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11474333 No.11474333 [Reply] [Original]

Best SFF Short Stories Edition
>What is your favorite SFF short story?
>Let's say 50 pages or less to keep them under novella length.
>If it's available online, share a link!



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.11474344

Patrick Rothfuss is the best fantasy author ever

>> No.11474347

>What is your favorite SFF short story?
I'll start. The Last Question by Asimov, which can be read here:

>> No.11474421

to be an author you have to publish
you aren't an author if you haven't published in over 10 years and have no intention of publishing or even writing

>> No.11474440
File: 287 KB, 500x800, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 days left!

Downloads: https://b-ok.xyz/s/?q=the+stars+my+destination

>> No.11474451
File: 197 KB, 1357x2048, WoR_FASHION-LIAFOR_v02_fmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this, you faggots!

>> No.11474454

sanderhack a fag

>> No.11474462

How is Solaris?

>> No.11474465

I think he's actually at 8 years, but fair enough.

>> No.11474475

Overrated. The setting is unique and the first chapters are thrilling but the book is boring and plagued by exposition dumps.

>> No.11474477

now on shadow rising in wheel of time will rand stop being a pussy?

>> No.11474481

shit'll get worse before it gets better, let's leave it at that

>> No.11474528

Excellent. But it isn't typical sci-fi action pulp, it's all about ideas and introspection.

>> No.11474545

>op is using the general to Outsource 50 pages books to pad his goodreads challenge.

>> No.11474726

surprisingly boring

>> No.11474736

>Book of the First Snooze is praised
>Solaris gets shit on

>> No.11474758

not for children

>> No.11474838

>Book of the First Snooze

>> No.11474902

>what a few people shill represents the entire sffg
There are at least 70 users each thread, you think we all praise the Lunar Howler? We are too busy actually reading to fight shill with shill.
The boisterous voice of the few does not speak for the collective many.

>> No.11474976

How did Robert Anton Wilson get away with writing the same book 4 times?
>Illuminatus Trilogy
>Prometheus Rising
>Cosmic Trigger
>Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy

>> No.11474984
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Why are the Kingkiller books so comfy bros?
They're far from the best concerning plotlines, characters, or lore, yet they're so enjoyable to read.

>> No.11475013

love the aesthetic, what is WoR?

can anyone recommend a sci-fi/fantasy about vampires ruling humans? Something close to an aristocratic victorian setting (tech level can vary) with cyberpunk themes and/or aesthetic (just with tail coats and canes) would be ideal, especially if there's hover carriages and mass corporate fueled blood trade.

>> No.11475038

Words of Radiance from Sanderson

>> No.11475056

>Why are the Kingkiller books so comfy bros?
Literally what is comfy about the second book? The first one is comfy because Rothfuss spent 10 years polishing his turd prior to getting published.

>> No.11475084
File: 159 KB, 332x425, Brandon Soyderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks friend, all I've read of his is Mistborn (#1, 2 is on the shelf) and while i didn't love it, the setting was pretty comfy (during balls anyway, i could do without the volcanoes n grime) so i may look into this "Words of Radiance" you speak of.

>> No.11475094

>fav short story


>> No.11475097

Give me intresting premises

>> No.11475103

man turns into a dolphin and falls in love with a shark

>> No.11475109

Yeah, the first one is definitely better. Still, I remember the Lord's castle chapters, journeying towards the bandit's hideouts, and the Fae parts that weren't all sex being pretty comfy.
I imagine the third book is gonna lose all of that since he basically has a hundred questions he set himself up to answer, and only one book to do it.

>> No.11475113

WoR is the 2nd book in Stormlight so you'd have to read Way of Kings first.

>> No.11475144

what will be the conflict?

>> No.11475149

THAT'S Stormlight? here i thought the aesthetic was all dry desert land n giant crabs n shit. They pull swords from their assess too, right?

>> No.11475152

Trumps got at least another 2 years so he'll hit that 10 mark unless he's a filthy liar

>> No.11475154

human fisherman who wants to kill the shark because the shark ate his father

>> No.11475157

Sort of, he stays a carpet for his women for the whole series though, every man does come to think of it.

>> No.11475163

Another dolphin wants R A P E. Sure the shark could just eat it and live happily with the mc, but this shark is a pacifist when it comes to dolphins because of an early seeded fetish so he almost wants to see the dolphin action because he's a closet cuck

>> No.11475190
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Well the first two books the main location is a large plains with deep interconnected chasms that turn it into a bunch of Island plateaus that would look like pic related if you had an aerial view

basically the world has periodic and regular hurricane force storms that seep across it every few weeks so all the plants and animals are designed to be able to withstand it so everything has shells like a crap or something

and yeah giant magic swords that kinda dissolve into Vapor when you put them away are the super weapons of the setting but there aren't many of them

>> No.11475217

There is a ruling class of lighteyes similar to the one in Mistborn, only that they are also a feudal warrior caste of some sort, but with rare magical weaponry instead of magical powers. I guess that there are "comfy" court events, like balls or parties thrown by the king, and courting and court intrigue and high fashion and wine connoisseurs. It speaks of the hubris of that caste that they bring all that luxury and excess with them to the shattered plains where they hunt giant crustaceans and fight with the enemy.

