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11483674 No.11483674 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me how Dune is classified as scifi.

>> No.11483703

>It's in the space

>> No.11483704

It’s not scifi it’s science-fantasy.

>> No.11483706

It isn't lit and isn't fantasy so there you go.

>> No.11483727

It fills every requirement for the definition I can think of. Why would you contest calling it science fiction?

>> No.11483740
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It means there's realistic science applied in a fantastical way, realistic means believable, realistic does not mean real, realistic is what could have been possible given different (but consistent) hypothetical laws of reality.
Fantasy is when fantastical elements occur in an inconsistent and unrealistic way.
Star Trek is an example of sci-fi with fantasy, there's believable science; as in: Could be possible given a very Petersonian "low resolution", or layman, interpretation of science; and there's fantasy in a semi-scientific "we don't truly know what is possible" way.
Same with Dune, although Dune captures 'wistfulness of potentiality' more than any other sci-fi out there it is a plunge into the unknown of reality.

>> No.11483746

Love Lynch and MacLachlan but that Dune movie really didn't work.

>> No.11484145

>It means there's realistic science applied in a fantastical way
>the majority of scifi isn't actually scifi, trust me my definition is the right one

>> No.11484469


>> No.11484568

Most sci fi is technological fantasy with very little science.

>> No.11484612

It's speculative look at human civilization that has warp drive technology and spread out across the stars. But "the spice" that gives them the precognition needed to successfully utilize warp dive is super rare and only found on this one planet. Someone has to ensure the production of spice. Because losing it would mean cutting off and resetting human civilization that's spread out across the galaxy to a previous stage of development in which it would take millennia to reconnect.

"The spice must flow"

It's similar to Planet of the Apes. With a message that our way of life requires a certain level of maintenance. Resorting to our baser instincts would be setting us back. As you know, Planet of the Apes is post-apocalyptic earth.
Dune is a little different. Showing a hierarchy of Politics, Religion, Economy and Ecology that's necessary but rickety and will be catastrophic if it collapses, because everything is teetering on this one resource.

>> No.11484625

I thought the first half was great. The second felt rushed as shit, but I hear they cut half the film against his will.

>> No.11484634

It has space ships. It has Space Marines. It has flying contraptions we cannot conceive. And it's fiction. It's sci-fi.

>> No.11484636

I agree. Kinda cool to know it was Kyle's first film but really he came into his own in Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks but also Portlandia as the mayor who cycles everywhere.

>> No.11485031

it should always be called; as it sometimes is called: sci-fantasy

>> No.11485048

>flying contraption we can not conceive
How does that make it sci fi and not fantasy

>> No.11485290

here's the problem: when you're functionally illiterate, you cannot make sense of things, but you can still do basic pattern recognition. that's why for many people genre is decided by the presence of certain props and costumes: fantasy has a princess, science fiction has a spaceship. but when look at dune or star wars and the princess is ON a spaceship this system breaks down and the idiot has to cover up the contradiction by inventing some pointless new term like "science fantasy". don't be that idiot.

instead, just think about these words for a second. what is fantasy? something desirable, presented without origin and without consequence. what is science? the questioning of origins and consequences. when do you cross from one to the other? when you begin to ask questions. compare the myth of alcestis with the novel solaris: the premise is, in both cases, the unexpected return of a beloved wife from the dead. in the former, it is simply accepted as a miracle, enjoyed without question. in the latter, it is just the beginning of a disturbing investigation: what is this thing that looks like my dead wife? who made it? does it eat? does it know what it is? what are the implications of this? science fiction is a thought experiment to which the central falsehood serves as a springboard. you could turn a novel about a magic kingdom into science fiction simply by applying the same level of scrutiny: what the hell is a princess? what do you mean, chosen by the gods? where does her food come from? in fantasy, the princess requires no justification, raises no questions. she just serves her function as an object of adoration and desire.

with this basic distinction it should not be difficult to determine which genre dune belongs to. it's a novel about the rise of a messianic religious leader. does the book simply accept this, or does it ask: "what the hell is a messiah"?

>> No.11485375

based and redpilled

>> No.11485385

It heavily features fictional science. "Fiction with science" is a non-sensical definiton of "science fiction," since science is so ever-present in most situations.

>> No.11485403

>space ships
>different planets
>faster than light travel

It's science fiction/fantasy

>> No.11485479

I agree. Should be YA.

>> No.11485489

I was planning to watch the fan-edit by that included deleted scenes, removed some stuff, etc when I get to downloading it. Maybe you could also take a look.
I believe this is it? It's also on YT by spicediver or something.

>> No.11485510

The sci fi series of dune was actually pretty good. At the very least, it was way better than the lynch movie.

Not perfect, but definitely the best filmed version of dune out there so far.

>> No.11485594

Yeah Dune and Children of Dune were dope, if a little outdated when it comes to the CG.

>> No.11485758


>> No.11486124

It's nonfiction

>> No.11486155

>no, it's everyone else on the planet who is using the term wrong!

>> No.11486265

Good post

>> No.11486281

Because the flying things aren't dragons. Or giant eagles.

>> No.11486589

Denis Villeneuve is making a Dune movie. I am very interested in what he js going to do

>> No.11487582

Its a pointless worldbuilding exercise.

>> No.11487852

a very pretty but vapid movie with orange filter out the ass.