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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 468x339, knoxyDM3011_468x339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1148146 No.1148146 [Reply] [Original]

How you impress people with /lit/ thread.

I once tryed to talk about books but the people looked at me like I was a freak/reject. Then I went to a party & tryed to put some music on but they didnt like it & turned it off. Then I drank alcohol got depressed & embarassed myself.

Need some pro-tips guise.

>> No.1148147

not this shit again

>> No.1148149

Delete system32 file off your computer, then you will have all the friends.

>> No.1148155

If someone trys to talk to me while im reading i pretend i need a minute to ponder over what i just read.

Thats what i do to look smart OP

>> No.1148156

get fucked virgin, or kill yourself.

>> No.1148157

I don't seem to have a system32 file on my computer, I searched.

>> No.1148165

i dont want to have sex. killing myself is scary, could be painful, might not even work..

>> No.1148167

parties are for entertainment. by the sound of it you use them to put people down with your amazing erudition - if you want to address more pretentious matters do it with irony and at a level accessible to people with a superficial knowledge of the subject. if you are sure they know what you are talking about make it fucking worth their time

>> No.1148169

When you're talking to new people, talk exclusively in quotes from things you've read, people will think your cool and edgy.

>> No.1148173

I'm intrigued, which music did you play? cause the house parties i go to, i'm the mother fucker who sorts the music. You must have put on some real downer or shit to annoy everybody.

>> No.1148174

But I put on a big hit single, see:

i just wanted to like

>> No.1148176

Stop trying to be Stagolee, you're humiliating yourself and depressing everyone else.

>> No.1148177

You didn't did you..

You know as well as i do the normal person dont like Experimental music.

>> No.1148178

You always complain about others drinking, but the first chance you get, you do it also.

>> No.1148180
File: 110 KB, 1160x728, god troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this tybraxx?

>> No.1148185

1. I could never be Stagolee & I miss him as much as any of you.

2. i cant be humiliated here, you guys love me for who i am

3. why depressing?

>> No.1148187

Next time, play this:
Everybody loves this shit.

>> No.1148188

no this was ages ago when i still had friends. i dont drink now

>> No.1148191

>Next time
there wont be a next time. parties are boring. just kinda an excuse for the social elite to grope each other & get drunk.

>> No.1148195
File: 15 KB, 215x234, TyBrax14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moral of the story is life is unfair? Well the NHS should offer free euthanization in that case.

>> No.1148196

Want me to unleash my masterful playlist?

>> No.1148202

If it contains 'So Deep' then by all means go ahead.

>> No.1148203

>Experimental music
4/4 beat & catchy voice melody is experimental?

>> No.1148204


the moral of the picture that God is some epic troll, making people believe he's all good and shit.


>> No.1148206

then stick to impressing people on /lit/. unless we are all samefags you just created a successful thread. congrats!

>> No.1148209

i want to do something crazy. what should i do?

something realistic & relevant to my life

>> No.1148212

/r9k/ is that way -->

>> No.1148216

>unless we are all samefags you just created a successful thread. congrats!
I have successful threads all the time. It's a shame alot of people decide not to stick to the on-topic intentions in my OPs though.

>> No.1148218

It's on the edge of Math Rock


^^ The usual shit, bitches love the Bowie.

>> No.1148221

this thread is the worst possible kind of trash, gtfo of my /lit/ and gb2/r9k/

>> No.1148233

You know Mogwai, maybe you're not so bad after all.

>> No.1148234

kill urself

>> No.1148238


Please dont accuse me of samefag guys :(

>> No.1148247


protip: if you want advice about how to stop being so socially awkward, go to /r9k/

>> No.1148249
File: 66 KB, 500x328, moreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel I should qualify my above statement by adding that you're much more bearable when talking about muzak and not doing that Al Green Bump N' Sage shit, and that you bring a lot of the shit you get on yourself.

>> No.1148250

make a thread for me & ill read it if its good

>> No.1148252

sage for yet another retarded tripfag livejournal thread

>> No.1148254

how about YOU make a thread there and stop creating off-topic drivel in /lit/?