>> No.11475225
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Just read Aurora. Loved the big ideas and connected with the characters (especially Ship). The science started to bore me near the end, especially the navigational stuff, so I skimmed a few pages. Very engaging tho

>> No.11475242

Read the new york one by kim. It has milf pussy being ravaged.

>> No.11475310

Right on i will probably give it a go after i finish Mistborn's first trilogy. Magical weaponry sounds more up my ally than the anime acrobatics behind allomancy and at the very least I'll likely enjoy whatever politics and courtly shit is present

>> No.11475469
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Is this series worth getting into?

>> No.11475541

SA has its fair share of anime acrobatics

>> No.11475581

I'll tell you if you give me that copy of Bonehunters

>> No.11475684

Seems pretty self explanatory, anon.

>tfw can't even write one book once.

>> No.11475706

If you have about four to five months to dedicate to reading it, yes.

>> No.11475814
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Book 5 is insane.

>> No.11475907

>Anime acrobatics
Sanderson is peak anime acrobatics
One of the final fights in his books has two characters running up and down a massive flying boulder
As I was reading I thought Sanderson put this in purely for when his book series would be made into a movie

>> No.11475916

That's the fight between Kaladin and Szeth near the end of Words of Radiance right? Doesn't help before they started fighting on the boulder they were flying around their air swinging their giant anime swords like an episode of Bleach.

>> No.11475924

Give me a good fantasy series that won't take 1/3 of my life to read.

>> No.11475928

*chases the dao for 3000 years*
*killed hundreds of thousands*
*worshipped by millions*
*still a virgin*

>> No.11475935

Gods are above petty needs of the flesh.

>> No.11475938

It’s been a while since I read it
Also I just remembered about the slave character having to learn his different credos to access his full powers and then shouting it out in battle “I will protect those who can’t protect themselves!!!”
Total anime

>> No.11475977
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Remember to buy Sanderson's latest book!

>> No.11476004

>teenage female protagonist
>not even out yet


>> No.11476009

Is this the new YA series with prof and the others?

>> No.11476046


>> No.11476071


>> No.11476094

better to start another series and also write some stand alones xd

>> No.11476104
File: 87 KB, 291x475, Earthlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Earthlight, quite slow but enjoyable

Anyone else read this? Seems to be one of ACC's lesser know/read books.

>> No.11476128

>stand alones
Thank god, i have no idea how can anyone stand reading 35+ books before getting to a conclusion

>> No.11476144

The semi-related sequel to that got put on hold, this seems like an entirely new setting.

>> No.11476180
File: 117 KB, 790x445, foundation-trilogy-790x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering reading the Foundation series.

What's everyones thoughts on these books? Is the Trilogy worth reading? What about the additional books (prequels/sequels)?

>> No.11476195

Is Vimes the best character in Discworld?

Alright that's a dumb question

By how much is Vimes the best character in Discworld?

>> No.11476207

He's not Vetinari though?

>> No.11476214
File: 86 KB, 564x813, ss_30_hc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horror Fantasy recommendations?

>> No.11476232

House on the borderland, h.p. lovecraft stuff

>> No.11476279

So with regards to Michal Scott-Earle and that other author getting banned from Amazon, I just ran across this article about similar drama happening with romance authors.

>“What is in the content of Her Cocky Firefighters?” asked the judge, surveying the exhibits.

>“It appears to be a male-female-male romance,” said a lawyer for one of the defendants. “Beyond that, I imagine it involves one or two of the male characters is a firefighter.”

>The judge looked over Her Cocky Doctors. “Two male figures. One seems to be wearing a stethoscope, indicating he is a doctor, but he is stripped to the waist.”

>“Doesn’t look like my doctor, your Honor,” said the lawyer drily.

>> No.11476366

kek....ten book series, he's gonna gurm us

>> No.11476402
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>When Hopkins issued cease-and-desists to Amazon over titles like Cocky Fiance and Cocky Cowboy, the move kicked off an internet firestorm, with countless authors and romance fans criticizing Hopkins for trademark trolling. (The respective authors took dramatically different approaches: Cocky Fiance was subsequently renamed Arrogant Fiance; Cocky Cowboy was renamed The Cockiest Cowboy That Ever Cocked).

>> No.11476415
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Who is going to buy this?

Who here /targ/?

>> No.11476421

No, not until Fat Fuck finishes WoW. And then to show my anger I'll pirate it anyway.

>> No.11476424
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The "trilogy" is a series of "novels" that have been clumsily cobbled together from short stories Asimov had been publishing in magazines. Keep that in mind if you expect a single cohesive narrative.

First book starts off well by setting up the story but then kind of just meanders in fatalism. I would say it's the worst of the three. I don't know if I'd recommend skipping it, but if you're anything like me you might read it and think "that was okay but it felt like a bit of wasted potential, I wonder if the other books are better", in which case I would definitely recommend giving the next ones a chance.
Second book is a very fun mystery. Probably has the best character in all of Asimov's fiction overall.
Third book has a lot of pic related and relies a lot on a mind control gimmick, but it's still good.

Overall it's a space opera that spans multiple centuries on a galactic scale in less than 700 pages. That alone is impressive, but you should expect a lot of broad strokes and not a lot of fine detail.

