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11484821 No.11484821 [Reply] [Original]

You know he only feels that way because he looks like this

>> No.11484827

Everyone feels a certain way because they look a certain way.

>> No.11484864

I wonder if entire ideologies have been created because of physical inferiority.

Like contemplative religious traditions always vouch for celibacy for example, and although their arguments are coherent, I can't help but feel that they are rationalizations sprung from lack of pussy. I've never seen a monk, or religious figure, that was a 6'2 big-dicked turbo chad. These are also not the people turning towards these kinds of traditions.
In the same way, the people these days that go around around yelling 'degeneracy!' are always autistic, ugly, beta, small dicked, etc. Again, I've never seen a male model looking ass motherfucker campaigning for celibacy, because of course, why would they? It's not a problematic area of life for them.

I find that in general strong ideologies always attract meek people. Like the Nazi high command was filled with a bunch of manlet, weak jawlined, turbo beta's. Or for example, I like to read up on the occult, and most prominent occult figures have also been fat, ugly, bald, etc.

I reckon it's to do with the fact that when people can't full fill their primary biological function - simply put; they can't get laid- because of physical ineptitude e.g. lack of attractive physical attributes, they turn towards an ideological output to justify their lack of 'base fulfilment'.

>> No.11484879

spot on

>> No.11484885


> I've never seen a monk, or religious figure, that was a 6'2 big-dicked turbo chad.

You couldn't distinguish them even if they were like that, that's the point of the long beards and robes. Can't speak about dick size, but there are tall monks. Iirc Thomas Aquinas was quite tall (peobably for his epoch) and fat so he was nicknamed Bull or something like that. Sure he was no bodybuilder, but the standards of the time were different.

>> No.11484894

Ideology is biography. No exceptions

>> No.11484895

(Nvm, it was dumb ox rather than bull. The point still stands!)

>> No.11484898
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> I've never seen a monk, or religious figure, that was a 6'2 big-dicked turbo chad.

Orthodox priests are usually chad

>> No.11484905

>I can't help but feel that
>I've never seen
>These are also not the people
>In the same way, the people these days that go around around yelling
>Again, I've never seen
>I find that in general
I reckon

Life must be great when you're this stupid. You can start every sentence with I find, I feel, or I reckon and make sense of things.

>> No.11484909
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>> No.11484920

I dunno dude Anton LeVey probably saw Jayne Mansfield's bibbie bobbies at least once maybe

>> No.11484926


>> No.11484927

How easy do you think it'd be if I went to church or temple to attract a qt catholic or jewish lady

>> No.11484930

Thomas Ligotti

>> No.11484951

>t. projecting libshit

haha dumb nazis must b nazis because they are ugly and cant get laid unlike me lmao

>> No.11484956

idk dude, I've never been able to have sex with a woman, i'm not necessarily bad looking just a social cripple lol but I'm not against other people having a sex as long as they don't aggressively shove it into my face

my main worry is the clean up afterwards like ew gross

>> No.11485014

This is only true for straight men. You find good looking women and gay men behind strong ideologies, especially on the right. The European far right is this filled with good looking women Marion Maréchal) and gay men (Jörg Haider) at the helm.

>> No.11485050
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and this is disagreement?
are you part of any deep ideology?
are you advocating for your state to others?
It seems not so.
you are agreeing with him

>> No.11485058

There's a kernel of truth in your post, but it is a gross over simplification.

>> No.11485060

no i think it the genetic mental disorder and the stomach problems.

>> No.11485061

Chinlets truly are disgusting.

>> No.11485067
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All convictions are based on one's own lifestyle and personality.

This is something I've observed in philosophy, a large portion of the great philosophers just describe the life they lived prior or would live anyway. And claim this to be the righteous way. They were already doomed to hold the views they claim to have arrived at.

>> No.11485093

are you implying he cant make sense of things due to lack of prior knowledge on a subject or simply because he is creating a synthetic a priori ?
If its the latter then there is much work that disproves that such non-empirical assertions can't be correct

>> No.11485101

>reads nietzsche once

>> No.11485139


Yeah that's like the will and shit or something

>> No.11485299

how does this relate to nietzsche ? just wondering,
personally havent read enough of his works to understand his central critique of ideology

>> No.11485359

nietzsche says that a person's morality aka way of seeing the world is determined by their physio-psychological constitution e.g. christian morality is the product of a weak constitution.

