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/lit/ - Literature

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11489892 No.11489892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the literary polar opposite of art hoe-core?

>> No.11490201

would all three of them

>> No.11490534

The girl on the right looks remarkably like my ex-girlfriend, sans the glasses and part in her forehead.

>the literary polar opposite of art hoe-core
Perennial philosophy.

>> No.11490538
File: 371 KB, 499x505, 1520470716654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I might add, I should enjoy filling all three girls' wombs with potent seminal fluid.

>> No.11490573

What's with salopettes, baggy jeans, dyed hair and turtle neck sweaters that appeals so much to art hoes ?

Would fuck them anytime btw

>> No.11490578

Any good writing that has stood the test of time.

>> No.11490579

They think they're unique

>> No.11490589


>> No.11490592

>Why would shapeless girls wear clothes that conceal your shape and dye their hair for attention?

>> No.11490605

Ugggh dungareess

>> No.11490619


>> No.11490663

Does your name start with an A?

>> No.11490675

No, but with an R.

>> No.11490685

What's so embarrassing ?

>> No.11490693

He thinks that displaying a desire to have sex with these girls comes from a place of submission to sexual impulse or to their wiles, when in reality most people are merely looking to take advantage of their dispositions and more or less 'conquer' these types of females.

To hazard a guess, at least.

>> No.11490699

ah ok
She looks just like and probably is a girl I used to know

>> No.11490715

top kek
>art hoes literally do all look the same

>> No.11490721

they're not art hoes
they're nice girls that are cute and independent and staceys

>> No.11490723

I smell disappointment

>> No.11490737
File: 2.21 MB, 500x281, unnamed (18).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are bangs the universal carte-de-visite of the art hoe?

>> No.11490738

>tfw no art thot gf
>even if I had one we wouldn't be compatible

>> No.11490752
File: 106 KB, 500x499, cucumber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the primary problem regarding my own female relationships. I find these sort of girls appealing, especially as regards their purported 'sentimentality' or 'sensitivity', but the moment they go browsing through my library and find 'Metaphysics of War', 'Fanged Noumena', etc, it is all over.

>> No.11490762
File: 251 KB, 1195x643, female_character_design___breasts_curves_by_ab0180-d29qvo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afraid of being women so they present as pre-pubescent. Attempt to erase their female form and regress to a child's body in child's clothing; note the Osh Kosh kid overalls. A failure to launch into womanhood masked as a retreat to the noetic realm of culture/art.

>> No.11490770

i need an art ho gf right fucking now
im about to go doopin mental

>> No.11490778
File: 64 KB, 746x888, 1526298892759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failure to launch into womanhood
There is not a possible condition barring distinct biological circumstances. Womanhood is a state induced by the flow of nature and aging; manhood is the only gender state that can be actively 'launched into', or rather, 'attained'.

>> No.11490791

You sound like you got too many vaccines as a child

>> No.11490803

I am

>> No.11490810

god i wish that were me

>> No.11490835

Operating with male blinkers there anon. Another example is the neophyte kawaii/cute fetish of Asian women who refuse womanhood and regress into cartoon childhood clothing and adornments. Another with significant overlap to the Art Hoe are anorexics, who through starvation physically erase their secondary sexual characteristics of breast development and menses, and regress to physical pre-pubescence.

The Art Hoe flees sensual womanhood of their post-pubescent bodies by escaping into a noetic realm of art, culture, books etc.

>> No.11490859
File: 816 KB, 3790x2842, 34dbc59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you all know that these things are completely incompatible with long-term relationships. I swear to Christ that à relationship with an art hoe lasts just as long as the coloring in their hair.
t. dipshit who wasted time and money chasing tail

>> No.11490860

Nah only the one on the left...

>> No.11490862

Many women fail to become women. All women inhere the form of womanhood but many do not actualise it; 20-somethings dressing in baggy toddler overalls i.e. the Art Hoe uniform, being examples.

>> No.11490869

Where's your analog camera, faggot?

I love analog cameras

>> No.11490876

>Covering up the title of Lolita with tape
Most pretentious thing in that pic to be desu

>> No.11490883

*sips cum*

>> No.11490890

Classic Homeric epic poetry

>> No.11490891

I hate this subculture

>> No.11490897

>tfw no achilles bf
He'd probably be a fucking pain in the ass with his retard rage.

>> No.11490909

Only people who call clothespins C-47s have an analog cam.

>> No.11490914

>that pic

>> No.11490922

right? trying to be hipster should be a fucking crime

>> No.11490923

I have no idea what the hell that means, anon.

>> No.11490929
File: 29 KB, 266x371, JPEG_20180720_002107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently dating an art-hoe and the sex is so good, she even used to be a feminist but dropped it because I didn't like it.

>> No.11490931

Film and photography majors are complete losers who refer to clothespins as C-47s

>> No.11490941
File: 48 KB, 146x206, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a brick

>> No.11490945

pretty comfy pic but if someone actually lived like this I'd punch them in the face

>> No.11490946

The worst kind of human trash if you can just drop your convictions like that

>> No.11490955

I googled it and what I found was some sort of military airplane, so that confused me a bit.

>photography majors
Why would someone do this? I've seen the photos produced by people with bachelors or even masters degrees in photography, and plenty of it was complete trash. Still, photography can be great if you're not trying to be a pretentious cunt, and analog cameras make it more of a physical craft with genuine tactile feedback, and that's what I like. There is a weight behind each picture you take, especially if you run medium format. Though if I was professional (or even wanted to be) I'd most likely use a digital, but as it is, it's just not as fun, nor is the result as satisfying.