>> No.11476425
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>not until Fat Fuck finishes WoW.

>> No.11476428

I avoid long epic fantasy series because it's hard for me to remember what happens in a 15 book series where every book if 500 page minimum.

>> No.11476443
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I'm enjoying this book, almost finished it and will start the second over the weekend.

>> No.11476551
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It's the phone book fantasy anon.
You are supposed to have a spreadsheet with the names at all times.

>> No.11476564

lots of authors are pulling out of Kindle unlimited because of how it gets abused. amazon doesn't verify hings by themselves and everything is automated.

>> No.11476624

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this, but I’ve been working on a short story and need help theorizing or refining an idea I had for the main premise... it has to do with some theoretical science, antimatter propulsion to be exact. Some suspension of disbelief, but I could use some help if anyone could lend an ear. Thanks.

>> No.11476690

fuck it, post it

>> No.11476700
File: 56 KB, 537x640, Manseed1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found at a bookstore, getting ready to read this after years of having it in meme folders

>> No.11476865

Epic fantasy is generally a waste of time, there's no series that is not heavily flawed in one way or another. However you will form an attachment to the world and characters because of how long you will spend reading it.

>> No.11476868

Boring as fuck and only worth it for their historical importance.

>> No.11476934

Is there a major cum lord?

>> No.11476939

That's basically most golden age scifi though.

>> No.11476948

Sarantine Mosaic

>> No.11476955


>> No.11476963


>> No.11476983

Pls explain

>> No.11476989

It's not even that. He is putting out books every year, just not the ones we want.
Where is Mistborn [insert number here]
Where is Rithamist 2
Where is Stormlight 4
Where is Warbreaker 2
Where is Elantris 2

He is just putting out YA shit.

>> No.11477001

Too old for cosplay. Looks like a milf trying to catch some nubile youngins

>> No.11477005

tfw work's picked up and it's taken me over a month to read the first one

>> No.11477061

>Looks like a milf trying to catch some nubile youngins
You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.11477063

And that’s a good thing

>> No.11477074

>Sanderson has put out more books in 2 years than Rothfuss has put out for his entire career

>> No.11477115

I just finished Good Omens, what Gaiman or Prachett book should I read next?

>> No.11477175
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1418228156215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authors reviewing their own books on goodreads with a cute little "well I liked it.. xD"

>> No.11477215
File: 43 KB, 540x720, csmvhig4gc1h8lnguq7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce me up on a fantasy series/book with a strong aryan tomboy (female) protagonist who is occasionally put in compromising positions/forced to wear revealing clothing

>> No.11477231

>trying to fit in by posting buzzwords and not knowing it is filtered

>> No.11477234

Use your fetish... tap into it... gain motivation from it. Write what you want to see. Be the next Robert Jordan. Make millions from your own perversions

>> No.11477237
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>> No.11477239

writing one right now, you just have to wait around 2 years

>> No.11477242

>faggots frogposting

>> No.11477244
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1494457508479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Author has a goodreads account

>> No.11477288
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Based. Might give it a try
Thanks. Looks promising
Based. Let is know how it goes

>> No.11477317


>> No.11477318


You actually trust him to finish this new series. Good luck with that.

>> No.11477350
File: 185 KB, 960x960, 1522792542688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching World Star Hiphop and Liveleak for the entire day instead of being productive I've been inspired to write a urban science fantasy superhero story about a guy and his two cousins that died in a gasleak at a pizza chain and wake up in an alternate version of their world populated by ghosts. Nearly everyone is a complete piece of shit from your typical trash to serial killers, cannibals, etc. The protagonist and his cousins get invited to a less shit community after finding out they have powers and decide to clean up the streets as "best" as they can.

>> No.11477503

>isekai ghost x-men

>> No.11477525

When I'm #1 on the Amazon Kindle market you want be yawning then.

>> No.11477566

Need a book recommendation. Have a e-book credit I need to use but don't know what to get.

>> No.11477595

can you stop posting this ugly failed trap?

>> No.11477605

Popularity does not indicate quality.

>> No.11477617

When I get my Hugo you won't be laughing then bitch.

>> No.11477628

all of the shit you mentioned is YA

>> No.11477698

>implying Hugo is for quality
Oh I'm laffin

>> No.11477714

>Implying anonymous on /lit/ on /sffg/ indicates quality

I had the last one. Now to start on my magnum opus.

>> No.11477782
File: 45 KB, 316x500, dia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to read Snow Crash before this?

>> No.11477870

>the sandman has written more books on a single plane flight than I have in years

>> No.11477881
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>tfw reading a body-swap manhwa
Probably closest thing I've come to isekai aside from the four pages of Emerilia I read, I suppose.
chart of good isekai stories when

>> No.11477898
File: 592 B, 150x217, good_isekai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chart of good isekai stories when

Here you go.

>> No.11477904
File: 203 KB, 1000x1000, 71jSZ67taCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are few books where milf pussy is ravaged. This book is one of them.

>> No.11477908

Don't worry once >>11477350 gets published that'll change.

>> No.11477921

>kek I sure told him
>am I part of the group yet?

