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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 300x300, Acceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11490611 No.11490611 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that help one achieve acceptance of things as they are and stop wishing things were different?
I guess Kierkegaard wrote something related?

>> No.11490935

WTF. Grab life by the pussy son

>> No.11492217

Try the writings of Arthur Schopenhauer. He has this term "die beste aller Welten" which literally translates to "the best of all worlds", which basically means that the world, regardless of how shitty things may seem, is exactly the way it's supposed to be and there's no other way it could possibly be.

Also try The Stranger by Camus, the focus may be more on indifference, but indifference and acceptance are somewhat related.

>> No.11493085

>basically means that the world, regardless of how shitty things may seem, is exactly the way it's supposed to be and there's no other way it could possibly be.
Didn't Spinoza also write something like that?

>> No.11493125

I don't know, I'm not all that familiar with Spinoza.

>> No.11493134
File: 41 KB, 500x795, The_Way_Of_Chuang_Tzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic related for a good answer.

Schopenhauer was anything but satisfied with existence and the way things are.

>> No.11493378

I didn't say that he was satisfied, just acceptant. He kind of gave up the hope for a better world, which lead to acceptance of the world how it is. Satisfaction is something entirely different and he clearly didn't experience it, you're right about that.

>> No.11493402

Leibniz is who you're looking for. Spinoza has 'sub specie aeternitatis' though.

>> No.11493490

Carl Jung's Red Book was helpful. Made me feel better about my lot in life and helped me empathize with the plight of others. I read the Red Book after going through psychosis and found that his recount of his own break from reality was largely helpful in making sense of what I experienced.

>> No.11493498

And right after that you can go ahead with Candide.