousness is not contained in the individual

>> No.11493283

3 is uhhhhh
I mean I get what he's trying to say but surely he didn't say it so poorly

>> No.11493287

your brain doesn't exist in a vacuum as much as a lot of western philosophy tries to convince you of the opposite.

>> No.11493318
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That is true, but i feel like the consciousness is a part of you that is unaffected by any outside influence. To be conscious is to be alive, so the old saying of "i think therefore i am" can't be changed regardless of outside factor besides death

>> No.11493333

yeah its one thing to say your mind is always in some kind of ecological context but its kind of another to deny that you experience your mind as an individual

>> No.11493348

>Counsciousness is not contained in the individual, but in larger groups such as class.
uh wrong

>> No.11493360

Individuals can't continue alone. Families (Tribes) do.
Individualism is a failure in this regard.

Tribalism is the ultimate redpill.

>> No.11493365

Stirner doesn't say you can't have a family or care about other people.

>> No.11493366

Now, why would you go and admit to being a retard with a picture like that friend?

>> No.11493370

t. sheep

>> No.11493377
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Shut up it's a good picture

>> No.11493383


he was just shit at it. you need to find someone who does it right.

blake is a good option. philosophers suck at answering the questions they ask.

>> No.11493404
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What? A tribe will fade away without outreaching to other cultures and communicating with other groups. This idea of isolationism will just lead to people die off into silence. Every culture has interacted with another one in some way (war, trade, colonisation) and to try and shut yourself away from the rest of the world is either childish in an age where connectivity can be done through a device that fits in your pocket, to suicidal where you are lost to the ages because you never talked to anyone else.

>> No.11493407

You're thinking of the conscience, not the consciousness, you colossal ignoramus.

How could someone possibly confuse the two. Is it because the words look similar? Fuck me dead.

>> No.11493420

>A tribe will die off without interactions with other tribes.

That's patently absurd.

>> No.11493430

the machine has arrived to fix that.

>> No.11493433


>> No.11493442

(You)'re a retard, yes.

>> No.11493451
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You could look at it from a gene pool perspective but i think a better way to look at it is through the sudden interaction of of a culture that has been more exposed to others then the isolated one. The one which has been around is typically more advanced then one that has been stuck growing wheat all day. This is seen with tribes in africa, the chechens in the past, and the catch up game that russia and japan were forced to play. Europe was full of varying cultures and has interacted with the middle east and asia before monotheism was even a thing.

>> No.11493456

You're an indian or a non-first worlder, arent you.

No white man could be as incomprehensible as that rambling retarded shit.

>> No.11493470
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Yet a white man like hitler wrote an entire book ranting about austria-hungary like a toddler denied an xbox

>> No.11493482


>> No.11493593

Just read some real skepticism and realise the point of it. If not ataraxia, it's just kicking away the crutch and clearing cobwebs so you can build something new.

Here: https://archive.org/details/scepticismandani00santuoft

>> No.11493720

you didn't answer his question

are you white?

>> No.11493769

>A tribe will fade away with outreaching to other cultures and communicating with other groups

The examples you presented in your later post only argue that tribes die out BECAUSE of their contact with other cultures. From a hypothetical perspective, there is no reason why a tribe couldn't reproduce into perpetuity, while an individual by definition cannot. That's the point.

>> No.11493782

>so you can build something new.

missed the point of the whole thing there.

>> No.11493805

How the fuck did Pyrrho get the idea that skepticism would lead to ataraxia. Uncertainty is literally driving me mad.