>> No.11477922
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>> No.11477935

What page though senpai

Better yet just post the passage

>> No.11477947

Why is everything a gate these days? Where are all these gatekeepers coming from?

>> No.11477956
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>> No.11477976

Where do you guys stand on the Horus Heresy series? I've really enjoyed the first 7 or 8 books I've read but I feel a little juvenile reading them at times.

>> No.11477985

Daniel fucking Black. Stop being a fag cosmerefag and fucking read it.

>> No.11477989

Read the fucking book?

It a guy you fuckwad.

>> No.11478000
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>> No.11478025

Steelheart was fun, maybe this will be too

>> No.11478174

what's the general consensus on gormenghast?

>> No.11478227

They aren't really related.

>> No.11478246

I wouldn't read anything by neal stephenson, he's a bit of a liberal

>> No.11478248

>top review for the book is the author's own review
Why the fuck is this allowed, WHY.

>> No.11478249

I fucking gave up a quarter through book three, the series is garbage.

>> No.11478255

He's not a paint-by-minorities SJW though, it's fine

>> No.11478261

Neal stephenson always struck me as something more of an anarchist or something.

>> No.11478265

send me those books and ill let you know
for to five months? it would take me at least a year to read that series, how fucking fast do you guys read?

>> No.11478312

I read the first 4 in 1 month. Slowed down after that.

>> No.11478378


I average at around 60-75 pages an hour with genre fiction.

>> No.11478380

skip every other paragraph to increase your reading speed

>> No.11478387


>> No.11478440

Even worse

>> No.11478480

Idk where you're getting that? His essays/articles show a libertarian viewpoint

No. Diamond Age is self contained and better.

Very literary. (Too literary.)

>> No.11478491
File: 257 KB, 1080x1599, Gormenghast Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic speaks for itself.

>> No.11478536

Tried to start reading the Foundation series once but the writing was so boring and old fashioned that I couldnt stand it.

>> No.11478579

>This kind of change would make Wang Lin go crazy, like when he absorbed all those Celestial Ascension Fruits[1. The fruit Wang Lin ate that made him go crazy].

thanks translater

>> No.11478635

>[4-star Master Teacher (chinese name)] felt like he was going insane, [MC] must be on the level of a 6-star Master Teacher! Even though he's only a 2-star!

>> No.11478656

I got into Warhammer 40k books recently and I'm surprised by how much I enjoy them.

>> No.11478707

Sure but, science in sf does not need to be real or even believeable. Just say antimatter whatever and you are fine.

>> No.11478712
File: 29 KB, 500x192, 6d0469820a0881c848b7c5cee7d9c342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished pic related, wow that was good, why does no one talk about this series more? The ending cucked me a little but most of it was kino as fuck.

>> No.11478719

i see you guys are reading one of the best chinese webnovel

>> No.11478721

What is it

>> No.11478731

library of heavens path
dont read this too seriously, it's a bit of a comedy

>> No.11478745

That first book pissed me the fuck off. I dropped the series when I finished book 1.

>> No.11478762

Shit taste desu

>> No.11478769

what's good about it?

>> No.11478771

upload for latest Ian Rodgers book when??

>> No.11478788

I'm getting flash backs with the pandering

>> No.11478825

I'd say it's more than a 'bit' of a comedy. The same routine happens tens of times. He shows up at a higher tier location, discovers that his previously amazing high-status qualifications are now run of the mill, gets talked down to by someone a level or two above his supposed level, let's them make a big scene about it so they can lose the maximum amount of face when it turns out that he's acktually 3-4 levels above them in skill (using muh heaven's path or muh insight), then gets legitimate qualifications and badges, finds out his current level of currency is trash, etc. Oops, looks like I just spoiled all 1000 chapters. :^)

>> No.11478915

Holy shit this is probably the best one yet, I intended to read 10-20 pages before sleep last night and finished almost the entire book.

>> No.11479179

dont tell me every single woman in wheel of time is going to be this awful. they're beyond bitchy.

>> No.11479181
File: 28 KB, 474x360, ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.55tgzkBVBk71eAfVpWv1IAHaFo%26pid%3D15.1&f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single woman in wheel of time is awful. they're all beyond bitchy.

>> No.11479182
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>> No.11479185

>Kek that one kills me

>> No.11479187

At least they get spanked a lot.

>> No.11479190

Mat giving them hidings was the best part of the whole series.

>> No.11479242

the princess is the best girl; can't remember her name though

>> No.11479294

any decent dark fantasy novels with a large/epic scale and lots of magic?

>> No.11479298

anon... I...

>> No.11479312
File: 19 KB, 220x327, TheBookOfTheShortSun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished book of the short sun

Holy. Fucking. Shit

That was incredible. I think it's up there with New Sun. Not as deep, or complex, but the plot was just so good. Leagues better. With New Sun I had to put it down every few chapters because it was so dense. But with Short Sun I couldn't stop reading. I got through the third volume in one day

This is the first time Gene Wolfe has ever gotten me emotionally invested in any of his characters. That final sentence in the book really got to me...

I don't know what to do with my life now. I don't know how anything I read now will live up to it

>> No.11479322

How do the Sanderson Wheel of Time books compare to Jordan's?

