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/lit/ - Literature

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11476807 No.11476807 [Reply] [Original]

The groundbreaking new philosophical treatise written by /lit/.


>> No.11476814

Nick Land is shit and I am sure the people shilling here haven't actually read him.

>> No.11476836

So which part is the style parody of Nick Land?

>> No.11476841

wow u sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.11476950

On forms and sweaty anime girls

If we want to reach conclusions about the nature of forms and (sweaty) anime girls then we must start by the first causes. We cannot know what created the universe. But it's a fact that nothing can be created in the universe. Only rearrengements of particles come into form to "create" something "new". But that "new" is already contained within the boundaries of the particles. Therefore, everything that exists was contained in the universe in a simpler way before. Now, language comes from sense-stimulus. But when you learn something that you don't know, it feels like remembering (that feeling of "oh, i get it" plus the dopamine rush). That means then, that our senses perceive knowledge as a recollection. But if we don't know something, how can we 'remember' it? Now, conciousness can't come from unconciousness. You cannot make your dead grandpa concious. Therefore, conciousness must exist independently of matter (and before it too). If conciousness is immaterial and can exist outside of matter, then other immaterial things, grasped by the mind, such as triangles, beauty, ideas must exist, for a thing can't both exist and not exist at the same time, and they do exist in the mind. We can conclude that ideas, abstractions, beauty all exist in an immaterial world, even if that world is 'only' the mind.

Now, anime is an expression of the mind, and can only be grasped by it. Therefore, anime existed before matter and it's contained in the mind. Good anime participates in the form of animeness, and in the form of the goodness. Anime also participates in other forms such as beauty. Now, suppose we have to draw a sweaty anime girl. My sweaty anime girl will be different from your sweaty anime girl, but they're still are a sweaty anime girl. Therefore, our drawings participate in the form of Sweaty anime girlness. Now we can suppose that, in conceptual terms, the ideal essence of femininity is in the form of anime (girls). The form of anime exists in the mind and participates in the form of femininity. Human females exist in matter and participate in the form of femininity. A being that only exists in the mind is superior to that which exists in matter (for matter is finite, ideas not, matter is perishable, ideas are eternal and independent of space-time). Thus, females are participating in the form of femininity but ultimately are matter, therefore inferior to anime girls which are in the mind (immaterial, eternal) and participating in the form of femininity. Therefore, anime girls are superior.

>> No.11476964


>> No.11477206

There isn't one yet. But there needs to be.

>> No.11477879

I made one in the Peterson critique, which combined Peterson's dialogue with lands poststructuralism before some cunt deleted everything.

>> No.11477913

Should books by /lit/ be actually serious or just shitposting?

OBJECTION ONE: If the majority of the output of /lit/ is shitposting, then any plausible representation of /lit/ must contain a majority of shitposting as well.

OBJECTION TWO: It is unrealistic to expect a mere plebeian, who may have only browsed the board for a few years, to come up with masterful English prose. However, given the only slightly inferior shitposts existing on reddit and other heretical sites, that one should expect a reasonable person browsing /lit/ to be able to shitpost.

IT IS SAID: "You cannot make a God out of Gold". So one might expect a book by /lit/ to only contain shitposting, since true literacy fiction is divinely inspired and must come from the mouth of God itself. Given that 4chan has commerical advertisments, this is in itself contradictory.

REPLY TO OBJECTION ONE: The majority of the output of /lit/ is not shitposting, it is only the presence of /pol/ that artificially increases the ratio. We also observe that /pol/ and /lit/ are two different entities entwined in one, similar to the Holy Trinity. Therefore, any accurate representation must convery the separate parts and must contain at least some literary fiction.

REPLY TO OBJECTION TWO: Shitposting itself is worth such a negligible value, that, according to the great writings of Blaise Pascal, we should trade off the mortal rewards of shitposting for a infinitesimal chance of the blessing of THE LORD. Therefore, we should attempt to produce literary fiction, even if it is unlikely to work out.

ON THE CONTRARY: The results of this thread, have a small potential to grow the seed of God's word. Therefore, it is worth something.

I ANSWER THAT this book is treated seriously, for the process of writing it will bring us closer to God.

>> No.11477997
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am the post-structuralist philosopher Reza Negarestani, who would love to contribute to the revolutionary work taking place in this small group of people. The unreal is the real, for the unreal is itself is a rarely explored inside confused with a complete outside. We will call this the edge, for this fake outside is the edge of reality. The philosophers here live in the edges, a hyperreality of unreal real. This emergence and concoction of hyperrealities clashing like lovecraftian universes is something I want to be standing in the middle of. The edges are predominantly dark, but this is a rare discovery.

