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File: 19 KB, 214x317, 4593D27A-80AD-4D07-9359-E8665C39EC8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11479663 No.11479663 [Reply] [Original]

We make cool predictions of what Pynchon's next tome will be about.

>> No.11479668

He posts here so of course the predictions will be true because he's gonna make them himself and then pretend how le ebin digits and KEK made it all real.

>> No.11479685

I think he has better things to do

>> No.11479690

You're wrong.

>> No.11479695

It will be pulp sci-fi.

>> No.11479699

that would be sad

>> No.11479726
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>implying there will be another one

>> No.11479731

yeah that's believable

>> No.11479757

Guess he finally discovered who They are

>> No.11479763

wtf i love Pynchon now

>> No.11479769

when you grow up, you'll notice that you're not magically transformed into a higher being, and are also not on crucial UN missions 24/7

>> No.11479780

yeah and you stop going on 4chan too

>> No.11479785

why should you ever stop doing that? did you sign a non-online-communication contract when you hit age 21?

>> No.11479788

because this place is shit

>> No.11479807
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Hopefully a deep dive into how girls discovered sensuality through shares footlove

>> No.11479825

After Bleeding Edge it's a possibility

>> No.11480183
File: 143 KB, 227x287, 1CCC9535-1976-4628-A6B4-A847A2BB908C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’ll have ten pages of glossy pictures of him in the middle.

>> No.11480268
File: 44 KB, 359x470, 1531675390424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why would they publish bleeding edge in the first place? I'm sure they read it before publishing it

>> No.11480339

that picture isnt him baka read the article it comes from

>> No.11480363

It was subtle enough that if one or several of their goy diversity hire editors were the ones who read it they might not have noticed but it's clear enough that hyperaware jews would pick up on it.

>a novel featuring 9/11, spy escapades and various Mossad/Arab characters with unclear links between them

lol its just Pynchon being his usual zany self!

>> No.11480373

Pynchon's been talking shit about Israel since GR at least and it would come to the surprise to absolutely no one that he opposes it today

>> No.11480406

Wow dude you cracked the code!!

>> No.11480422
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>> No.11480497

Is Pynchon a big anti Israel/Anti Saudi Arabia leftist? I'm only asking cause i'm a leftist and i'm always disappointed to see people I like refuse to criticize these fuckers.

>> No.11480503

Pynchon transcends the left/right dichotomy

>> No.11480506

>My dad works at Nintendo and he said there's going to be a Super Mario 65!

>> No.11480522

That's Tom Schaub, the guy who played bridge with Pynchon after finding "Tyrone Slothrop" in a phonebook.

Post rare Pinecones

>> No.11480545

Sadly, there are no rare Pinecones. I have a small obsession with knowing about this man that I’m almost certain I wouldn’t have if he didn’t keep it so secret. Forbidden fruit syndrome. But I bet he’s really boring and the things I am still able to imagine about him are more satisfying,

>> No.11480571
File: 609 KB, 960x652, 1998 - London Times Sunday Magazine, Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not rare, but this is the full size image of the London Magazine shot.

>> No.11480579
File: 142 KB, 1024x841, 12DDC9C1-8115-40FD-919D-A9430867F934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more posts like this with actual predictions, plz

>> No.11480584

That kid fucks

>> No.11480590

a writer reminiscing about all the time he wasted writing "high minded" cartoons

>> No.11480595

I wonder what his house looks like

>> No.11480609 [SPOILER] 
File: 397 KB, 1200x1679, 1531930435554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11480758
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>> No.11482353
File: 115 KB, 2356x294, PynchonNovel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11482357

I keep telling you all it's about the post-Iraqi Freedom private contracting and mercenary market, and the working title is The Circuit, but none of you believe me. You'll see.

>> No.11482380

Benny Profane, Oedipa Maas, Tyrone Slothrop, Zoyd Wheeler, Mason, Dixon, the Chums of Chance, Doc Sportello and Maxine Tarnow awaken together in a room with no memory of how they got there, and wacky shenanigans ensue!

>> No.11482388


>> No.11482527

It's about jewish lawyers and frivolous trademark litigations over erotic novels in a genderswapped version of Gamer Gate

>> No.11482534

He'll die before he publishes his next book, screen cap this.

>> No.11482813


>> No.11482927
File: 681 KB, 960x544, Sephirot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11482949


It won't be a legible book, he'll publish a 1500 page monster of various songs and rhymes, ragtime ditties, and cheesy wartime jingles that make up an extremely vague plot.

>> No.11483042


>> No.11483116

I think it's fun :(

>> No.11483121
File: 49 KB, 640x477, jdec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Information. Waring information, dissemination. Competing and entropic information. Mixed with the high volume of information in a sort of pornographic triptych of how selected misinformation began to "inform" the public and the reaction to something unbelievable.

>> No.11483158

yo?????????? whats this from????