>> No.11479324

not as good as jordan's first three or four but much better than the others

>> No.11479334

It's a Wolfe book, just read it again lmao

>> No.11479335

every single woman is awful anon
no matter real or fiction

>> No.11479339

t. "I seek the dao of celibacy"

>> No.11479358

read the rational male and you'll be seeking the dao of celibacy to my friend, you might need to be divorce raped a couple times make a breakthrough in you cultivation and overcome you bluepill conditioning

>> No.11479381


>> No.11479403

Agreed, Short Sun is great, and in a lot of ways better than New Sun.

>> No.11479407

>that thing is so scary!
>it’s so scary I can’t even describe it!

>> No.11479417

>the eldritch horror turn out to be a mulatto Irishman
>muh fish

>> No.11479435

It had lots of tentacles ! And teeth ! and it was formless blackness ! And there was a sense of invisible eyes ! And it stood 20 feet tall ! And there was a constant high pitched buzz that burnt its way into your skull !

typical love craft

>> No.11479439

>also fuck niggers btw
honestly lovecraft is one of the worst literary memes

>> No.11479484

I thought the first book was dope, the second one was pretty awesome, the third book kind of sucked, the fourth book was gay, the fifth one (or maybe the fourth, the one with the dark elf) was okay, the sixth one had it's moments but was also kind of gay, the seventh one was lame, the eighth one was disappointingly homosexual, and the ninth one started to get lulzy with mutilation rape but then I lost interest and never finished the series.

>> No.11479494

I liked the female characters last time I read it. Idk, I pretty much just love those books desu.

that's fuckin funny though

>> No.11479559

I still have so many questions though. One thing I keep asking myself is if HornSilk is an inhumi. The book makes it a point to show him never eating and sometimes even pretending to eat. He also asks to be exused from doing anything physical all the time

>> No.11479603
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How much Christianity is in it?

>> No.11479628

Remember Silk’s tomato greed in long sun in which he does not offer them to Maytera Rose. This is the flip side of that - self-denial. There should be way more questions than that. After you read it a second time I, the greatest and smartest anon in all of eternity, will enlighten you.

>> No.11479747

>it would take me at least a year to read that series, how fucking fast do you guys read?
I read about a normal-length book a week, just doing incidental reading here and there. It took me about 2 and a half weeks per book for Malazan.

>> No.11479768

There's always Min.
Nynaeve gets better once you realise she's just tsundere.

>> No.11479773

Red Knight and Black Company.

>> No.11479783

>it would take me at least a year to read that series
I was going to call you a brainlet but that would mean 30 pages a day on average. While not fast it's not horribly bad.

>> No.11479816

Aside from milf pusey, is it any good? I dunno man, I fail to see what could be so exciting in NY i a hundred years.

>> No.11479821

>female protagonist
Why bother?

>> No.11479851
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>not being a NEET no lifer who reads all day

I got through the wheel of time in just over 2 weeks that way (well i say all but i read them back before memory of light was published)

>> No.11479875

He's a straight up ancap.

>> No.11479900
File: 121 KB, 425x339, 1512450531334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm enjoying this book
This is one of the most bashed books in all of /sffg/, aside from memebooks like cumming loudly. It is so so bad I am surprised I read it all. I suppose it's because it's not so obvious and you just can't tell until you go shower and start thinking, and then you go to the fridge and there's no food and you keep thinking... Like slowly boiling frogs, there's not a one chapter that's complete shit, it's the whole book that has shit smeared all over it and you can't tell it's shit because you keep thinking maybe this isn't shit, maybe it's intentional?

I'll point out my major gripe with it that exposed how much shit is in the book before I noticed the rest:
>a single elf can live for 2k years, and there are more than a few that do!
Okay, if a single elf generation lives for 2k years, and they ruled over humans for multiple generations, well, humans are fucking stupid! They are literally braindead. I mean, in the book they are tribal! For, let's say, 5 elven generations, that's about 10k years, but cut that in half, and you still get 5k years of TRIBAL life! They are no more than animals! And it's not even the elves fault! They mostly keep to themselves on the other side of their stupid river, not abusing and oppressing humans, keeping them dumb. Human didn't invent writing living for 5k years, when just on the other side of the river there's this super advanced civilization. Civilization that keeps humans as slaves, and sometimes take walks on """"diplomacy"""" (what kind of diplomacy can even be done with animals anyway) on human territory with said slaves. So, these slaves, having lived with elves since they were born, must know writing exists, yet not a single word of this has reached the tribes for 5 THOUSAND YEARS.

Word is, next book is even worse. Supposedly, all these inventions that weren't made for thousands of years by humans? Yep, suddenly, a single girl """"discovers"""" (disregard the elves that lives just across the river) ALL OF THEM, in a single lifetime!

>> No.11479915

t. retard who hasn't invented a single thing in his life

>> No.11479924

why the FUCK would you post this AFTER I ALREADY BOUGHT IT YOU CUNT

>> No.11479927

Oh hi Marc.

>> No.11479931

>a single girl """"discovers"""" ALL OF THEM

>> No.11479993

The elves don't have writing either. The Dwarves did but then forgot about it somehow.
The second book is the most autistic thing I've ever read.

