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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 677x231, MemeTetrology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11481691 No.11481691 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is /lit/ canon.

>> No.11481697

you’re almost more embarrassing than claude

>> No.11481699

For the love of god stop using the edgelord cover for BotNS

>> No.11481717

BotNS is overdue for an omnibus with a minimalist aesthetic. Almost all covers have a bit of edge to them.

>> No.11481746

you know, i bet New Sun might have really caught on by now if it didn't look like it belonged on the manga shelf

>> No.11481750

>status signalling

>> No.11481759 [DELETED] 

No, but still better than the faggot that would add Culture of Critique to this pic instead of your genre fiction.

>> No.11481789

You better not forget this tomorrow.

>> No.11481793
File: 29 KB, 333x499, 41MjvZt+tZL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cover rules

>> No.11481904

yea it's clean and fashionable but if i didn't know what it was i'd still bet it was a japanese cartoon

>> No.11481954

I have heard such great things about this book but absolutely refuse to read it due to the awful cover. It looks like an action novel for young adults.

>> No.11481971

>but absolutely refuse to read it due to the awful cover
>literally judging a book by its cover
>an outdated print at that
only on /lit/

>> No.11482255

>minimalist aesthetic
Way worse than an edgy aesthetic.

>> No.11483317

>a load of obnoxious lexiphanic bollocks
yep, it's the /lit/ canon alright

>> No.11483692

Shadow of the torturer cover is kino

>> No.11483695

I don't know about the others but Gravity's Rainbow is the best book ever written

>> No.11483697

That just makes it better

>> No.11483701
File: 43 KB, 300x422, 518UDklFewL._SX298_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Death Note covers are the best

>> No.11484349

BotNS is literally awful. I got memed into reading the first volume of it by some catholic-fag-Croat and have regretted the hours it took me to read ever since. Wolfe cannot write women, which I normally wouldn't care about, but he makes so many women characters central to the plot and the dialogue is just sexually-charged banter typically between some stupid whore and the mega virgin protag who cannot make it more than one page without acting as a Wolfe self-insert to express his repressed Catholic sexuality. To put it on par with two of the greatest works of world literature is the sign of sure-fire fatal autism: someone who puts it on par with Ulysses probably either has not read Ulysses or reads Ulysses and self-inserts as Stephen or Bloom. The book is supposedly (((layered))) with deep Catholic symbolism, but that doesn't save it from being an absolute trash heap of a novel formally.

>> No.11484381

Whatever you say Rabi!

>> No.11484407


>> No.11484424

>implying catholic symbolism has any value
>comparing a shitty genrefic piece to Ulysses
ALMOST a based post, didnt carry over the wall though