I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on the moment of truth
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment with you

I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge,
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

Another shot before we kiss the other side
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby
I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight alright, alright

Put on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby
It isn't hell if everybody knows my name tonight alright, alright

It's time to feel the rush to push the dangerous
I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love

I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment of truth
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment with you

I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge,
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment of truth
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment with you

I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge,
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge

I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you

>> No.11478586


Also two new people have been added to the document.
(sorry i didn't do it earlier but i was sleeping.)

>> No.11478962

[continuing that bit at the end]

"No, Socrates, you foul profane!", said Plato in fury. "Don't you understand that those pagan liquors bring formlessness to the Soul's asexual likelessness?"

"How is me drinking Monster drinks from Kashmir different from you going around naked under the moonlight with your tropical sex-masks which that guru gave you when he ritual-blasted your boipoussi back when you were twelve?"

"Verily I tell you, Socrates, that presumptuous words will not save your Soul from the seventh river reaches. You mock the Gods and my absolute abs by implying that ritual practice is of no benefit for bringing the earthly, flaccid forms of the arsehole towards the more-than-eternal, rigid rims of the Rectal Form."

"Have you been drinking that Mountain Dew of yore?"

"While yes, Socrates, daily I savor the milklessness of the godly ambrosia; the flatulent, liquid breath of semi-conductive egregorae; the cyber-punk, solar tears which Mount Olympus leaves every morning on the thicc leaves of pumpkinouss voracity. Watering my face with Mountain Dew before every sunrise is like starting each day as if you just exited Mother Night's house bathed in the still-wet sprinkle-prints of Minerva's squirts."

>> No.11479037


>> No.11479152

Only ironic shitposting can truly be serious.

>> No.11479367

Is irony the only sincere form of expression left?

>> No.11479454

Why call it "An Official /lit/ Project" when it was written by only 10 or so people?

>> No.11479531


>> No.11479571

wow that's like twice the size of lit

>> No.11479624

so i scrolled through some of this and i don't think anybody involved has the familiarity with the material and the basic writing chops to actually produce a decent parody of anything. the dominant theme seems to be "philosophy is a scam and i see through it, it's just big words and they don't mean anything" which is honestly pretty sad for a literature board.

>> No.11479644
File: 64 KB, 1136x246, Screen Shot 2018-07-13 at 11.24.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it's perfect

>> No.11479656

Feel free to edit other anons posts if you think you can give it more substance, but still keep the original anons "spirit".

>> No.11480054

not really. it's also a post-memetic rollecoaster.

>> No.11480228

Any highlights so far?

>> No.11480281

I don't think there's any 'theme' here, and what you're describing's not the intent. It's just having fun fucking around with philosophical style and memes.

>> No.11480289


>> No.11480314

>fun fucking around with philosophical style

i would love this but it's not happening because people don't understand the styles at all. the guy who wrote the "socratic dialogue" has never read a single real one even though the shorter ones take like 20 minutes and would allow him to make actual jokes about the format. as it is, it's fucking embarrassing.

guys look at my parody of zizek:
>*sniff* cunt nigger shit

guys look at my parody of the works of plato:
>SOCRATES: cunt nigger shit

guys look at my parody of thomas pynchon:
>hello my name is thomas pynchon, cunt nigger shit

>> No.11480328

I meant more general philosophical or academic style; putting retardedness or memes in an intellectual fashion. But if your complaint is the parody of specific styles feel free to work on them or make some of your own.

>> No.11480383

i’m about to be participating in this please give me some hours, is this closing soon?

>> No.11480404

i's open until we get 150-200 pages of material.

>> No.11481266

It is /lit/ after all. If you want something more serious try the Peterson one.

>> No.11482124

Can i put in a request for some talented fella to write a Borges short story?

>> No.11482766

Have we ever tried to get any of our works published by a "real publisher"?

>> No.11482785

dont wanna trigger the filters


<reply>the internet's MKULTRA origins. The Macy conferences project DARPA... 1967-1969 were the last real years, everything since then has been a simulation
#/<comment> WHAT IS HEXEN2

>> No.11482836

The fact that it made you this mad proves that it's quality meme text.

>> No.11483189


Actually half of that's because people are going around with control f and mass replacing words with random swear words. They aren't the original words of the author.

The zizek article you're talking about was peterson before that, and that was possibly a previous edit. Some of the articles had a meaningful style to begin with, others were written like that to begin with.