>> No.11479996

Someone who's read it is welcome to correct me, but from what other anons said, these inventions include but are not limited to
>the wheel (I supposed the elves didn't use carriages, then?)
>bow and arrow (even as a tribal society the humans fail)
And forget about a lifetime, as the books don't span that long. It's all within a few weeks. It's just bad writing.

>> No.11480009
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>the first bow ever invented is a fucking yew longbow that shoots spears

>> No.11480013

She invents buckets and discovers Iron too.

>> No.11480026

And tents

>> No.11480068

>They are no more than animals! And it's not even the elves fault! They mostly keep to themselves on the other side of their stupid river, not abusing and oppressing humans, keeping them dumb. Human didn't invent writing living for 5k years, when just on the other side of the river there's this super advanced civilization.
It shows you didn't read the book the elves would cull humans and pit them against communities to keep them dumb. There are other reasons the books are stupid though.

>> No.11480079

b-but still worth reading right? RIGHT?

>> No.11480084

They only did that with 4 human tribes.

>> No.11480097
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>She invents buckets
>girl invents fruit!
I don't know, maybe it's not so obvious to completely uncivilized people, but how dumb do you have to be too see an empty shell and not think "maybe I could use that to carry water"? Even molluscs use empty shells as housing.

I read it a year ago and didn't remember that. But even so, usually people wanting to kill each other are more driven to invent new ways of killing each other, so I'd expect that to be counterproductive in the elves' perspective.

>> No.11480187

I cant for the life of me understand how someone can digest and enjoy Rothfuss's Reddit tier writing propmt highschool teacher writing.

>> No.11480190

Should I read Heinlein's Friday or Throne of Glass?

>> No.11480199

Having sex with a woman is like playing a fine instrument

>> No.11480201

This is SFFG, you'll find more people that are into sword and sorcery and pew pew, than concepts and ideas. But you're absolutely wring about Book of the New Sun, shit is dope.

>> No.11480211

just have the protagonists be a master of everything for no particular reason !
whats wrong with that

>> No.11480245

Sad when webnovel writers are more consistent than Rothfuss.

>> No.11480252

Why would people honestly ever talk about some guy who published 2 crappy fantasy books a decade ago

And thats IT too

>> No.11480326

Which one of you fags recommended the dark Lord's handbook? This shit is a slog. I'm halfway through and dropping it.

>> No.11480330

No. Don't read it. Read the Riyria series, not this age of shit

>> No.11480353

>Sanderson is a webnovel writer

>> No.11480362

Robert Anson Heinlein…shame on you, sir. W…T…everwomanhating…F were you thinking when you wrote this drivel?

Friday is, in my irritated opinion, the most offensive and childishly ridiculous female protagonist since Russ Meyer and Roger Corman teamed up to co-direct Planet of the Nympho Bimbos Part II: Attack of the Soapy Breast Monsters.**

** Not a real film, so don’t bother searching Amazon for it.

Pardon my soap boxing, but this is a despicable pile of misogynistic shit that should have been dropped, wiped away and flushed from the literary world before it ever plopped on the printing press. Sorry for the dysphemism, but “I really didn’t like it” just doesn’t adequately express my loathe-on for this book.

Previously, I’d read and enjoyed a handful of Robert Heinlein’s novels and many of his short stories and considered myself a fan of his work. I have also read some reviews where people took issue with his attitudes on sex and women, but hadn’t personally come across anything I found excessively off-putting…UNTIL NOW. This noxious crap pissed me off the roof of the RAH Fan club and had me losing respect for the man all the way down.

>> No.11480369

I enjoyed it but w/e

>> No.11480370

Don't read anything written by that fag.

>> No.11480378

What's this for? want to read it.

>> No.11480412


Text is copy pasted from the top reviewer.

>> No.11480434

based stephen
he's not wrong

>> No.11480478

I am not shocked nor offended.

>> No.11480507

He's very wrong.
Heinlein was anything but misogynistic, his female characters were almost always smarter, more capable, more in charge. If Heinlein had been a women people would have considered those novels part of radical feminist literature. Some characters in his stories are misogynistic but Heinlein definitely wasn't.

Calling Heinlein "everwomanhating" is like saying "The Iron Dream" by Spinrad is glorifying nazism, if that's your conclusion then you don't get it.

>> No.11480527

>He thought I was implying he was


>> No.11480568


>> No.11480640

thought this was reddit, but I guess goodreads is pretty much r/bookreviews at this point so I'm giving myself credit

>> No.11480656
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>> No.11480673

They're both bad but Friday is at least short.

>> No.11480713

Maybe you should have read more than one thread then?
Next you'll be telling me you've purchased Name of the Wind and Ready Player One

>> No.11480724

>Ready Player One
Does anyone have those excerpts laying around? I need a good laugh.

>> No.11480750

>this new series
It's a standalone book

>> No.11480770

fantasy is extremely easy to read, as there are no ideas to ponder or facts to memorize

>> No.11480788

you can find ideas to ponder in any book even garbage. You are just a pseud.

