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/lit/ - Literature

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11480261 No.11480261 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top 5 favorite books of all time. Others judge.

>> No.11480275
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>Fear and Trembling
>The Brothers Karamazov
>The Grapes of Wrath
>Against Nature
>Waiting for Godot

>> No.11480284

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Decline and Fall by Waugh
Lawrence's translation of the Odyssey
The Anger of Achilles
Don Quixote

>> No.11480304

The Qur'an
Sahih al-Bukhari
The Masnawi
The Muqadimmah

>> No.11480320

you're scaring off the other posters

>> No.11480325

I like this top5

>> No.11480331

The Sound and the Fury
Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
East of Eden
Sometimes a Great Notion

>> No.11480348

A Farewell to Arms
Grapes of Wrath
The Plague
The Three Musketeers

>> No.11480352

He's just using cut & paste on a Google search of Muslim literature.

>> No.11480375

The brothers karamazov
The death of Ivan illyich
Paradise lost
The city of god
Ethics (spinoza)

>> No.11480379

"Man. Energy. Society" by Earl Cook
"Brothers Karamazov"
"Conduct of Life" by Emerson
"Confederacy of Dunces"
"Odyssey: A Modern Sequel" by Nikos Kazantzakis

>> No.11480381

u a gnostic

>> No.11480389

the book of disquiet, life: a user's manual, rimbaud poems, the tartar steppe, the master of go

>> No.11480400

Crime and Punishment
Journey to the End of the Night
Tropic of Cancer
The Stranger

>> No.11480401

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Slaughterhouse 5
Ender's Game

>> No.11480408

>Paradise lost

>> No.11480418

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Hobbit
Jurassic Park

>> No.11480423

Based couscous

>> No.11480424
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Kawabata Yasunari - The Lake
Unknown - The Nibelungenlied
Franz Kafka - The Trial
Krasznahorkai László - From the North by Hill, From the South by Lake, From the West by Roads, From the East by River
Walter Miller Jr. - A canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.11480429

>Music in the castle of Heaven
>Dante's Paradiso
>Emmanuel Bove- My Friends
>The Magic Mountain
>Fragments of Parmenides

>> No.11480435

>he reads milton like modern fiction
gentlemen, I present to you the brainlet

>> No.11480449


>> No.11480470


>> No.11480475

Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
The Reivers by William Faulkner
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.11480514

>the god emperor of dune

>> No.11480537

War and Peace
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Memoirs of Hadrian
Complete Shakespeare
Volume of collected short stories of Chekhov

>> No.11480540

Too many words in Milton. Also Milton's theological ideas are mostly improvised and terrible; he needed people to have free will, so he has God send an angel to tell Adam of Satan in the garden so that Adam could not blame God "should" he fall. But Milton also needs God to be all knowing, and he, like all people debating the speedometer of free will and divine fatalism, never sets a proper divide of who's in control and of what.

>> No.11480548


Tell me more about Music in the Case of Heaven, please. It’s about Bach, isn’t it? I love classical music and have read a great deal about Mozart and Beethoven (yet I’m uneducated and can’t read music scores or play any instrument).

>> No.11480552

>The Lake- Kawabata
I've never seen this mentioned out of Kawabata's other stuff. Is it actually good or are you just being a hipster? It does look interesting, what do you like about it?

>> No.11480555

Basic bitch taste

>> No.11480567

I liked Ginpei's character and the depiction of his hopeless taboo love.
Looking back it feels like a collection of surreal scenes.
But you are right, I just as easily could have said Snow Country or Master of Go. His stuff is good all around. Maybe his novellas are a bit weaker, but for whatever reason I have a soft spot for the Lake.

>> No.11480569

Moby Dick
The Waves

>> No.11480570

based lászló-poster

>> No.11480578

Good Omens
A Thousand Splendid Sons
Galapagos by Vonnegut
Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury
The Martian by Andy weir

>> No.11480591

Oh anon. Milton isn't the reason Abrahamic theology is nonsense.

>> No.11480607

Candide by Voltaire
The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

>> No.11480643

But but anon... I like them though
Why can’t you be happy for me?

>> No.11480647

How can I be happy for you when I'm not happy for myself?
Woe is me.

>> No.11480695
File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-curiously-enough-one-cannot-read-a-book-one-can-only-reread-it-a-good-reader-a-major-vladimir-nabokov-35-32-82[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read his "favorite" book at least three times
>he hasn't read his "favorite" book in its original language
>he hasn't memorized any passages from his "favorite" book
>he's unfamiliar with oeuvre and biography of his "favorite" book's author
>he'd rather move on to a new book instead of rereading his "favorite" simply so he can scratch more notches on his bedpost
So is this thread like the /pseud/ general

>> No.11480697

based and redpilled

>> No.11480711

I’m sorry to hear that anon.
You know, reading three musketeers might cheer you up, it’s a fun book

>> No.11480725

I don't even read

>> No.11480726

shakespeare disagrees:
Fall to them as you find your stomach serves you.
No profit grows where is no pleasure ta'en.