>> No.11483494


>> No.11483502
File: 115 KB, 1400x954, MWEMY4DMARG25HJNPGZLY5UENE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare pinecone incoming

>> No.11483505

>tfw NYcityfag
>tfw probably have walked past him at least once in my life

>> No.11484516


>> No.11484746
File: 213 KB, 1200x1496, Pynchon 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11484755


>> No.11484798
File: 271 KB, 1200x1599, Pynchon 2018 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

I don't recall if these pictures are from an article or that they were posted on imgur a while back. Either way, the guy's face looks a lot like Pynchon in this pic >>11480571 though we will probably never be sure if it's really him.

>> No.11485792


>> No.11485854

Pynchon's going to come out as #NiceRx and write a book about patchwork, acceleration and the cathedral

>> No.11486230

It's him. The pictures are from D2, a Norse magazine, in an article called Den Mystiske Mr. Pynchon. https://www.dn.no/d2/2017/11/30/1548/Kultur/den-mystiske-mr-pynchon

It's behind a paywall and is in Norwegian, but the captions for each photo read as follows:
"My pulse rose. Oh, what was this? White hair and braces? A stick with a handle shaped like a spirit head? Eccentric, anyway. But was it the author? We had to see him again."
"The glaring suspicion grows as I see him again from the outside: The cafe of Orwasher's Bakery, where he has been shopping and shopping, while I have been waiting outside - on a stone staircase at the corner of 81th street and Amsterdam Avenue
Do we have him now? Rabbit teeth and protruding ears. A thoughtful look. Pynchon? He went to a bakery and filled a bag with pastries. We ran after.
I'm now looking straight at the face: The white hair covers both of his ears, but: Are they actually quite out? As he gets even closer, I also see this: Two dark eyes, and in the middle of the white beard: A pair of teeth like ... on a rabbit.
"Home. In a stately apartment building on 81th Street on the Upper West Side, he disappeared - before we were told anything. Was it really him? Was it Thomas Pynchon who left the world again?"

>> No.11486311

>tfw one day a group of disadvantaged urban youths in New York are going to play the knockout game on what they think is some random old cracka and accidentally kill Pynchon.

>> No.11486728
File: 19 KB, 400x550, Pynchon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11486737


>> No.11486746

that's a decent head of hair for being about 100 years old. solid puritan stock innit
>cargo pants
based and redpilled

>> No.11486760

I find it to be pathetic and sort of sickening that a pack of useless scandinavians followed him around snapping photos of the old man knowing full well he wants to be left the fuck alone.

>> No.11486772

Mental gymnastics

>> No.11486780

I predict Pynchon is not working on another tome and will probably not publish one again.

>> No.11486788


is he your mom or something lol

>> No.11487152

>It's him.
But how do you know?

>> No.11487179

he actually died last autumn

>> No.11487186

He is unironically my dad. Wish I could prove it to you but he’d be very unhappy with me.
This thread is hilarious to me. The amount of times I heard him fart from the other room while growing up. He’s just a man, man.

>> No.11487197


>> No.11487223

Indicate there is some merit to this statement by posting a timestamped 1st edition of one of his earliest works.
There must be some laying around the house.

>> No.11487241
File: 140 KB, 600x400, easy on the bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11487242
File: 104 KB, 371x560, 3C45C679-79EB-4F7C-B0B2-CDB60E51F0F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t live with him man, I’m a boomer. Visit him every now and again, he’s about stops away.
desu i should visit him more now that we’re talking about it.
Honestly I don’t know how to prove it without breaching his trust.

>> No.11487251

Funny how everyone here references the bananas because it’s all on the first page and that’s as far as they got.

>> No.11487254

is he redpilled? does your mother know her place?

>> No.11487255

memes don't care about the long or short of anything

>> No.11487293

Tbh his writing surprises all of us because he’s just a completely ordinary dude. In fact he’s always stating the obvious. Like I used to get irritated as a kid. “Listen son, it’s very important to treat others with respect,” “it’s very important to grocery shop after you’ve eaten and never before,” etc. Really used to irritate me.
One fun tidbit is he has a photographic memory and his spatial reasoning is off the charts. Took us to Florence once, nd by the end of the first day he knew where every single landmark was by memory. I was about six at the time. That’s his only quirk though, he isn’t walking around quoting the ancients and writing/solving riddles like you guys think.

>> No.11487298

And my mother is the reason he is who he is. He’d be the first to tell you that.

>> No.11487303

that doesn't at all answer my question and I don't believe you're not roleplaying for lols

>> No.11487311

Sorry i’m not braindead enough to even consider whether he is “redpilled” you neanderthal. Off to /pol/ you go, shew shew

>> No.11487348

Lucky you

>> No.11487688

Building: 203 West 81st Street

203 West 81st Street, New York, NY, 10024

Now we wait. Googling this yields at least 1 direct connection to a major american article. NYCfag better catch the next metro.

>> No.11487729

Leave him alone you douchebag.

>> No.11487825

You share the lineage of the Roosevelts and perhaps the greatest American novelist. How are you living up to this lofty genealogy

>> No.11487833

so it's revealed, jackson pynchion is a basedboi cuck

>> No.11487849

I guess the left-leaning overtones of every single Pynchon book flew over your head

>> No.11487860
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1323028063892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soi spammer
>total retard

yeah, checks out.

>> No.11487881

I’m not

>> No.11487898

Is he working on anything after bleeding edge? Also, have you read all of his books? Do you discuss them with him?