>> No.11485382

what do you mean exactly when saying 'physio-psychological constitution' ; what are you reffering to as the 'constitution' ?
And how is christianity the result of a weakend said consitution

>> No.11485393

What about Rasputin

>> No.11485428

Your problem and I see this all the time online and on 4chan is that you grossly grossly underestimate the amount of grooming that goes into being a Chad. By and large most any guy who is willing to spend more time on fitness and fashion than 80% of men (and that is really easy because most men just dont care) will look like a Chad. You mostly underestimate this factor with women as well. Naked they all look and feel mostly the same but a dressed up woman with a sly smile and some pop in her walk looks something as worth possessesing in the same way as a luxury car does. Groom yourself if that is your goal.

>> No.11485429

a bunch of vaguely defined pseudo-biological mumbo jumbo basically. you should just read him if you want to know exactly what he himself deemed signs of a strong or weak constitution. he's not too consistent with it either.

>> No.11485467

>he is not consistent with it either
i cant tell from what you've said and from reading half of Zarathustra and brief exerpts of gay sciences that it infact seems to be my main gripe with Nietzsche's work and its obiquitous idiology

>> No.11485478

Confirmation bias and also a tendency to think that the sexual game is ubiquitous (this is common among american 4channers)

>> No.11485487

>this is the level of insight that gets tons of replies on /lit/


>> No.11485490

Based and rep pilled

>> No.11485623
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There is a truth to what you're saying but you take it way too far. First of all there are very few perfect beautiful and successful people in the world, those that do exist have no need for ideologies because their lives are already perfect, that is until something tragic happens to them and they have no mechanism for coping with it because they never had a bad experience in their whole life.

>> No.11485630

Aquinas was a fat balding guy who everyone thought was stupid. Not exactly a good example

>> No.11485639

Because neetch makes the point that christian morality is essentially a cope to deal with being powerless and poor

>> No.11485999

I entirely disagree

>> No.11486016

I don't think this is right. Most people aren't good looking and the best looking man I've ever seen is a monk.

>> No.11486074

>the jealously is strong here

>> No.11486082

Chad is a myth.

>> No.11486442

tbqh I'm not sure about the balding, monk used to intentionally shave like that at the time

>> No.11487274



>> No.11487337
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I dunno, I feel like the majority of people are average or lame looking, so beautiful people are often going to be the exception in most areas. Manson was not so bad looking in his youth, for instance. Though he lived a rough life of abandonment so it also seems unsurprising that he would have become a hobo cult leader. Theres some truth to that whole thing, though. But even in the case of the Nazis I'm not sure if you could say that such an ideology would have had to come from betas. I'm sure there were plenty of chad Friekorps guys who just became bloodthirsty animals because they identified as warriors after experiences in WW1.

>> No.11488350

I don't know why the other anons who replied didn't mention this but the same argument you make about the nazis Nietzsche made about Socrates:

In origin, Socrates belonged to the lowest class: Socrates was plebs. We know, we can still see for ourselves, how ugly he was. But ugliness, in itself an objection, is among the Greeks almost a refutation. Was Socrates a Greek at all? Ugliness is often enough the expression of a development that has been crossed, thwarted by crossing. Or it appears as declining development. The anthropologists among the criminologists tell us that the typical criminal is ugly: monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo. [“monster in face, monster in soul”] But the criminal is a decadent. Was Socrates a typical criminal? At least that would not be contradicted by the famous judgment of the physiognomist which sounded so offensive to the friends of Socrates. A foreigner who knew about faces once passed through Athens and told Socrates to his face that he was a monstrum -- that he harbored in himself all the bad vices and appetites. And Socrates merely answered: "You know me, sir!"

>> No.11488419

>You mostly underestimate this factor with women as well. Naked they all look and feel mostly the same


>> No.11488505 [DELETED] 

>You find good looking women and gay men behind strong ideologies, especially on the right.
They would feel sexually deformed instead of physically deformed.

>> No.11488517

>144. When a woman has scholarly inclinations there is generally something wrong with her sexual nature. Barrenness itself conduces to a certain virility of taste; man, indeed, if I may say so, is "the barren animal."
t. Nietzsche

>> No.11488633

I think you mean biology?

>> No.11488934

>small dicked chink
>becomes a monk
Thank for proving that anon's point.

>> No.11488966

So where does one go after Ligotti? Who else writes that kind of oneiric semi-abstract fiction that is not about people and events, but about ideas and supernatural phenomena as an allegory of the meaninglessness of existence?

>> No.11488980

Crowley was drowning in pussy
Goering was a turbo chad
Rasputin had to be killed because he cucked the entire country
Most of the apostles had multiple wives

To name but a few.

>> No.11489087

That's just not true. Eventually everyone falls - some in their teens, some in their 40s - and they realize a void within themselves that cannot be filled or, rather, will not be filled by anything that their own limited capacity can procure. Obviously people deal with this differently, but to say that there is a man who is not in despair, that there is someone who has not known despair, is juvenile. King Solomon despaired, read Ecclesiastes. You sound like a whiny bitch with ressentiment issues.Think past the physical.