>> No.1148257

I must point out that i'm infant from /mu/ and when on /mu/.. i'm actually really helpful and constructive.

/lit/'s just my ass. Sorry guys.

>> No.1148267

does anyone on /lit/ read my posts & go OMG YOU ARE ME

ever? :|

>> No.1148270


Fwiw, I haven't seen much of your /lit/ faggotry but I did like your youtube playlist.

>> No.1148272

I dont understand the hate here.

>> No.1148275

you could start with eating less

>> No.1148276
File: 44 KB, 594x446, 1268549392365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I was nice earlier, but didn't offer any particular advice, I figure I will chime in. But, polite-sage, since this isn't /lit/ related.

First off, impressing people is really the wrong way of looking at it. Nobody will mind if you be yourself. Just be confident, and realize that it is perfectly fine to be whoever you are. How to be confident? Easy enough, act like you are. I don't mean the horrendous over-compensating guy 'I fucked everyone forever' confident. I mean, open up your body language. Chances are you fold your arms in when talking, try not to touch others, and don't join in conversations on topics that you aren't an expert on. All of these things are hindrances.
So, open yourself up. NEVER let your arms cross, don't be afraid of touching others. Brush to the arms, pat on the shoulder. Don't linger, mind you. This right here is the biggest thing. Hold yourself with confidence, and you'll start to feel calmer and more at home in the situation. If you want to put some effort in to it, pick up a martial art or start working out. They'll both help you mentally with it.
Conversation-wise, don't be afraid to ask others questions. They LIKE talking and teaching. If you make a mistake, don't fixate on it, because no one else will. As far as applying /lit/ goes, just have a few interesting things prepared. Like anecdotes on Wilde, or other decently known authors. Beyond that, /lit/ isn't you, so don't try to force yourself in to it.

Any other questions, Tybrax? I hope these have help.

<--Mad Props for trying.

>> No.1148278
File: 408 KB, 1024x768, lit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.1148279

no but everytime i see a manatee on television i think about you

>> No.1148280

Why can't you keep your whining to yourself? Seriously, if you don't dump it on people in real life, then please don't burden us with your shit. Man up and shut up

>> No.1148281

>>have help.

derp. Helped.

>> No.1148282

replace thread with food and read with eat and it basically sums up your life

>> No.1148283
File: 424 KB, 918x1781, 4onpage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favorite was when i got support of a bro, and took over page 1. hehehe

>> No.1148286
File: 61 KB, 320x240, 1280177591333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would do that? Are you that starved for attention or are you just jealous about how awesome /lit/ is compared to the rest of 4chan?

>> No.1148288
File: 302 KB, 1024x768, lols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1148289

he like-a da attention. like a child, like a dog

>> No.1148292
File: 227 KB, 912x490, win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit from column A, bit from column B

it makes me happy :)

>> No.1148297
File: 255 KB, 708x755, Mogwaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was fun.

>> No.1148301

i dont have anyone to dump it on. you love me for who i am /lit/ i appreciate it

>Nobody will mind if you be yourself
read the OP.

>Just be confident
"fake it till you make it"?

All the stuff below seems a bit daunting. I might do that stuff but then they'd see through my faking & give me a bad look so I want to stay inside.

i have to be social for uni though :(

>> No.1148303
File: 20 KB, 375x500, TyBrax2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I anxiously walk by outside, avoiding eye-contact from anybody. Every day my spirits are lifted by the supportive denizens of /lit/. Without you, there would be no TyBrax, and for that I thank you

>> No.1148304

it's pretty sad you take all these screenshots of insignificant events featuring you. it's like looking at loneliness itself ;_;

now im sad, thanks mogwai. thanks.....

>> No.1148305

I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.1148307

This again? Good God. Sage.

>> No.1148308

It's such a clumsy attempt at satire, yet 51 posts and rising.

>> No.1148309

mogwai isnt lonely dumbass. he just comes onto 4chan to feel lonely because he gets over-socialized irl

>> No.1148310

without you however, there would be a food reserve with the potential to feed the entire third world. think about it

>> No.1148312

>i have to be social for uni though :(

Why 'have to'?