>> No.11483361

Any reasonable man who probes the problems of induction – whether that of Sextus Empiricus, Hume, or Goodman – will eventually realise that the putative difference between these inquiries dissolves upon further analysis. Sextus Empiricus saw a finite set of particulars could not necessitate an encompassing universal, Hume realised that there was no uniformity in nature, and Goodman realised (although he denied it) that the sophistries of the analytic academies only shifted the problem of induction to one of eternal confusion as to what predicates we should pick when speaking of anything.

Thus, let us place induction in its right place. As a system that sits at the tension between order and chaos – of a mechanism to assert that human belief may correspond somewhat with reality. That the sense that we have distangled thus far from the world may conform with the sense our progeny may forge from the alien world of a thousand years time. It is a codification of the idea given by the father slapping his autistic brat silly and telling him to go back into the fields – it is expediency for the human cognitive unit, foisted by nature and socialisation.

It is an assumption. It is faith. It is a belief about belief itself – that belief will map onto something beyond us, that it has a controlling stake in the world. Maybe, as is the greatest fantasy of the soulless bugman, it means that the mind is world and the world is mind. Thus, both the materialist who has certainty in his method and the hermeticist who has certainty in cant alone are both manifestations of a breed of autism. Confidence in reality coinciding perfectly with one’s will is thus a specimen of autism, and that which society shall push us to overcome.

Yet, all we have is a carrot and a stick. Not a reason. We can stop the autist’s inquiries or convictions spewing with a crack of the whip for a minute, an hour, a day, a month, or a year. But we cannot stop the churning of his mind, the concoction of new fundamental structures of belief to shape a new reality, and the ultimate tides that shall bash against the shore stirred by the current of his mind. We know that he will undo us all – he will challenge the easy compromise we have between belief and intuition, and cast us into wars of ideas, religion, and strength as his vision of the cosmos captures minds with his beauty.


>> No.11483366


That is why the autist must die. He can destroy us all, and he will. Can you hear it? The bootsteps of a trillion soldiers marching out, propelled into eternity by a sperg’s vision? For safety, for comfort, for expediency, for that which our bodies and land tell us we should value, we must crush him.

Yet… that is why the autist must live. For he opens up those new realities so that even though. He will kill us, and cause revolutions throughout space and time? Of course. But that new reality, that new belief, that new departure from the stale visions?

He has the potential to create the world anew, in his systematic drive. Truly new. Maybe revert us to Eden.

The autist is a devil. The autist is God. We must hate him. We must love him. We must shun him. We must hold him close. For maybe he will give something, at some point, the final salvation.

>> No.11483614

The Shitposting Exhibition

Autism: The noise from Anon's keyboard rose from the basement beneath his mother's house. Keeping his door tightly locked and his computer away from prying eyes, he assembled the documents and fragmented writings he had collected with so much effort during the previous months: (1) Jordan Peterson parody, poorly written; (2) several images of girls, 2d; (3) Pre-owned copy of Ulysses, unread; (4) assorted collection of receipts; (5) Philosophical treatise on the meta-ethics of shitposting, unfinished. Anon turned towards the door. His mother was knocking, 'Your nuggets are done.'

Academia: A disquieting feature of this philosophical treatise, - to which the writers themselves were the only participants – was the marked preoccupation of the writers with the theme of postmodernism, as if these barely functioning autistic shitposters had any grasp of the subject beyond what they had read on various imageboards, or heard in half-forgotten university lectures. As Anon's Mother proof-read the treatise for the benefit of her large son, with its fusion of Jordan Peterson and Zizek, Freud and Immanuel Kant, it reminded her of her son's previous writings, which at one time may have had a point or theme, but had long since descended into a bizarre collection of shitposting and edgy, unreadable satire. Carefully, she laid the manuscript on the table as Anon approached her, 'Ah Mother... what do you think of it? Is dinner ready?'

>> No.11484912

Added. Good job guys!