>> No.11480790
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Riyria Revelations and Chronicles are 10/10 comfy tho

>> No.11480812
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>> No.11480849

I would argue that masturbation is the human animal's most important adaptation. The very cornerstone of our technological civilization. Our hands evolved to grip tools, all right—including our own. You see, thinkers, inventors, and scientists are usually geeks, and geeks have a harder time getting laid than anyone. Without the built-in sexual release valve provided by masturbation, it's doubtful that early humans would have ever mastered the secrets of fire or discovered the wheel. And you can bet that Galileo, Newton, and Einstein never would have made their discoveries if they hadn't first been able to clear their heads by slapping the salami (or "knocking a few protons off the old hydrogen atom"). The same goes for Marie Curie. Before she discovered radium, you can be certain she first discovered the little man in the canoe.

>> No.11480956
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Aside from Wild Wastes, what other books give the protagonist an Orc waifu?

>> No.11480972
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Is Schismatrix a good book for someone who loves transhumanism and tech,and a little bit of an intellectual edge in their books, but doesn't like reading unbelievable sci-fi stories?

And if not, any books I should be reading instead?

>> No.11481027
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Oooh, I can't wait to see how Sanderson manages to write another magnificent female character.

>> No.11481044

would chew gum
>he doesn't like Vim!

>> No.11481065

>i'm now thinking about marie curie masturbating

>> No.11481075

If you swapped out Vin's name for John you wouldn't notice anything wrong about the main characters' description until he gets married to a guy in the third book.
I liked her, but she's far from well written, even for fantasy standards.

>> No.11481096

fuck you the Riyria books are good

>> No.11481111
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>> No.11481140
File: 53 KB, 870x1174, 1508907540817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will reading fantasy and sci-fi novels and posting here help me lose my virginity?

>> No.11481144

Kys weeb

>> No.11481156


>> No.11481174

Age will do that to you, I have wonderful memories of fucking emo girls in late '00s back at the farm I was born at, fucking cute Slavic immigrants from the Polish immigration wave, fucking aimless hipster city girls who were impressed by nothing but my whiskey habits and my shitty vinyl collection, and then fucking cute Christian girls in the biblebelt during my late study years.
Now I'm back at the farm, got a girl much younger than me who likes to get dirty and isn't too experienced, got a comfy IT job that gets decent pay, and get to spend my free time reading books and talking to all of you wonderful people.

>> No.11481216

Sex isn't really all it's cracked up to be
Course I figured out I'm asexual so take that with a grain of salt

>> No.11481223

>buying books
Why do that when you can just go to a library?

>> No.11481224

No it'll just make you sad that no real women will every match up to fictional thots.

>> No.11481233

i like to read books in english and libraries here are total shit

>> No.11481236

Is Malazan any good? Im a Asoiaf/black company fag

>> No.11481241

Then you're broken, I crave sex at least 3 times a day, I fantasize about it several times a day, and masturbation is pretty much something I consistently do to deal with immune problems.

>> No.11481243

yeah you won't have the attention span

>> No.11481251
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Accelerando is good

>> No.11481262

I'll let you know

>> No.11481263

Nothing broken about it senpai
I still masturbate, I just don't have any desire to actually fuck anyone

>> No.11481265

It really is, great fucking book

>> No.11481270
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I just dont get you people sometimes.

>> No.11481273

What book is she from?

>> No.11481293

I always told people it was shit and to avoid. I always recommended the Riyria series.

>> No.11481330
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It took me a long time to get into it though, it's good but not perfect.
Some of it is really flat, like the way Russians, Germans, and French people speak, the deliberate wordpuke that I still enjoyed despite being into tech, etc.

I love the ideas in the book, but I wish there was a book just like it that was a little better.

>> No.11481340
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The Dora the Explorer series of books.

>> No.11481342

yeah the hentai was nice

>> No.11481350

I didn't say I would not spend all of my 1 minute of sexual prowess exploding instantly inside her anon. Just that she looks like some teenage's mom (38+)

>> No.11481369
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I don't really like fantasy at all but I'm about halfway through it and The Crimson Queen but Alec Hutson seems quite good for self-published fantasy stuff.

>> No.11481380

book 2 should come out in a few days
dude apparently just waits for the cover to be done

>> No.11481384

wew lad

>> No.11481554

You speak as if women aren't a fantasy race. I know I've never talked with one. How can you be sure they aren't like her.

>> No.11481567

Ignore the plebs, read them.

>> No.11481597

I've been reading Claw of the Concilator lately, but I have been stuck on it for some time now. Should I finish those first, or can I try this or the Long Sun one?

>> No.11481611

>self published

Alec pls

>> No.11481613

That is probably the most hated series on /sffg/ no one even shills for it.

>> No.11481622

Terribly wasted digits.

>> No.11481663

Long Sun is much easier than New Sun

>> No.11481702

are you me

>> No.11481903
File: 234 KB, 1032x680, GAULD_2011_Sci-fi_vs_Literary_Fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find someone out in the wild to talk about these books and talk to them, you might grow to like each other enough. But I'd advise not setting your sights on just merely losing your virginity. You should find someone to form an emotional bond with. There is no real gratification in a quickie with some dummy who reads bad books like detective novels or historical or, heaven forbid, literary fiction. Only with someone nice who also reads fantasy and sci-fi novels can you nurture a loving relationship strengthened by this common sophisticated interest.