>> No.1148313

i didn't reach that conclusion. just that my parents would be sad for a few months.

>> No.1148316

lol, keep telling that yourself

>> No.1148319

"Fake it til you make it" is kind of what I'm getting at. But, again, it's more of just how you hold yourself, how you choose to act.
>>I once tryed to talk about books but the people looked at me like I was a freak/reject

Books aren't you. Maybe they just don't read.

>>I went to a party & tryed to put some music on but they didnt like it & turned it off.

The music you listen to? Yeah, that's not you either. Hell, most people find Billy Corgan's voice annoying. He's my favorite artist, but I don't play him at parties.

>>I drank alcohol got depressed & embarassed myself.

Well, drunk you isn't you, but you ARE responsible for what happens. I'm actually sober for life. Anyway, everyone pretty much writes off what happens at parties as just being good fun. Make-outs and sex are an exception to this, though.

So, in conclusion, I don't think anyone had a problem with YOU. Maybe some of the stuff you like, but that's not really an issue. People can trash David Bowie all they want, it doesn't say a thing about me.

>> No.1148320

do you know what university is like? clubs. clubs everywhere.

there was even a guy today encouraging people to get shy people to join them. all anyone does is clubs & go boozing at night. im gonna puke now

>> No.1148322

It's so i can show my work in moments such as this.
You mad?

I just lost 3 of my best buds who went away for uni, my 2 main buddies are staying so i'm fine.. but when your 'going out' friends go.. it's a sad weekend.

>> No.1148325

its funny how people can only respond with u mad when you've hit the right spot

>> No.1148327

Well actually 'It's so i can show my work in moments such as this.' was my response. but ok ignore the sentence and take the common response.

>> No.1148329

puking is good. also, not eating so much

>> No.1148331

ok but i need to use tastes because i dont have anything to offer as a person. im not fun, boring & awkward.

thats why i cant join in "randum" conversations & stuff. i think neurotic is the word, i have nothing/no creativity etc.

>> No.1148332

i already covered that part with the words 'insignificant' and 'sad' (use ctrl + f to search for keywords, great tip! keep the soul alive!!)

>> No.1148335

its funny how nobody likes you on the internet (the easiest social medium) either

>> No.1148337

Exactly & this is where I be myself I guess. Perfect example.

>> No.1148339


I attend a university. I volunteer in the writing lab, go to poetry readings, help profs prepare for classes, and teach poetry off and on. Occasionally I play RPG's with friends and tabletop board games with other students. Sometimes I go to raves, but it's for the dancing. I go to open mic nights and play music and read poetry, and listen to others do the same.
None of these things are done with clubs, and none require alcohol.
Go to an open mic, bring a poem, buy a cup of tea. You'll enjoy it. If you feel up to it, sign up to read your poem.

>> No.1148347

i dont think its you as your personaltiy thats the problem but more the social insecurity that you cant seem to handle and which turns you into an obnoxious annoying shitspawner

>> No.1148348

i can play guitar but not write. i dont know if i would like being in a band because last time they didnt want to play songs I wanted to.

>> No.1148351
File: 202 KB, 1221x997, White-faced storm-petrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywho, this bird has flown.

Hope it works out for the best for you, TyBrax.

Later, my /lit/erati.

>> No.1148354


have a nice sleep, hope your bed is cosy/you have a wife.

>> No.1148362

so I have to swap them about?

i dont know what to do, maybe i should scare my doctor into putting me on some kind of watch.

>> No.1148365

Ok you win..

I'm sad and depressed, what do i do now?

>> No.1148374

post less

>> No.1148376

go to ur irl friends house or alternatively go to the hipster bar & have casual sex

>> No.1148384

be yourself but in a way where you also feel secure and are more calm and don't spaz out because of social stress

>> No.1148385

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.1148390

Fellow shyfag here: Ask people about themselves and listen to them. Then ask more questions. Takes a lot less effort than talking. ;)

>> No.1148391
File: 205 KB, 762x1047, Modest Girl 2 - Leonid afremov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting to find out if Tybrax is a trap or not.