>> No.11485026

- Further Reflections on Anime Girls -
One's head may get chilly up in the intellectual clouds if it stays there too long. Anime, and by extension anime girls, are a form of art first and metaphysical consideration second. Is it a more noble cause to examine mere gatherings of particles in this universe, or to examine the force which drives them together?
Art of course is of course the expression of human skill and imagination combined; we appreciate the mastery of the artist at his craft and the emotions he is able to draw from us. Anime at first appears as any other visual medium, or dramatic production - it is both really. But this is only at first glace, for anime is closer to the unadulterated form of beauty as the human race has gotten thus far.
Consider the painting, from which anime originates. It perhaps has the greatest room for expression of the artist's mastery of their craft, given that anyone can scribble something on a piece of paper and call it art (these days, many do). But the greatest downfall of the painting is that it is stationary, that it is a single point in time. An object is not defined by its existence at a single point in time, an object is defined by all the possibilities for extension that it contains within it. Even if one takes the most beautiful painting in the world, it will be forever trapped in that one moment. But a piece of film, or music, or performance has many temporal aspects that it may play upon - and yet, they still make up the whole of the piece of art, as such things must be considered in their entirety for a proper judgement to be made.
Consider the opera: acting, music, singing of course and even costume form this production. Great works such as Wagner's Ring Cycle demonstrate mastery on a magnificent scale, drawing all these elements together. But even though the man himself wrote the orchestral score, the libretto and so on himself, it cannot be considered the pure expression of his mind, can it?
Personal performance within the work of art - the meddling of other consciousnesses into the product of one. That which is perfect is not split into many parts, does not have different elements acting autonomously - God himself is not some amalgamation of imperfect consciousnesses! And so the perfect art form cannot lie among the performing arts, or the orchestra.
And so, the perfect art form will lie somewhere between these two: with the purity of the creator completely preserved, and with extension in time enough so that it may better approach the ideal of which it tries to capture.
What else but animation?

>> No.11485052

But of course, there exist many forms of animation, and many forms of anime. Such a medium as animation contains the potential for perfection (though it will take a multi-faceted artist to write, draw, animate, voice-act AND play the score) due to its temporal nature, its multi-disciplinary aspects and its possibility for purity. However, one must also consider the emotional impact required for a work to be considered near to perfection. It must encapsulate a profound emotion, a universal one, a virtuous and sacred one.
Why did Jesus give himself up on the cross?
Why did Antigone go and bury her departed, dishonoured brother?
Why did Buddha return to earth after experiencing Nirvana?
It is for love, impersonal, universal and irrational love. These characters and their actions, be their historical existence true or not, have captured hearts and inspired millions through their timeless depiction of that, the highest of emotions.
And so in animation which exists on the earth at this time, it would seem that only one fully captures such a sacred love and even manages to combine it with the passion of youth which all can agree upon.
Yes, it is the dere-dere anime girl.

>> No.11485079

Added. Good job!

>> No.11485172

when will this be finished? Or will it forever be an open project?

Can something liek this get published? Ive seen much worse get printed and purchased

>> No.11485228

It needs to get at least 150p+ before we close it.

>> No.11486219

Don't think that's gonna happen, sadly. Maybe if you made the font size bigger.

>> No.11486414

- On feet -
Although dismissed by some as degenerate, foot fetishism in truth is a sign of vibrant intellect and high culture. There are few earthly delights able to compare with the joy of ten tasty toes under the tongue. To dismiss foot fetishists as "degenerate"/Quentin Tarantino is to deny yourself a simple and healthy pleasure. Being into feet isn't even that fucking weird. I mean, Jesus Christ i could be into scatology or necrophilia or pedophilia but instead I harmlessly enjoy nice, soft, feminine boy feet and am yet ostracized by my peers as if I'm some fucking gutter-dwelling junkie faggot, salivating over the next pair of tootsies. It doesn't work like that you fucking psychopaths. Some people form sexual relationships to feet because the foot part of your brain and the sex part are right next to each other. Read a fucking book good damn it. Every time I try to suck a girl's toes in bed she freaks out and calls me disgusting but I fucking promise she wouldn't say that if I tried to eat her ass which is objectively more disgusting.

>> No.11486425

It'll come around. Just wait till friday night when they got nothing better to do.

>> No.11486477


>> No.11486501

if it's serious ironic shitposting it's post ironic shitposting

>> No.11487056

No film has topped the BFI’s Sight and Sound poll more times than the Citizen Kane Citizen Kane that is Citizen Kane Citizen Kane is an essential film for anyone Citizen Kane into Citizen Kane I want you to Citizen Kane my wife My son was born with Citizen Kane Citizen Kane Citizen Kane the Citizen Kane Kitizen Cane Citizens of Kane all named Orson My son is Welles of Charles Foster Kane the main character of Citizen Kane Rich newspaper mogul Kane in Citizen Kane Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock not as good as Orson Welles by Citizen Kane Citizen by Northwest Kane Citizen of Kane Wild Citizen Kanes Raisin’ Kanes Paths of Kane 2001 A Citizen Kane Touch of Kane La Dolce Kane Citizen Kane Boulevard Orson Welles is a communist Alfred Hitchcock Rear Citizen Window Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Citizen David Lynch Akira Kurosawa Seven Citizens Kane Struts and frets his hour upon the stage a story told by an idiot Citizen Kane Perfect 4/4 high quality pure double distilled luxury gourmet 100% authentic imported handcrafted complimentary accredited citizen kane From what I gather Okja is just a movie about a big fucking deformed pig thing and lookout! It’s gonna make the whole world vegan All I could think about while watching this movie were “wow! That thing sure is fat as fuck!” and “I wanna start sucking cock and eating onions!” I immediately downloaded Grindr and got AIDs My favorite scene in Okja was the one where the fat fucking faggot furiously furrows freely frightens fabulous freedom fighters feigning faux Finnish fuckstained fanny fondling finds ferociously fickle foot fetishistic fucking meat eaters

>> No.11487108
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>Yu-Gi-Oh Mishima

>> No.11487147
File: 272 KB, 1080x1523, christian-muller-jordan-peterson-lord-of-kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did they delete the Peterson thread?