>> No.11487953

Pretty big daddy pynch has bigger things to worry about than a bunch of /lit/ fags mailing him

jp is a grown man by now, he would’ve went to vassar in the early to mid 00s, would defs not shitbpost about his dad. if his dad wasn’t in his 80s id say there’s a greater chance he would pose as his son and shitpost about himself

>> No.11487971

Not to my knowledge. He spends 90% of his time on strolls, sitting in the park, or having coffee/tea with industry people and friends. Haven’t read AD or Slow Learner. We have never once discussed any of his works, though occasionally we talk about his memories of writing certain books. GR was the happiest time of his life. I’m not old or smart enough to really understand a lot of what he writes about.

>> No.11487974

Hoping for a lavishly illustrated children's book, "W is for Weed", or something. Maybe multimedia, with lots of song and dance breaks and a cute vaudeville flourish at the end.

>> No.11487987

>GR was the happiest time of his life.
interesting, can you expand on this?

>> No.11487988

What are you doing with your life currently? Still hang out with PTA?

>> No.11487995

Tell him to write his version of finnegans wake

>> No.11488202

Music/session stuff and Yes
He does love Joyce we had a bust of him in my childhood home

>> No.11488231

want to join a music discord lol

>> No.11488245

I’m on the /lit/ discord and have trouble keeping up with that even. But i’ll give it a shot. what’s the link?

>> No.11488255

https://discord.gg/CtatZC it's strange and very very small. We're pretty tight knit I guess

>> No.11488261

shut the fuck up tom and keep writing

>> No.11488308
File: 166 KB, 749x800, 30yo boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See if I were the conspiratorial Hebrews you guys are talking about I would just let him publish the book so fools like you don't start sniffing for evidence of le censorship and it looks like we have nothing to hide

also, it was the saudis

it was the saudis

it was the saudis

with US gov. blessings

>> No.11488358

Can I give you a bunch of my writing, you edit it however you want, throw your name on it, publish it, ????? profit?

>> No.11488510

As someone who just started Gravity's Rainbow this gave me a hearty chuckle.

>> No.11489062


>> No.11489129

Yes the band? They contributed to the happiest time of his life and GR?? Fuckin sick if true

>> No.11489154

He replied to the wrong post. Likely was meant for>>11487988

>> No.11489161

Dammit let me fulfill my dream of talking about prog rock with Pynchon’s son

>> No.11489165


>> No.11489202

Van der Graaf Generator

>> No.11489230

>set in the gilded age and during the civil war
>has been working on it since v.
>highly fabulist a la barthelme (think talking dog in M&D)
>continual allusion to charles babbage, alan turing, ada lovelace, leibniz, pascal, von neumann, russell and wittgenstein, some of which appear as minor characters
>conspiracies include (free)masonic "difference engine" which is rumored to reverse entropy, control the weather, and intercept/doctor telegraphic communications; robert e. lee was black; cia was founded in 1861; a panpsychist cult including among its members john d rockefeller, jay gould, jay cooke, james fisk, jp morgan and andrew carneige
all true btw

>> No.11489236

nice try

>> No.11489308
File: 28 KB, 564x564, 1531221808536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there roleplay in every pynchon thread, it's like clockwork

>> No.11489344

Hi I'm Tommy P (you can call me Ruggie) and my favourite meme are the anime girls with question marks over their heads

>> No.11490132
File: 39 KB, 480x346, NANO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo dude do you still smoke weed?

>> No.11490170
File: 1.03 MB, 680x833, cf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not iceberg tier meme

>> No.11490188

god i wish that walking stick was me

>> No.11490342
File: 20 KB, 190x253, 1448729256680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a screen cap of his alleged posts here

>> No.11490572

It'll have a train in it.

>> No.11490668

warosu bud. “Torquatto Tasso” oughta do it

>> No.11490745

his sweaty sperged hand gripping the knot of wood for dear life

>> No.11490750


>> No.11490779
File: 110 KB, 960x960, bde vs wimpy preppy the bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stream of consciousness of a pencil.

>> No.11490782

Holy fuck these people sound so annoying. I can't stand urbanites. You would probably get shot (and rightfully so) if you pulled that stalker shit in my town.

>> No.11491619
File: 51 KB, 220x330, pynchonswag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reminder this exists

>> No.11492406


>> No.11492734

is that jackson

>> No.11492873

It's probably an actor hired by Penguin

>> No.11493963


>> No.11494392
File: 90 KB, 1024x892, hotdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be 600 blank pages. Titled, "Reasons to Live"

>> No.11495642


>> No.11495715

>it was the saudis
>it was the saudis
>with US gov. blessings

Jews are the shadow government of the US.

>> No.11495792

Okay pol

>> No.11496098

There's a fucking owl on top of the AC, are we being trolled?

>> No.11496560


Laughably fake.

>> No.11498112

Incel/beta uprising conspiracy conducted by a middle-manager and a gas station employee recently gifted with an inexplicable windfall of cash from a shady and unknown source.

>> No.11498986

gtfo w ur repetitive /pol/ bullshit