Judging by those pictures, I'd probably do him/her regardless. Why you so miserable Tybrax? You seemed pretty cute in an androgynous way (unless those pics weren't you at all); why do you hate life like you're some overweight neckbeard???

>> No.1148392

But being physically in someone's presence makes me stressed in case i'm not walking properly, breathing, shaking or might look fat, etc.

>> No.1148395

I don't know if this will help man, but you don't need to worry that you might look fat - you definately are fat. Hope it helped!

>> No.1148397

People, Ignore the troll! Come on, /lit/. We are better than this moron. At least sage if you're going to comment.

>> No.1148398

you should start with not giving a shit if people like you before you can get to the point where people will like you. its not that difficult, you are you, that's not going to change. there are people out there who can be your friends, that's also not going to change. these two constants should motivate you to not give a fuck and just walk around liek yourself and talk like yourself and breathe however you want and eat whatever you want. it's your life, not theirs

>> No.1148399


what pictures? I'm lost

>> No.1148401

>We are better than this moron
Everyone knows that. This is called pity you guys lend me your ear like real friends.

cool you should keep guessing I don't like you guys knowing anything about me though I guess you know the country at least (i'm not confirming the city).

Give me a sec.

>> No.1148402

post the pics do the deeds

>> No.1148405
File: 20 KB, 395x493, algreenphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mocking me Ty?

>> No.1148408

wait are you the person that saved all the pictures. please don't post since only the outstretched leg one has got out


>> No.1148412

post all the pictures please

>> No.1148414
File: 1.45 MB, 339x232, 1216345304501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lend me your ear like real friends.
>I don't like you guys knowing anything about me

You are one strange, contradictory individual, maybe the internet's most feeble attention whore! If you can stop being so self absorbed I think you'll find your social skills will improve ten-fold.


Well, I would but I know he/she doesn't want me to, so I won't.

>> No.1148418

just post pics so everyone can move on.

>> No.1148419

don't be a whiteknight for one of the most annoying people on this board. please post the pics!

>> No.1148420


I am indeed or, at least, one of the people who has them.
Don't worry, I won't post them though you could at least, in return, just confirm your gender for me.
You're cute whatever you are; I've no idea why you're so socially inept.

>> No.1148421

I don't need to tell you my identity in order to express my emotions to you do I? Is that fair enough. Also I'm looking for a smarter pic of me but unfortunately they're not as androgynous. I have a fat belly though, even if the rest of me isn't so much. Feels bad sometimes but I think i'm less worried about feeling fat nowadays since I don't really feel attracted to anyone or feel the need to impress.

>> No.1148422

post outstretched leg pic then if that's already out and around

>> No.1148423

post the one where you're androgyonous

>> No.1148424

I only put some Hipity Hopity on my shizzle, mainly because the majority of Hip-Hop is mainstream garbage.. or very err odd to play.

Playing this got me mad props up from the b boys one night. YYT are band.. but this is so catchy.

>> No.1148425

post the pictures

>> No.1148427


>> No.1148428

don't want to, everyone seems to have the legs one anyway.

>> No.1148434


But androgyny is hot - it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Thanks for the confirmation btw, that's all I wanted to know.

>> No.1148438
File: 4 KB, 171x115, turtle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can tell my gender from that post

>> No.1148439

if everybody has it, it doesnt matter if you post it now right? i just want to see you

>> No.1148441

Also it's easy to tell what I am irl. I just specifically didn't show my face for the picture. That's not my usual hair style either that was during the summer.

>> No.1148444
File: 10 KB, 206x251, reedcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you didn't give yourself away.

I think you're forgetting /lit/ is the board most likely to house linguists. But no worries, I'll not say anymore on the subject.

>> No.1148445

someone post the pics already

>> No.1148447

ya, itsa chick

>> No.1148453

/r9k/ is that way -->

>> No.1148457

>implying my vocabulary is not based off the internet
I got into trouble in school for calling it "high school" on an important form. I was so embrassed that my tummy started rumbling.

>> No.1148458

wrong. try again

>> No.1148459

*i'm from the uk

>> No.1148460

Sage is done this way.