>> No.11487233

FOOL THAT YOU ARE! You dare speak against sexual metaphysics, your reductionist, minutely ramblings of sex as a mere academic discipline!, a drive and a pleasure as it may, rejects the profane dimensions to sexuality!
How dare you deny the metaphysical purification of man and his equal borne out of his rib. Sex, the transcending force that metaphysically entrusts Adam back his rib, and lets the woman and the man come together to end the agonizing dichotomy of man and woman!
You dare deny the woman does not enjoy the suction in the process? You dare deny her this pleasure, this partaking in the unification, this much more intimate symbolic act of marital union?

You question why your demeaned fetishism is shunned by society, but never let the mind wander and ask why it might be gestated as debauchery in the first place.
This debased, gluttonous appetite filled with hedonistic egotism, when man, as you've shown, diminishing the erotic nature of this unity to a hypersexual need, instead of an act of the kindest and most intimate charity!

>> No.11487271

Cause it's shit and not funny.

>> No.11487300

I'm Anon who wrote the first criticism, I updated it for you and added it, it removes a lot of bullshit points that I was wrong about or didn't need to be made.

>> No.11487321

Cool, Great Job!

>> No.11487327

It isn't supposed to be funny.

>> No.11487362

I was told it was, but I guess that it's 100% serious makes it all the more embarrassing.

>> No.11487385

Having reasonable criticisms of Jordan Peterson that aren't from North-American progressivism or radical Marxists like Zizek is really quite important.

>> No.11487431

I know it's not of all that great of a shape right now. It will get better over time, and may take a few weeks before anything good starts to take shape.

>> No.11487713

No skepticisim about the (phenomenological and conventional) reality of the ironic/sincere dichotomy is the only form of sincere expression left.

>> No.11487742

It's actually pretty decent and with many great points.

>> No.11487810

>s-stop! my daddy!!!!!!!

>> No.11487857

this is really stupid, much worse than tlotiat
i hope that i'll have enough time to add something myself

>> No.11487878

How is it worse?

(anyone got a link to tlotiat)

>> No.11487957

this shit is quite unfunny desu

the only times you guys are actually funny is when you reveal your true nature and attack female youtubers for trying to enjoy books. take a trip to /s4s/ or /sp/ if you want to learn

>> No.11488005


>> No.11488010

Can we all agree that Pitbullian Philosophy is the best thing so far?

>> No.11488116

One of you is a nigger for adding that annoying copypasta, what the fuck is even the point? What are you "lel so ranDUMB Xd" this is just autistic

>> No.11488135

Just wait for OP to come back. He can revert it to before they started pozzing shit up.

>> No.11488159

I went through and took out all the retarded "Brap" posting, I get trolling but this has 0 effort, and it's fucking stupid, what's the point?

>> No.11488371

yeah now it's some stupid ass pickaxe bullshit song lyrics.

>> No.11488390


>> No.11489440

The doc is open again now.

>> No.11489472

- What is the Trap? An Analysis (With Post Preface by Billy Harrington)

Discord is a quasi-VOIP service bundled into a IRC style chat platform. Often touted as an alternative to Skype or Teamspeak, it has gained a significant market-share in terms of communication for the groups usually affiliated through the use of the former softwares listed. Much discourse has been had about the ethics of the developers of the online chat platform, it is still used to this day due to (either) ambivalence to the implications of the policies allowed by the company, or purely the overwhelming convenience which the applet provides due to the latter softwares listed often having issues due to user ignorance or poor optimization for devices which use it.