>> No.11480729
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Green eggs and ham
Cat in the hat
The grinch who stole Christmas
The donkey Kong 64 instruction Manuel
The Burger King drive thru menu

>> No.11480786

Based candide poster

>> No.11480878

Les Faux-monnayeurs / The Counterfeiters (and its journal), Gide
Les Fruits d’Or / The Golden Fruits, Sarraute
So the wind won’t blow it all away, Brautigan
Cien años de soledad / One Hundred Years of Solitude, García Márquez
Un homme qui dort / A Man Asleep, Perec
Great Expectations, Dickens

That's 6, because I cannot count.


Good taste ! I really do think that Against Nature (À rebours) is one of Huysmans' best work. And Waiting for Godot is really nice too, although I prefer Happy Days or Endgame.

>> No.11481009

Please please please have sex with me

>> No.11481083


>> No.11481732

Franz Kafka - Amerika
Peter Handke - Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied
Cormac McCarthy - Suttree
William Faulkner - As I Lay Dying
Gertrude Stein - The Making of Americans

>> No.11481782

Melancholy of Resistance
Like a Thief in Broad Daylight
Les Enfants Terrible
Threepenny Novel

>> No.11481788

Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
The Sot Weed Factor
The Tao Te Ching

>> No.11481800

>Les Enfants Terrible

>> No.11481846

The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel
The Divine Comedy

>> No.11481862

Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (please no bully)
Eden by Stanislaw Lem
Gateway by Fred Pohl

>> No.11481868

A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou
Also Rumi

>> No.11481931

Yeah Rumi, Hafez, and Omar are without a doubt the pinnacle of Oriental poetry

>> No.11481936

Unironically this

>> No.11481951
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>kurt vonnegut

>> No.11481959 [DELETED] 
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>implying i have read five books

>> No.11481970

Tristram Shandy
Finnegans Wake
The Overcoat and other Gogol’s Peterburg Tales
Don Quixote
Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.11482131

Worth reading in translation?

>> No.11482226

this is super hard desu, if I'd rly narrow it down to 5 it would be
>Fleurs du Mal - Baudelaire
>Faust - Goethe
>Complete Shakespeare
>Book of Hours/Stundenbuch - Rilke
>Joseph & his Brothers - Mann

>> No.11482271

Book 1 alone is one of the most beautifully crafted and powerful works of literature in the English language u heathen

>> No.11482279

I have noticed that my karass usually have a copy of Cat's Cradle on their bookshelf.

>> No.11482284

yet no one reads it except for solemn intellectual task

>> No.11482295

>doesn’t even mention “The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar”

Enjoy being a brainlet anon

>> No.11482313

Yeah, and a 12 year old would probably be bored to death by James Joyce or Milton. Doesn’t make their works any less beautiful or inspiring. Subjectivity only exists to a certain degree in serious literature and art

>> No.11482325

> Metamorphosis
> Memoirs of a Geisha
> Life of Pi
> Kurt Angle - It's True, it's true
> A Thousand Splendid Suns

>> No.11482348

no, it wasn't written to be enjoyed, but to be of almost superhuman eloquence. milton wrote for fame.

>> No.11482464

Well learning Farsi or Arabic is hard as shit, so I'd say it's worth it in translation.

>> No.11482485

It is written in Dari, which is a purely literary form of Farsi. No, I cannot read it.

>> No.11482502

>The Sound and the Fury
>Under the Volcano

>> No.11482523
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>The Donkey Kong 64 instruction manual
based but not as based as pic related

>> No.11482542 [DELETED] 

The Bible
Paradise Lost
The Divine Comedy
Industrial Society and Its Future
these books about freemasons and their crimes that I read years ago that I can't remember the names of or the one guy that wrote all of them

>> No.11482600

I'm sure you love every letter of those works and didn't just Google "Muslim shit"

>> No.11482823
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American Psycho
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Fahrenheit 451
Bill, The Galactic Hero
The Odyssey

>> No.11482835

why not the iliad?

>> No.11482842

Good taste but I'd replace 451 with The Invisible Man (the one about the invisible guy, not the colored guy)
And maybe Bill with The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.11482849

I haven't made it to the Iliad yet I don't think or maybe I did... hm. Now I can't remember which is which anon!