>> No.11481909


>> No.11481921


>> No.11481926

More like Malazan book of the sleeping desu rolflmao

>> No.11481932
File: 1.12 MB, 1776x2600, 012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading it a couple of times but just couldn't get into it.

>> No.11481952

you fucked up

>> No.11481967

fuck you my boss saw this image

>> No.11481977

i'm already unemployed but still lost my job. thanks anon.

>> No.11481981


>> No.11481992

google image search did nothing for me help me out here

>> No.11482009

my landlord saw this and evicted me

>> No.11482012

Looks like Monster Musume.

>> No.11482024

It reminded me of silly Malazan is for some reason.

I am so sorry for offending your sensibilities.

Some dude with a house full of monster girls, forgot the name.

>> No.11482039

It's a good manga, but this board is blue you pervert.

>> No.11482053
File: 61 KB, 316x475, 460ACB5B-1E8F-411C-8198-6AE0A6679376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m halfway in but for the love of god tell me this shit gets better. I’m tired of reading about this beta cuck going after his thot, its like reading netorare.

>> No.11482054


>> No.11482068

give me a book like petscop!

>> No.11482136


>> No.11482364

one of my coworkers was standing at my divisional window when i opened this... this coworker is also the boss's granddaughter.....

>> No.11482389

He'll start getting his shit together soon enough.

Looks like someone's triggered.

>> No.11482399

If your life is anything like that pic you'll be fucking by the end of the week
>toss-away comment
quite comfy actually senpai

>> No.11482428

Just bought these books. Fight me.



>> No.11482458

Why would you want to read greek myths retold by a dirty old pedophile?

>> No.11482474

Because I like Greek myths and Stepen Fry has a good sense of humor. Fight me.

>> No.11482479

>Greek myths

>> No.11482483

You can tell a serious story with a bit of humor and wit.

>> No.11482497

Any fantasy set in a Scots/Gaelic society?

>> No.11482513

The Burried Giant.

>> No.11482519
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>> No.11482541
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>> No.11482558

I happen to like reading self-published books. Most are shit, that's unavoidable, but sometimes I stumble into some that are very good.

>> No.11482630

Name 5.

>> No.11482720

Is my idea for a fantsy novel of two very different worlds having 1000 years to create the strongest civilization possible before they have to fight each other (their gods brainwash them to do so) cool or too rigid and artificial?
The magic system and the settings are not your unoriginal ones of course. One I thought about is gravity based for example

>> No.11482737

How about you write an actual story first based on said idea?

>> No.11482748


>> No.11482764

What has to happen in somebody's childhood to turn out like this?
Why is life so unfair that this sad excuse for a man sold this shit and is, what I assume, a millionaire now.

>> No.11482779
File: 50 KB, 320x480, DE49EE5D-9720-4F32-A403-9EA629308B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s one

>> No.11482794

really liked that book even if it was really bloated and lacked focus at times

wish the sequel would hurry up

>> No.11482795

>700+ pages
>"Book one of..."


>> No.11482799


>> No.11482892

Anything by Will Wight. Amazon self publish that gets some attention >>> "professional" garbage like Tor books more often than not these days. I don't think I've read a non self published fantasy book that came out in the last few years, either old stuff from my backlog or new stuff from amazon that swims up to the top of the pile.

>> No.11482922
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You mean pic related?

>> No.11482948

House of Blades better be good.

>> No.11482955

5 that are very good? I can't. I don't think I can name 5 very good books overall. But here are some:

>The Trysmoon Saga
It's good, but I didn't like it. It's 4 books.
>Cave of nightmares
It's kinda meh, absolutely harry potter, only good up to the 2nd book.
>Awekening, Champions by Kenny Michaels
Written by a vet, interesting cultural shock book, but you can absolutely tell it's not written by a professional writer. the second book is better than the first one.
>Waldo Rabbit
Very funny fantasy. very good characters. very good book overall, 3 books.
>The sorcerer's path by Brock Deskins
""Not name of the wind"", some good parts, some bad parts, a particularly very good interlude chapter, 8 books, didn't read them all yet. I return to this one when I've got nothing better to read just because it's so big and it's never too long below average.

These are the not terrible books, but better than most professionally published fantasy I've read. There's much more if you are interested in sci-fi, particularly milsf, but I think those are mostly the same book under different cover and I don't tend to read those normally.

Recently I came upon another one, but the author seems to have deleted it from amazon. Apparently, he can't set upon an adequate alias and cover (I guess, because I've seen the same book published under another name and a slightly different cover). I'll wait until it's published to post here or you can go back to the last thread and it's there if you're interested.

>> No.11483015

Anyone read the Forever War? Didn't think there would a happy ending after Marygay left and since most of the book was pretty grim.

>tfw the augmented cat couldn't make it

>> No.11483070

Outlander lol

Fire and Blood is a the first of a two part series

Heinlein's female characters are only in charge when they want to fuck everyone. Did you read Friday? That bitch was fine with being gang raped and married the best rapist. Time Enough for Love: I'm going to raise this girl from 4 years old. I didn't want to marry her later but I did. Also, I fucked my mom because she wanted it.

>> No.11483297

New Thread

>> No.11483653

People keep buying it

>> No.11483854
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top kek