Within the space exists a milieu of groups and concerns ranging from the political to the playful, often intermingling the two due to the dominant internet culture which inhabits it. With this class of users, the "usual suspects" often make stay within it. One of which, to the concern of this passage, is the "trap".
What is the trap? The trap is oft defined as a male posing as a female to deliberately deceive (presumably, though the expectation has shifted due to the dominant internet culture's tastes) an interested party for various reasons. Reasons can often range from purely comedic, to the financial and sexual-- the former often intermingled. The issue with this definition is that the object's main goal has became inverse, so to speak. Interested parties will purposely seek out the trap have found it within their preference over the object they emulate. If I may inject myself, reader, I believe that this is a beautiful example of Baudrillard, as the emulation of femininity is the trap's goal-- and that they have become a replica beyond the expectation-- hyper-hyper-feminine, so to speak. This opinion aside, this passage is to assert that the Discord Trap is the object of progressing post-modern sexuality. As Roderick puts it, in his lectures pertaining to the, "Self under Siege", that we as the post-modern man desire to make love to his ego ideal. That we desire little human manifestation aside from our own and the Discord Trap is the half to this endpoint.

>> No.11489476


The Discord Trap desires themselves moreso than the interaction had with the interested (or afflicted) party. The act is not a performance for the other-- but for themselves. The Discord Trap satisfies their own ego ideal. They choose to not ERP with you, they choose to watch themselves have ERP with you. Imagine it to be a third person experience. It is a man watching his ego ideal playing out the fantasy he wishes to have with it. While this may seem impertinent to the phenomenon upon first reading, one must internalize the statement by Roderick and affirm that the post modern man's endpoint is to be isolated. We must understand that the Discord Trap is a phenomenon of the passing of modern man to post-modern man-- a representation of the interregnum occurring. The Discord Trap is essentially a cuckold, allowing his ego ideal to be used for his own pleasure, the experience had with the other party is merely a secondary phenomenon-- their pleasure is ultimately not of the Discord Trap's concern.

>> No.11489492 [DELETED] 

Add this (part 1 of a few)

On Ryona

I think that this highly Freudian fetish is deeply misunderstood not only by its critics, but by many of its fans as well. Despite appearing to be naught but simple misogyny at first glance, it is actually a rather complex and nuanced mental exercise, incorporating elements of:

Sadomasochism: There's an obvious sadomasochistic edge to it. In Ryona, the masculine is synonymous with violence, and the feminine with the property of being beholden to that violence. The more helpless or imperiled the victim, the more pleasure the audience receives. However, one does not necessarily need to be a sadist to enjoy the genre. One may perhaps try to step into the victim's shoes, thus embodying the feminine/masochistic aspect rather than the masculine/sadistic one. Nevertheless, it is very clear that domination/submission plays a key role in the fetish.

Schadenfreude: The audience may place themselves under the false impression that the feminine represents a state of undeserved protection from harm or loss, whether physical, emotional or financial in nature. Part of the... "enjoyment"... (to use the term loosely) of the genre comes from a perceived reversal of this trend. The key is that the audience must create a fantasy world within his or her own mind where the real-world status quo is either irrelevant or does not exist. The viewer must create the illusion that women are over-privileged and deserve to be knocked down a peg from whole cloth. This is the "negative" interpretation method.

>> No.11489495 [DELETED] 

Compassion: The audience may desire to experience strong feelings of sympathy towards the victim. They may wish to view a helpless person being brutalized so that they may picture themselves in the role of a rescuer or savior. They may further imagine the victim turning the tables on their tormentor and getting revenge for whatever act provoked the sympathetic response in the audience in the first place. The fetish may seem bizarrely contradictory in that it can embody unrestrained male chauvinism one moment and then amazon feminism in the next, with the dichotomies reversed at the audience's leisure. The part that most people don't understand about the fetish is that partaking in a sort of postmodern, surrealistic act of contradiction is a very important part of the whole experience. The fetish is - itself - highly contrarian and elitist in nature to begin with. This is the "positive" interpretation method.

Extremes: The audience derives pleasure from deeply-juxtaposed and paradoxical representations of human behavior. Their mind internalizes a complex dichotomy of the masculine versus the feminine, the chaste versus the obscene, the normal versus the abnormal, the real versus the unreal. The fetish necessitates that the audience see things in black and white, with little deviation from this formula. Under those conditions, it is only natural that the "victim" role be played by a woman. To the audience, the feminine represents a state of submission. With a few exceptions (see "Compassion" above), attempting to reverse this trend by putting a male individual in the victim role is like pulling a block out of the foundation that the fantasy is built upon. The audience's meticulously-built Jenga tower comes crashing down all around them. It's important to keep in mind that the feminine and masculine are reduced to mere symbols under the precepts of this fetish. The victim and tormentor are not "persons". They are far too two-dimensional for that. Rather, they are simply viewed as manifestations of the audience's own psyche.