>> No.11489214

So everyone is replying to >>11484864 but I think we need to address the real reason Ligotti is so down in the dumps.

It isn't just his chinlessness. Dude has everything from anhedonic depression to irritable bowel syndrome. All you have to do is read some of his interviews to understand easily why he hates life so much.

>> No.11489754

oof, the most 4chan post I've seen in a while

>> No.11490002

This. We think fairly solipsitical yet we know ourselves only in relation to others.

>> No.11490009

No the things someone believes is going to be a product of their life experiences. Biology plays a role in that, probably a huge one, but it is still one of a number of factors that mould a person

>> No.11490279
File: 42 KB, 800x487, black-pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus and Mars.
Sex and Money.
Seduction and Power.

>> No.11490317

How's that collection of shorts Penguin put out recently?

>> No.11490336

>I've never seen a monk, or religious figure, that was a 6'2 big-dicked turbo chad.
I wouldn't call myself chad, but I'm six foot three with a pretty decent dick and a pretty decent face. I could probably do pretty well romantically if I was inclined to do so, but I'm attracted to celibacy and those sorts of traditions definitely, so I think there's more to it than physicality.

>> No.11490456
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>> No.11490651

It's alright. It's his first two books from the 80s so they're a bit of a mixed bag. Good stories but he was still admittedly imitating other authors (like "this is my Nabokov story") but there's some real gems in there. Skip ahead to Teatro Grottesco for full-form Ligotti

>> No.11490709

Thanks, I bought it a while ago and it's been sitting on a shelf ever since. Feels like the right time to give it a look.

>> No.11490742

Ligotti would be pretty normal looking if he got an orthodontist to look at that under bite to be honest

>> No.11491043

Some people, at some point in their life, deny the idea of buying normality. They are too aware about how people used to treat them as "non-normal", that there will always be resentfulness and lack of trust when the "normal people" start treating them as "normal".

>> No.11491228

You don't have to put those words in quotation marks anon, normality is objective and statistical.

>> No.11491251


>> No.11491266

Kah-moo was a pussy slayer and he enjoyed writing about suicide

>> No.11491358

Your post is funny and true. There are always exceptions to the rule and your examples aren't completely correct but your mostly right. The difference is that normal people who have lived their lives in an equilibrium with the world around them usually don't come to these kind of conclusions. Ligotti's circumstance pushed him into writing about the conspiracy, but if you read the book you know that he's not campaigning for the negative view of life, just refuting the overly positive, and affirming the neutral.

>> No.11491360

You guys are missing the mark. It isn’t just ugly people that immerse themselves in ideologies. It’s SUFFERING people. In my time in the church I can’t tell you how many Chads or Stacies I’ve met who we’re doing just fine and then Bam! something happened so they ran to the first ideology which came to mind, which is usually Christianity or something similar.

>> No.11491398

ty based shill, been looking for something like this.

>> No.11491447

>I find that in general strong ideologies always attract meek people.
It's mean to attract everyone in a group by claiming being a race is inherently heroic.

>> No.11491457

I've met beautiful wealthy people that not only relies on the most stupid ideologies or lucky charms but that seem to look for a way to destroy their so called perfect life. And when they start talking to me, they are just an awful mess I would like not to even know about it. So, I don't understand, maybe ugliness and suffering give you some tools to understand the world or fight it.
But some of the "ideal people" (Chads or Stacies) never develop those weapons or tools, because they live lulled in a society that hardly put them obvious hazards, and when it happens they are not even mentally ready to start to understand it, so they resolve it with greys, curses, gods, or a fan fiction story.
Not saying non attractive people don't do it. But there is a difference bewteeen a self-aware ugly person and a one that tries not being one.

>> No.11491544

>Your problem and I see this all the time online and on 4chan is that you grossly grossly underestimate the amount of grooming that goes into being a Chad.

Your post is accurate, I'd just like to point out that this is because of wilfull ignorance. If anyone can become a Chad then they have themselves to blame for being lazy idiots, which they are. It's also the reason they obsess over height and hairline, two of the very few things they actually can't control, and think it's end all for attractiveness, because if it is they don't have to make any effort.

But yeah, you're absolutely right.

>> No.11491782
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>> No.11491799

>sy. I've never seen a monk, or religious figure, that was a 6'2 big-dicked turbo chad.
Just go to Russia/orthodox monks or check some shaolin monks.

>> No.11492251


I wonder if entire posts are written because everything can be explained by your insecurities.

>> No.11493250

i too read the nietzsche wikipedia page