>> No.1148462

<-- /r9k/ is that way

>> No.1148469

good job

>> No.1148470

Also I wanna here what you think. It would be funny if you thought you were so cool for being a linguist & you got it wrong.

gogo, I won't confirm it anyway.

>> No.1148471

<-- /r9k/ is that way

(feedback please)

>> No.1148473

but where?

>> No.1148476

sage goes in all fields

>> No.1148479

here or the tinychatDOTcom/clit i might even tell you if you're correct on the tinychat

>> No.1148484

>express my emotions
>looking for a smarter pic of me
>less worried about feeling fat
>the need to impress

you're either a girl or gay. this posting analysis brought to you by Red Bull: canned energy.

>> No.1148503

You guys are so hateful :(

>> No.1148513

are you the linguist? I expected you to amaze me like freud yet you just say something low-level like that trash.

>> No.1148523
File: 28 KB, 311x400, al green 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not pleased with my tinychat impersonator.. i'm not happy with you at all.

>> No.1148528

lol if you get amazed by freud. its time to kill yourself tybrax

>> No.1148533

Dream analysis is great. Psycho analysis is still used for stuff liek dreams no?

also what does it mean if you piss yourself in a dream & try to hide it but you dont ever piss yourself irl?

>> No.1148546

Tybrax is like a camwhore without the cam. Stop feeding the troll.

>> No.1148547

I'm not a troll, I really need you guys /lit/.

Don't you feel any empathy?

>> No.1148549

nobody likes you. fuck off

>> No.1148559

tybrax you are society's dingleberry

>> No.1148567

1. Stop using a trip
2. Talk about books
3. ???
4. Profit!

>> No.1148568

>A delinquent partial turd which grasps anal shrubery causing brownish crust to accumulate in ones boxers
;_; i dont hurt anyone though

I just sit at the back of the train & dont make eye-contact with anyone

>> No.1148574

I do post on-topic, you'd know that if you weren't new here this week.

I just started uni & need you support.

>> No.1148578

Used to like you TyBrax but now you just post shitty threads everyday.

>> No.1148582

What are you studying?

>> No.1148587

Reported. Why won't the mods ban you?

Please people, send your complaints in to admin@4chan.org.

>> No.1148600

i started uni. i need you guys support after being out there. can you forgive me? i hate myself

>> No.1148609

Wow it's another thread where Tybrax complains that she doesn't fit in. Oh, joyous of days, my life is complete. Lots of love Ty, no go out into the big bad world, and be a party girl.

>> No.1148616

i dont like parting. also you dont know if im a boy or girl faggot.

i appreciate your love though, think you can help me?

>> No.1148621


>> No.1148624

The only reason you wouldn't specify if you are a boy or a girl is if you are a girl who doesn't want to be identified as either. A male wouldn't hesitate to specify.

>> No.1148638

Now Ty, don't get your panties in a twist. Yes, I can help you. Don't try to get to "know" people just talk to them, only use monosyllabic words, and stop reading. Fixed. Now you can stop making these threads, and everyone is happy, we can all shit rainbows!

>> No.1148650

my problem is that i get extremely self-conscious & stressed whenever i'm in public
what do i do?

>> No.1148654


>> No.1148659

I dont do shitty drugs but i guess i should ask for stronger pills from my doctor then?

>> No.1148699

yes, get drugged up, or when you start to have a panic attack use stupid tricks to shock your system back into normalcy, i kept a rubberband around my wrist, and snapped it when i started to have an episode, but this is /lit/ and not /adv/ so i am going to stop writing.

>> No.1148703

or you could just sage post???

>> No.1148765


stop talking and just listen - people are stupid

>> No.1148778
File: 40 KB, 490x362, gizmpillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

151 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1148782

stop making fun of me ;_;

>> No.1148818

also i like your new style <3

>> No.1148840
File: 16 KB, 275x317, mogwai0509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New style??

>> No.1148846

Mogwai The Mogwai

>> No.1148852
File: 28 KB, 440x445, mogwai (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, it's because /mu/ is a much happier board than /lit/