>> No.11490959

Women don't have innate convictions they mirror the values of the group or the dominant man in their lives.

>> No.11490965

I know, I know. Guess that makes most women human trash.

>> No.11490966
File: 763 KB, 1280x850, TommyLeeJonesNoCountry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're a vet who still uses the camera he brought in 1938 and calls clothespins C-47s and them some millennial douchebag makes fun of you for it

>> No.11490968

See, I find this aesthetic attractive but I know that they're all basic leftwing bitches who ironically believe themselves to be bisexual and openly hate all men while secretly wanting to be dominated by them.

>> No.11490978

>Not fucking the feminism out of a girl
You're missing out friend

>> No.11490981

It makes them women. An important progression to womenhood is abandoning the values of her parents and group, and adopting the values of her new mate.

>> No.11490988

Don't be too hard on them, they can't help it.

>> No.11490996

This is the most autistic thing I’ve ever read

>> No.11491013

This is honestly true. I've seen it all the time. Women pick men that are the fully realized person they want to be, more or less. This is especially true for women who didn't settle for some guy when they hit 30.

Once they've picked this person, they begin to subconsciously adopt the habits and positions of that guy. This is why even strong-willed women eventually mirror the opinions of their husbands over time. Selection bias.

>> No.11491045

This is redpilled as fuck. Everything is starting to make sense now.

>> No.11491065

>mfw I, a millennial douchebag, triggers a war vet


>> No.11491071

That's true, take Penelope for exemple

>> No.11491086

There's nothing wrong with getting a degree in film or photography, but there's a lot wrong with thinking that doing so will magically grant you legendary status.

What kind of camera do you have?

>> No.11491097

It's /mu/.

>> No.11491102


>> No.11491105

>art hoes
>not milking their womanhood
You're wrong. Art hoes are very comfortable and in touch with their femininity, they generally just embrace a certain amount of masculinity as well, and their style of dress is really just an aesthetic choice that in no way implies a lack of comfort with their sexuality or anything.

>> No.11491114

She's still a feminist like most other Westerners, she just isn't a vocal lolfeminist anymore, because you made her realize that literally everyone but other lolfeminists finds that annoying as fuck.

>> No.11491117

Wait, what? I thought this was /mu/. Why else would there be a thread about art hoes? Art hoes don't read literature. What the fuck is this?

>> No.11491121

The male equivalent if these are even worse, the stupid knitted jumpers and turned up light blue jeans and single earring, it's the cunt's uniform

>> No.11491179
File: 288 KB, 1129x1676, 336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have been selected to be able to bond and child-rear with men from the neighbouring tribe who have just killed their old-husbands and fathers and have abducted them as concubines/wives.

Mitochondrial DNA stays in place and is incredibly diverse because conquered women are always put to use as mates preserving their Mitochondrial DNA lineage rather than being wiped out. Y-chromosone DNA is far more limited and follows invasion patterns. Men invade a tribe, kill the men, and keep the conquered women as wives and concubines. Over tens of thousands of years women who thrive in this abduction-model of tribal warfare and easily bond with their new abductor-husbands are selected for. Women who can't bond with the abductor-husband are selected against.

Women are biologically programmed to bond with the dominant man is their life, even if that man just slaughtered their own fathers and husbands and rape-abducted them.

>> No.11491203

That's kinda hot

>> No.11491207

Do you retards actually believe this caveman conditioning stuff or is this just a meme I missed out on?

>> No.11491220


>> No.11491252

Are you unironically an actual boomer?

>> No.11491255

Stoicism and anything ontological

>> No.11491259

So this is the power... of Russian science... the great domesticators of the savage fox....

>> No.11491278

I was watching smash mouth at the San Mateo county Fair and all these 15 year old art hoes just sat there looking at there phones the whole time until 'all star' was played. Then they all in synch; stood up, recorded "somebody once told me" on Snapchat and in single file left in a hurry before the song was even over. What can be done about these gen z boomers?

>> No.11491279

Lmao imagine thinking this

>> No.11491280


>> No.11491284

imagine not

>> No.11491287
File: 596 KB, 1201x860, The_Intervention_of_the_Sabine_Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Livy for the lit version
Book 1 Chapters 9-13:

> The resentment of the brides was already much diminished at the very moment when their parents, in mourning garb and with tears and lamentations, were attempting to arouse their states to action.

>> No.11491294


>> No.11491303

Explain "innate conviction."

>> No.11491315

best post

>> No.11491318

this picture drains whole motivation for writing that I've ever had and makes me go into Goebbels mode.

>> No.11491328

And you probably think women are easily influenced, don't you?

>> No.11491333

The worst threads always get the most replies. /lit/ is a pile of dung.

>> No.11491337

In the sense of the post it's replying to>>11490959. The convictions held are not innate or interior to the women's being, nor independent of the group or man whose views she is mirroring. Only the mirror itself is innate or interior to the womens being, the drive to mimic and mould-herself-to is innate, not the particular views reflected in it at any time.

>> No.11491341

*worst threads

>> No.11491366

t. neurotic art hoe wearing toddler overalls and many repellent bangs

>> No.11491373

Innate conviction is the way a person acts independent of external influence. A person who will act the same with or without group influence has innate conviction.

>> No.11491375

All the people

>> No.11491461

Still the best pile of dung on this particular pile of dung

>> No.11491538

please dont tell me this actually happened IRL. this pains me.