>> No.11482869

well the odyssey is the sequel

>> No.11482883


Please don't do this

>> No.11482898

I am big brain

>> No.11482901

yeah same

>> No.11482911


The Master and Margarita
The Castle
East of Eden

>> No.11482918

>>11480401 this is literally me

>> No.11482924

Player of games ( ian m banks)
Night watch (Sergei Lukyanenko)
Gardens Of The Moon( Malazan)
I Shall Seal The Heavens (not a book but a series)
The Path Of Daggers (Wheel of time)

>> No.11482925

Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
Return of the King

>> No.11482946

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man by Joyce
Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky
The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt
On The Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche

I think Crime and Punishment is my overall favourite but Karamazov might beat it. I need to reread C&P

>> No.11482968

Swann's Way
The Book of Disquiet
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.11482971

Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
Journey to the end of the Night
Flowers for Algernon

Basic as fuck

>> No.11482981

all of these top 5s are pretty bad

>> No.11482987

hang on except this one

>> No.11483049

>all these teenagers

>> No.11483309

Let's see your top 5.

>> No.11483358

basically this one >>11480284
hmm except switch heart of darkness for the sonnets

>> No.11483367

The Idiot
Anna Karenina
The Magic Mountain

>> No.11483416

Nicomachean Ethics
In Search of Lost Time
Major Works of William Blake
Montaigne's Essays

>> No.11483440

>all 5 on my "to-read-list"

guess I'm in for some good ones?

>> No.11483451

On Liberty (JSM)
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Hobbit
Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

>> No.11483525

King Lear
The Brothers Karamazov
Borges Collected Writings
The Metamorphosis

>> No.11483591

Sister’s Brothers
The Road
The White Man’s Burden

>> No.11483729

I love demian!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11483735

A Brave New World
The Myth of Sisyphus
A Scanner Darkly
LOTR: The Two Towers

>> No.11483757

t. zoomer cretin

>> No.11483777

Michael Herr - Dispatches
Thomas Pynchon - Mason and Dixon
Tom Robbins - Another Roadside Attraction
James Joyce - Dubliners
William Gibson - Neuromancer

>> No.11483864

Malcolm Lowry - Under the Volcano
Fart Man - Dubliners
Is My Peeper Tiny? - The Great Gatsby
Tortilla Man - All the Pretty Horses
I Love Booze - A Moveable Feast
> I still have a lot to read. I've only touched the modernists, curricula, and meme books from here.

>> No.11483890

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
slaughterhouse 5
The Game
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11484205

Fort comme la mort / Like Death
The Silmarillion
Titus Groan
Madame Bovary

>> No.11484517

Grapes of wrath
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.11484561
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My Struggle volumes 1-5

>> No.11484713

Great choices

Doctor Faustus
Journey to the end of the night
Invisible Cities
My Struggle

>> No.11484752
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KEEPERS OF THE HOUSE by Lisa S Aubin De Teran
STAR MAKER by Olaf Stapledon


>> No.11484783

i'll break your fucking legs

>> No.11485208

you'll have to break a lot of writers legs to defend milton

>> No.11485284

East of Eden
The Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest
The Third Policeman
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11485300

Heart of Darkness
The Road
War and Peace
The Lord of the Rings
Chronicles of Narnia

Maybe the most pleb list here. But I am trying to be honest. I've read a lot of the "great stuff." But I was younger and probably not ready for some of it. Going to take another crack at the meme trilogy before too long.

>> No.11485305

what's the meme trilogy?

>> No.11485454

On Heroes and Tombs
Les misérables
For Whom the Bells Tolls
War and Peace
The Family of Pascual Duarte

>> No.11485521

what makes you believe people posting itt don't reread their favorites? stop making assumptions out of your ass

>> No.11485572

Not him or trying to refute your point but do you fear that when you revisit your favorite literature or media, you won't like it anymore? "Favorites" become "ideals" that, by nature people, don't want to be torn since most people are afraid of change. Damn, I sound like a pseud, hope you get the idea.

>> No.11485587

The Bluest Eye
Streetcar Named Desire

>> No.11485610

1. Seven Surrenders - Terra Ingnota
2. The wings of a falcon
3. Master of the Game
4. Seveneves
5. Shadow and Claw

>> No.11485648

I've had that happen with games I played in as a child, in my head it was the best game but then I'd install it to play again and it was crap. I guess the moment, where you are and stuff get attached to memory of things like games, movies, books, so we may like something more for the memories, consciously or not, than by the thing itself. . . I've never had that happen with books but its understandable

>> No.11485657

Lurk moar. It’s Infinite Jest, Gravity’s Rainbow, and Ulysses

>> No.11486813

Lurk moar. It’s Gravity's Jest, Infinite Rainbow, and Odysseus

>> No.11486844

Anna Karenina
Don Quixote
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Journey to the End of the Night
A Farewell to Arms

>> No.11487256


>> No.11488527

Broken April - Ismail Kadare
Death of Ivan Ilyich - Tolstoy
Calculating God - Robert J Sawyer
My Story - Andrei Sannikov
Flatland - Edwin Abbot Abbot