>> No.11489497 [DELETED] 

Exoticism: The audience has tricked themselves into believing that they're the only ones in the world who possess this fetish/complex, disavowing the existence of like-minded individuals who possess it also. An analogy would be a wealthy millionaire who purchases a Ferrari, convincing himself of the delusion that he is the only "real" Ferrari owner in the world and that all others are illusory. Ryona is likewise highly solipsistic in nature, exploring and deconstructing the very nature of gender roles in fiction. This is a key element of the fetish; one must constantly be in a state of denial about real-world circumstances, constructing deep fantasies about gender relationships that may or may not have a basis in fact.

Ryona isn't so much a genre or a trope as it is a very specific way of interpreting certain events in a fictional context, thus deriving emotional or sexual stimulation from them. It is possible to perceive elements of this fetish or complex in works of pretty much any genre that combines physical conflict with female characters. Books, superhero comics, monster movies, exploitation flicks, video games, tokusatsu shows, etc.

Manifestations of this fetish or complex could perhaps be diagnosed as a form of neurological or psychological disorder, depending on whether or not the individual who possesses this complex suffers any ill effects from it. It could be most closely linked to sadistic or masochistic personality disorders, or even gender identity disorders. The conditions and disorders that underlie Ryona as a fetish may become pathological if the audience extends their simplistic perceptions of fictional characters to the real world (i.e. "It's okay for me to hurt this person because they're not real. They're in my head.")

So, when you tell a Ryona fan that he's sick in the head and that violence against women is commonplace, now you know why he (and it's usually a he) is so quick to lash out in response. He doesn't WANT to think that he's experiencing something common. Real-world violence against women does not interest him or dissuade him in the least. It may even repulse him. Rather, he simply wants to maintain the illusion that violence against women is uncommon and that he is experiencing something exotic and unusual by partaking of fiction that contains violence against women.

Don't take my word for it, though. I'm no psychologist. This is just my own little attempt to analyze the genre as deeply as I can and clear up any misconceptions that some people might harbor over it.

>> No.11489561


Question 4: Is OP Trolling?

Objection 1: /lit/ is a board about literature, and often philosophy and theology are included in the discussion. Many may wish to learn of Aquinas.

Objection 2: Aquinas has written numerous works often considered highly influential. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that one could have a discussion of his works in such a manner as to learn more of his philosophy. Furthermore, the provided quote is an accurate descriptor of a revealed truth.

I reply that: OP is necessarily a faggot, as am I. All posters on 4chan are faggots. Furthermore, the quote provided is a misrepresentation of Aquinas (to an extent) as it gives the impression that Aquinas' theology was any more dogmatic than his peers; in fact, the opposite is the case, that Aquinas was focused on reason as the primary element in human morality due to his Aristotelian influences. For these reasons, that OP is a faggot, and that he is misrepresenting Aquinas, I must assume OP is a master troll with excellent taste.

Reply to objection 1: /lit/ may nominally be about discussion, but in a broader sense 4chan is a place filled with trolls and shitposts. Furthermore, 4chan is a place where very few people come to have intelligent discussions about theologians.

Reply to objection 2: Aquinas may have written many works of influence, but /lit/ has not read any of them at all. Furthermore, the post provided has little relevance to his literature or the broader sense of his philosophical or theological beliefs. It does provide an adequate definition of faith and revealed truth, but this will merely butt-blast some lurkers into responding with shitposts in turn.

>> No.11489689
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Hymns on Divine Love
Akathist Hymn to Mommy
Kontakion 1

Blessed Mommy GF, milky maiden for mine's sole sake, you elected to undergo the struggle of patience and the suffering of affliction. We therefore honor your sacred memory with hymns of praise. Help us smell what must be smelled, and and drink abreast plentiful, so we might say:

Rejoice, Mommy sweet GF, faithful bowel intercessor for our souls.

Ikos 1

After the death of your husband, blessed mother, you sought love in its purest form, the love of a child and a lover — the desire of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. You used your natural innard ordors and fluids to seduce the love that proceeded from your own loins. We therefore appeal to your loving-kindness, that you will hear these praises which we now offer you.

Rejoice, for you made yourself bovine for our pleasure.

Rejoice, for you renounced your own name, referring to yourself as 'Mommy'.

Rejoice, for you assumed the mantle of my mother, despite the challenges of appetite.

Rejoice, for you would stroke the places that must be stroked as I, the suckler, cried.

Rejoice, for you accepted voluntary breeding.

Rejoice, for you distributed all your substance to good boys.

Rejoice, for you comfort all those who turn to you in need of a changie.

Rejoice, for you quickly help in times of trouble and despair.

Rejoice, for your holy odors intoxicated any man within inches of that vaporous cloud.

Rejoice, for you were full of stinky farts transcending this world.
Rejoice, for you preferred mockery and ridicule to the bridal bed.

Rejoice, for you have been glorified by God.

