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11482894 No.11482894 [Reply] [Original]

What doth /lit/ think of my man Willy Shakespeare?

>> No.11482897

controversial opinion but I rather like him

>> No.11482902

Mr. Would-I-was Shookspear

>> No.11482909

He’s great. Really, the basis of all lit that came after him in one way or another.

>> No.11482916

1. hes overrated, yes I'll admit his plots can be a fun and hes has some nice ideas but his actual language Is dull and lifeless, he could not escape the bland web of Anglocity, also his works are only bearable when watched not read so doesn't really count as lit

2. he was of French Norman descent and him and his family were secretly Catholics who hated anglo culture, this is why there are no signs of anglo culture in his good plays[Macbeth is Gaelic, Lear is Celtic e.t.c] only his history plays which he knew no one was going to read

>> No.11482934

Based and redpilled

>> No.11482941

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11482942

Based and Redpilled

>> No.11482950

Shocked and blackpilled

>> No.11482970

1. his plots were almost all inherited, what he put into them is what's the greatest human stuff. and what about the sonnets eh

2. are you dense? everyone in england is either french norman or germanic. he didn't hate english culture he despised the modern culture. and falstaff, possibly his greatest invention, was entirely merrie england.
>only his history plays which he knew no one was going to read
what? his plays weren't published until after he was dead

>> No.11483007

Didn’t we just have this conversation? Like, word for word? Is this the same guy just copying the same shit back and forth?

>> No.11483011

John Donne is funner

>> No.11483018


>> No.11483040

donne isn't fun at all he's supposed to be one of the 'intelligent' poets

>> No.11483112

I'll come out and say it
None of his comdies are good

>> No.11483129

merchant of venice? a midsummer night's dream? no?

>> No.11483201

Glad to see another anon respect my man Falstaff
I mean, look at the history of the character —> he IS English lmoa
But Shakespeare had a love hate relationship with the Anglosphere, but they loved him nonetheless

>> No.11483209

He's the god of the English language.

>> No.11483213


>> No.11483221

lemme get some sonnets

>> No.11483288

he was black actually

>> No.11483291

he lamented the rejection of merrie england. the rejection of falstaff by the prince means the rejection of that england by a new kind of england that shakespeare deplored (that ended up as the british empire).

>> No.11483709

His style is Alcoholic, sometimes his mania works, sometimes it just doesn't

>> No.11483741

And 'he' was female and transsexual

>> No.11483749

>his actual language Is dull and lifeless
Maybe the most retarded unironic opinion I've read here.

>> No.11483933

No, I understand perfectly well why someone might think that and don't blame them for hating the Bard because of this.

>> No.11484970

Tempest was the closest thing to a good comedy he had

>> No.11484987

Nobody on this board has the right to express an opinion on him.

>> No.11485064
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>but his actual language Is dull and lifeless, he could not escape the bland web of Anglocity

>> No.11485508

Some of his plays the language is soggy and slurred maybe

But then with the other ones this opinion is madness

>> No.11485547

He is the supreme English-speaking poet. There simply isn't a better poet in the English language. Browning and Dickinson, Keats and Wordsworth (and of course Milton) are very fine poets. But no; Shakespeare is in a class of his own.

>> No.11485602

None of his plays except maybe Merry Wives has a big language problem. Even debatably his worst play (Two Gentlemen) he has lines like this:
Say that upon the altar of her beauty
You sacrifice your tears, your sighs, your heart:
Write till your ink be dry, and with your tears
Moist it again, and frame some feeling line
That may discover such integrity:
For Orpheus' lute was strung with poets' sinews,
Whose golden touch could soften steel and stones,
Make tigers tame and huge leviathans
Forsake unsounded deeps to dance on sands.
After your dire-lamenting elegies,
Visit by night your lady's chamber-window
With some sweet concert; to their instruments
Tune a deploring dump: the night's dead silence
Will well become such sweet-complaining grievance.
This, or else nothing, will inherit her.

And then with later plays like Hamlet and Cleopatra he's pretty much a machine gun of flourish. I can see criticism of his character, plot, or themes but I can't conceive of his language being 'dull, lifeless and bland'.

>> No.11485831

sorry no, you could make a case for his plays cause they had good characters and themes but his actual poetry isn't that good, the like of Hopkins, Yeats, e,t,c blow him out of the water

>> No.11485902

he's the greatest writer of any language
in terms of sheer accomplishment, very possibly our greatest man.

>> No.11486738

we should burn all the books and only his to remain, nothing, not even the Bible can touch Shakespeare everything that your favorite did, Shakespeare did better, if Gods were real they would speak like his characters, hell, we should speak like his characters, he showed us a way to speak that is so divine and we ignore that, there should be at least ten threads about him every day here

>> No.11486748


You learned this from a post I made some months ago, didn't you, Anon (this speech from Two Gentleman from verona)?

>> No.11486757

unsuccessful troll, must try harder

however I do like the 'blow out of the water' cliche, it gives the feel of a legitimate retard.