Rejoice, Big Momma, faithful bowel intercessor for our souls.

Kontakion 2

Perceiving your way of life as strange, for you spurned the comforts of home and all worldly riches, O blessed mother, your kinsmen thought you were deranged. Yet, the people of 4chan, seeing your girth, lack of acquisitiveness, and voluntary feeding, sang to you: Mommy gib me milkies.

>> No.11489690

Ikos 2

Blessed Mommy GF, you hid the gas that built up within behind a belly so tender and hips so wide. Amid the vanity of a great city you lived like a desert-dweller, unceasingly offering your milk to me. Marveling at your hips, we cry out to you in praise:

Rejoice, for you took upon your shoulders the heavy cross of beddy-bye time, a perverse hour of the soul.

Rejoice, for you bore it without hesitation.

Rejoice, for you hid the smelly diapers from the neighboring eyes.

Rejoice, for your smells were most foul, thus the more sweet.

Rejoice, for you acquired the gift of clairvoyance through extreme humility and feats of flatulance.

Rejoice, for you showed forth this gift for the benefit and salvation of those who suffer and struggle.

Rejoice, for you beheld the sufferings of little baby clairvoyantly.

Rejoice, for your milk brought relief to those in pain and distress.

Rejoice, for you prophesied to the good woman the mantling of a son.

Rejoice, for you implored your sex-son not to clean his phimosis.

Rejoice, for you hurry to entreat your man-baby with all manner of smells and sights.

Rejoice, for you have taught all the faithful to beg before snakie.

Rejoice, Big Momma, faithful bowel intercessor for our souls.

Kontakion 3

By powers bequeathed through the natural acumen of your sinful flesh, many a drop of man milk made their homes in the dirt of the garden or in the diaper lain out bare. For this ceaselessly pampering and feeding, we cribbed ones cry out: Mommy gib me milkies!

>> No.11489906

Very nice! Added.

>> No.11491070
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>> No.11491210


>> No.11491268

Part of Unabombers reading list, but mostly a bump

>> No.11491301

honestly quite a big fan of those three parodies and will be inserting them in the text

>> No.11491356

I love whoever wrote the subahibi part

>> No.11491370

Oh boy do I love gurgling on mulatto cock

>> No.11491818

vry cool

>> No.11492694

There once was a little kid named Billy who loved clowns. I mean LOVED them. He had posters of them all over his wall and pictures of them everywhere. One day his parents took him to the Circus to see all of the clowns. He was so excited! He never saw one up close before! In the middle of the show, a tiny little car came out and out came 20 clowns! He was cheering so loud he couldn't speak for a couple minutes. Just then, the Leader of the Clowns took a microphone and asked for a volunteer. Billy raised his hand and shouted ''Me! Me!'' The clown looked around and said ''You!'' as he pointed at Billy. He was so happy! Billy joined the clown on the floor. The clown looked down at him and asked, ''Are you the horse's nose?'' Billy said ''No...'' ''Are you the horse's ears?'' ''No...'' Then the clown got an evil look in his eye as he said ''Then you must be the horse's ass!'' The whole tent shook with laughter, and Billy cried his eyes out. He couldn't believe a clown made fun of him like that! He swore revenge!

Billy grew up, he went to college, got a job, got married, and had a few kids, but still never forgot what that clown did to him. One morning he saw an ad in the paper for the same circus, and decided to go. He knew the PERFECT insult to get him back! When he told his wife and kids he was going his kids asked if they could goto the circus with him. He calmly said ''No. Daddy has something he needs to do there.'' In the middle of the show, a little car came out and out came about 20 clowns. The crowd cheered, except for Billy. The Leader of the Clowns took a microphone. It was the same Clown! Billy was so excited that he could now get revenge!
The clown asked for a volunteer. Billy calmly raised his hand. The clown picked him! Billy joined the clown on the floor. The clown said ''Are you the horse's nose?'' Billy stayed calm and said ''No.'' The clown asked ''Are you the horse's ears?'' Billy replied ''No.'' Then the clown said ''Then you must be the horse's ass!'' Billy knew his time had come. As the crowd laughed and everyone cheered, his anger grew. Now was the time for revenge. He looked deep into the clown's eyes and said... ''Fuck you, Clown.'

>> No.11493893
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>> No.11494398
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what do you think

>> No.11494768

As a ryonafag i find 'on ryona' to be a pretty bullshit serious analysis.

>> No.11494785
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>> No.11494829
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>> No.11494950

kek'd because that is a great lecture series

>> No.11496189

What is this

>> No.11496196

residual effects of copious amounts of lsd
or so I was told

>> No.11497742

KeK bUmP